Lightroom :: File Size Shrinkage When Renaming Pictures?
Jul 14, 2013
I notice that when I use Lightroom 5 to rename the pictures contained in a folder, the folder size is reduced afterward. For example, a folder containing 349 jpg files was 1.52 GB but after renaming them, the folder size was redusce to 1.30 GB.
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Jun 5, 2013
I recently purchased a new Canon T5i and have started using Lightroom. So far I am loving both.
I plan on importing into my Lightroom Catalogue all of my photos from my Mac's Pictures folder and from iPhoto and my iPhone and iPad.
For those photos already in my catalogue from new shoots, I have placed them in appropriately named photos, have religiously used tags and have renumbered the photos using this type of convention:
My Initials_Year_Event Description_Sequence
I am ending up with some very long file names. I am not a professional photographer so this is all for me but I want to be able to search for my photos from both within Lightroom AND from the Mac's finder. I am looking for input to create unique but descriptive names but not make the photo names very long.
Here is my thought process:
1. I am using my initials as I can then search in the Mac Finder and find all photos and movies regardless of extension (e.g. CR2, DNG, JPG, MOV). My initials are not on other files in my Mac.
2. I am using a descriptive name so I can search for the photos for example of "Dan's Wedding" and find those both in Finder and in Lightroom. The Dan's Wedding photos are in a Lighroom directory called "Dan's Wedding" and they are tagged with Wedding and Dan. This might be over kill but I think the actual file name is most useful to me when it describes the event.
3. The number is of course what makes each file unique.
SO.....some questions.
1. Is putting my initials a waste of time? I could search in Finder for "DNG, JPG, MOV" but I would get files besides those in Lightroom (assume all of the items in my Pictures folder will eventually be in Lightroom.
2. Do I really need a date in the file name given that a meta data search will find the photo's taken date? I am more likely to remember an event name like "Dan's Wedding" than the fact it happend in "2013 June".
3. If I use a date, should I put the year first for search purposes?
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Nov 12, 2013
I am using OS/X 10.8.5 I can see under the Catalog there is a folder for Lightroom Settings, and the Filename Templates folder exists.
I also tried clicking on the various template names, which gave me the option to install them. They then disappeared from the folder. But were not available.
I had previously also tried Resetting Filename Template under Catalog Preferences.
I really need this module to work.
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Mar 14, 2014
I don´t have templates in the file rename area in lightroom 5
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Nov 27, 2011
In LR 2.6, when I imported my images (RAW) I would import keeping the original file number, then I would batch rename and convert to dng after they were already in my catalogue. Since I shoot stock, I keep a meticulous record of what I shoot for metadata and keywording purposes. I notice that when I upgraded to LR 3, my in my existing catalogues/folders the original file names are gone, and just the new custom name & sequencing show up.
Unfortunately, I still have to keyword & metadata tag a lot of images, but now the original in-camera numbering is gone. With my new imports what I did to preserve the original numbering, is to import, do my keywording/metadata, then a batch rename. How to keep both. It is just easier to refer to my notes when I have the original number of the image.
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Jun 5, 2013
I've created a number of presets for renaming files when importing into Lightroom 4.4. How do I get rid of presets that I no longer want?
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Jan 24, 2013
Picture Import Problem LR4.3 Win7: When importing from an SD card, the File Renaming and Destination options are available. But when importing from disk, they are not available. Why? Is there a work around or configuration problem?
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Jun 21, 2013
Is thee anyway I can Change the size of all my pictures at once?
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Dec 6, 2013
My picture’s original size was 108.2 MB in tiff. After I developed my photo in Lightroom and exported the new image, the file decrease to 50MB in tiff. Why did Lightroom decrease the file size to more than half the original size? Is there a way to increase the exportation file size to that I may develop a large size print?
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Aug 24, 2012
I'll go and open a file and I'll rename a drawing file while in that dialog box. I will then open the drawing I renamed or any other drawing and work fine for awhile. I will usually crash within that session at some point.
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May 31, 2012
How do I get new pictures added to a file that has already been open to show up in Lightroom 4 before?
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Feb 6, 2012
When I am working in Bridge and have a long list of reprints that I need to print from a wedding I just go to that wedding folder and type in the file number of the first picture. This pictue is then highlighted and I give it a two star (or whatever) rating. I do this for all of the pictures on my list so when I am done all of the pictures to reprint have a two star rating. I just move these into a temporary folder and retouch and print from this folder. Is there a way to do this in Lightroom?
