I've created the german battleship Tirpitz. It has about 4.2 million polygons. When i save the file as an ASCII its about 1.2 GB and when I save it as a Bin its about 650 MB. I created the scene in 3DS Max where it has a file size of about 430 MB
My question is: Can I somehow shrink the size of the file without using a zip program.
when modeling the movement or scale tool is so small I find it difficult to grab one of the arrows without super zooming in and moving the camera around alot.
i was trying to model a character in Maya and somehow messed up the pivot. The handle stretch beyond the horizon in the scale and move tool, and for the rotate one i can't see the circle no matter how far i zoom out.
I have imported a model from C4D using the FBX importer, and everything was fine, except that it was way to big. I scaled it down to a more "manageable" size. So the scale reads 0.01 (All axis).
My question is, is there any way I can make Scale reflect the actual object size? Maya know these numbers, because they are present when using the universal manipulator tool. I would like it if the scene scale could reflect the real size of the object. So if i create a new object, the size relates to the size of the existing objects in the scene?
Can i put the real scale on the object, and then just "downscale the scene", so that the objects don`t appear giant? Like scene scale or something?
Is it possible to change the display size of the local rotation axis?
I'm trying to visually align the local rotation axis for joints with geometry that isn't always world axis aligned. I've searched on different forums as well as searches on "topeka" (google ), and I've come up with nothing so far.
I'm missing a shrink tool or modifier which can shrink a mesh. I don't want to scale it down because it's preserving the proportions but that is not what I propose to do.
The Shell modifier for example extrudes the polygons along their local normals. This in reverse I'm trying to do.
Think about a banana and you will get a copy of it in a smaller and thinner way because you have modelled the shell of the banana but not the flesh in it. I think that explains the difference between shrinking and scaling.
I am trying to model roots from a tree going over some rocks. Is there a way to shrink wrap or have the root geometry be influenced by the rock's form?
I'm trying to assign a jpg file to an eyeball and the file (containing the retina of the eyeball) comes out enlarged, even though it is not supposed to.
I'm using Blinn Material and hypershade to bring that texture to the eyeball, but every single time I try it, it comes out enlarged (see image attached). I've made sure I click on the Planar Mapping key before I try to copy the image onto my eyeball. I've also tried modifying the size of the image on Photoshop but not luck. If it matters, I'm using Windows 7.
I’m a 3DS Max transfer. In 3DS Max there is an option to open an image file for modeling reference in a separate window within Max which always stays on top. This is NOT an image plane to model off of but an IMAGE FILE, a picture i can get the details from that don’t show in a drawing or plane. Currently I open images or groups of images(NOT SEQUENCES) in the default OS file viewer program. This is fine with a dual monitor setup, where I throw the reference images to the other screen. But what about when I’m on my laptop on the go or have no other monitor? Currently I’d have to open the same program, have it underneath MAYA and flip back and forth, which is a very big hassle over time. I’d like to be able to open a small, resizable window WITHIN maya and view the image file(or files!) there so I can move it around my workspace and glance over to it in an instant.
I still want my four panels or all of my panel space to work with. With it being resizable i can even shrink it down to get the gist in the upper right corner where no icons are even zoom in on parts with such a small window.
I have a requirement in my project like, I have to shrink the images which are varies in size 100 KB to the 100 MB and files extensions are .jpg, .tif, .tiff and .eps and many more like 20 extensions
Need to:
1) Shrink the images with specific width 4 inch and height 4 to 5 inch @ 300 DPI 2) re name the images in order with commonly first name same for all the images 3) save them only .jpg 4) color format should be converted to CMYK only
GIMP is in single window mode. The bottom of the window extends down below my screen window, below my taskbar, so I can't grab it with my mouse to pull it up and make the window smaller vertically. I have pulled the top blue bar up as far as it will go, but not far enough - How do I shrink the GIMP window vertically?
I am dealing with 128 x 128 or smaller. The more I shrink a picture the more I loose details. Photo > Sharpen works a little bit in some cases but in most I am loosing to much detail no matter. How do I fix this? If possible my pics need to remain in .png format
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
I've designed a shirt I want to send to the press to have made for a premiere. The file (flattened) is 16.3MB. The press allows an upload of 16MB. When I asked what formats they allowed they told me to send the PSD file. This is going to sound dumb, but is there a way to shave .3 from the file, yet keep the content? Maybe resize the file just a bit?
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
My model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
Here is what I've tried so far in creating the pupil of the eyeball:
1. Right click - select isoparm - attempt to select. 2. Right click - select Surface Point - attempt to select. 3. Left clicking 4. Holding shift (and other keys) - attempt to select 5. Right clicking 6. Middle clicking 7. Marqueeing
When I right click - select surface point, I get something that looks like a selection, but it also has an isoparm dotted line.... when I attempt to DETACH I get an error.
I am attempting to import 3d models from a software called Daz studio into Maya. The models enter motionbuilder and 3ds Max with no problem. When I import them into Maya they come in as wireframe. I have been unable to take the wireframe off of the model. The file format I am using is FBX. wHEN I RENDER an image of the model i am able to see it in it's realistic form-but when i attempt to see it in the viewport it is wireframe.
Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.
I'm new to Maya, and also new to 3d modeling/animation programs. how can i learn Maya 2011? there are not very good learning paths to find on the internet.