Lightroom :: Preset Converting RAW Into JPG With More Contrast / Saturation And Sharpening?

Nov 30, 2011

A close family member of mine is dying and has still many RAW files, which of course look quite lifeless as all RAWs do. She asked me to look for a simple Lightroom preset, which will convert her RAWs into Jpgs with more contrast saturation and sharpening. No fancy effects, just simple. She has Lightroom 3, but has no experience in making presets and neither do I. She is too ill to work on her computer herself, but can instruct me how to use a preset. She needs the preset to make her RAWs available to her partner and children.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Preset For Sharpening Darkens Pictures?

Jul 10, 2012

the Adobe presets delivered with LR4 for sharpening include a command line which forces a switch to the new process engine "2012" or ProcessVersion = "6.7".  I do not understand why Adobe allows a general preset to include a process version change command.
As a result, these sharpening presets can not be used on photos from an older LR3.x catalog without affecting the exposure or brightness - if you do, the picture exposure or brightness or whatever is set to lower settings, the histogram shows a darkening of about 2/3 aperture. Unfortunately, as the exposure changes, no slider or number value of the exposure, brightness etc. do change - very inconsistent.
In case you would choose to develop an older photo in LR4.1 and first use the upate icon button right of the picture to update the photo to process version 2012, then the picture will convert without changes in exposure (to the new process version) and then, the sharpening preset will not alter the exposure.
Also, it is hard to understand that the command line in the preset has a different result compared to the update button.
Presets seem to be dependent on certain process versions.  No consideration is visible in the software for upgrade of change management of presets vs. process versions.  A hard switch by command line does not to the job - this command line should not be in the preset.  OR - the presets have to be named "LR4.1 presets only".
I consider this behaviour to be a bug or nonconformity of the software.
will have to manage all manually, with a catalog of approx. 35.000 pictures.

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Lightroom :: Is Exposure And Contrast Supposed To Be Altering Saturation In Version 2012

Sep 25, 2012

Is exposure and contrast supposed to be altering saturation in version 2012? See the 4 screen shots below to see what I'm talking about  (RAW NEF taken with a Nikon D4 and the other details are on the screen). Here I am adjusting effects contrast, but I don't think it matters which contrast.
v2012 contrast set one way (this slightly peach tone is accurate and desired):

v2012 contrast raised.  There is no mistaking how much yellower it is.  Now if I try to fix this with the color controls, something else usually gets thrown off.

This does not happen in v2010: Contrast raised (if anything, slightly opposite):Do not get me wrong --the 2012 controls are far superior at their named function --but they make the mistake of doing more than that function. 
The fundamental problem here is that this makes it extremely difficult to edit a photo because changing one setting alters settings you may have already set.  When order in which you tweak things becomes a factor, it exponentially increases the complexity (and edit time) because you are then dealing with a moving target. You keep having to go back and reset settings that should not be drifting, and did not drift in prior releases.  This is a problem for me especially with photos containing a wide range between light and dark, especially where contrast is desired in both light and dark (as above).  This is not the first contrast control problem I've posted (it appears to interfere with lens correction).  Contrast seems to be at the center of all my release difficulty (that combined with lack of a linear brightness control).  Contrast appears to be adjusting more than just contrast in v2012.

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Premiere Pro :: Loss Of Contrast And Saturation After Import?

Mar 24, 2014

I don't know why, but when I'm importing video files to Adobe Premiere Pro it automatically changes their contrast and saturation.
I tested it on another PC with trial version of Adobe Premiere Elements and same problem occurred.
I like to do most of the adjustments on the camera it's quite an issue for me. I work on Canon 5d MK II and MK III

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Photoshop Elements :: Adjust Brightness / Contrast And Saturation Over About 30 Layers On Animated GIF

Sep 8, 2012

I'm trying to adjust brightness/contrast and saturation over about 30 layers on an animated GIF. Everything looks great until I do a save for web and click on the animate box. At that point, the color/changes drop off completely. It shows up fine when it's just the one layer being shown. And it seems to be showing up on all the layers when I'm in the main edit window. I keep looking and making sure I have the 'this adjustment affects all layers below,' and I do. I even tried saving a GIF with the other setting turned on and I got the same thing.
Anyway, I exported a few GIFs, thinking maybe the adjustment layers would kick in as it saved, but nope. Neither layer saved into the exported GIF.
I'm sure this is just a simple setting I'm missing, but I'm banging my head against the desk at this point.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Converting Preset Shapes

Oct 10, 2011

I've used every version of PSP since version 4 waaay back when and I'm now using X4. I do like it, however I still have preset shapes in .jsl format that I'd like to use in this new version.

