Lightroom :: How Many Panels There Are In Web Module Of 4.3

Mar 11, 2013

How many panels there are in the web module of Lightroom 4.3 - 6 or 7 - I have 6 only panels, but it seems that I'm missing a seventh - The "appearance" panel or "aspect" in french?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Adjustment Panels Fail?

Dec 24, 2013

In the develop module, my adjustment panels just stop working.  Sometimes in the middle of an adjustment, other times they won't even open.  I've tried deleting the prefs. file numerous times.  I have them checked for solo mode, but it doesn't make a difference. I'm using 5.3 on Windows 7 and I don't have this problem on my Mac.

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Lightroom :: Can't Independently Control Module Picker And Filmstrip Panels

Sep 30, 2013

Just recently I have found that I cannot independently control the Module Picker and Filmstrip panels.  They either both show or are both hidden.  I have tried shortcuts and rebooting, but nothing works.

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Lightroom :: Set Left And Right Panels In Development Module To Solo Mode?

Jan 21, 2013

In LR you can set the left and right panels, in the development module, to solo mode, and I think nearly everyone does. My problem is that I lose the mode each time I leave LR and have to reset it each time I enter LR. Normally the panel’s stays in solo mode and in previous versions have.  I’ve been using LR since the public beta way back in 12/2006.
Why my LR doesn’t stay in solo mode or how I can get it to stay in solo mode?

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Lightroom :: Images In Library Module Aren’t As Sharp Compared To Develop Module

Nov 28, 2013

For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!

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Lightroom :: Sharpening In Develop Module Is Not Shown When Switching Back To Library Module

Feb 7, 2014

Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT".  With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.    
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
I hope this is a way to get support from Adobe.

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Lightroom :: Error Message When Switching From Library Module To Slideshow Module?

Jan 26, 2013

I am running LR4 ver4.3. All of a sudden I receied an error message stating cannnot switch to module. I have tried all the usual stuff before going out to the web to look for fixes. On adobe's site they recommended 6 things which I did exactly as instructed and still nothing..I am running iMac mountain lion and everything on my computer is up to date.

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Changes Not Reflected In Library Module Or On Export

Sep 14, 2012

After making changes to an image (sharpening, exposure, contrast, etc, etc) in the develop module, when I head over to the library module, the image does not show the latest changes. What's worse is when I export a JPG of the image, it exports the original! What's the point in having LR?

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Lightroom :: Moving Photos From The Develop Module To The Web Module

Dec 8, 2011

When I move photos from the develop module to the web module they get a garish/reddish look . I want the photos in slide shows to look like they do in the Develop module. How do I do that?

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Lightroom :: Purpose For Turning Panels On And Off?

Mar 28, 2013

I have looked on the web and in some books I have and I don't understand the purpose for turning panels on and off or what it does. I see that the features are unusable when they are off. I understand why I would want to hide a panel.

Does it turn off any changes I made using that certain panel? What does it do?

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Lightroom :: Side Panels Too Large?

Mar 8, 2014

My side panels (Navigator on the Left, Histogram on the right) have gotten larger since I restarted my laptop. It's really interfereing with my ability to edit because there's so little screen space left. I've tried everything I can think of, and they're still too big on either side.

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Lightroom :: How To Scale The Control Panels

Jun 28, 2013

Yesterday I have installed the lightroom 5 upgrade, so the view of the surface has been changed.

Is it possible to scale the control-panels like in lightroom 4 ?
In view of my poor English skills it is easyer to show some pictures
Lightroom 4 vs Lightroom 5:

(It is not possible to resize the with of the panel groups smaler than this.)

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Lightroom :: Development Panels Disappeared And Will Not Come Back

May 19, 2012

I emailed a photo from my light room and all my development panels disappeared and will not come back.  What do I do to get them to return?

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Lightroom :: Expanding Side Panels - Not Working?

Feb 10, 2012

When I place my mouse over the the left edge of the right side panel I get <---> which is good then I try to drag to make the panel wider and it does not work. I can shrink the panel but not expand it.
In any module this is how it works. I also tried using the alt key (PC) to drag it wider but no go. You should be able to use just the <--> to expand.
I know in other versions of LR I could make the panel very wide but no longer, it only goes wide to a certain point that won't go any further cutting off the last few remaing characters on the far right side of the panel.

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Lightroom :: Enlarge Text In Work Panels

Apr 7, 2014

Can I enlarge text in lightroom work panels as I have eyesight probs.

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Lightroom :: Side Panels Contrast Ratio?

Feb 17, 2012

way to increase the contrast ratio on the side panels.  for us seniors reading light grey on dark grey is very difficult?

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Lightroom :: Increase Text Size In Panels?

Jan 18, 2014

This after I restarted lightroom 4. I do not want to lower the resolution of my screen to use Lightroom. I have a new 27' Imac. I do not want to get an even larger screen. Is there a solution or should I just use another program ?

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Lightroom :: How To Hide / Unhide Develop Panels

Dec 17, 2012

all my sliders disappeared on the develop how do i restore them like temp, tint, ect stupid i cant do this solo

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Lightroom :: Tab / Side Panels Are White Instead Of Black

Sep 7, 2012

When in the Library module, when I press tab or shift tab to make the side panel(s) go away, the background is white and I would like it to be black. How do I make this change? Also, in "Lights Out" (pressing L) the background gets lighter instead of darker. How do I change this to darker?

