Paint.NET :: Ebook Cover - Shrinkage Of Image For Preview Purpose
Aug 31, 2012
I've recently gotten into the craze of writing an ebook for the Amazon Kindle and decided to design my own ebook cover. The biggest problem I've come upon is the shrinkage of the image for preview purposes when people are browsing the Kindle selection.
The original size of my image is 2000 x 1200 (the recommended 1 to .6 ratio for Kindle covers). The book looks great in the original size, but when shrunk down to about 100 x 60, the text becomes pixelated. I've tried the various font styles (mostly sticking to the sans-serif), but all have the pixelated look. I use the built-in text tool for I tried making the text as larger as possible across the book cover, but the text still looks pixelated.
Is there a plugin for text that is used for ebook covers to 'merge' them into the cover images to blend in more and not look so sharp?
Here are two versions of my ebook cover. The Original Size can be found here.
Shrunken Size:
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Feb 17, 2013
I'm making an ebook cover with a white background and I want to put a grey pixel cell frame around it but I don't know how to do it. I'm only getting started with
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Jul 8, 2012
I'm trying to make my second ebook cover with GIMP, The ebook is 'The Man in Black' by Stanley J Weyman, and the cover must be 600px wide by 800px high - this fits most readers.
I have cropped a monochrome image to show the head and torso of the Man, and scaled it to 280*400px - though I may want to make it bigger later depending on how the cover looks.
I want this image to be on a black background, with the book title above the image and the author's name below - both in white.
The next step, I think, should be to make a layer 600*800px which I'll color black, then put the book title towards the top of the layer / image and the author's name towards the bottom.
Then I think I'll need to make a transparent area in the middle of this layer just big enough for the Man image to show through, then put the Man image on another layer, then combine the layers.
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May 18, 2013
I've got two ebooks coming out with "A NOVEL" in one and "a novel by" in the other. I put those in there thinking that they would distinguish them from other kinds of books, but hanging around in the ebook forums the great majority of people are like, 'Using 'a novel by' is amateurish and unnecessary as the book will be amongst other novels.'
Well, I've looked at plenty of ebooks online I thought were novels that ended up being short stories and I was not pleased, so I'm not entirely convinced I should be getting rid of them (the 'a novel by,' that is).
question #1) Do you think I should be getting rid of them?
Question #2) If so, any good way of doing that, where it still looks good?
The Find I did in before I knew about layers (unfortunately), so everything there is on the same layer.
Man of God was done by a professional cover designer and I have asked him to remove it, but I'm not sure if he will or not. (He did the cover maybe 7 months ago and I've got an email into him three days ago and haven't heard back.) So I don't know how this one was made.
And one last question: what is up with the file re-sizing action? I know that's vague, but when I re-sized The Find photo to 50% the uploader said it was too big. When I re-sized it to 40% said it was only 33.24 kb. Can that be? Plus was calling the file sizes just about double what they were in the file's properties.
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Jun 26, 2012
I'm currently editing a photo book in the new Book Module in Lightroom 4. I have added some background graphic to the cover of my book and it looks fine in thumbnails. In the preview however the graphic is horizontally mirrored and overlaps with the title. This is the first book I make with Lightroom and I would like to know which rendering I should trust before ordering the book.
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Feb 2, 2014
where you have a smaller preview image and you click it to open a larger version. I'm sure there's something super simple that I'm overlooking somehow.
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Nov 11, 2009
I have just started using paintnet and when i tried to print it will only print in blackand white even when the photo is colour. The print preview shows the image in B&W. How do i get to print in colour?
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Nov 4, 2012
Is it possible to set up a view in CPaintX5 with identical 'live' versions of an entire image or even just an object with the purpose of being able to work on either version with them set at different zoom levels, for example a 'wide shot' and a 'big close up'. I seem to recall that older versions of PSP had this facility as standard in a toggled pair of floating tabs called Preview and Image Info or some such. (I haven't used PSP for years so I might well be remembering incorrectly). It feels like it should be such a simple thing to do but it is eluding me. Of course it would be of most use as a standard feature of the Cut Out Lab but alas, no.
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Jul 12, 2011
I have a Round Image that i want to print, however when i go to print, its too large so i fit to page, but when i do this the image goes a oval shape.
I want to keep the image as large as possible so i don't want to print on a smaller scale .
