Lightroom :: Side Panels Contrast Ratio?

Feb 17, 2012

way to increase the contrast ratio on the side panels.  for us seniors reading light grey on dark grey is very difficult?

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Lightroom :: Side Panels Too Large?

Mar 8, 2014

My side panels (Navigator on the Left, Histogram on the right) have gotten larger since I restarted my laptop. It's really interfereing with my ability to edit because there's so little screen space left. I've tried everything I can think of, and they're still too big on either side.

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Lightroom :: Expanding Side Panels - Not Working?

Feb 10, 2012

When I place my mouse over the the left edge of the right side panel I get <---> which is good then I try to drag to make the panel wider and it does not work. I can shrink the panel but not expand it.
In any module this is how it works. I also tried using the alt key (PC) to drag it wider but no go. You should be able to use just the <--> to expand.
I know in other versions of LR I could make the panel very wide but no longer, it only goes wide to a certain point that won't go any further cutting off the last few remaing characters on the far right side of the panel.

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Lightroom :: Tab / Side Panels Are White Instead Of Black

Sep 7, 2012

When in the Library module, when I press tab or shift tab to make the side panel(s) go away, the background is white and I would like it to be black. How do I make this change? Also, in "Lights Out" (pressing L) the background gets lighter instead of darker. How do I change this to darker?

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Lightroom :: How To Make Side Panels Lighter - Text Almost Unreadable

May 26, 2013

How do you make the side panels lighter - the text is almost unreadable - the side panels are so dark

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Photoshop :: Can I Combine 3 Images To Increase Contrast Ratio

Jun 21, 2004

any easy or not so easy techniques to combine 3 different exposed images together, while retain good information out of each image.

Combining image like this will then have all detail in highlights, good exposure in mid tones, then all detail in shadow areas.

Also has anyone come across any situations where photographing like this could be useful?

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Lightroom :: Edit Different Images Side By Side?

Sep 1, 2012

Is there a way to show different images side by side in the edit view. I need to edit an image to match it to a base image. while viewing the images side by side.

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Photoshop :: Equalize Contrast / Brightness And Detail In High Contrast Situation

Aug 15, 2012

What is the effect or process to, for example, ensure that normally washed out bright background on, say, a sunny beach, has same depth and contrast as the darker subject in the foreground? It is an unnatural state since your eye and most cameras will adjust to one extreme or the other.

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Lightroom :: Profiles And Contrast?

Mar 24, 2014

Are camera-specific camera profiles intended to match color/hue only, or color plus contrast/value?

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Lightroom :: How Many Panels There Are In Web Module Of 4.3

Mar 11, 2013

How many panels there are in the web module of Lightroom 4.3 - 6 or 7 - I have 6 only panels, but it seems that I'm missing a seventh - The "appearance" panel or "aspect" in french?

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Lightroom :: Purpose For Turning Panels On And Off?

Mar 28, 2013

I have looked on the web and in some books I have and I don't understand the purpose for turning panels on and off or what it does. I see that the features are unusable when they are off. I understand why I would want to hide a panel.

Does it turn off any changes I made using that certain panel? What does it do?

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Lightroom :: How To Scale The Control Panels

Jun 28, 2013

Yesterday I have installed the lightroom 5 upgrade, so the view of the surface has been changed.

Is it possible to scale the control-panels like in lightroom 4 ?
In view of my poor English skills it is easyer to show some pictures
Lightroom 4 vs Lightroom 5:

(It is not possible to resize the with of the panel groups smaler than this.)

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Lightroom :: Image Changes Brightness And Contrast After Importing?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm importing RAW files straight from a CF card reader into my network storage drive via LR5.3. While reviewing as it imports initially each image looks great but a few seconds after it loads onto the screen it seems like LR applies a bit of extra brightness and lessens the contrast and I lose a load of detail that was there originally. I've not touched the import settings and no filters are being applied by myself on import.

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Lightroom :: Color / Contrast Shift Between 4.1 And Photoshop CS6

Jun 5, 2012

When I export an image from LR 4.1 for editing in PS CS6, I notice a distinct loss of contrast and possibly saturation. Overall, the image looks duller and flatter. My working space in both apps is ProPhoto RGB. I use a custom profile generated by a hardware calibrator.
The screenshot below is of the same image rendered in both programs.

And here are my PS color settings:

FWIW, the image generated by Lightroom is rendered identically by Preview.

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Lightroom :: Development Panels Disappeared And Will Not Come Back

May 19, 2012

I emailed a photo from my light room and all my development panels disappeared and will not come back.  What do I do to get them to return?

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Lightroom :: Enlarge Text In Work Panels

Apr 7, 2014

Can I enlarge text in lightroom work panels as I have eyesight probs.

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Lightroom :: Increase Text Size In Panels?

Jan 18, 2014

This after I restarted lightroom 4. I do not want to lower the resolution of my screen to use Lightroom. I have a new 27' Imac. I do not want to get an even larger screen. Is there a solution or should I just use another program ?

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Lightroom :: How To Hide / Unhide Develop Panels

Dec 17, 2012

all my sliders disappeared on the develop how do i restore them like temp, tint, ect stupid i cant do this solo

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Lightroom :: Opening Panel - Change Color or Contrast

Oct 22, 2013

How can I change the contrast and.or color s on the front Panel to make it easier to see the various menus. I have recently started to loose some of my sight and the opening Panel is now difficult to  read / work through.Is it possible to show the various editing  options etc. as white on black  rather than  white on grey ?

