Photoshop :: Selecting Layer Outlines

Oct 10, 2007

In photoshop seven when you clicked on a layer and pressed i think it was control.. it automatically selects the layer outline. For example if you rasterised some text, and then clicked in this way it will select the outline making it easy for you to put a stroke on it, or to put a gradient or whatever u wished but applying only to the relevant area on that layer not the full canvas space.

This was a simple yet so useful thing and for some reason it does not work in cs3 (also could not find it in cs2). Im sure this function must be there with a different method?

I know you can use those magic lasso things but its much less efficient, takes longer and less accurate than this way...

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Photoshop :: Generate Simple Outlines Of Object And Export Those Outlines As Paths To Illustrator

Oct 16, 2012

I'm playing with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended for a friend. He provided an .obj file of a tool part and it opens just fine as a complex, shaded object.

Question: Is there a way to generate simple outlines of the object and export those outlines as paths to Illustrator?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Selecting Your Layer And Clicking Add Layer Mask

Apr 6, 2008

Is there a difference between selecting your layer and clicking Add Layer Mask Icon versus having that layer selected, hold down ctrl and select Add Layer Mask Icon?

Also regarding working in Lightroom, if I modify a jpeg, select another image from filmstrip to work on and then go back to the first image for more work, are those actions degrading image even though I never physically save and close.

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Photoshop :: Selecting A Layer (Marching Ants) Via The Layer Palette

Apr 24, 2006

I used to be able to select a layer (getting the Marching ants of a layer on a image) via the Layers palette (I think I used to press ctrl + mouse-click) but now, in Photoshop CS2, I can't get it to work.

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Photoshop :: Selecting A Layer PS 7

Mar 7, 2005

i have a black image on a white background. i want to copy the image only to another image without the background. how do i do it with photoshop 7?

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Photoshop :: CS 2 .. Layer Selecting

Oct 16, 2005

I have CS 2 at work and work I can select multiple layers by holding down shift and clicking the mouse..and I can link them in the layer pallette but on CS2 at home I cannot do this..

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Photoshop :: Selecting Highlighted (not Top) Layer

Sep 21, 2012

Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere.  If I have a psd file with 10 layers, sometimes I want to quickly move an element around but, regardless of what layer I'm working on, or which layer is selected, my "selection tool" will grab whatever layer is the top one, or the whole "group" is the layer is in one, instead.  So, usually, I have to reorder my layers to make the adjustment and then reorder them again.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layer Visibility

Sep 11, 2013

In <CS6, you could click down on the eye-icon in front of a layer, move out of the layer tab group, move up a couple of layers, and then go back in, to deselect that layer too.
In CC, when you do this, it'll deselect all the layers in between as well. I'm sure this is working as intended, but it was a ridiculously useful "bug" (feature!) when it wasn't working this way.
Use-case: to instantly switch between one set of layers and the other. I know there are other options to do this with, but there's just no real reason to "remove this feature" (correct this bug?) because you already *had* the option of deselecting everything you move over in the first place.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Stuff On A Layer On A Mac

Feb 16, 2009

I'm used to photoshop on a PC, and on them ( at least the versions older than CS3 ) if you want to make a selection of something on a layer you just go cntrl click.

But on a mac I'm told you need to select that layer then go select all then use the magic wand tool, which probably won't be 100% accurate.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Everything From A Layer In PSCS2

May 4, 2005

well in the old good PSCS1 i used to ctrl+click the layer i want, and i get a nice tight selection around the whole layer

now in CS2 this does not work......

... i really miss that feature

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Photoshop :: CTRL+click Layer Not Selecting In CS2

Aug 10, 2005

In PS CS1 i used to be able to hold Control and click a layer to make the contents of that layer a selection but that don't appear to work in CS2.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Outside Of Masked Area To Select Layer?

Feb 13, 2013

When I have a masked layer and try to drag-select other items on other layers outside of it, it still gets selected if the image area happens to be located within the selection range. Or in other words: why would anything outside of the masked area get selected at all, when the point of a mask in not just to hide what's outside, but also to 'deactivate' it,so that the masked area is all we are working with. This didn't happen before, may be those were older versions of photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Why Eyedropper Targets Changing When Selecting Adjustment Layer

Apr 5, 2013

Consider this simple document with 2 layers and an adjustment layer:
Note the eyedropper targets. They read as expected: 

Now, observe what happens when I click my adjustment layer (this is a new Levels adjustment that has NOT YET BEEN TOUCHED - so there should be NO CHANGE) 

It doesn't matter whether the adjustment layer or its layer mask are selected, the results are the same. Here are my eyedropper settings:
Proof Colors is off. I can't think of any other setting to play with. This looks like a pretty huge bug to me, and it's not something I remember from earlier versions.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Color Balance Adjustment Layer Brings Up Levels?

May 19, 2013

I cannot get a color balance adjustment layer to come up. Every time I do photoshop creates a levels layer. Selecting levels makes a levels layer. All of the other adjustment layers seem to be working normally.

How do I fix this? I have a deadline and no time to be reinstalling photoshop.

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GIMP :: Selecting Layer And Moving It

Nov 17, 2012

I am having a hard time trying to add a logo to a picture. I open the picture, then I open the logo as a layer and it pops into the center of the photo. Problem is, I don't want it positioned in the center, so how do I select it and move it around to where I want it? Even when the layer is highlighted I can't figure out which tool will let you grab it.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Selecting All On Layer 5

Mar 26, 2013

What a lisp routine would look like for selecting all items on layer 5. 

