Lightroom :: Where Can Get A Preset That Turns A Portrait Into A Sketch
Oct 23, 2012Where can I find a Lightroom that turns a portrait into a sketch?
View 3 RepliesWhere can I find a Lightroom that turns a portrait into a sketch?
View 3 RepliesI have a 5" x 7" (landscape style) image that I want to crop in Elements 9. I'm using the Guided mode on the Edit tab of the program. When I use the pulldown menu and I see the 5 x 7 crop box size that I want to use, I click it. But the crop window that appears, is 7 x 5 (portrait mode) rather than 5 x 7 landscape mode. I can work around this by changing my crop box size selection on the pulldown menu to No Restriction, but I'm then just guessing that I'll get precisely the 5 x 7 ratio that I want. How can I change the crop box from portrait style to landscape style so that I can crop my image 5 x 7 rather than 7 x 5?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnytime I draw a sketch the surface of the part highlights to a red color. It is hurting my eyes and how to switch it off.
I am using a new 2012 .
Why is there a 'lightroom video preset' under the preset tabs. yet when i open a video file in lightroom and go to the develop modue it says video is not supported in the develop module?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen i change from portrait too landscape the drawing still prints in portrait. What can i do too solve this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to change my subjects background to a white background. I just had a shoot today and the white background looks yellowish. I would like a basic step by step easy tutorial on how to edit my portrait person and put them on a white background and how I can make a white background to put them on. I took great pictures just my white background looks yellowish.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a weird behavior of Lightroom today on one particular image.I have this image of a train (portait) that I want to crop to landscape so I press R, do my crop, validate with Enter.I continue to the next image.When I come back to my train image, Lightroom automatically crop it in portrait.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I soften skin in a portrait. Is there a soft focus setting in LR4?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI noticed a weird preview bug in Lightroom 4.3 under Windows 7.
In Library mode, preview window set for single large preview:
1. Hit a portrait-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed properly (sharply)
2. Hit a landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo preview is blurry
3. Hit another landscape-oriented photo in the filmstrip below. The photo is previewed sharply
4. Hit the landscape-oriented photo from step 2 again. The photo is previewed sharply
Every time I hit a landscape-oriented photo immediately after a portrait-oriented photo, the photo is previewed blurry. But if the same landscape-oriented photo is previewed immediately after another landscape-oriented photo, then everything is fine.
In other words, previewing a portrait-oriented photo screws up the preview for the next landscape-oriented photo. It looks like not every portrait-oriented photo has this effect. But the ones that do have this effect consistently in 100% cases.
I read the list of fixes in the upcoming 4.4 version and they mention the fix for blurry previews on Mac only.
Is it possible to add Potrait Professional 11 as an external editor?
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing LR v5.3. 6000 images on my HDD and in the LR catalog.
I wish to search for all images oriented in the portrait view. I've checked the metatdata search options, and think I've determined that there is no criteria for an image in the portait orientation orientation.
How to correct overexposed faces in a group portrait?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen cropping a portrait format to landscape format (same aspect ratio) AND rotate the crop slightly, the crop resets after clicking away from the image and back. It does not happen if the crop is not rotated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn lr4 when I import photos in portrait form they are displayed in landscape. This didn't happen in lr3. Is there a solutionn to this problem other than manually rotating them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to print A3 size borderless portrait using Epson R1500W. I've got this printer 2 days ago and still can not figure aout how to do it. I've got few mm blank in either side of length wise.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy do all of my thumbnails turn grey when I try to import them? It says that I have imported them previously.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLOCK ASPECT RATIO NOT WORKING! - when working in LR4.4 - if i have the padlock locked in place and the aspect set to "original" - when i press the left mouse button (keep pressed) and then grab a corner to change the crop from portrait to landscape, the aspect changes to "as shot" but does not lock the aspect. even though the padlock remains closed i can go past the normal aspect and make a square or any other shape, and the aspect has now changed to "custom" even though the padlock has remained closed throughout.
Desktop recording showing the problem!! URL....why is it so difficult to report a problem to adobe?
When I edit my photos, anything that I try to darken, turns blue. All of the blacks turn blue. It didn't used to do that. What am I doing wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWithout any warning my computer simplu shuts down, similar to the effect of unplugging it from the power outlet. No shutdown screen or anything. This happens somewhere during the process of exporting or importing photos.
