Lightroom :: Sharpening And Noise Reduction Palette Is Disappeared
Jun 26, 2013
I've just exported some pictures for the web from Lightroom 5 which had to be downsized considerably. I now find that the sharpening and noise reduction palette has disappeared entirely from the right hand tools panel. What's going on? I've tried quitting and re-opening Lightroom and also shutting down and restarting my computer. (Macbook Pro retina and Mountain Lion)
There are three distinct phases: Capture Sharpening, Creative Sharpening and Output sharpening
With regards to Capture Sharpening I’ve noticed that when I import a CR2 file into Lightroom 3.6 there is an Adobe pre-set in the Develop Module. Is this a form of Capture Sharpening default?
I can't remember reading any tutorials on dealing with noise in Photoshop. Scott Kelby dedicates a whole paragraph in his CS3 book for digital photographers. I need to make a decision on what noise reduction plugin to buy, so if you can reply to thread I can get a consensus of what is being used most.
If the circumstances force me to work on images with noise which have to be enlarged, and if I use noise reduction based on noise-pattern-recognition, is it better to carry out the noise reduction before or after the enlargement (and in case the answer is after, which resampling method would resample the image (and thus the noise) best for subsequent noise reduction?)
Noise reduction in Photoshop Touch does not work. Move slider and nothing happens. I also have Photoshop Express, and noise reduction works fine with it.
Working on a night shot of a building and processed through ACR7.2 and forgot to reduce the noise - and opened in Photoshop. Went to Filter/Reduce Noise and immediately get wierd banding in the window blinds. This banding is there regardless of the noise reduction settings and could not get it to go away - See attached screen shot of before and after applying the filter. So I went back and opened the file again in ACR7.2 and applied the Noise Reduction there and bingo, noise level dropped and looked good with no banding. Looks like the Noise Reduction capabilities in ACR7.2 are way better than the Noise Reduction filter - but surely the banding should not be there; especially if images do not get processed through Camera RAW.
Running latest version of Photoshop CS6 (latest patches applied), Windows 7 x64 16GB RAM, Intel 4000 with latest drivers installed. Camera file was ACR2 from Canon 5DMKII imported as a DNG file - then opened in ACR 7.2
Before Image Opened in Photoshop before applying the Noise Reduction Filter. After Image in Photoshop after applying the Noise Reduction Filter. Seems like a bug to me .By the way, the screen captures are from the image viewed at 100%.
I have a question about applying noise reduction. Where in the pipeline should noise reduction take place? Should it happen before color correction or should it be applied after?
And what should drive such a decision on a per shot basis?
I figured you do not do this pre-comp, due to the fact that noise reduction has the effect of removing detail quite often and may effect edges.
I use all day long in my career - I have the task of editing age old technical drawings that have been scanned. Some go back 50+ years.
I'm looking for a plug-in on steroids similar to the "Reduce Noise" that is already contained within Some of our drawings are QUITE speckled and the existing command doesn't "despeckle" enough.
I've looked on the forum and came across "GREYCstoration Wrapper" , which was supposed to have been replaced by the "Reduce Noise" plug-in. Both of those return an error page when I try to view the post.
I do a lot of timelpase photography and use Adobe software in my post workflow. I would like to master the process of using black images to reduce the digital noise of astral timelapses taken at 3200iso. I work in a RAW workflow then output to DPX image sequesnce.
I started on a timelapse forum with a similar query. I am just wondering if there is a way to do this with Ae in the RAW workflow or something similar. Instead of using other software. Maybe a Ps batch process? URL...
I went to hide the properties palette and now it disappered. I type properties in the command line and right click on an object and select properties and nothing. No palette. What do I need to do to get the palette back?
Since I started using Lightroom and Photoshop I've always wanted to know how I can make a photo look like it does when I press alt and adjust the sharpening mask slider in Lightroom. Here's an example of what I mean:
And here's the photo while pressing alt and moving the Mask slider:This effect is just a tool to show you where the mask is being applied but I think it's a cool effect and I have a project in mind where I want to make a set of photos look this way. It must be possible in photoshop but I'm not quite sure how to do to. I've tried using a high-pass filter, converting to B&W, and inverting the colours but it not quite the same thing; it obviously tends to just look like an inverted B&W. These images however look more like those pictures you made when you were a kid by covering waxed paper with black crayon and then scratching it off in places to make an image.
When I edit my photo in "Develop" and do any sharpening in the Details menu (or with a brush for that matter), it looks great in "Develop" but then when I export it the sharpening effect is not there!. It seems all the other adjustments I make (temp, exposure,..) are all in the imported file but the sharpening is NOT . Also the sharpening adjustsments dont appear on the photo in Library either. I am not reducing the size or resultion of the photo in the export.
In Lightroom, when editing the pictures, in the Developing Module, I will adjust the colors and sharpening and then I used the brush to add more sharpening to a face or an object. When going to the Library Module to inspect the pictures the sharpening is not there. Even when I export the pictures the sharpening goes away.
So I went to people who teach lightroom and they were stumped. and showed them when toggling back in Library and Developing modules and they would see a sharpen image in the developing module and then a non-sharpen image in the library and export picture.
I have asked this question here before and everyone was nice to explain to me their theories, but many believe it's my exporting, but it has nothing to do with my exporting, other than that it takes like an hour and plus minutes to export about a 120 pictures, which I know it is not correct, but that does not bother me more so the sharpening.
P.S. Do you think I should just purchase Lightroom 5. I am using Lightroom 4.4, which I got literally last year.
the Adobe presets delivered with LR4 for sharpening include a command line which forces a switch to the new process engine "2012" or ProcessVersion = "6.7". I do not understand why Adobe allows a general preset to include a process version change command.
As a result, these sharpening presets can not be used on photos from an older LR3.x catalog without affecting the exposure or brightness - if you do, the picture exposure or brightness or whatever is set to lower settings, the histogram shows a darkening of about 2/3 aperture. Unfortunately, as the exposure changes, no slider or number value of the exposure, brightness etc. do change - very inconsistent.
In case you would choose to develop an older photo in LR4.1 and first use the upate icon button right of the picture to update the photo to process version 2012, then the picture will convert without changes in exposure (to the new process version) and then, the sharpening preset will not alter the exposure.
Also, it is hard to understand that the command line in the preset has a different result compared to the update button.
Presets seem to be dependent on certain process versions. No consideration is visible in the software for upgrade of change management of presets vs. process versions. A hard switch by command line does not to the job - this command line should not be in the preset. OR - the presets have to be named "LR4.1 presets only".
I consider this behaviour to be a bug or nonconformity of the software.
will have to manage all manually, with a catalog of approx. 35.000 pictures.
Suddenly, as in this never happened before, I can't copy and convert my .cr2 files from my camera into my Lightroom catalog. It says that the file type is not recognized. I restarted with no change, then downloaded the 4.4 update and it still doesn't work. Here is the name of one of the files I want to import. _mg_8765.cr2
I'm on Creatie Cloud and have an older Macbook Pro running ios 10.8.3.
Recently after sharpening/editing a photo in the Develop module I returned to the Library module, only to see that the sharpening adjustements reversed. When I go back to view the image in "Develop" the sharpness returns. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. All of the other photos I've adjusted in Develop retain all changes when toggling back to Library. This is using LR3.6 for MAC.