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Lightroom :: Any Way To Change Color Of Menu And Panels In Workspace?

Jul 31, 2013

The grey text on black background is fine on my home computer but my little laptop screen, especially travelling with some sun glare on it, is very hard to read.  I had hoped to do lots of editing while travelling but have eye strain instead.  Can the panel background color and text color be changed to something with more contrast or does Lightroom have other "skins"?

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Lightroom :: Retrieve Basic Developing Panels / It Just Disappeared

Aug 25, 2013

how can I retrieve my basic developing panels it just disappeared?

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Lightroom :: How To Make Side Panels Lighter - Text Almost Unreadable

May 26, 2013

How do you make the side panels lighter - the text is almost unreadable - the side panels are so dark

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Lightroom :: All Of Panels Starting With Basic All Titles Are Showing - Reset

Apr 7, 2014

Lightroom 5 - in all of the panels starting with Basic all titles are showing "Reset".   For example, Tone is now showing Reset Tone - Resent Presence.In all panels the titles are showing "Reset". 

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Lightroom :: Adjustment Panels For Exposure And White Balance Have Disappeared?

Apr 5, 2014

I have been using Lr 5.3 to adjust some RAW images.  My Develope pane is now missing the pane for White balance, hue and also the pane for Exposure, Contrast, highlights etc adjustments.  I don't know how this happened or how to restore them.  I am using iMac.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Extra Dividing Line In Panels Splitting Navigator Screen

May 21, 2013

Summary:  Lightroom 4.4 extra dividing line that I cannot move or remove that interferes with navigator screen
Details:  Only appeared after the 4.4 update...Collapsing the panels and opening them again does not resolve the issue.

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Lightroom :: Printing From Map Module?

Feb 12, 2014

Can you print the map showing your photo locations in the map module?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Does Not Appear?

Aug 8, 2012

When I open Lightroom the develope module does not appear with the other modules in the upper right hand corner. How do I corret this?

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Lightroom :: Disappearing Module Name?

Sep 10, 2012

"library" has disappeared from the modules listed on the main interface of Lightroom 4.1, I can only get to it from the menu

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Lightroom :: 4 - Map Module Is Blank

Mar 7, 2012

I upgraded from LR3 to LR4 yesterday and was excited to dive into the Map module. Unfortunately, the map seems to be blank. I have selected an image with GPS information. The Map module correctly looks up the location of the photo (Magdalena, New Mexico). This seems like a rendering bug.
Just to check, I installed LR4 onto another OS X 10.6.8 machine that had not previously had Lightroom and imported the same picture. The Map module worked correctly. So, I tried re-installing LR4 on the original machine. Unfortunately, it still does not work. I tried creating a new catalog and backing up and then deleting all preferences. The map is still blank...

I am open to all sorts of alternatives, including but not limited to: Running dtrace to look at library callsattaching XCode to debug (though I would assume all the objects have been stripped), or Starting up a WebDialogs/WebEx/VNC/TeamViewer/etc server for a dev to pry around on it or debug with XCode. Of course a debuggable build would work with this.  

I created a new user on the system that is failing, started LR4, created a new catalog, imported the test photo, changed to Map module--still blank. Something on this particular system is causing the rendering failure. My next thought was that perhaps it was an issue with the non-accelerated graphics. So I disabled the graphics switching. Still a blank map..

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Lightroom :: No Video Module

Mar 13, 2012

I have just installed LR4 upgrade from disk and on opening the program there is no video module in the top bar as the beta version. This is one of the main reasons i upgraded is for the video module.

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Lightroom :: All 5.1 Previews Are Gone Regardless Of Module?

Sep 19, 2013

Tuesday night, I was working on a senior photo session. Everything was working perfectly fine. I decided to export the 2013 sessions to a new catalog. Everything still looking great. No issues.
Some potentially important info: I was using two monitors: a pro-level Viewsonic LED backlit 24" calibrated monitor and my laptop monitor. I was working with the Nvidia driver to calibrate the laptop monitor to be "close" to the pro monitor. I was able to get there using the Nvidia controls (versus the defaults). Then the Nvidia auto-updater prompted me to update my video driver that same night. I let it do its thing. Everything appeared to be fine with it and I was still able to work with LR5 no problems.
I had to take a break for a few hours. So, I closed LR5 and came back later to work on more images. When I pulled up the new 2013 catalog, all the image previews (thumbnail and large) were gone. The physical images were still on the drive, but I couldn't see them to edit nor preview them no matter what module I chose. I selected various images I'd just worked on and went to the Develop module - no dice. The preview was not working nor any thumbnail previews.
So I did some troubleshooting. I deleted the LR5 prefs file and let it recreate the file. Still nothing. Same behavior. I went to uninstall LR5 thinking I'd just reset the whole shebang, and noticed that I had LR5 and LR5CC installed (apparently CC didn't uninstall the single license version). So I uninstalled both LR5 installations. I rebooted and reinstalled from CC.
...still nothing... same behavior.
I uninstalled it again (since it's unusable) and installed Bridge CC. Voila! The images are all there and I can work with them in ACR, etc. No issues at all.
This leads me to believe that something got messed up with LR5's configuration with previews. I believe I did have Smart Previews enabled.
So now that you have all that info and backdrop: What should I do to get LR5 back to normal so I can keep working on these paying gigs? If i can understand what caused the break, I'll avoid doing that from now on.

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