I'm working on a project right now where i need to use creased edges for sculpting.
I'm on Mudbox 2012 SAP 1, as mentioned in the title
Importing the FBX from Maya with smooth on (smooth preview) So The sculpying itself goes well.
But when it comes to transfert detail on creased topology, the problems start to emerge from the myst..................
So. I get ugly artefacts on the creased edges locations. I can bust'em out, but its very time consuming.
So Transfert to a non creased topology. Lovely transfert with no errors.
Then extracting vector displacement from the non-creased topology and the result is bad when rendering. The mesh looks smoothed without the sharp corners present on the sculpt.
So, trying to extract with non-creased topo as source and creased as target. Better, but still not good. Tryed use crease and hard edges, subdivided target topo.. Almost anything in fact.
Even flatten the non-creased topo before extracting maps. I'm loosing my teeth, weight, and my son doesn't remember my name.
Any workflows with creased edges ? Is the hole stuff better implemented in Mudbox 2013 ?
I use a stencil just with straigh tlines. When using that stencil on a cube or plane it works like a charme. The edges look smooth and like a perfect cut.
The cube below has about 98.000 polys.
when I do the same thing on a base shoe model, the edges do not look good anymore.
even by increasing the poly count to 4 millions.. the edges are not smooth anymore.
I double checked the base geometry of the shoe. it's all in qauds, and the edge flow is very nice done.
- how can I make sure that the lines will appear as smooth and nice like shown on the cube ?
it seems it's impossible to paint sharp edges in mudbox (ie when painting there is no softness to the brush)... is there a good way to do this that i'm missing?
I just update Mudbox 2012 to SP1 and now I get 2~3 seconds delay at end of the every brush stroke.
- I can fix it by uninstalling SP1 (so problem is SP1, please do not blame my hardware or setting) - No problem with Painting brushes, only Sculpting brushes lag - Problem is not Pen or Tablet, same happened when I use Mouse - Problem have nothing to do with mesh density (64.000 poly is nothing!!) - I remove all settings and setup fresh Mudbox 2012 with SP1, no chance
Mudbox try to open up. it crashes. Window 7 64 bit get me error and saying they let me know of fit/ Here the problem detatil. about to unstatll and restall.
I extract a displacement map from Mudbox 2012 that has just a simple sphere. Then in Maya 2012, I create a file node and try to load the displacement map. Maya crash.....
should alt-left mouse rotate?I can use alt-right mouse to zoom in and out, and alt-ctrl-left mouse to tilt the model, but alt-left mouse does NOTHING?I can use alt-Left mouse in 3D Coat normally, so it's not the mouse.
How can I resolve this? I don't remember doing anything that would mess up my mouse preferences or even seeing where I could change them?I have restarted. I'm on Win7 64 with all Mudbox 2011 service packs installed.
I am working in the 3ds Max 2014 tutorials. The specific tutorial is "Drawing Patterns for the Clothes". The subsection is "Use the Garment Maker and Cloth Modifiers to Prepare the Skirt". I am working on the area of the SEAMS to create the PLEATS. 3ds Max won't allow me to change the Crease Angle to 150 as it says in the tutorial. When I position the mouse over the box where the dimensions are, it turns into a hand shape. I can change any other dimension in the SEAMS rollout.
We have an old black & white photograph which has a bad crease acrosss the middle. This shows up as a ragged white line after scanning in. What is the best way to remove this a blend the grays together?
I have tried the clone tool which work quite well but you can see the circles and curves from the brush on the clone tool although I have tried various point sizes. Is there perhaps a way to use the clone tool then select the area and blend the gray together to get rid of the curves from the brush?
I'm looking to recreate the crease/fold lines below. I've found various tutorials showing ways to create fold lines using thegradient tools (i.e putting black/white to create fold) and others that use an overlay of crinkled image and making opaque.Neither of these produce effects like the ones attached.
I'm detailing a simple square plate with a good number of holes in it. I create an ordiate set running vertically along the LH edge and select the holes that are close to that side. Origin is the lower LH corner. Works great, easy.
The holes that are closer to the RH side though I'd like to show on that side. So I go to create a second ordinate set for the RH side and choose the lower RH corner as the origin and choose my holes that are close to that edge. The 2nd set will automatically show a second "0.000" dimension on the bottom edge and I can't supress it by right clicking.
Is there a better way to do this? What I've done now is to not use a set but just choose ordinate dimension and go from the opposite edge, which works.... But alignment is better with a set.
