Lightroom :: Force A Logout In V4 Publishing Manager?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 4.0 and I'm having problems with the Flickr Publish Service.  In the publishing manager, the incorrect login shows and the logout button is non functional.  I need to authenicate to Flickr's API with the correct login.  I've tried un-installing and re-installing, but to no avail.  I have no idea where the plugin picked up the displayed login name from as it's not one that I've ever used.  Is there a way that I can force a logout so that I can enter the proper information. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Plotting Or Publishing Via The Sheet Set Manager Don't Work

Aug 28, 2013

I'm trying to incorporate in my new workplace the Sheet Set in our plan production.

But one of the powerfull thing of the SSM is to publish multiple (or single) sheets at a time.

Well, i tryed it since a few months in and out publishing via the style sheet on the sheet set  template i'm building and it doesn't print.

The publishing icon in the status bar of civil 3d 2012 keeps on going for ever !!! (Even when i cancel the job, it doesn't stop the icone, like it's jamed)

Btw, even if i pass by a drawing that isnt in the SSM and choose several layouts to publish it does the same thing too.

I use to do this on a 2008 version of Autocad.

Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012
OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro

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Lightroom :: How To Force 4.1 To Point To CS6

Sep 6, 2012

How can I force LR 4.1 to point to my CS6? Using Windows Vista on a laptop.

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Start In 64 Bit

Jun 3, 2012

How do you force LR to start in 64 bit?

I have Windows 7 64-bit and also downloaded LR 64 bit. But I don't see "x64" in the LR title bar. http[url]....
Can you force LR to start in 64 bit mode?

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Update Images

Mar 31, 2014

I use lightroom to order and do small edits to photos.  Alot of the time I will batch a set of photos through a couple actions (photoshop) before I start with lightroom.My problem arises when I (more often than not my colleuge) will start working with the wrong source pictures (either scaled down size or not batched yet).  So i've got a collection with all the wrong sized photos as source.  So my question is if i replace the picture withe the proper resolution files which are named the same is there a way i can force lighroom to "relink" with the high res versions? I tried deleting the source files with the hope that lightroom would ask me to relink them but it didn't.

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Lightroom :: WB Picker (doesn't Always Force Equal RGB)

May 14, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and have noticed that since LR1, the WB picker does not usually set RGB percentages equally on the first click. It takes several tries of me clicking on the same group of 5x5 pixels of a neutral WhiBal card before the %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Usually what happens is I get a close grouping on the first click (say 71.2%R, 72.8%G, 70.6%B). But if I click again on the same group of pixels without moving the mouse, I get another WB (say 71.6%R, 71.0%G, 72.5%B). I keep WB AutoDismiss unchecked,
The gray on the card noticeably changes hue (greenish gray, warmish gray, coolish gray) on each attempt.
Clicking again and again, I (might) finally get a close grouping like (71.3%R, 71.7%G, 70.9%B) in which I call it good. Or I may decide to make fine manual adjustments to the color temperature and tint sliders until I get a perfect match %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Why doesn't the wb clicker automatically force %R=%G=%B ?

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Update Previews In Bulk

May 23, 2012

is there a method or setting to force LR4 to update the prewies in "bulk", means outside of the grid too?
problem is that when applying development changes on image sequences with hundreds of images, or even a smaller bunch of images LR4 only shows the applied changes in the current grid view.
for updating the previews one has to go back and forth in preview by hand. this seems a bit stone age and can take a while.
this was never a problem in bridge, which - although it took its time to create ALL previews - afterwards allowed for quick scrolling trough images with all previews generated. this was especially good for watching stop-motion movies and applying xmp RAW development changes.
for LR4 RC3, this would be a nice option to have... classic, like it is now, and a "force update previews outside grid view" with a true progress indicator / counter, like with bridge.
an example where we started using lightroom during production and ran exactly into the problem of slow / missing preview updates after applying batch XMP / development changes can be seen here (about 32000 raw files processed, 7500 used for the film)[url].....

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Lightroom :: 4 Has Stopped Publishing To Flickr?

Jul 30, 2012

My LR4 has stopped publishing to Flickr - it says, cannot connect to the Flickr website please check internet connection (which is fine)

This has happened only after installing 500px plugin

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Lightroom :: Use Same Publishing Services With Different Library?

Mar 19, 2014

How can I sync all the publishing services in one library to my others librarys?
I don't want to set up all publishing services to all my librarys...
I use LR 5 and OS X.

