Why is there a 'lightroom video preset' under the preset tabs. yet when i open a video file in lightroom and go to the develop modue it says video is not supported in the develop module?
In Lightroom 4 we could create custom video presets for slideshows [URL] ..... But when I try to use the presets in Lightroom 5 they do not show up (even though on the dialogue box for exporting a slideshow they are still called video presets).
how to write a custom slideshow video preset for Lightroom 5?
I am creating titles for a 720 PAL video (25fps) for the first time. Photoshop only has a default of NTSC 29.97 and no option for 720 PAL 25fps. How do I change this? I'm running Photoshop CS5 extended.
I currently use LR5.2. In camera calibration panel, there are a few options for camera profiles, e'g., camera landscape. I created a "camera landscape" preset, which did not work. It seems that there are some missing checks in "new develop preset" box. As seen in the attachment, i placed checkmarks only in front of "process version" and "calbiration". This was not enough. It seems that the box might need more checkmarks to produce a workable landscape preset.
I am trying to find my way, of how to submit my photos to the external lab for printing. Print module is kind of useless for me - the page setup is printer driver dependant and none of my installed printer drivers allows me to define borderless print and so LR does not allow me to set margins to zero. I think, that such desing limitation is pretty strange, especially if you just want to print to the jpeg file.
So - then I moved on to the crop tool. What a bunch of inconsistencies and design limits:
- LR seems to use some kind of catalog dependant storage, instead of just some for e.g. custom XML or other kind of list
- LR mysteriosly remember your last 5 settings. If you do a mistake, you need to reenter all of them again
- you can't even name your custom ratio settings - that's imo pretty much insufficient
- I need to set precious ratio setting for the Noritsu machine, so that I get exact resolution. Good for two of my settings, but when I try for my 13x18cm (2268 x 1625 pix), LR deletes my custom setting and marks 5x7 for me. But it is off by 10 pixels on one axis! Some strange rounding and matching was applied, but I can't it set exactly to what I need. Why does LR mess with what I want, if I select custom ratio?!
So I thought, that I might make a preset. I noticed, that when you copy setting from an image, there is a crop section. But - exactly the same dialog, which allows us to save settings, does miss a crop section. What a bummer! I found xy requests, where ppl were asking for the functionality few years ago. I am very negatively surprised, that it was yet not granted for implementation, especially as some of crop tool facilities are pretty arcane at best.
What I am now thinking about is to prepare three model images, make separate folder for them, and use them as a source for the cropping setting to copy from, but of course I would like the crop functionality to be enhanced/fixed.
Is there any way to stack preset filters on photos?
I remember back in Lightroom 3, you could select some filters, like Cold Tone, then select another filter and would apply itself on top of the Cold Tone filter.
Now, it seems in Lightroom 4, every time you select a filter, it completely overwrites all the settings of previous ones.
I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder. How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.
I want to edit an export preset and in this example I want to remove the check mark to "Add to This Catalog". How do I "save" this change to that preset?
I just finished editing 300 photos and im not sure how but selected apply all on a preset to all my photos, I try hitting cancel and undo but it wont stop changing all my weeks worth of editing.
When ever I make a photo adjustment and want to save it as a preset all the check mark boxes aren't there I have to manually check the boxes I want saved. I have the adjustment switch on when I click new preset. It use to have the adjustments I've made already checked. This is for my friend. When I use lightroom and save a preset the check mark boxes are there.
I have to process about close to 400 pictures every weekend which takes a lot of time when doing levels and everything on every individual picture.
I need to create a preset that will do just that on 400 pictures but will make adjustments based on each individual picture's needs. I have tried to work on 1 picture while have the rest selected and Auto Sync selected. But what it does then is to apply the same values on all selected pictures and not "auto" for every individual picture.
How do you make your own lightroom pre set for editing images? so when you have a lot of images, and then you can select them and apply the same pre set.
I am using Lightroom 4 and developed a picture in it last week. I saved the picture onto my desktop and sent it to my client. She loved the way it looked and wants other pictures to look the same way (tone/cold color, etc). I did not save the history as a preset before I exported it out. How can I get the history back from when I worked on it last week? Is it stored in the pictures data somewhere or do I have to try and recreate the image adjustments??
how to set up a preset on the Import page (there are some there now) that I can use when I import my photos into LR. I am tired of going to Lens Correction in the Develop mod to put the nikon lens in that I used for the shoot. It is always turned off and I would like to have it activated when I import my shots. I know that while in the Develop mod, I can change it for one photo and then use "sync" to have it address all the other photos. But then it is a pain in the butt. There must be a way of doing it on import. Either that or else have it recognize the lens that I used automatically.