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Lightroom :: Preset Converting RAW Into JPG With More Contrast / Saturation And Sharpening?

Nov 30, 2011

A close family member of mine is dying and has still many RAW files, which of course look quite lifeless as all RAWs do. She asked me to look for a simple Lightroom preset, which will convert her RAWs into Jpgs with more contrast saturation and sharpening. No fancy effects, just simple. She has Lightroom 3, but has no experience in making presets and neither do I. She is too ill to work on her computer herself, but can instruct me how to use a preset. She needs the preset to make her RAWs available to her partner and children.

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Lightroom :: Contrast Not Working Right In V4 - Hazy Overcast Horizon

May 5, 2012

The contrast does not work evenly, or something.  When I try to fix a hazy overcast horizon, the contrast just makes it worse --it appears to only work on the dark areas. Also, the shadows (I assume the renamed fill) appears to work unevenly as well.  To accomplish what I want, before this version all I needed to do was boost the contrast and fill, and mayby tweek the brightness.  Now I cannot get there from here.

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Lightroom :: Keep Sharp Contrast Image Without Adding More Deep Shadows

Jan 22, 2013

Many times my raw images are left with what can only be described as a "haze" over them.  It is not a lens deal, it is something I'm not doing in the raw conversion process because .jpegs don't have it albeit .jpegs have their other weaknesses.  Sometimes the black slider will remove the haze, but many times I'm left with too many areas that are dark.  I think it is a contrast issue, but I really stuggle getting rid of the haze and keep a sharp contrasty image without adding more deep shadows to the image.

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Lightroom :: Any Way To Change Color Of Menu And Panels In Workspace?

Jul 31, 2013

The grey text on black background is fine on my home computer but my little laptop screen, especially travelling with some sun glare on it, is very hard to read.  I had hoped to do lots of editing while travelling but have eye strain instead.  Can the panel background color and text color be changed to something with more contrast or does Lightroom have other "skins"?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Adjustment Panels Fail?

Dec 24, 2013

In the develop module, my adjustment panels just stop working.  Sometimes in the middle of an adjustment, other times they won't even open.  I've tried deleting the prefs. file numerous times.  I have them checked for solo mode, but it doesn't make a difference. I'm using 5.3 on Windows 7 and I don't have this problem on my Mac.

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Lightroom :: Retrieve Basic Developing Panels / It Just Disappeared

Aug 25, 2013

how can I retrieve my basic developing panels it just disappeared?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 / Can Set The Zoom Ratio Default

Jun 7, 2012

i'm running lightroom 3.6 (is the last v3 version?) under w7
i would like to have zoom in fill mode or 1/3 
is there a way to edit the preference to have lightroom load in develop mode or library mode and use the fill mode or the 1/3?

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Lightroom :: How To Determine Aspect Ratio

Sep 27, 2010

How do you determine the aspect ratio, in LR, of an existing image? I know how to change it, but don't see a way to determine it.

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Lightroom :: 4.4.1 (As Shot) Aspect Ratio

Jan 29, 2014

In the Crop tool dailogue box, in general terms, what is the difference between ORIGINAL and AS SHOT aspect ratio. My understanding is, "ORIGINAL" is the imported image aspect ratio from a camera without any cropping being performed in LR. AS SHOT to me, means the same thing i.e. the image is "AS SHOT" from the camera.

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Lightroom :: Aspect Ratio For Printing On A5?

Nov 12, 2011

I have a couple of pictures I want to print on A5. I remember from a previous time that I need to do an aspect ratio crop in LightRoom. But now, for the life of me I cannot remember the ratio. I looks something like 8 x 5 but I am not sure.

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Lightroom :: Change Aspect Ratio From 5x7 To 7x5

Sep 16, 2012

In the develop module in LR4, I have been trying to change the aspect ratio of an image before cropping to 7x5, but the crop tool keeps on reverting back to 5x7.  Obviously, I want to crop it to the same paper size but the orientation is just as important. 

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Lightroom :: Is Exposure And Contrast Supposed To Be Altering Saturation In Version 2012

Sep 25, 2012

Is exposure and contrast supposed to be altering saturation in version 2012? See the 4 screen shots below to see what I'm talking about  (RAW NEF taken with a Nikon D4 and the other details are on the screen). Here I am adjusting effects contrast, but I don't think it matters which contrast.
v2012 contrast set one way (this slightly peach tone is accurate and desired):

v2012 contrast raised.  There is no mistaking how much yellower it is.  Now if I try to fix this with the color controls, something else usually gets thrown off.

This does not happen in v2010: Contrast raised (if anything, slightly opposite):Do not get me wrong --the 2012 controls are far superior at their named function --but they make the mistake of doing more than that function. 
The fundamental problem here is that this makes it extremely difficult to edit a photo because changing one setting alters settings you may have already set.  When order in which you tweak things becomes a factor, it exponentially increases the complexity (and edit time) because you are then dealing with a moving target. You keep having to go back and reset settings that should not be drifting, and did not drift in prior releases.  This is a problem for me especially with photos containing a wide range between light and dark, especially where contrast is desired in both light and dark (as above).  This is not the first contrast control problem I've posted (it appears to interfere with lens correction).  Contrast seems to be at the center of all my release difficulty (that combined with lack of a linear brightness control).  Contrast appears to be adjusting more than just contrast in v2012.

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