Lightroom :: Images In 4.3 Suddenly Have Been Duplicated
Jan 4, 2013
All of my 20,000 images in LR 4.3 were suddenly duplicated. All the adjustments, ratings,just as if I had selected all and clicked "Create virtual Copy". Is there a way to eliminate duplicate images or undo this mystriuos process? In checking, the second image is a copy of the JPEG image which I exposrted to another location. How can I handle these to somehow get rid of them or do they really not do anything except clutter up the content?
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Jun 30, 2013
I was working in LR 4 on Mac OS 10.8.4 when I suddenly saw the preview of an older jpg-file when moving the cursor over the image folders: The half of it was blurred. I moved into the folder to find the image and clicked another jpg file. Half of it turned blurred and somehow inverted as well, see here: [URL] .....
I starred at it and in the library view more and more image turned this way. There was an icon next to the images, when I clicked it there was something like (translated): "metadata for this photo was changed by LR or another application. Should LR import the settings from the disk or overwrite the disk’s settings with those of the catalogue?"
There was no new version of the file or something like this. All affected files are jpg files, some from an old smartphone and most from an EOS 5D MII.
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Jan 1, 2012
After upgrading to 3.6 I noticed that LR is creating duplicated folders if the name contains international characters, but only in the database - in the file system there is still only one folder.
In this case I had an existing folder "åre". I dragged some photos into it, but instead of them being added to the existing one, another folder with the same name showed up. It is impossible to move photos between the two "åre", as there is only one folder on disk and LR detects that the file is already there..
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Dec 16, 2008
I've been using CS3 forever with few problems. All of the sudden, today it quit opening images. The program loads and opens without any problem, but I can't open any images. I have rebooted about 5 times and disconnected all plug-in equipment (ipod, printer, etc.) Can anyone tell me how to fix this??
I found a thread on this topic in the Mac forum, but it hasn't helped me. The problem there seemed to be images on a disk, but the images I'm trying to open are on my harddrive.
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May 19, 2013
I have a blog and everything for it (header, banners, etc.) is made in Photoshop and up until yesterday it was all fine. But yesterday I wanted to try to put a scanned picture for my header - which on my computer looks white, but on the web it looked gray, so I decided to go back to what I had.
When I uploaded my old header it now looked blue/gray-ish, very pixelated and really strange. When I tilted my screen (laptop computer) I could see some weird edges around the shapes that I had on that header. I ulso tried uploading to Picasa web albums but the same thing happens.
I tried also making another image in Photoshop to test it out - it was white with big spots in green colour and when uploaded I could see the edges of the entire image even though it was white (it didn't blend with the rest of the background like it used to), and when I tilted my screen I saw pink edges around those big dots and it looked all fuzzy almost like it's moving (like on those very old TV's when you lose an image and it's snowy looking).
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Jan 7, 2014
Today when I was exploring the options renaming in library mode in order to keep the development settings my images have. Suddenly, on my hard drive I saw an entire photo folder filled with xmp files! No xmp files were visible before this and I have checked my catalog settings to make sure that writing to xmp files was not checked.
I don't use separate xmp files - Is there a way to merge the xmp files with their associated photo file? Can I delete them without loosing my develop settings and key words?
I have used Lightroom since v2 and currently on v5.3. Have been upgrading regularly and everything was working perfectly until today.
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Dec 6, 2012
My lightroom 3 has been working fine for ages and I suddenly cannot export at all, the screen just freezes and I have to go to task manager to shut it down. All of the other features are working 'develop' 'import' etc. Am working on windows.
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Mar 21, 2013
I am suddenly unable to import my images using LR4. Each night I download my cards using a card reader using LR4. I use a card reader and copy and convert to DNG. Suddenly tonight I keep getting a message that my files were not copied because they can't be read. I have tried using multiple cards, have used different readers. None of it makes a difference. I simply can't move my images off my cards anymore.
The only thing different I did yesterday, and I'm not sure if it made a difference, was to create a new destination folder by right clicking on my list on the right of the screen. I did two different sessions yesterday and I wanted the images in different folders. I right clicked on the folder from my first download, select create a new folder, and imported there. Those images downloaded but I can't do anymore.
I have no clue where to start in troubleshooting this. I thought it was the card, but none of my cards work. I thought it was the card reader, but my brand new one won't work.I am thinking it is something within LR.
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Jun 22, 2013
I went from Lightroom 4 to 5 yesterday. No problems, it went smoothly. I uploaded new photos, edited some. Then I used the new clone and heal. Fine. Love it. Tried another image. My fingers were on trackpad and I must have inadvertently changed the way my edit options show. No longer have the main top features after crop tool, clone, heal, etc. Histogram displays. Clone, heal, etc, display. Then it goes straight to tone curve and features below that. How do I get the edit features and sliders back on my Lightroom window?
