Paint.NET :: Cutting Figures Or Items Away From Backgrounds Of One Or More Photos
Dec 21, 2013
Is there a simple way of cutting a figures or items away from the backgrounds of one or more photos and and merging them into a paint net background image to make it look like the figures belong in the paint net image,not just superimposed or floating on the front of the image. I have been trying to create an image of my grandchildren together in one picture and not just stuck on, also trying to do this with animal images
A college showed me a Wedding video (low Budget) he brought back from Istambul containing about 180 photos simular to the accompaning, which are seemingly cut out in some detail. As far as I know there are no magic solutions but if I was to use my normal PS pen-tool to cut images out it would take aniternity.
ie. photo take back ground? - tools ? - settings etc....
I was wondering what is everyone's methods for removing people from their background? I have looked into many things but every one has given me issues and I really would like to get cleaner cuts much easier, without me having to spend a very long time trying to just get a simple photo cut out.
I have tried doing Quick Selections and then using Refine Edge; but when I do that I got some glow lines around the person; and everyone says try and use Shift Edge but they fail to notice when you shift the edge to get rid of the glowing lines it goes in on the photo so I'll be missing part of the person like there ear or head. Even if the glow lines aren't too big and I can get rid of them with some time; its a massive pain because it just fills the space between the ear and head because it's a small area; so when it makes the glow lines it fills it completely and turns it entirely rubbish.
I have also tried using a Plugin from Digital Film Tools called Power Mask - Which is essentially masking but making the masking method easier. However not all of the person is fully masked, like some of it isn't the foreground it goes like a lesser opacity of the white to more of a gray and when I switch over to what it then would look like; the person has missing bits or issues because the mask not working fully. Even when I go around twice to make sure it's all masked; it makes some, I don't even know some mist or white glow around them which I have to go around and remove and it's such a pain in the ***.
where I can get complicated photos of people cut out well? like say their hair is blowing in the wind, I want to be able to get a nice clean cut of the hair too; so I need something that works well without there being glow, or missing parts of the person etc, and I don't want to have to spend more than an hour just to get a cut out of one person.
How to make a human figure look like it has REAL depth.
If you have ever seen any of Ken Burns documentaries he uses a lot of pictures in his films from the past, but some of the figures or people in these stills appear in depth in such a way that they do not look flat.
Instead when the camera pans the picture they appear to be almost three dimensional inside the still. You can almost see in his stills there is a curvature to the outline of the figure. Their heads and bodies look as if they are inserted into the picture.
I have the removal of the background in the image down well enough but I don't know how to make the figure appear as if it is 3 dimensional in the new background. I wish I had a link to add here of his work as an example.
I got the cropped foto and the background in two diferent fotos. When I open them in photoshop CS they appear in diferent "screen or frame" and can't put them together in the same layer.
I have 6 rectangular photos and I'd like to put each of them on 6 square white backgrounds and then save the resulting images (it's for posting on Instagram - it's crazy that they don't allow you to post rectangles, but there you go). What would the most time-efficient way of doing this be?
i have been using sketchup now for about a year but as you know, the models are never really complete without a background in them. there are ways right in sketchup to add a backgroung but they cant be rendered because the background disappears and leaves only the rendered model. i downloaded gimp to see if i could add a background there but the instructions are so vague that there's just no way i can understand what they are talking about. i know nothing about transparent backgrounds or what it has to do with adding a simple jpg photo background to my model. the more you people try to explain in your ''image editor terms'', the farther away from understanding i get. i know for a fact that there are hundreds of people out there who feel exactly what i'm feeling but they don't want to appear to be idiots so they clam up and so then these questions are never asked and these statements are never made and consequently, you people just on talking in some other vague language that very few beginners can possibly relate to. i just want a simple instructive path as to how to bring a picture to the clipboard and then bring a background picture into that first picture, blend them togeather and have a finished scene. is that a lot to ask? if you want people to use your product, then find a way to speak to them so that they can understand what the hell you're talking about. i do realize that there are those people out there who fully ''get it''...but for every one of that do, there are 50 more that do not.
I have been using the background eraser to take off white backgrounds and keep the inside (gif) part of them. The eraser does erase the background and does output it as a .gif however when I go back to look at it as a .gif, it is still on that white background.
I've taken several shots of buildings with a Canon EOS (each photo 4mg / JPG) with very dark blue sky backgrounds. There are no clouds in the sky. I need to resize each photo down to approx 350kb for the Internet. I'm using Corel Paint Shop Pro X2. I've run various process's like smart photo fix, sharpen, then improved the saturation and then re sized at 75% "weighted average". When I view the photo on the Internet the blue sky seems to be in lines. How I can stop this and get an even blue colour.
I just purchased Paint Shop Pro X4, and do have one question about making transparent images.
I’m designing a simple, basic text-only logo for my web site. I know how to make the image transparent. That’s not a problem, if I'm using a plain solid color as the background of the page.
What I would like to know is this: How do I make the text logo transparent if the page background of my web site is an image, such as a photograph, or textual wallpaper. I’ve never tried that, and am wondering if that will make the creation of a transparent GIF more difficult.