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Lightroom :: Publishing To Hard Drive

Feb 9, 2013

What is the advantage of publishing to hard drive. Why not just export to hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Setting Up 4.3 Publishing Services

Mar 31, 2013

I am having a problem setting up Lightroom 4.3 Publishing Services.  Each time I click “OK I’ll Authorise button in Flickr it goes to a blank screen with no completion of the process.  After many attempts over the last couple of days, this morning I was able to get error message from flickr that says “Oops! Flickr doesn't recognise the "oauth_token" this application is trying to use.” And goes on to say “You don't really need to know what this means, except that you can't use the application until this problem is fixed. (It's a third-party problem, not a Flickr problem).

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Lightroom :: Publishing To Flickr - Two Computers?

Sep 3, 2012

I previously owned a laptop and published my pictures from it to Flickr. 

Now I have a desktop and I want to publish some pictures.

What will happen?  Will it erase old pictures?  Or will it append the new ones?

What is the right way of doing this so I do not lose the old ones.

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Revel From Publishing Service

Oct 15, 2012

How do I remove Revel from my Lightroom publishing service?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Establish A Publishing Connection To Flickr From 4.3

Mar 2, 2013

I cannot establish a publishing connection to Flickr from Lightroom 4.3. I get this message: Oops! Flickr doesn't recognise the "oauth_token" this application is trying to use." 

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Lightroom :: Publishing To Dropbox On Two Separate Machine?

May 28, 2013

I have a bit of a unique setup which isn't quite new and isn't the issue. I have a LR 4 catalog (catalog settings) and collection of images in Dropbox that i use to do some small work between a desktop PC and PC laptop. Works fine on a  good connection as long as i avoid conflicts. That's not the issue. I'm wondering if their is a solution to using publishing services in the catalog on both computer. The problem i am running into is that the destination path for each publishing service (in this case they are publishing to another folder in Dropbox to upload to someone) is unique to the machine that it was created on. So if I created the publishing service on one machine it can't be used the publish if I'm updating it on the other computer because the paths to the files are not relative.
The only solutions I can think of are:
Have the paths on both computers be exactly the same, which means updating the user account names to match on both machines.Setting up separate publishing services to the same folder for each computer (an annoying solution).Look into a dropbox plugin which i haven't done yet.
While I am at it, any add on to prioritize the LR catalog file to be the first file to sync over the connection or LAN once it closes. This would certainly work with occasional conflict file.

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Lightroom :: Flickr Set Description Deleted When Publishing?

Apr 24, 2013

When publishing to an existing set on Flickr the entire set description is delted. Very frustrating. I hope Lightroom 5 will have a greatly improved publishing system, the present one is a disaster.

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Lightroom :: Publishing A Map With Geotagged Pics Online?

Apr 9, 2013

publishing a map with geotagged pics online. how do i do it and is it possible?

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Lightroom :: 500px Publishing Stopped To Work

Mar 24, 2013

After deleting and recreating the "publishing service" in Lightroom, I was able to export a single photo. That's it. Doesn't work. Very similar to the Facebook publishing plugin, which does not work either.
Also, why do I have to wait for "downloading comments" and similar stuff? We have the web browser to interact with the website, only a fool is going to do it in Lightroom.
I'm wondering if the people designing and coding these things for Lightroom do actually ever get to use it. The answer obviously is no, because then they would know that their software doesn't work.

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Lightroom :: Publishing Image To Facebook Wall?

Nov 1, 2012

Is there an easy way to publish an image to FB's Wall, vs. creating or adding to a current album?   Is there a special setting hiding somewhere in the Publish section?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Erratic Results Publishing To Facebook

Feb 4, 2012

Uusing windows 7/64, Lightroom 3.6
When using the Publish function, LR sometimes publishes a number of photos with no problem, sometimes only the first one, sometimes it publishes but says the operation failed, and sometimes it behaves like mission accomplished when nothing published at all!

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Lightroom :: How To Force Snapshots And Virtual Copies To Read Metadata From Original Raw File

Mar 11, 2012

Is there any way to force Snapshots and Virtual Copies to read metadata from the original raw file after an update of the same?

I had to change the lens name on some Leica M9 files to correct an operator (me) error, and I did it by editing the exif data with an exif editor and then forcing LR4 to read the metadata from the file. This worked well for everithing but the snapshots and the virtual copies on which the metadata remain as originally registered, unchanged.

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Lightroom :: Facebook Albums Do Not Show Up In Publishing Service?