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Feb 16, 2014
Window 7 64bit
quad core, 8 GB RAM
Olympus EM-5 and E-5
Yesterday Lightroom handled a bunch of files from these cameras and today it gives me a message "The following files were not imported because they could not be read." same answer for both ORF (Olympus raw) and jpeg's. The files will open in Elements. Reformattng cards both CF and SD) uninstalling LR and downloading a new install.
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Jul 21, 2013
Lightroom 4.4 on a Win 7 computer will not import visible jpeg photos from a chip because the files can not be read. The same photos import fine on another Win 7 computer using LR 4.4. Lightroom has been importing fine up til now.
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Dec 6, 2011
When I right click on a photo in LR3 and click on 'edit in Photoshop CS4', it opens the dialogue box that it has always opened: 'This version of Lightroom may require Camera Raw version 6.5 to be fully compatible,' or something to that effect. I have never needed to worry about that, and have always been able to just click on OK and it has worked anyway, however suddenly it doesn't.
So I checked (just in case the issue was my version of Camera Raw) and I am running Camera Raw version 5.70.213
So I tried to update it to 6.5. I downloaded it (and the Adobe installer manager which it seemed to want me to install), but when I try to install 6.5 I get a message: 'This is not required'.So one message tells me it is required, and another won't allow it to install and says it is not required.
I don't seem to be able to install the latest version of Camera Raw (doesn't bother me as I don't use it - I use LR, except if it is causing this problem), and I have the problem of being unable to edit any of my LR catalogue in CS4.
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Aug 16, 2012
Out of the blue, when I re-import Photoshopped files back into LR3, they fail to appear in Grid View. But they DO APPEAR in the 'Import' screen, grayed out, as normal. So why is LR suddenly not showing them in Grid View.Here's a screenshot of the import window that clearly shows the image that does NOT appear in Grid View. Notice that image# 2012_3_4-Edit.tif resides immediately next to it's original 2012_3_4.tif file. It obviously is part of the catalog, LR knows it's there but it does not appear in the Grid. I really need a solution to this because I've build my workflow around moving files around with LR and this is a major setback for me now.
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Mar 22, 2013
I don't hve the fastest computer, admittedly. But dowloading raw pics cand take ten minutes per picture. I am downloading to an external drive - is that the problem, or do I simply need to get a more modern/ faster computer?
I typically shoot in raw and export jpg versions..
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Mar 7, 2014
LR 5.3 suddenly has stopped showing changes and adjustments and so on in real time. In order to see a change, I have to click on a different thumbnail pic and view that, then back to the one I'm actually working on. I can't get anything done like this, and I can't figure out what I might have done to switch off a live real time view!!
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Feb 4, 2012
I was using lightroom3 today when all of the suddenly some of my pictures (far away from all) got like a coloured box on top of them.. I have attached a photo since it's a little hard to explain. notice that a very small part of all of the pictures is still as normal and the colour box seems to somewhat match the colours of the specific photos.. This is not a recently uploaded catalog and it has always worked fine. The weird thing is that even the original photos in My Documents look the same when previewed in the folder.. However- The exact photos look perfectly normal when opened with Microsoft's Picture Manager.
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Sep 16, 2012
In a book I am working on, the zoom toggle suddenly stops working. It shows up, but moving the slider does not change the image size in the photo cell. I can still move the photo around in the cell, but cannot zoom in or out. I can right click to change to zoom to fill or zoom to fit, but cannot manually zoom in or out from that. Tried changing the default method to Z2Fit and Z2Fill, but neither mode solves the problem. I have been working on this book for a while, and the manual zoom has worked seamlessly up til now, and suddenly it doesn't work. I am hoping I accidentally hit a keyboard toggle to turn it off somehow, and just can't figure out how to get it back.
fwiw the problem cropped up as I started adding photos from another source, which were Nikon-based jpg files whereas all the rest previously added were either digitial scans (jpeg or tiff) or Pentax files (RAW & jpegs). I cannot imagine this has anything to do with the problem, but mentioning it just because its the only thing that was different when the problem cropped up.
Using LR 4.1, Windows 7
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Jun 11, 2012
My L 4 Library suddenly shows only the first thumbnail in a catalog. All the rest of the thumbnail windows are grey. Only thr last import sghows the full catalog.
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Feb 4, 2013
I have been using lightroom 3.4 and photoshop CS6 for sometime. However suddenly I cant move images from lightroom to photoshop (Ctrl+E) with the "Edit a copy with lightroom adjustment".
When I click this option, it opens the Photoshop. But doesnt open the image. However the other two options "edit a copy" and "Edit original" works fine.
Also when i add photoshop again as another external editor, it works fine. But as you all are aware this create another copy of the image.
What I did I checked the applications path for photoshop and it was correct. I uninstalled lightroom and reinstalled.
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Jun 9, 2012
In LR 4.1 Develop Module the Basic Panel suddenly disappeared. Why? How do I get it back?
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Sep 27, 2012
I have LR4 and PS CS5. Edited several photos this morning without a problem --But this evening, after editing in LR, clicked command+E to open in Photoshop- as I always do, but didn't get the dialog that gives me the option to edit with LR changes. The files are opening as raw instead of TIFF all of a sudden! I have done nothing different aside from updating the Kubota dashboard.
