I have a requirement in my project like, I have to shrink the images which are varies in size 100 KB to the 100 MB and files extensions are .jpg, .tif, .tiff and .eps and many more like 20 extensions
Need to:
1) Shrink the images with specific width 4 inch and height 4 to 5 inch @ 300 DPI
2) re name the images in order with commonly first name same for all the images
3) save them only .jpg
4) color format should be converted to CMYK only
I've created the german battleship Tirpitz. It has about 4.2 million polygons. When i save the file as an ASCII its about 1.2 GB and when I save it as a Bin its about 650 MB. I created the scene in 3DS Max where it has a file size of about 430 MB
My question is: Can I somehow shrink the size of the file without using a zip program.
GIMP is in single window mode. The bottom of the window extends down below my screen window, below my taskbar, so I can't grab it with my mouse to pull it up and make the window smaller vertically. I have pulled the top blue bar up as far as it will go, but not far enough - How do I shrink the GIMP window vertically?
I am dealing with 128 x 128 or smaller. The more I shrink a picture the more I loose details. Photo > Sharpen works a little bit in some cases but in most I am loosing to much detail no matter. How do I fix this? If possible my pics need to remain in .png format
I created a logo in Photoshop CS6 (4500 x 4500 pixels) and need to now shrink it so that it may be posted on a web page. I need to shrink the image to: 50 x 50, 75 x 75 and 100 x 100 pixels. I have tried to resize the image, but have not had much success as the images always come out highly pixelized with white space around it.
Placing an bitmapped .eps file from Photoshop, sometimes the file comes in at the dpi it was saved at, (say, 1.25 inches wide and 1200 dpi) and sometimes at 72 dpi (and a couple of feet wide).
Is there something the creator of the .eps file has set in photoshop that is causing Illustrator to interpret the incomoing dpi?
I realize a 1.25 inch 1200 dpi file has the same information as a 26+ inch 72 dpi file, but it causes an extra key stroke (a recorded action to resize the placed file). Not all the time, just some times.
I open the customer's .eps file in Illustrator and it opens at 72dpi/26 inches.
I open the customer's .eps file in photosohp, hit "save" and open it in Illustrator at 1200dpi./1.25 inches.
I only need to shrink images down from 350x490 pixels to 62x87. When I use the image resize in photoshop i get pixelated and quite blocky results. ) Any idea on how to resize these images to match the previous quality.
I created a character in illustrator that I plan to use in animations and on the web. When I shrink the vector to the size of, for example, a small avi picture for social media, I significantly lose line quality. How can I maintain the quality of detail? Is there a specific way that I should save or setup the document?
How do I find out the exact size of a graphic or image after it has a clipping mask applied in Illustrator CS4? When you just select the image or do Ctrl+A it shows the entire image size(including the masked unwanted portion) in the transform palette and I just need the final dimensions of the image. How I can find out what the masked image size is?
Images that are opened or psds that are imported are resized into an artboard that is smaller then the image. With raster image formats, the following behavior occurs:
For a jpg that is 1000x800px an artboard is opened at 1000x800px and an additional artboard at 360x288px with the actual raster image is created.
I am making a holiday greeting card. I have 16 very larged photo images "linked" (not embedded) into the card. The original images are very large (e.g. 4500 x 3000 px, 10mb) but I've placed them fairly small in the final card (only about 2" x 2" printed). Therefore, I likely don't need the full resolution of the original photos. I need to generate a final file that I can send to an online print shop, something that is ideally 10-25Mb in size, probably pdf. How to prepare the final file for export to pdf to generate as such? Right now, the final file is 275Mb because it is embedding the full size of each of the 16 images.
I recently upgraded to Illustrator CS6, and suddenly clients have been remarking that the file sizes are wrong or there's "a ton of white space around the logo." I checked it out, and sure enough, it appears that whenever I export a file, it does not crop it to the image boundary like it used to, even if I had manually adjusted the artboard to fit closely around it. After a bit of trial and error, I discovered that I have to click "Use Artboards" on the Export dialog each time. The super annoying part is that it doesn't STAY checked, AND it adds a number to the end of the file name. So I often forget to check it (not used to the extra step in workflow), and if I make a modification to the file, I can't just export over the previous version. It requires me to export it, go find it in finder, and manually delete the extra number off the file name. The extra steps are adding way too much time when I'm saving out many files. I'm about ready to go back to my previous version just from this alone.
Is there an easier way to do this? It seems like the addition of this feature would only cause extra problems...
I'm using Illustrator to crop and arrange a number of raster images. However, I'm starting to have file management problems, because the Illustrator files quickly balloon in size.
Example: I got public domain jpg image of a deer off the Wikimedia Commons. This jpg image is 0.35MB. I opened up a new Illustrator document, placed and embedded the image, and saved the document (with the 'pdf compatible box' unchecked). The resulting Illustrator file is 7.7MB in size, over 20 times the size of the embedded jpg image.