I have recently upgraded to AutoCAD LT 2012. The copy/paste function and the group/ungroup function are not working. I have run service pack 2 with no improvement.
Just had to repair my installation, now I am unable to use any Civil 3D commands, anything with "AECC" in front of it is coming back with "unknown command"?
I've never used this feature in the reflect/refract maps before but I'm following a few different tutorials and for whatever reason the last step where I "pick object and render maps" doesn't show a prompt, render anything, or do anything but select the object that I wanted to render the cubic map from.
Just thought I'd ask before I start installing old versions of max to try it out there.
We have been generating technical illustrations using Mental Ray in Maya 2011 with brilliant results. The studio upgraded to Maya 2012 and we now find that when we render any existing scenes, or any new scenes using entirely Maya 2012 nodes, we don't have any contour lines.
i want to use the Worksharing monitor with Revit Architecture 2012 SP1 64 bit (part of our building design suite premium), but when i load a workshering-enabled model (wich resides on our Revit server) the monitor stay's empty (stating that i should open a model in Revit)
i'm trying to create a LispFunction in vb.net in visual studio 2010 (tried both .net 3.5 and .net 4.0) and it's like autocad is just ignoring them. is there a setting or something to disable .net LispFunctions from being loaded? CommandMethods work just fine, and i'm not seeing any errors. in fact i'm using the most basic of functions, just returning the arguments. and nothing. Any diagnostic or something to determine what's the matter?
<LispFunction("HelloWorld")>Public Function HelloWorld(args As ResultBuffer) As ResultBuffer Return argsEnd Function does nothing, when i setq a variable on it, it's just nil.
Recently installed the upgrade of AutoCAD 2012 from AutoCAD 2011.
It did not seem to migrate things very well? My PGP did not follow over and in addition to a few other settings.
I use the esc (escape) key to end a string of comands or if I want to go another direction. In AutoCAD 2012 when I hit the esc key on my keyboard it does NOTHING?
It is a key on my keyboard, not a keystroke shortcut?
I am a middle school teacher with a lab of 25 Dell Precision T1600 desktops. I just installed Inventor on all the computers and it works beautifully on 24 of them. On one of them, when you choose the "start" menu, nothing happens. If you click a second time, the area where the menu should be is black and the program stops working. The computers are running Windows 7 and with it working on 24 not sure why it wouldn't work on the 25th.
I have reinstalled 3 times, but nothing seems to work.
Just installed 2012 from 2000. Plot style table (file copied from old installation) has all colors set to grayscale=off but is printing with grayscale.
We have lost the use of the two transparent commands 'spe and 'sse. When I either click on the toolbar or type 'spe or '_spe in the middle of a command, they don't work like the other transparent commands. When I click on toolbar by itself, I get an error "Unknown comment "SPE". The other transparent commands say something like "PSE must be called from within another command".
Also, is the actual comment 'spe the command name or is it an alias. I was thinking that if I knew the command name, I could create another allias as a work around.
This is issue in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012. After installing Feature Recognition x64 bit 2012, its installing successfully. But its not showing in Add-in manager and is not working. S
why is it that simple commands in paperspace like editing text/mtext, moving a single line or erasing objects so slow. it seems like it takes way to long to do simple editing. Makes me what to go back to model space sheet set up. I already did the changes to settings that someone posed "NEW Autocad Performance Tips". I notice a small performance enhancement but still very slow compared to paper space. this happened in files with one layout tab or 10.
I ran into a problem with the structural member wizard today. I was making up a bunch of glulams and everything was doing just fine, then all of a sudden the wizard stopped accepting new values for the member depth. No matter what you try to enter, it is rejected and a value of 1'-0" is placed in the field. It will accept new values for both width and lamination depth however. I tried to make a member of another material (steel) just in case it was just the glulams. No luck, they behave the same way, you can't set the beam depth. I also tried restarting ACA, working in a completely new (and clean) file, as well as restarting my computer, it didn't work.
I really don't want to have to go through the repair/reinstall circus if I don't have to.
We have this very cool tool that automatically creates a custom sheet property (IndexNo) and indexes all sheets in the active sheet set. Unfortunately, it doesn't run in 2012 and the guy that wrote the application no longer works for us.
I'm having problem with this tool in maya 2012 it doesn't connect or do the red mark between 2 vertices but in maya 2013 it does the red mark between them but doesn't connect