Photoshop :: Generate Simple Outlines Of Object And Export Those Outlines As Paths To Illustrator
Oct 16, 2012
I'm playing with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended for a friend. He provided an .obj file of a tool part and it opens just fine as a complex, shaded object.
Question: Is there a way to generate simple outlines of the object and export those outlines as paths to Illustrator?
I try to export an Illustrator file as JPG and CMYK and it will always results as and outline text without fill.
Original file [URL] ......
Exported file [URL] ....
Here are my export settings [URL] ....
I changed them to try a diferent output but nothing will modify.
Finally i saved the file as PDF and then exported as JPG but the resolution is not very good besides i would like to be able to export directly from AI where i have more control settings.
way to create an outline contour cut for decals? Iv'e been doing this for years and it's been a headache. I have the graphic/text, duplicate it with a thick outline. Say .25". Then Convert Outline To Object. The problem I have is that if it's a complexe graphic or line of text, a number (sometimes a large number) of the nodes are broken and I have to join them. And CD sometimes adds way too many nodes. So I have to spend a long time deleting unnessesary nodes to clean it up.
Iv'e had people suggest to use the Arrange, Shaping, Boundery function. But that doesn't allow me to make the boundery any further away from the art.
How do I "get outlines" in Illustrator CS6. Option was available in version 4, but now is gone. Have tried copying an InDesign-created outline but it will not copy.
I am trying to convert a fairly simple logo to a vector for printing in t-shirts. When I did it years ago, I used live trace and emailed it off to the printer and it worked fine, this time, using the lastest version of ai, the printer keeps saying it is not a vector, despite using live trace.
The printer's website says to "place" the logo, use "select all" then use "outlines." I can place the logo, but can't select all, I try alt A and it just beeps at me.
I am an invitation designer. I use my own post script printer for printing. I get a better print quality when I convert text to outlines, but I was wondering .. is there any difference if I convert text to outlines by using Type --> Create outlines or if I do it from the Overprint and Transparency Flattener Options window in the advanced print settings?
I am having a weird problem with some files I'm getting from a third party. They are created in CS4, then saved to EPS v.10. I need the text in the file to remain live, but every time it gets saved to EPS 10, it gets outlined. URL....
I have been able to verify that ligatures is sometimes the culprit, but I think there's something in the way this one person is creating the files that's causing the problem. I've opened hundreds of EPS 10 files from other users that have live type. Yet when I take this one person's original AI file and down-save it, the text gets outlined.
It's a very simple file - no transparency or other red flags that I can see. At first I thought maybe it was just the font, but I have used the same font in tests, and down-saved to v.10, with no text outlining.
I have created a page full of column and line graphs for our newspaper operation.
Our output and printing specs are such that we always convert type to outlines to be safe for any device in the production pipeline that might be missing a font.
On this page of graphs, all the descriptive type and graphics I have added to the page let me do this.
But when I select the type that belongs to the graph and choose Create Outlines in the Type menu, it does not create outlines.
I also cannot delete that type.
How can I force this type to turn into outlines/paths?
So I have text that I would like warp in an Arc. I will be cutting this on a plotter. WHen I use the envelope distort the envelope blocks my text in outline mode. If I go to Effect>Arc the warp only occurs in preview but the outlines do not change as the plotter would see it.
I'm sure there is some way to warp text into an arc and have the outlines remain visible and warped for the plottter to cut, no?
I am creating a layout in Illustrator 13.0.2 on a Mac and trying to use the Eurostile font I purchased at the Adobe font store. When using this font "Create Outlines" is greyed out and nothing I've tried has changed this. However, when I change the font "Create Outlines" returns to a viable selection. This leads me to believe the problem lies with the font. Embedding for this font is listed as "Preview & Print" at the Adobe store - it would seem this should be sufficient. I'm certainly no Illustrator expert but there isn't anything unusual about this document.
I have a file built in AI CS6. The file was supplied to us with live type. It is common practice for us to convert live type to outlines to avoid any unforeseen type re-flow at the rip. This particular file added a character at the end of a line that wasn't there before the conversion. I have attached screen shots. Is there a way to post the native file to this forum?
step 1: I'm writing a word and then i'm using the effect ‘create outlines‘ in the type menu.
step 2: after that I'm using the filter ‘round corners‘But not all corners are round after that. I've problems with the letter ‘S‘. Just 2 corners are round and the other two are unchanged.
i am using cs6 and cinema 4d r14. I am having problems exporting splines and outlines from illustrator. Cinema 4d doesn't recognise the file type. It seems to have worked on older versions.
I'm using Illustrator CS4. I am unable to Create Outlines for a font after I had used the type on the Path Tool. I had used the ellipse tool to create a closed circular path, then I selected the Type on a Path tool. I selected my text using the arrow tool and ctrl-shift-o (Create outlines) and then I receive the message: "Can't Create type outlines." Not quite sure why this is happening. Did I miss something? The thing is this - my type is in the position and alignment that I want and I don't necessarily want to work with the Type as a Font but as vector shapes.
Is there a reason why when I convert a font using create outlines, this is happening with Stempel Schneidler btw, it appears to add a bit of weight to the type? I've never run across this issue before. I first noticed it when I printed out the document. It all of a sudden seemed heavier compared to the font normally. The problem becomes much more pronounced at a small scale. I notice it onscreen AND when I print it. I wouldn't normally create outlines but the letterspacing is pretty tight on this and I need to make a TY ligature.
Why do blocks appears behind text when converting to outlines? This only effects some text, even though the font and character attributes are the same.
why in CS6 some vector files have this odd outline around shapes. It's visible when editing the file, exporting the file & placing it within Photoshop as a smart object.
Is there a way to select all of the text on all artboards and CREATE OUTLINES using Javascript? The text that Adobe provides for scripting has this option for saving to FXGs which is preserveTextPolicy or something similar, but I need the same type of solution for saving as an AI file or as a command before the save. I'm currently working in windows, but am writing this script for use on a MAC. If there isn't an internal way of doing this through Javascript? I would imagine it would be possible through Applescript since it can access the application's GUI, but I'm not sure. A javascript solution would be preferable, but any solution would work at this point.
After using the path tool to create offset path and increasing the size of a letter. when creating an outline of that new letter the outline remains the same as the original. How do I create outlines to the shape of the new path not the original??
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
I have to define the outline weight in my paragraph style to - let's say - 12 pt. How do I manage that? I can only choose from a predefined list, which is unsufficient.
It used to work in CS4, as you can see in the following screenshot.
I'm working with Mac, by the way, and I was told that this "bug" is not occuring on Windows..