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Lightroom :: Video Preset Under The Preset Tabs?

May 31, 2013

Why is there a 'lightroom video preset' under the preset tabs. yet when i open a video file in lightroom and go to the develop modue it says video is not supported in the develop module?

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Photoshop :: Equalize Contrast / Brightness And Detail In High Contrast Situation

Aug 15, 2012

What is the effect or process to, for example, ensure that normally washed out bright background on, say, a sunny beach, has same depth and contrast as the darker subject in the foreground? It is an unnatural state since your eye and most cameras will adjust to one extreme or the other.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening In LR Or PS?

Nov 23, 2012

I use LR 4.2 as the routine  for processing NEF files.

My question is about sharpening.

Which program between LR and PS would you like to recommend for sharpening?

My impression is that PS 5.0 produces more sharpening than LR.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening To DNG In Develop Phase

May 16, 2013

If I apply Sharpening to the DNG in the Develop phase, do I still need to apply it in the Export (to JPEG) settings? 

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Photoshop :: How To Get Lightroom Alt Sharpening Mask Effect

May 8, 2012

Since I started using Lightroom and Photoshop I've always wanted to know how I can make a photo look like it does when I press alt and adjust the sharpening mask slider in Lightroom. Here's an example of what I mean:

And here's the photo while pressing alt and moving the Mask slider:This effect is just a tool to show you where the mask is being applied but I think it's a cool effect and I have a project in mind where I want to make a set of photos look this way. It must be possible in photoshop but I'm not quite sure how to do to. I've tried using a high-pass filter, converting to B&W, and inverting the colours but it not quite the same thing; it obviously tends to just look like an inverted B&W. These images however look more like those pictures you made when you were a kid by covering waxed paper with black crayon and then scratching it off in places to make an image.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Adjustments Don't Appear In Exported File?

Apr 30, 2013

When I edit my photo in "Develop" and do any sharpening in the Details menu (or with a brush for that matter), it looks great in "Develop" but then when I export it the sharpening effect is not there!.  It seems all the other adjustments I make (temp, exposure,..) are all in the imported file but the sharpening is NOT . Also the sharpening adjustsments dont appear on the photo in Library either. I am not reducing the size or resultion of the photo in the export.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Does Not Want To Stick In Library Or Exporting?

Mar 17, 2014

In Lightroom, when editing the pictures, in the Developing Module, I will adjust the colors and sharpening and then I used the brush to add more sharpening to a face or an object. When going to the Library Module to inspect the pictures the sharpening is not there. Even when I export the pictures the sharpening goes away.
So I went to people who teach lightroom and they were stumped. and showed them when toggling back in Library and Developing modules and they would see a sharpen image in the developing module and then a non-sharpen image in the library and export picture.
I have asked this question here before and everyone was nice to explain to me their theories, but many believe it's my exporting, but it has nothing to do with my exporting, other than that it takes like an hour and plus minutes to export about a 120 pictures, which I know it is not correct, but that does not bother me more so the sharpening.
P.S. Do you think I should just purchase Lightroom 5. I am using Lightroom 4.4, which I got literally last year.

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Lightroom :: Applying Two Different Sharpening Settings To A Photo?

Apr 11, 2013

Suddenly, as in this never happened before, I can't copy and convert my .cr2 files from my camera into my Lightroom catalog. It says that the file type is not recognized. I restarted with no change, then downloaded the 4.4 update and it still doesn't work. Here is the name of one of the files I want to import. _mg_8765.cr2
I'm on Creatie Cloud and have an older Macbook Pro running ios 10.8.3.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Not Retained In Library Module?