My workflow is such that I create a new catalog for each shoot I do. This way it doesn't get sluggish with thousands of photos and such, files don't get orphaned when they're backup up to external drives and so on.
I create a new folder for the shoot in which the RAW files to and the catalog, catalog previews and everything that goes along with that.
I was wondering though, is it possible to adjust the settings so that when you create a new catalog, it AUTOMATICALLY loads your identity plate settings, develop user presets and so on? I have to copy them manually each time now...
In Lightroom, right clicking on a picture, chose "Edit In", one of the choices is "Untitled Preset". If I choose that it opens a box to "Edit Photo with PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe"
I no longer have Photoshop Elements installed, how do I eliminate this choice?
I am in the book module and trying to use the "auto layout preset editor"......when I go to save any custom preset it does not save and the preset area remains blank. I only have the four presets that came with lightroom and cannot create my own.
I'm wondering if it's possible to delete the develop preset folders that come pre-installed with LR 4. I don't see them in the Develop Presets folder in Application Support/Adobe, and right-clicking on the folders themselves in LR doesn't provide the option to delete.
Is there any way to store more than 9 keywords in a keyword preset? I realize I can have more than one preset for a topic (i.e. Landscape1, Land scape2, Landscape3) but it would be really nice to have just one Landscape preset with a lot of keywords to choose from.
the Adobe presets delivered with LR4 for sharpening include a command line which forces a switch to the new process engine "2012" or ProcessVersion = "6.7". I do not understand why Adobe allows a general preset to include a process version change command.
As a result, these sharpening presets can not be used on photos from an older LR3.x catalog without affecting the exposure or brightness - if you do, the picture exposure or brightness or whatever is set to lower settings, the histogram shows a darkening of about 2/3 aperture. Unfortunately, as the exposure changes, no slider or number value of the exposure, brightness etc. do change - very inconsistent.
In case you would choose to develop an older photo in LR4.1 and first use the upate icon button right of the picture to update the photo to process version 2012, then the picture will convert without changes in exposure (to the new process version) and then, the sharpening preset will not alter the exposure.
Also, it is hard to understand that the command line in the preset has a different result compared to the update button.
Presets seem to be dependent on certain process versions. No consideration is visible in the software for upgrade of change management of presets vs. process versions. A hard switch by command line does not to the job - this command line should not be in the preset. OR - the presets have to be named "LR4.1 presets only".
I consider this behaviour to be a bug or nonconformity of the software.
will have to manage all manually, with a catalog of approx. 35.000 pictures.
I have 4 different Export Presets, each one exports the selected photos with specific names and specific properties.I want to export five photos, and I want to make four versions for each photo, each version being defined by a different preset.
Is it possible that on the first three presets, I could configure them with an export action that will initiate the next preset export?I export with preset one, which has an export action that starts an export of the same files, using preset 2, until preset 4 which will not have an export action.
If I want to share my presets shoudl I click "process version" when creating my preset? what happens if I click it (I am using lightroom 5) and somone uses lightroom 3 or 4 with the preset? What if I DON'T click it and they use lightroom 3 or 4 with the preset.
I'm trying to create a batch of photos that will display properly on a digital picture frame. Unfortunately, the digital picture frame will stretch or compress the image in seemingly unpredictiable ways. It destroys the proper aspect ration of the images.
I'd like to create a preset for exporting these images that would create an image of a defined size (and aspect) with the photo. If the photo doesn't match the sizes defined the preset should create the best fit then letterbox the photo so the image always matches the size of the photo frame but the aspect of the photo is preserved.
Essentially, it should create a background of a certain size then overlay the photo to best fit the dimensions while preserving the aspect ration. This would provide an image file that would always be the defined size of the picture frame thus preventing the frame from distorting the aspect ration of the image.I don't see a way to create an export preset to accomplish this.
A client has asked me to re-size all their photos to a 4:3 aspect. How can I add this to an existing pre-set I have for this client? I know I can choose the 4:3 aspect each time and then sync but that's 3 or 4 clicks and whereas if I can add it to an existing preset, it's no extra clicks.