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Aug 17, 2013
I can't seem to click and drag an image with the mouse when using Full Screen Preview under the Edit Tab.
I see the hand icon and the scroll bars when the whole image can't fit on the screen but when I left click it's like I hit the Esc button.
Clicking the scrollbars will work but isn't as convenient. Under the Manage tab it works correctly. I have reset the workspace with no luck.
I use this feature a lot and would like to know if others have this problem.
The problem existed in X5 SP2 and now X5 SP3.
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Sep 3, 2012
A feature notably absent from the Oil Paint filter is any way to temporarily disable the effect (e.g., not preview it).I happen to like using Oil Paint to make refllections in the surface of water smoother and more "liquid" (which involves turning off the "Shine"), and it would really be nice if I could easily gauge the amount of the effect easily by blinking back and forth between original and processed image with a quick "disable preview" functionality.
With most standard filters, one can either uncheck a [ ] Preview box, and/or click the mouse button down on the image to temporarily show what the image is like without the effect.Yes, I know I can turn the Stylization down to 0.1 and see how a very minimal amount of the effect can be applied. And I can look at the original image in Photoshop proper, but of course that can't be zoomed while the Oil Paint filter is active.
Also, the zooming / panning seems kind of stiffly implemented.In summary, the more or less standard and expected filter features I'd like to see added to this (new class of) GPU-accelerated filters are:Preview/No Preview capability. It doesn't have to update Photoshop, just the preview display in the filter itself. I suggest a [ ] Preview checkbox and/or an on-mouse-click temporary effect disable.
Modal click and drag Zooming vs. Panning - i.e., based on a Zoom or Pan function selected (e.g., via an icon along the left) vs. having to hold modifier keys down. I personally would want it set to Zoom by default, not Pan. Since the filter has scroll bars (a Good Thing), I would have thought Zoom would have been a better default as it is. I have implemented these things in my own GPU-accelerated plug-ins, so I know that all the infrastructure Adobe needs to support them is already in there. These changes are controls only and should be trivial to implement.
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Mar 28, 2010
I have several Dvd Covers that I would like to print, however I have had issues getting the correct size. I use Paint.NET Regularly .
I am currently running windows 7 and every time I print a dvd cover the are just smaller than the regular dvd cover size(Before on XP I was able to print them no problem).
No matter what program I use I end up having to print using Microsoft photo printing wizard. I have tried many different configurations and I get two issues.
1. When I have the settings on default I print the cover and It fully prints, but the height is just too small for my dvd case, and it isnt quite wide enough as well.
2. When I choose 8.5x11 Borderless (Assuming It would print correctly, but after it prints for a while It has been enlarged to the point where it runs off the page, and it is WAY too large, even for a dvd case.
I used to be able to print them correctly using paint, but I have no clue how I was able to.
I am using standard letter paper 8.5x11 in., the same size I correctly printed them out on before.
Can I use Paint.NET to fix this issue, or should I use a different program,
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Aug 23, 2012
I am building my second book with Blurb, this time with LR4
it's going to be a small square and for the back and cover, I have built a file with photoshop and when I drop it to first page, no way I can "slide" it to cover the entire back+ cover
see my problem [URL]
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Oct 23, 2013
How do I get the paint to cover the whole diameter of the cursor? I've tried going to the prefs.
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Jan 27, 2013
what plugins are used in this video?
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Mar 21, 2013
All i want to do is create a dvd cover.
(A) Put in dimentions of dvd cover. FILE>NEW..etc It asks me then; RESOLUTION PIXAL/CM ( what does this mean???? obviously i want the best output possible..but i have a range of photos taken from various cameras for my dvd cover to include...i dont know what resolution they are all sitting at? What do i do? Max it the highest..or the lowest?
And what the choice of RASTER/ VECTOR background?? I just want a plain background to then place into a range of different sized photos.
(B) I can cut out a photo etc...but how do i place some photos onto the blank dvd cover? Everytime i click on an covers the previous? and i cant seem to resize to whittle it work with it...can find my original dvd cover? Is this layer? If i put the blank dvd cover on layer 0?? or layer 1? Then what? I bring in a photo onto ...layer 0 or 1?
(C) Finally, Rulers...despite opting for dimensions in cm or indeed millimeter for my dvd cover...i just want to mark out exactly the front and back and side of it. How do I drag / get a rular to mark this out.
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Jul 17, 2013
Wanna make a cover for movie? Needing it done. It's a horror movie.