Is the procedure for making a transparent GIF different in this case? If so, what steps should I take?
what I have been doing to work with transparency: bring up GIMP to add an alpha channel and set part of an image to transparent. Save and use in, for example, I wanted to create a M + W logo, and the result looked like this:I set the font to Engravers MT, put a red W on an image.Selected "All", copied to clipboard, then pasted to a new image.Vertically flipped the new image, making it an M, changed color to blue using Recolor tool. Saved it as PNG, closed image.Started GIMP, opened the blue M image.On GIMP menu, selected Layer --> Transparency --> Add Alpha ChannelUsed Fuzzy Select Tool to select the area outside the blue MHit delete key to remove color of fuzzy selection (converting it to transparent)Save image as PNG and exit GIMP.Back in, open the M image.Select All of Image, copy to clipboard.Paste into New Layer of W image.Adjust position of this transparent selection layer to achieve desired resutl as above.Save the completed image.I find GIMP to be very hard to work with, and prefer working with It would be so nice to be able to create an alpha channel and make a transparent area of an image inside of
I have been removing photo backgrounds, saving them as .png and using them in a Power Point Project. Apparently when I reopened that PowerPoint project to add more photos, Libre Office's Impress opened the .ppt file rather than PowerPoint. When I had added all of the png photos and saved the ppt file again I saw that it was "Impress" not PowerPoint that was saving he file, but it still saved it as a ppt file.
I was not concerned until I went to open the ppt file with PowerPoint and discovered that PowerPoint could not open that ppt file. I decided that I had to start fresh and add all of the png photos in a new Pow1erPoint Project. Then I found that he transparent background ol all of the png files had been changed to black. I must have transparent backgrounds. So I took each photo back into Paint.Net and used the Magic Wand to remove the backgrounds, then saved them as png files. When I sent to use those edited .png files the backgrounds were still black. I have tried removing those black backgrounds several times but they continue to have black backgrounds. what I can try to get the transparent backgrounds back?
1 On the Layers palette, click the layer that contains the image area that you want to cut out.
2 Choose Image * Object Extractor.
The Object Extractor dialog box appears, with the Brush tool activated by default.
3 Adjust the brush size by moving the Brush size slider.
4 In the preview area, draw a line along the edges of the image area that you want to cut out.
Ensure that the selection outline slightly overlaps the surrounding background and completely surrounds the area in a closed ring.
5 Choose the Fill tool , and click inside the area you want to cut out.
An overlay covers the image area that you clicked.
Note: If the selection outline is not closed, the fill covers the entire image. If this is the case, click the Eraser tool to clear the fill, and then complete the selection outline with the Brush tool.
6 Click Process to preview the result.
If you are not happy with the result, click Edit Mask to return to the previous view and touch up the cutout.
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I get down to No. 6 but I'll be darned if I know where/how to "Click process to preview the result."
If there is a tool or plug in, or effective technique for copying the translucent areas of an image?
This is an original image [URL]......
This is the image I cut out, then added blurs by using color selection and then brushes, and the blur and motion blur tool, but its not an exact copy of the translucent areas.
I was wondering if there is PSPX3 Script for splicing/cutting an image? Basically, what I want to do is geometrically divide a 2000w x 1000h (pixels) image into separate equal-sized square images for insertion into a simple web page.
I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.
when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue.
I want to cut out a section of an image and drop it onto a white background in another image.
I drew a vector point to point line around the area I wanted to copy and chose "selection from vector object" thinking that this would select the region inside the vector object. I then tried "copy merged" from the menu and pasted the clipboard into the new image. Now this didn't work and the copy only seems to copy the what is under the selection line rather than what is enclosed.
In a nutshell - I am a seamstress attempting to make a pattern. Well, I have made the pattern - drawn it out on a large sheet of paper. I have manually "cut" it into letter-sized parts and scanned those parts onto my computer (with hash marks so that the parts can be matched back up to make the larger whole pattern).
I have spent a lot of time redrawing the lines in so they are neat and clean and more even. But then I went to print them and sizing is totally messed up and I am just not able to get my brain around this sizing thing. I need to be able to send these files to customers so they can print them out, put them together and have a pattern.
So, in effect, I have a large image that I want to print in puzzle pieces but they must maintain their *real* *life-sized* size. I'm attaching one of the individual files. What I need to do to it to make it be 8.5" x 11".
When I'm working on a project, I sometimes create bits of artwork that I may or may not want to use in the piece. However, when I move the items off the canvas, they pretty much disappear. Is there any way to store items "off canvas" and have them visible for quick selection?
One option, I guess, is to make the whole Edit preview area the canvas and only crop the item to final size when I'm done, but that seems wonky.
How to create a piece of text art using I have been trying to create something with a variety of text element in different colors and fonts, and every time I switch to a new element, I seem to lose the ability to move and and/or manipulate the text items that I created prior. Not sure if this is clear…
Is there a way to cut a solid into two pieces using a non-planar cutting plane? I have been tasked with calculating the volume of concrete damage in a chute block. I have a sketch of the damage on the chute block. I created the chute block as a solid and then drew the damaged area extents using plines. This created non-planar plines. Is there a way to get this to work that will allow me to see the volume of the concrete damage? I need an easy way to do this, there are 50 chute blocks all the same size but with varying degrees of damage
This is a small area from a grotty scanned copy of a newspaper cutting I am trying to 'improve'. I do not have the original paper copy. Best approach to remove the imperfections? I have a few like this to address
I have started getting dialog boxes at launch about having duplicate items for Patterns, Textures, Gradients, and Swatches. I am not sure why or what to do about it. Attached is a screen snip of the dialog.