Lightroom :: Sharpening Tool Is Not Working In Library Mode Or Export 4.4
Jan 27, 2014
I was editing phots when I suddenly realized that sharpening tool, neither the adjustment brush for sharpening or ordinary sharpening, would be shown in Library mode or when photos were exported. When I see the picture in Develop mode, they seem fine and I can adjust the sharpness as usual. So something goes wrong between Develop and Library mode.
I have Lightroom 4.4. The ISO level in the pictures are not high at all, so that is not the problem, as I have read some explanaitions of. When I see the picture in 1:1 in both modes, they look the same after sharpening. But if I zoom more, I can definately see big differences.
In Lightroom, when editing the pictures, in the Developing Module, I will adjust the colors and sharpening and then I used the brush to add more sharpening to a face or an object. When going to the Library Module to inspect the pictures the sharpening is not there. Even when I export the pictures the sharpening goes away.
So I went to people who teach lightroom and they were stumped. and showed them when toggling back in Library and Developing modules and they would see a sharpen image in the developing module and then a non-sharpen image in the library and export picture.
I have asked this question here before and everyone was nice to explain to me their theories, but many believe it's my exporting, but it has nothing to do with my exporting, other than that it takes like an hour and plus minutes to export about a 120 pictures, which I know it is not correct, but that does not bother me more so the sharpening.
P.S. Do you think I should just purchase Lightroom 5. I am using Lightroom 4.4, which I got literally last year.
Recently after sharpening/editing a photo in the Develop module I returned to the Library module, only to see that the sharpening adjustements reversed. When I go back to view the image in "Develop" the sharpness returns. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. All of the other photos I've adjusted in Develop retain all changes when toggling back to Library. This is using LR3.6 for MAC.
I've been having problems with LR 5.2 when I do sharpening (and sometimes spot removal) in the develop module. It looks fine in the develop pane, but when I move to library module the sharpening and spot removal disappear (and reappear when I switch back to develop). The exported images are the same as the view in Library mode. How do I get the exported images to have the sharpening and spot removal that I've done in develop?
I'm running LR4.1 on Windows 7 64 bit with 5D MK ii raw images and just discovered the Book module 'Export Book to JPEG' produces files that do not have output sharpening applied.
Book = JPEG Size = Standard Landscape Cover = Hardcover Image Wrap JPEG Quality = 90 File Resolution = 300 ppi Sharpening = (Every setting produces the same results) Media Type = (Every setting produces the same results)
When selecting 'Book = PDF' the sharpening is very obvious and is applied as expected based on the Sharpening setting:
Glossy Low = least sharpening Matte High = most sharpening
Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT". With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
I have Just upgraded my LR3 catalogs to LR4. I am able to view my images in Library mode but when I switch to Develop it says no photo selected and there are no images in my film strip. What is going on ?
One is as follows: I start in library mode/grid. I have a publish service that exports to hard drive, with some folders configured. I click on any folder, I see the correct pictures. Clicking on any folder inside the service lets me see the right pictures. Now I click on any other folder outside of the publish service (say, a collection, a smart collection, a folder... whatever) and... neither the thumbnails in the grid nor the filmstrip at the bottom are updated; the only part of the screen which is updated is the filmstrip description (i.e. I read Collection: blahblah, 123 photos).
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
I truly love to work with lighroom. However, I hope that in the next adbobe update , that a more advanced but fundamental search/sort feature is added to the library mode.
Specifically - in Library mode --under folders -- there is no way to sort the folders other than alphabetically. Why not -- like most, even primitive photo editing software, can one not sort by date, time taken, place etcetc ... at least by date!!
I'm having a serious problem with the thumbnails in Library/Grid mode taking anywhere from 5-10 seconds to "pop in" the adjustments I've made in develop and/or via the quick develop tab. I need to quickly see if large batches of images are similar in color/exposure, and I've always used the Grid to compare them in bulk. Now it seems the previews refuse to update unless I hover over that image for an extended period of time. I've even tried jumping back and forth between Develop (in order to update the preview) and Library, but 8 times out of 10 it reverts to the old preview. I have tried:
1) Clearing my cache 2) Expanding the cache size from 3 GB to 10 GB to 40 GB with no avail 3) Optimizing the catalog 4) Updating Lightroom & Camera Raw 5) Removing Luminance/Sharpen adjustments from all the images 6) Reducing Preview size/quality 7) Using Smart Previews
Because of the sheer numbe of images I work with, I have to store them on an external drive, not my Mac (3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 and 16 GB DDR3 memory). Even when I edit images locally on the machine, I have this problem. All of my software and drives are up to date, and I've got around 90 GB free on my system. making my adjustments on faith and then "re-updating" the previews...but deleting the Smart Previews/Previews and recreating them doesn't seem to fix the problem.