View 20 Replies View RelatedI have tested this in both LR4 and 4.1RC2. 3.x versions and below I never seemed to have a problem. Using Windows 7 x64 SP1.If I have an export preset that adds a text watermark, it works fine in any image that is either already smaller than, or gets resized to 3118 pixels in height. If I tell it to resize to 3119 pixels, then the watermark is never added.
I usually crop all my images to 8x10 ratio. And then dont resize them at all, so they stay at their maximum resolution.The watermark is simply a TTF Font, set to show up proportionally in the lower right corner.
Here is the 3118 pixels tall image.And here is when it is resized to 3119 pixels tall:
Is there any way using the adjustment brush to soften skin blemishes and wrinkles in portrait photography? I know in PS CS5 I can selectively use gaussian blur to achieve this but want to use LR extensively if I can. I have LR 4.4
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently learned using presets in LR. I currently use LR5.2.
I recently installed a few third-party presets to LR.
I am very happy with the performance of these presets.
Here is a problem: I have many LR catalogs.
Is there a way to install all presets to catalog whenever I create new one (just like a default preset) and also to old catalogs?
how do you create a preset in LR 3.6 to be used in the develop module?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI currently use LR5.2. In camera calibration panel, there are a few options for camera profiles, e'g., camera landscape. I created a "camera landscape" preset, which did not work. It seems that there are some missing checks in "new develop preset" box. As seen in the attachment, i placed checkmarks only in front of "process version" and "calbiration". This was not enough. It seems that the box might need more checkmarks to produce a workable landscape preset.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find my way, of how to submit my photos to the external lab for printing. Print module is kind of useless for me - the page setup is printer driver dependant and none of my installed printer drivers allows me to define borderless print and so LR does not allow me to set margins to zero. I think, that such desing limitation is pretty strange, especially if you just want to print to the jpeg file.
So - then I moved on to the crop tool. What a bunch of inconsistencies and design limits:
- LR seems to use some kind of catalog dependant storage, instead of just some for e.g. custom XML or other kind of list
- LR mysteriosly remember your last 5 settings. If you do a mistake, you need to reenter all of them again
- you can't even name your custom ratio settings - that's imo pretty much insufficient
- I need to set precious ratio setting for the Noritsu machine, so that I get exact resolution. Good for two of my settings, but when I try for my 13x18cm (2268 x 1625 pix), LR deletes my custom setting and marks 5x7 for me. But it is off by 10 pixels on one axis! Some strange rounding and matching was applied, but I can't it set exactly to what I need. Why does LR mess with what I want, if I select custom ratio?!
So I thought, that I might make a preset. I noticed, that when you copy setting from an image, there is a crop section. But - exactly the same dialog, which allows us to save settings, does miss a crop section. What a bummer! I found xy requests, where ppl were asking for the functionality few years ago. I am very negatively surprised, that it was yet not granted for implementation, especially as some of crop tool facilities are pretty arcane at best.
What I am now thinking about is to prepare three model images, make separate folder for them, and use them as a source for the cropping setting to copy from, but of course I would like the crop functionality to be enhanced/fixed.
Is there any way to stack preset filters on photos?
I remember back in Lightroom 3, you could select some filters, like Cold Tone, then select another filter and would apply itself on top of the Cold Tone filter.
Now, it seems in Lightroom 4, every time you select a filter, it completely overwrites all the settings of previous ones.
I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder. How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to edit an export preset and in this example I want to remove the check mark to "Add to This Catalog". How do I "save" this change to that preset?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just finished editing 300 photos and im not sure how but selected apply all on a preset to all my photos, I try hitting cancel and undo but it wont stop changing all my weeks worth of editing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm on Lightroom 4.3
OSX 10.6.8
When ever I make a photo adjustment and want to save it as a preset all the check mark boxes aren't there I have to manually check the boxes I want saved. I have the adjustment switch on when I click new preset. It use to have the adjustments I've made already checked. This is for my friend. When I use lightroom and save a preset the check mark boxes are there.
In Lightroom 4 we could create custom video presets for slideshows [URL] ..... But when I try to use the presets in Lightroom 5 they do not show up (even though on the dialogue box for exporting a slideshow they are still called video presets).
how to write a custom slideshow video preset for Lightroom 5?