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Feb 21, 2012
I have a Book Cover for an ebook that I may change. So there is some text I want to replace.
Is there some way I can do this with Paint.Net.
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Jun 19, 2013
Alright, so I want to make pixel art for a facebook cover, and I want to make the pixels large.
Question: How do I take the resolution down and keep the print size the same? I want to just be able to click and have a large pixel form.
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Jul 14, 2013
I notice that when I use Lightroom 5 to rename the pictures contained in a folder, the folder size is reduced afterward. For example, a folder containing 349 jpg files was 1.52 GB but after renaming them, the folder size was redusce to 1.30 GB.
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Dec 23, 2002
Possible to do mold design with Inventor? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to scale a part for shrinkage? I know SolidWorks has a scaling feature but where is it in Inventor?
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Dec 24, 2011
The image should have "Diabolical Deranger" or "Deranged Diabolic"[which ever fancies you] written on it on a cool way with any cool background of your choice.. I'd suggest something matching with the text.. something dark and devilish? Also also, do keep in mind that it should be in a proportion to fit the facebook cover perfectly.
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Feb 24, 2011
So I notice in Windows Explorer that some of the videos that I have created show an image of the video. Some show the begining of video which show the title in the cover image of the video. This is when I have explorer set to show medium or large icons. I there are way to setup that up so I can select what would be the image cover of the video file. That would be cool so that I can have the title showing in that image of that video file.
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Oct 14, 2003
I want to put an image on a page of a drawing of a newspaper or magazine cover. Its something that i cant do satisfactorily with Transform because the magazine cover in the drawing has curved edges since it folds back a little.
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Sep 12, 2012
I'm trying to take the square cd cover image and make a cassette tape cover, or j-card, with that image.
Here's a picture of a j-card template.
Right now all I want is the front cover, spine and tail. I wasn't sure if the templates I found were compatible so i tried to make my own template. What I did was make three separate ones. One for the front cover, one for the spine and one for the tail. I was able to take the square image and use the scale tool to make the image fit inside the front cover. The first problem I had was not knowing if the image quality was good enough to print. It seemed easier to use inches when I made the template and not pixels. So I made the front cover template 4 in by 2.5625 in. I exported the image as a jpg but the final image looked too small. So now I'm not sure how many pixels I need for a printable picture.
Now with the spine and tail most likely I'll just chose a background color and type over it...Artist, Album Name, Song Titles ext. My plan was to use the jpg images I exported and paste them together, then save that final image as a jpg. and print.
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Apr 10, 2013
I have Photoshop Elements 9. I want to put a bar code jpeg image on the back cover of a book which I am creating and save it as jpeg and send to printer.
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Dec 19, 2008
just wanted to know the purpose of masking... i want to design cd covers for bands in the future, so just started using photoshop recently....
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Jan 15, 2004
I tried making an ebook cover.
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May 13, 2013
I have been using the ebook text Classroom in a Book for Lightroom 4. I am working on two screens: Classroom in a Book is on the secondary screen; LR4 is on the main screen. I have gone through 4 of the lessons. At some point during Lesson 4 I must have done something and I can't figure out how to undo it. What happens is that Classroom in a Book disappears from the secondary screen when I move the curser from the secondary screen to the main screen where I work on LR4 exercises. What appears on the secondary screen is either a LR4 photo or a blank LR4 screen that says "No Photo Selected". I can get back to Classroom in a book if I move the curser to the left margin and click. But then I have to do this every time I move the curser from the secondary screen to the main screen. How do I undo this so that Classroom in a Book remains on the secondary screen as I go from one screen to the other screen.
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Feb 20, 2005
what is the purpose of the slice tool and how is it used?
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Jun 11, 2013
Purpose of the Layer Boundary. First, it took me a long time to figure out what that pesky yellow and black dotted/dashed line was.
gimp_dotted_line.jpg (57.29K)
I noticed I could kind of move it around, but then I couldn't paint outside the line which made me think that it was some kind of mask. I checked my channels and layers and couldn't find where it was. I somehow found its name, Layer Boundary, which led me to the Layer to Image Size option. It's a nice option and allowed me to reset the Layer Boundary whenever it got too crazy. But now I'm wondering why this Layer Boundary even exists. In my eyes, if I wanted a potential Layer Boundary, I would just create a mask and work within that boundary.
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