I deleted the Kubota plug-in since that was the only thing I did out of the ordinary but still no luck. I am deserate to get images edited in LR transferred to PS WITH THE EDITS! Why would it work one minute and not the next?
Just tried to edit in Color Efex from Lightroom and got the dialogue.'s only happening with Photoshop. I tried uninstalling Photoshop and reinstalling with updated Camera Raw 6.7 plugin. No luck....
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Jun 19, 2013
Lightroom 5 today suddenly switched to dutch, even though in teh preferences screen it's still set to english. I can't find a way to switch it back to english. It seems to have done this after I installed the app manager update (which quite frankly is pretty horrid now).
How to get lightroom back to english? I don't want to have to relearn all these technical terms.
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Mar 16, 2014
Suddenly Lightroom 5 has stopped recognizing Nikon NEF raw files when I try to download them from my cameras memory card.
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Jan 23, 2011
I've been making a video with about 400 photos on it and am using various transitions.
What I can't work out what to do is how can I edit a transition then save or copy that edited version of the transition off somewhere so I can use it multiple times? It seems I get the 'base' transition, can add it to the timeline then have to edit each and every transition - it takes hours!
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Mar 22, 2013
I have a customer that has a drawing that keeps duplicating sites and putting feature lines on top of each other. What would be causing this?
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Jun 16, 2012
I am learning to make an envelope and the tut calls for me to make little sewed rectangles around the edges which are to be colored red and blue every other rectangle.
Draw the Rectangle > Ctrl + T > Right click > Skew > and then
Ctrl + Alt + T to Duplicate > press right arrow key to move and repeat until the end of the envelope > and then
Duplicate Layer > change color from blue to red
Here is where I am lost:
I am suppose to select every other rectangle and delete them in order for the rectangles to be blue, red, blue red . How to go about doing this and I have been unable to find a solution in faq's or other posts within the forum(s). I'm not even certain how to ask the question so, that may be part of my quest denied
In Inkscape I would just ungroup them so that I could manipulate/delete them as individual shapes and then (if needed) use the rubber band to recollect them and click a regroup button. I cannot seem to find anything similar to this in PS.
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Oct 7, 2013
How to optimize duplicated frames in an animated GIF through using Photoshop?
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Feb 20, 2012
I'm trying to paint over a picture but I'm painting over it with no opacity (which means yes, I'm painting over the picture invisibly) because I want to be able to see what I'm painting and the paint would block out some parts or "shadows" and contrasts of the image that I might've missed. So the problem here was how bothersome it was getting to constantly switch the opacity bar from 0% to 100% (I need to also see where I'm painting and check over any mistakes). So I thought I could just duplicated the painted layer so I would only have to click the duplicated layer instead of using the opacity bar to switch. But the duplicated layer is only left off to when it was first duplicated. It doesn't show the recent parts that I painted over. I remember taking Computer Graphics once and the teacher mentioning something about duplicating a layer and having that duplicated layer constantly updated to match the original layer (from every mark that is placed on the original layer).
So basically how would I make a duplicated layer update to its original layer every second?
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Sep 8, 2013
I recently upgraded my computer from Windows XP to Windows 7 installing a new hard disk in the process.
Before starting I used PSE 6 to backup the catalogue.
I installed Windows 7 on the new disk and copied all my data files (including pictures) from the old HDD.
I then restored the catalog on the new drive after installing PSE 11.
All seemed fine, so I carried on working on my pictures.
Now some weeks later I notices that the restore created duplicates of ALL my pictures, so for example, as well as _MG_0876.CR2, there is also a copy of it called _MG_0876-1.CR2 which is the one that is actually in the catalogue.
This seems really silly at best. If I restore the catalog, the restore should ASK what to do about duplicates, not just create thousands of duplicate files willy-nilly.
The ONLY easy solution to this mess I could find was to delete the entire fiolder structure and restore the backup again, which has resulted in my loosing at least two weeks worth of work in the form of image editing. Going through and manually deleting files in Windows Explorer just wasn't an option.
The manual doesn't mention that this will happen at all.
1. What is the recommended procedure?
2. Why isn't this described in the manual?
3. Why doesn't the restore ASK what to do with duplicates?
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Jul 18, 2012
I have started getting duplicate geometry in my dynamic blocks. I have a strech feature in a block and it works fine. I go in block editor and make a change, and save it. I then see duplicate geometry, in the old position, and in the new. I erase the block and re0insert it. I still have the double geometry. I open the block in block editor again, and all od the geometry seems to be copied (double geometry).
AutoCAD 2012 / Inventor 2012
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Aug 18, 2005
i duplicated a layer, and made the original layer invisible. i cropped the duplicated layer, and it's weird, the original layer also gets cropped. why is this isso? the duplicated layer is the one active, any ideas?i know this isn't supposed to happen, right?
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