Dec 16, 2011

Recently after sharpening/editing a photo in the Develop module I returned to the Library module, only to see that the sharpening adjustements reversed. When I go back to view the image in "Develop" the sharpness returns. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. All of the other photos I've adjusted in Develop retain all changes when toggling back to Library. This is using LR3.6 for MAC.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening And Noise Defaults In Develop Module

Jun 15, 2013

Capture Sharpness
There are three distinct phases: Capture Sharpening, Creative Sharpening and Output sharpening
With regards to Capture Sharpening I’ve noticed that when I import a CR2 file into Lightroom 3.6 there is an Adobe pre-set in the Develop Module. Is this a form of Capture Sharpening default?
Amount: 25
Radius: 1.0
Detail: 25
Noise Reduction
Luminance: 0
Colour: 25
Detail: 50

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Lightroom :: Sharpening And Noise Reduction Palette Is Disappeared

Jun 26, 2013

I've just exported some pictures for the web from Lightroom 5 which had to be downsized considerably. I now find that the sharpening and noise reduction palette has disappeared entirely from the right hand tools panel. What's going on? I've tried quitting and re-opening Lightroom and also shutting down and restarting my computer. (Macbook Pro retina and Mountain Lion)

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Lightroom :: Find Sharpening Info When Photo Exported

Nov 27, 2012

How can I find out what type of sharpening, if any, was used when a photo was exported from Lightroom 4?  I have a photo with a watermark that is slightly different from the original but I am not sure what type of sharpening was used when the photo was exported.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Tool Is Not Working In Library Mode Or Export 4.4

Jan 27, 2014

I was editing phots when I suddenly realized that sharpening tool, neither the adjustment brush for sharpening or ordinary sharpening, would be shown in Library mode or when photos were exported. When I see the picture in Develop mode, they seem fine and I can adjust the sharpness as usual. So something goes wrong between Develop and Library mode.
I have Lightroom 4.4. The ISO level in the pictures are not high at all, so that is not the problem, as I have read some explanaitions of. When I see the picture in 1:1 in both modes, they look the same after sharpening. But if I zoom more, I can definately see big differences.

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Lightroom :: Do Camera Profiles Affect Sharpening Or Noise Reduction

Dec 18, 2012

Do camera profiles (such as camera standard) affect sharpening, noise reduction? or just exposure?
I ask because my default sharpening is 50 but I recently switched from Adobe Standard to Camera Standard

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Lightroom :: Book Module Export To JPEG Does Not Apply Sharpening?

Aug 21, 2012

I'm running LR4.1 on Windows 7 64 bit with 5D MK ii raw images and just discovered the Book module 'Export Book to JPEG' produces files that do not have output sharpening applied.
Book = JPEG
Size = Standard Landscape
Cover = Hardcover Image Wrap
JPEG Quality = 90
File Resolution = 300 ppi
Sharpening = (Every setting produces the same results)
Media Type = (Every setting produces the same results)
When selecting 'Book = PDF' the sharpening is very obvious and is applied as expected based on the Sharpening setting:
Glossy Low = least sharpening
Matte High = most sharpening

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Process Leaves Halos Around Image Edges

Nov 16, 2013

When sharpening images, I find it leaves halos around the image edges. How can avoid this effect when sharpening an image?

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Lightroom :: Which Output Sharpening Setting To Use When Paper Type Is Unknown

Feb 15, 2014

I'm exporting photos from Lightroom 3 to be burned to a CD for a client, and only want to export one set of files. Which output sharpening setting should I use if the client does not know if they want the photos  printed on Matte or Glossy paper, and indicated "probably both"? The photos will also be viewed on screen, but prints are the preferred end use.

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Lightroom :: Why Does Sharpening Done In Develop Module Not Transfer To Library Or Exported Images

Oct 28, 2013

I've been having problems with LR 5.2 when I do sharpening (and sometimes spot removal) in the develop module. It looks fine in the develop pane, but when I move to library module the sharpening and spot removal disappear (and reappear when I switch back to develop). The exported images are the same as the view in Library mode. How do I get the exported images to have the sharpening and spot removal that I've done in develop?