I've looked around these forum, but other than the 'pdf compatible box', I couldn't find any good solutions. Is there some other option or preference that I could tweak? I need to use embedded images rather than links, but the files are getting out of control (>100MB).
The screen capture at the end of this post shows the situation. In the top folder in the screencapture, the image file is highlighted, so you can see the filesize. In the lower folder in the screencapture, the Illustrator file is highlighted, so you can see it's filesize. Then you can see the open Illustrator document on the right. (edit: the forum software is no longer allowing me to add images, so I've put the screencapture on Google Drive here: [URL]
The .ai file with the embedded image is here: [URL]
I'm using Illustrator CS6 64-bit, v16.0.3 on Windows 8-64.
I am in the process of completing my Photographic website and need to make thumbnail and larger sizes for the the site. The site will have approximately 100 images on it. Clicking the thumbnails will connect to the larger images. How do I make both sizes in PS CS? Perhaps their is a generator that you would recommend for Mac 10.2?
In assembly file - BOM - mass property, parts with the same name (part number) i get "VARIES"..Parts have a little bit different mass - 0,167kg and 0,168kg. I do not want to have different part number.
So, i'm going to do something like this in iLogic :
I am seeing this "varies" message on certain items in my BOM but can't tell where the incosistencies are. The strange thing is that my part number LCVINYL is showing the correct length of material while the Unit Quantity is showing "varies". Normally this would make me think that the inconsistency is in the name only. Where should I be looking to correct this?
BTW all of these LCVINYL parts were created in the frame generator if that matters.
In particular item 29 - same part number, exactly the same parameters (I checked them one by one), but a "Varies" for Unit Qty.It is a truss frame, and item 29, as many others, has "trim to frame" end treatments.
I imported a model from Sketchup into 3DS Max. When I apply materials to some of the surfaces, the scale of the texture varies from face to face, these are the triangles that make up a polygon. It's as if the texture is getting stretched or compressed in one direction or another. Other polygons allow for consistent materials. It seems to be random and I can't figure out what to do.
I noticed on my parts list that I had an item that was listed as *Varies* in the description, and part # columns I have set. Seen it before, so I went to my BOM and saw that it's a part that I've published to the CC.
Thought, OK, go and replace the 12 parts that I needed to. Tried the "Replace All" and it still came up on my BOM as *Varies*.
Went through and replaced each part in the assembly one at a time. Still shows up in BOM as *Varies*.
I thought that when I publish parts to the CC, they become Read-Only, and I can't edit any of the iProperties or the part itself.
In the attached BMP, I've cut out the offending row in my BOM. All the columns are greyed out to where I can't edit anything, as designed...
Why would these published parts come up as *Varies* in 2 of my columns if the values I've set when I published them would never change??
IV 2010 Tube & Pipe SP4; ACAD Mechanical 2010; 2.5 ghz Xeon Processor 8 gb RAM Windows 7 Professional x64 EVGA GTX 560 2gb DDR5
I've used Frame Generator to build a frame. Then in my idw , I've created a "part list" of the frame and added "Mass" to the Columns , some member shows the mass , but others show *Varies*, I note that when I leave out the "End Treatments" I don't have the *varies*,
Basically I have a centerline alignment for a roadway and another alignment for a retaining wall. They both have the same bearings and a common horizontal bend point, though the wall tapers off in another direction at the end. The issue I'm having is at the common horizontal bend point, when I label my retaining wall bend point and reference the centerline I get a different centerline station than what I should be getting. It appears that when Civil3D calculates the reference station, it uses the line segment after the bend point instead of the line segment before.
Is this dependent on a C3D setting and is it possible to change this?
lately I've been started working on Illustrator, since I've always loved the vector pen tool in Photoshop, but I've notice something...
let's say I want to work on an A4 page. I start a new PRINT document, and set the A4 size at 300 DPI. If I do that on Photoshop, I'll get a huge white page that at 100% goes way out my screen, but if I start a document with the same size in Illustrator, I get a page that's smaller than my screen (at 100%).
I guess it's normal because those programs might work in different ways, but I'm concerned about it because this way, in Illustrator a 1pt size brush will always be bigger than in Photoshop.
My Plugin does not use global suite references. Instead it acquires and releases suites as required. The problem is with the panel. I want to get the size of the panel when the size is changed (so I can change size of embedded wxpanel accordingly). To get the size, I need to acquire panel suite. However, the SetSizeChangedNotifyProc callback method only provides panelref and no message or anything else. How can I get the suite in this scenario?
Also this piece of code to embed wxpanel inside aipanel, handle resize etc is going into a dll so that it can be used by multiple plugins. So I do not want to use global suite ptr.