Having a screen flicker problem since 5.cRC came out, but only in Library/Grid mode when scrolling or selecting from the grid. But only when there are more images than can fit on one page in the grid.Seems to use an unusually low amount of memory with nothing else running on the system.
I used to be able to highlight several images in the Library Grid mode, type in a Metadata Label, and that label would be applied to all of the images. Doesn't work any longer. What am I missing? Doesn't work for Keywords either.
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
Our problem with Lightroom is this: After inporting images, they do not show in the library mode. The tree view shows first image of the folder, but the library preview does not open.- Probllem is persistant and any new images after 3 weeks are not showing up.- problem is resistant, we upgraded from 5.0 to 5.3, but problem is consistant.
System specs: Generic computer, 8gb memory, windows 7 ultimate 64bits.c: (SSD) houses lightroom, windows & catalogue files.d: houses inport with Picasa files.p: Container of accepted and to be edited image f
General process of images: Import with picasa of images, verification of image quality and rejecting failures.After all images are done, use of syncredibles program to copy new files not yet on the picasa library folder. This basicly checks and moves pictures that are currently on drive D: but are not yet on drive P. After new files are transferred, then picasa will re-import with add function on import from its own folders.
The divasion of d: and P: driwe is so that picasa will not see images that arte on Lightroom and vice versa.are on D: & P started to get "read obn
We have tried to study this problem, and first we notised that folders that houses images on both driwes, started to receve "read only" atrribute. Even tho we cleared this with user restrictions (folder security) the imported images still refuse to load the previews.Catalogue contains over 30 000 raw images.
We are starting to shoot blanks here. In short, the tree view shows first image of the folder, images are present in the system, but when you click the tree view to open up the folder, no images will refresh to center view of the screen. If pressed couple of times screen will go white, and crash LR.We have tried to "find missing files" and "folder synchronication.
Do you ever sharpen Lightness channel in lab mode way? Do you normally work in that color space? If not is it worth while to convert it? Last: at that point isn't it worth while printing in Lab mode instead of converting back?
I just discovered, that when in Library module, and viewing my photos in Fill mode, it is not sharp. It is in fact so blurry, that it is unusable. Not sure I remember it correctly, but it happened also during the tethered shooting and viewing image on secondary monitor.
Interesting thing is, that once in a Develop module, Fill mode preview is sharp. I tried different settings re preview in Catalog Settings and Preferences, but no success.
I have been using LR 4 for a couple days now and when I went to the "Keyword List" I could access some of the keywords. When I got to "S's" I could not access them. One other thing I did, was to use the "Filter Keywords" and when I put the "S's" in, then I could. Seems maybe there is a limit to how many keywords can be listed?
I'm running Snow Loepard 10.6.8. I upgraded from LR 1.7 to LR 4.2 today, and chose to upgrade the catalog as part of that. This all went fine - no errors.
I can see all my old photos in Library mode, and when I click on any of them - I can do Quick Edits (or anything else allowed) in Library mode; however, LR 4.2 isn't leting me open the selected pic in Developer mode
I have used PSE 5 happily and greatly liked the auto sharpen feature. I have been forced to upgrade to PSE 11 due to Windows 8 incompatibility with 5.
I am appalled to find that the sharpen feature, including auto, does not work in Quick or Guided modes. The small previews in Quick mode show the correct sharpening effect but clicking on them or using the slider does not transfer to the main image. I either have to go into full unsharp mask, which I hate for quick fixes, or use the 'adjust sharpness' option under 'filter' in Quick or Guided Mode, which increases sharpness by an unspecified amount on each click.
I use a file structure in lightroom with subfolders within folders to organize photos; some of these top level folders contain many thousands of pictures; I have found that any top level folder with greater than 3000 photos will no open, and therefore all photos within that top level folder are not searchable. When I try opening such a large folder, the phrase "no photos in selected folder" is displayed. This has never been happened in LR3, but is happening in LR4. Folders less than abour 2500 photos can be opened and searched easily.
Just downloaded LR4.1 trial version (upgrading from LR3 to work with raw Canon 5DM3 images) and am unable to use Develop mode. When I select a photo in Library and go to Develop it just says "no photo selected".
I have a folder of images that I want to export from one library and then import (merge) into another librarry. So I select the folder, rightclick the folder and select "Export this folder as a catalog". I put it into a temp folder. Then I open the other library, select File > Import from catalog..." When I do the import, it place the folder above the folder that has the same name instead of inside the folder. This is so fristrating. Why will it not put it in the same place?