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Jul 11, 2013
I have the trial of LR5 and I trid now to geotag my pictures. To do so, I convert the .gpx file to xmp with geosetter. The XMP are created but when I import them into LR, the GPS position is not imported. But If I embed the GPS info into the raw files (cr2) the position is imported but I'd like to keep the raw file untouched so this is why I use the XMP.
When I try to "update metadata" it's not working.
how can I make lightroom to read the xmp files on import ?
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Feb 25, 2012
I have an extensive (seventy year...guess that reveals my age!) of photos. it is convenient for me to have the Lightroom catalogue mirror the file structure in windows "My Pictures".. as I am in the process of scanning old photos and adding to the database, it is often convenient to make minor structural mods to the file structure. what is the simplest way to keep the Lightroom catalogue identical to the now modified database. I have figured out that any photos to be moved in My Pictures, can be deleted first from the Lightroom Catalogue, then moved in My Pictures, then reimported into the Catalogue.
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Dec 23, 2002
Possible to do mold design with Inventor? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to scale a part for shrinkage? I know SolidWorks has a scaling feature but where is it in Inventor?
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Aug 31, 2012
I've recently gotten into the craze of writing an ebook for the Amazon Kindle and decided to design my own ebook cover. The biggest problem I've come upon is the shrinkage of the image for preview purposes when people are browsing the Kindle selection.
The original size of my image is 2000 x 1200 (the recommended 1 to .6 ratio for Kindle covers). The book looks great in the original size, but when shrunk down to about 100 x 60, the text becomes pixelated. I've tried the various font styles (mostly sticking to the sans-serif), but all have the pixelated look. I use the built-in text tool for I tried making the text as larger as possible across the book cover, but the text still looks pixelated.
Is there a plugin for text that is used for ebook covers to 'merge' them into the cover images to blend in more and not look so sharp?
Here are two versions of my ebook cover. The Original Size can be found here.
Shrunken Size:
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May 13, 2013
after batch renaming I can't open in photo shop, jpg seems to have gone. Photos will only open in photo viewer. How can I get them back to jpg?
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Oct 21, 2013
I imported some pictures into LIghtroom 5 with the SAME jpg numbers as a prior import. The first import consisted of pictures from Trip 1 folder on my hard drive, the second import was from Trip 2 folder on hard drive. I see the Trip 1 and Trip 2 folders in LIghtroom 5, but am experiencing problems with emailing and exporting pictures, getting messages such as "Missing file" or "Export does not show up. Were there problems with the import?
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Dec 31, 2011
As I right click to rename a folder in the library folder panel, I get a window saying 'This is not a legal folder name. Certain special characters are not permitted.' As an example, I have a name followed with a date such as 120926 james bond and I want to reverse the name and date to james bond 120926. There are no special characters in there.
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Jan 22, 2014
On LIghtroom 5.3 the renaming panel will not appear while importing either Copy or Move is selected. Works fine on my desktop
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Jan 6, 2012
I've got my files set to rename on import
Custom: {Date (YYYYMMDD)>>} {Custom Text} {Import # 01} >>}
However it's putting the import date on the files rather than the capture date.It's only started happening recently (this month) started with video (move) files being set to the date ahead from my Canon IXUS 220 HS
Now it's not importing the capture date for purposes of the file name.The files still say the correct date in Windows.
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Mar 12, 2014
I am wanting to name files using custom name sequence...but instead of numbers in the sequence, I want to use letters. Is this possible
ie: 1a.jpg 1b.jpg 1c.jpg etc.
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Feb 8, 2011
I batch renamed a bunch of photos in adobe bridge and renamed them as SaraJ._01 etc. and they were saved as a strange file type that I can no longer open?? Document type just says _35 or whatever number the file is. They are just white files no thumbnail preview nothing...
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May 20, 2013
I want to duplicate & then rename a project I have stored on my vault computer, However I am experiencing many difficulties.
There are probably around 1000 + files in this project-multiple assemblies/drawings & parts. Initially i did a Pack & Go of the Project to my desktop. I then took my first top level drawings & using Design Assistant renamed all the reference parts and assemblies related too it. This worked fine, albeit a very long time to rename all the files.
The problem is that i have say 50 drawing files, some contain similar assemblies/part files which will have already been rename in the first top level drawing & some container different assemblies/parts (which are not related to the first top level drawing) & will have to be renamed separately.