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Lightroom :: How To Combine Different Saturation Sliders

Aug 8, 2012

I'm not sure I understand how LR4 combines values from the global saturation slider and local adjustments. Two questions in bold at the bottom. I made the following experiments:

1) start with a color raw image, process version 2012, untouched.

2) bring down global saturation to -100

3) add a graduated filter with saturation +100 (I added, say, sharpness -100 to see precisely to which side the filter is being applied)

I would expect half of the picture to be colored and half b&w. Instead the filter is totally ineffective (i.e. it produces absolutely no effect, you can see this rotating it). So I conjecture that the total saturation is not "additive" (i.e. -100+100) but maybe "compound" (i.e. the product of 1+p/100). if this were true, then any slider equal to -100 would bring saturation to the minimum. let's see if this holds true:

4) set global saturation to -100. any value of the filter saturation is ineffective

5) set filter saturation to -100 and global saturation to 0. now (say) in my photo the sky is blue on the left and grey on the right.

6) slowly move global saturation from -50 to +100: the grey sky changes! from a... less saturated grey to a sort of... super-saturated grey (more brilliant and slightly yellow?).

So the conjecture is false and it looks like the filter is applied first, and the global value is applied last, IGNORING what the filter possibly did (so if the filter turned blue into grey, then "saturate" the grey).

In particular, if I want to desaturate everything, except for a very small area, I have to paint the complement of the area with saturation -100 which feels quite unnatural (I'd like to do it painting something only on the small area).

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Lightroom :: Profiles And Contrast?

Mar 24, 2014

Are camera-specific camera profiles intended to match color/hue only, or color plus contrast/value?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Copy / Paste Saturation Settings?

Jan 21, 2014

I have corrected my saturation on a photo in the Develop module and would like to copy that saturation to other photos. I click 'copy' in the lower left and get the dialog to select my choice of settings, so I only check saturation. I then move to my desired recipient image and click 'paste' and nothing happens. Same result in Library module when I use Photo > Develop Settings > Copy Settings and Paste Settings.
I am using LR 5.3 on Windows Pro 7

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Automatically Bumps Up Saturation On Import?

Apr 5, 2014

I did a quick screen capture, and as you can see, the picture on the right (saturated) is the "unedited" version in lightroom, and the picture on the left is the raw file opened (used IrfanView). As you can see, my original file is quite flat, and I like it that way (easeier to edit), but lightroom imports it, and when I click on it to develop, it adds saturation. If I wanted to make it look like the origianl, I have to manually bring down the saturation by ~ -30! Why is Lightroom auto adjusting my images?
I used a Canon 6D to take this picture.

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Lightroom :: Removing Vibrance And Saturation From ARW Files?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a Sony Alpha SLT A55V  when I import them to Lightroom 4.2 the color and vibrance changes.  See examples below.The first image is after importing to lightroom, and making no edits, the second is after  importing in PMB Sonys software that came with my camera and making no edits.  I have no presets et when I used the trial program from the adobe web-site this didn't happen but after I purchased it from Amazon,

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Lightroom :: Losing Color Saturation During Exporting?

Jan 2, 2013

I use my Ligthroom 3 for over 2 yeasr now and I had never such problem before. During exportin my pictures to HD I loose saturaion for orange. Whatever format I use problem remains the same. Both my monitors I use are calibrated so there is no colors distortion, especialy that it happen to orange only.

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Lightroom :: Black And White With Color / Saturation

Apr 11, 2013

I've been working in Lightroom 4 on a photo that I took and I have everything the way I want it (these adjustments include increasing the saturation on some colors under the HSL tab). Now I am trying to make the top half of the picture just black and white, but when I chose the Adjustment Brush and sturn the Saturation down on it to -100 and start going over the top half of the picutre, some of the colors (the ones I turned the Saturation up on under the HSL tab) dull a little but do not go completely Black & White.

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