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AutoCad :: Selecting Isolated Layer All Objects In One Window

Jul 2, 2009

i am using Acad 2005 for two years. since now i started to use acad 2010. i did find the difference in layer isolation in 2005 if you do layer isolation, only the particular layer visible. then can be select all of them in one window. without disturbing other layers. but in 2010 while i isolate a layer, other layers also visible in the backround. when i select the isolated layer in one window, also the backround layers also getting selected.

i am facing problem in selecting the isolated layer all objects in one to do selection or how to work on that?

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Illustrator :: Eyedropper Selecting Outline Color Not Underneath Layer

Nov 30, 2013

What i do is use the direct selection tool and click an anchor and then click the eyedropper tool on that anchor point  What is happening is the the outline color is being selected. So i found out Illustrator CS6 you have to hold shift while clicking the eyedropper.  I tried that and still can't get the color of the underneath layer, the fill color stays white?  Here is pic:
As you can see in the navigator window, the shade of red is that of the outline and not the apple underneath the outline.  I tried shift+eyedropper and white is the only color that get's sampled. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Selecting Objects In Layer To Copy And Paste Into New Doc?

Jul 23, 2013

How can I select all objects in a layer and copy and paste the objects into a new document? We are having issues with the copy and paste method. Is this because it uses the operating systems clipboard?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Selecting Layer By Using Only Portion Of Its Full Name / Label

Jun 12, 2013

Ultimately I want to delete a bunch of Layers by selecting them using a portion of their name. Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name?

Based on AutoCAD Layer Standards: Users label layers with a code; for example: A-ANNO-TEXT

A - Stands for the Architectural Category the layer falls into

ANNO - Stands for Annotation

TEXT - Type of Annotation

I want to use the Layer Delete (-LAYDEL) command to delete all layers that begin with A-ANNO. In the Layer Manager (-LAYER) I am able to select specific layers using a " * " placed before and/or after " A-ANNO " to include all layers with that in its name.

When I write a script however (-LAYDEL); cad will ask me for the layer name, but will not allow me to use the *A-ANNO* to include all layers with that name: A-ANNO-TEXT, A-ANNO-GLAZ, A-ANNO-WALL, etc...

Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name??? I have to "taylor" drawings that I receive from companies who's layers may vary.

My script is in basic (NON LISP) language:


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AutoCad :: Delay In Selecting Object And Selecting Command?

Sep 25, 2008

I am having a problem with a delay in selecting an object and selecting a command.

When I select an object the pointer has at least a 3 second delay before it starts moving around normally again. It is the same with selecting a command. This has started to get tedious. It has worked fine in the past so I don't think it is a RAM/graphics card problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mouse Selecting / Not Selecting?

May 15, 2012

OK, today, or actually just this afternoon I've noticed it has become much harder to select items with the mouse.

Points, nodes, etc...anything where you'd typically hover the mouse over the item and it highlights for you to select it.

For example, lets say you want to project a point from another sketch, or select the center node of a line, etc.

Never really had an issue until this afternoon where now it seems I have to be right on top of the item and I cannot budge one bit or it won't select it. It is now taking me numerous attempts to select things like points (zooming in does not work, points scale accordingly).

Is there a setting somewhere? I can't seem to find such under Tools>Application Options and the like.

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Fuzzy Outlines

Apr 24, 2005

I've got a JPEG file that I want to enlarge in PhotoShop except that when I enlarge it, the outline becomes all fuzzy. How do I preserve the crispness of the image?

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Photoshop :: Face Outlines

Jan 23, 2008

Could anyone tell me how to put face outlines like in the image. I have a photograph of mine and i want the face outlines like this one ....

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Photoshop :: Stencils & Outlines

Nov 25, 2003

Any ideas how to turn a photo into outlines, for example I have photo of myself that i want to turn into funky outline figure that I can use for design or turn it into a stencil , but would like to achieve nice edgesso the shape is recognised.

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Photoshop :: How To Add 2 Stroke Outlines?

Jan 23, 2003

How do you add two stroke outlines to text? Meaning, the first stroke should be colored white, and the next stroke outside of the white color should be red.

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Photoshop :: Create Outlines?

Mar 3, 2009

How to create outlines from a single photo? I mean quite intricate outlines, but very accurate ones.

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Photoshop :: Outlines / Borders / Frames?

Sep 1, 2004

I am trying to put a border, or color around a Font, or Picture. It has to be able to detect the edges of the picture or Font. I remember that I was able to change the color and width of the border very easily and quick.

I use Photo Shop and Corel Draw. Does any one know how to do this on Both Programs???

If anyone could get back to me asap, that would be awesome. Are there any other good forums out there, or is this the best one?

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Photoshop :: Sharp Text Outlines

Feb 1, 2005

I have a friend still using PS 5.5, OK, OK it's me. How would I create a SHARP outline around text or anything else. I've tried outerglow, stroke and expanding the selection. The problem is, wherever the font or shape has a sharp or 90 degree angle, the outline rounds off at that point.

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Photoshop :: How To Get My Brush Outlines Back?

Dec 1, 2005

i opened up ps7 today to do my daily thing but i do random stuff with photoshop and the outlines to my brushes no longer show up its just a cross hair in the middle of the screen.

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Photoshop :: Outlines On 3d Block Text

Jun 28, 2009

I am trying to recreate a 'retro' style postcard, with 3d block lettering.  I was able to create the 3d text, but I'm got stumped when it came to getting an outline to run along all of the 'lines' of the text and shadow (I'm trying to make it look like old hand drawn block letters).  I'm attaching an example of the look I'm going for, as well as where I got to before I was stumped. As you can see, I was able to get the outline for each letter to go around the entire letter and shadow, but I want each of the 'lines' to go around the letter, the shadow, and the lines connecting the two (like it is in the example). 

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