Is there an easier way to duplicate & rename a vault project because design assistant makes this task extremely laborious. An great tool to add would be to 'Find & Replace' a file name & apply it too all the files. Similar to the function in Microsoft Word.
I have looked into the copy design feature in vault however, you can only copy a project within a project, you cannot copy it to a completely new folder in the vault.
The other problem is, is that you can only add a prefix or suffix to every file/related part/assembly, & i would rather replace the project number rather then add the new project number to the file names. This would be a viable option if you could rename multiple files quickly, however this just stems back to the design assistant.
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Jun 28, 2010
I had a second shooter for a wedding who uses Nikon (I'm Canon) and now I'm trying to rename her files in LR 1.3 Library mode and I get the following message:"Some photos will not be renamed because they are missing or not writable."I know they are not missing because I have them and have edited and worked on them in LR, so that leaves "not writable."What does that mean and what do I have to do to be able to rename these files?I've never had this problem before (she worked another wedding for me and gave me .NEF files and I had no problem).
PS: I know I need to change over to LR3, but right now I'm still in LR 1.3 until I can upgrade.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am getting the wrong date when I rename files in LR5. How do I fix it? I hae always used a custom preset date (YYYYMMDD)_Custom Text_Sequence #(0001) Everything works except the date. What I get is 20130128 I am using a Nikon Df . I checked the date and time and it is set correctly.
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Aug 4, 2013
I'm using LR 5.0 in a Windows 7/64 environment.
1. When attempting to rename a folder, why do I get this message: "The folder XYZ could not be renamed or moved."? It only happens to certain folders but not others. I may come back to that folder several days later and the problem won't reoccur.
2. When moving a group of files from one folder location to another, all but maybe one or two will move. Although I receive an error, I try moving those two again, and they move normally.
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Aug 8, 2013
When I converted from LR 4 to LR5 my catalog was and is still called: Lightroom 4 Catalog-2-2. I would prefer it be called Lightroom 5 Catalog. How do I do this?
Now as far as backups go, are they simply copies of my catalog? I have several Backups that I want removed but I am have to be sure I am removing a backup and not the catalog itself? I also prefer that the backup be stored in My Pictures/Lightroom Backups. How do i do this?
Can I remove all backups except for the most current, in this case, 2013-06-27-2100, modified on 08/05/2013?
Why are my backups going into a folder dated June? Shouldn't a backup be created that has the actual date of the backup?
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Aug 4, 2012
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
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Sep 9, 2012
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
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Aug 18, 2013
I called the big webdesign file "(X)" and the image I wanted to paste in it "(Y)",
What Happened:
For the design of a webpage, I made a photoshop-file(X) with a lot of squares(X). These squares(X) had the size 9,42×9,42 centimeters. I measured the squares(X) carefully and also made sure the size was in centimeters, so I am sure that the size was 9,42×9,42 cm. My plan was to fill the squares(X) with pictures(Y). I had a map on my computer with a lot of square-sized JPG-images(Y) in it. All I had to do was open the pictures(Y) in photoshop, change the size into 9,42×9,42 centimeters and copy+paste them into the squares(X) of the webdesign. I did this before and it worked perfectly.
But then, I opened one of the images(Y) and when I wanted to resize it, the resize-tool said it was only 3,25×3,25 centimeters big.I thought it was strange, so I copied+pasted it into the design-file(X) with all the squares(X) that needed to be filled. Allthough photoshop had told me that the squares(X) in the file were 9,42×9,42 centimeters big and the image(Y) I resized was 3,25×3,25, the "small" image(Y) turned out to be bigger then the squares(X). And when I resized the "small" image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 centimeters, it was even bigger than it was before. How can this be, and how can I still make the images(X&Y) the same size?
What I already tried:
- I made the file of the webdesign(X) with all the squares(X) into one layer, copied the file(X) and opened a new file(X) with the same measurements of the old file(X). I also changed the resolution of the file(X) into pixels/centimeters instead of pixels/inches. Then I pasted the image(X) of the old file into the new file. I didn't work; the image(X) that I pasted in the new file was bigger and when I pasted the other picture(Y) in this image, the same problem was still there.
- I also opened the picture(Y) in photoshop, made a screenshot of it and then pasted the screenshot into paint. With paint I cropped it again and saved it as a JPEG-file. After that, I opened the image (Y) in photoshop again. It now had the size of 11,27×11,27 centimeters. Then I resized the image(Y) into 9,42×9,42 cm, but it still wasn't as big as the squares(X).
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