Jun 5, 2013

I am attempting to use the Facebook Publishing service but I can not get my albums to show up.  I have removed autorization (both form LR and FB) and reauthorized both.  This use to work for me, not sure what changed for this not to work now.  I am using Windows 7 64 bit, LR 4.4. 

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Lightroom :: 5 Taking Up Local Disk Space While Publishing?

Mar 4, 2014

I have a relatively large photo catalog (200k photos +) that I am in the process of paring down with Lightroom 5.  Along the way I have kept certain groups of photos published to Flickr using Smart Photosets so that if I eliminate a duplicate photo from the catalog I will be able to "re-publish" and eliminate that duplicate from the published collection.
My Catalog Files, My Backups, and the actual image files that are referenced in the catalog are all located on an external drive.  I did this so that I could have everything on one drive for the time being while I eliminate a ton of photos from the catalog.
The issue that I am running into is that while a collection is being published to Flickr I get a message popping up telling me that I am low on disk space on my local (C) drive and that I need to free up some space.  This is odd because everything is located on the external drive (catalog and image files) and I am publishing to Flickr.
I am just trying to figure out if there is a default somewhere that is causing Lightroom to create new thumbnails or previews somewhere on my C drive while I am publishing images to Flickr or something like that.  What sort of data might be accumulating in the process here?  And is there anyway to move it all or eliminate it for the time being while I am finishing the elimination of duplicate files from my catalog?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Did Not Import 4.2 Information (Catalogs / Images Or Publishing)

Dec 30, 2012

Updated my preivous copy of Ligtroom 4.2 to 4.3 when I opened lightroom 4.3 it was a new copy without any of my previous catalogs or images or publishing. How can I transfer 4.2 information to 4.3?

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Lightroom :: Hard Drive Publishing Service Resizing

Aug 16, 2013

Do we have any way to get always 1920 x 1080 images regardless of the original size and the original aspect ratio of the image?

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Lightroom :: Internal Error - Assertion Failed When Publishing To Harddisk

Oct 3, 2011

After upgrading to 3.5 from 3.4.1 I received this error when attempting to publish new photos to my harddisk. First I thought the problem may be related to access rights. I am running Win7, 64 bit. So I reset the read/write rights in the export folder and the LR catalogue and AppData folders. No success. Then I opened a new cataloge and imported the old one in order to start "from scratch" - no success, publishing collections were not importet. Finally I switched back to version 3.4.1, and ... it works again

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Lightroom :: Rename To Keywords When Publishing (Exporting) Doesn't Work?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a publish service to hard drive already set up and running. I have decided that I want to change the names of the files I am publishing (exporting) to be written as the name of the keywords applied to the photos.
I have gone through the motions, Ie: right click on the publish service --> Edit Settings --> Check Rename To: --> Drop Down to Custom Settings --> Insert Keywords --> Save
I then mark everything to re-publish when prompted. I then click publish.
Lightroom then re-publishes all the files, however it uses the native filename (Ie: It says it will export them with the new filename, however it doesn't actually do it). I have found that if I do the process manually, for each specific folder, it works. However, I have several hundred smart folders set up and it wouldn't make sense to do this.
Seems like a probem that needs fixing. I have tried on both Lightroom 3 and now on Lightroom 4 as well.

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Lightroom :: Setting To Force Saved File Back In Line Next To File That Was Edited In PS?

Jan 23, 2013

When I send a file to Ps from Lr, edit that file then save it, Lr puts that file at the end of the line instead of next to the file I was working on.  When you have 600 photos in a down loud, it is a pain to scroll through the photo's to find your place again. 

Is there a setting to force the saved file back in line next to the file that was edited in Ps?

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Lightroom :: Add Button In Plugin Manager

Apr 22, 2013

I'm trying to add Nik plugins and keep getting an unspecified error message. I'm using the "add" button in Plugin Manager.

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Lightroom :: File Manager Can't Find Duplicate

Nov 4, 2013

When I try to import a photo, Lightroom5 tells me that my photo is a duplicate. When I search for the duplicate from within lightroom, lightroom can't find it by filename. When I search for the duplicate using a file manager outside of lightroom, the file manager can't find the duplicate either. I don't believe there is a duplicate file that has been imported in Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Dynamic Link Manager Is Crashing When Previewing

Mar 10, 2013

When a video file is present in the library, camera card, or anywhere lightroom freezing and the dynamic link manager crashes. This also then causes lightroom to crash immediately. How do I fix a corrupted dynamic link manger?

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