Lightroom :: How To Force 4.1 To Point To CS6

Sep 6, 2012

How can I force LR 4.1 to point to my CS6? Using Windows Vista on a laptop.

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Start In 64 Bit

Jun 3, 2012

How do you force LR to start in 64 bit?

I have Windows 7 64-bit and also downloaded LR 64 bit. But I don't see "x64" in the LR title bar. http[url]....
Can you force LR to start in 64 bit mode?

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Update Images

Mar 31, 2014

I use lightroom to order and do small edits to photos.  Alot of the time I will batch a set of photos through a couple actions (photoshop) before I start with lightroom.My problem arises when I (more often than not my colleuge) will start working with the wrong source pictures (either scaled down size or not batched yet).  So i've got a collection with all the wrong sized photos as source.  So my question is if i replace the picture withe the proper resolution files which are named the same is there a way i can force lighroom to "relink" with the high res versions? I tried deleting the source files with the hope that lightroom would ask me to relink them but it didn't.

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Lightroom :: WB Picker (doesn't Always Force Equal RGB)

May 14, 2012

I have LR 3.6 and have noticed that since LR1, the WB picker does not usually set RGB percentages equally on the first click. It takes several tries of me clicking on the same group of 5x5 pixels of a neutral WhiBal card before the %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Usually what happens is I get a close grouping on the first click (say 71.2%R, 72.8%G, 70.6%B). But if I click again on the same group of pixels without moving the mouse, I get another WB (say 71.6%R, 71.0%G, 72.5%B). I keep WB AutoDismiss unchecked,
The gray on the card noticeably changes hue (greenish gray, warmish gray, coolish gray) on each attempt.
Clicking again and again, I (might) finally get a close grouping like (71.3%R, 71.7%G, 70.9%B) in which I call it good. Or I may decide to make fine manual adjustments to the color temperature and tint sliders until I get a perfect match %R=%G=%B (within 0.5% or so).
Why doesn't the wb clicker automatically force %R=%G=%B ?

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Lightroom :: How To Force LR To Update Previews In Bulk

May 23, 2012

is there a method or setting to force LR4 to update the prewies in "bulk", means outside of the grid too?
problem is that when applying development changes on image sequences with hundreds of images, or even a smaller bunch of images LR4 only shows the applied changes in the current grid view.
for updating the previews one has to go back and forth in preview by hand. this seems a bit stone age and can take a while.
this was never a problem in bridge, which - although it took its time to create ALL previews - afterwards allowed for quick scrolling trough images with all previews generated. this was especially good for watching stop-motion movies and applying xmp RAW development changes.
for LR4 RC3, this would be a nice option to have... classic, like it is now, and a "force update previews outside grid view" with a true progress indicator / counter, like with bridge.
an example where we started using lightroom during production and ran exactly into the problem of slow / missing preview updates after applying batch XMP / development changes can be seen here (about 32000 raw files processed, 7500 used for the film)[url].....

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Lightroom :: Force A Logout In V4 Publishing Manager?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 4.0 and I'm having problems with the Flickr Publish Service.  In the publishing manager, the incorrect login shows and the logout button is non functional.  I need to authenicate to Flickr's API with the correct login.  I've tried un-installing and re-installing, but to no avail.  I have no idea where the plugin picked up the displayed login name from as it's not one that I've ever used.  Is there a way that I can force a logout so that I can enter the proper information. 

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Lightroom :: How To Force Snapshots And Virtual Copies To Read Metadata From Original Raw File

Mar 11, 2012

Is there any way to force Snapshots and Virtual Copies to read metadata from the original raw file after an update of the same?

I had to change the lens name on some Leica M9 files to correct an operator (me) error, and I did it by editing the exif data with an exif editor and then forcing LR4 to read the metadata from the file. This worked well for everithing but the snapshots and the virtual copies on which the metadata remain as originally registered, unchanged.

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Lightroom :: Setting To Force Saved File Back In Line Next To File That Was Edited In PS?

Jan 23, 2013

When I send a file to Ps from Lr, edit that file then save it, Lr puts that file at the end of the line instead of next to the file I was working on.  When you have 600 photos in a down loud, it is a pain to scroll through the photo's to find your place again. 

Is there a setting to force the saved file back in line next to the file that was edited in Ps?

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Photoshop :: Force Quitting CS5?

Aug 8, 2012

I Have to force quit Photoshop CS5 in order to get it to quit at all? Then it takes quit azwhile to quit after which a user report comes up to be sent in to Adobe.
I have tried opening it resetting the prefs file, to no avail.

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3ds Max :: Force Closes Won't Render?

Jul 16, 2012

I had to download a file from school and then animate the object we were given. I saved the file to my folders and did the animation and saved it again. When I go to render, I get "unexpected error" and the program force closes. The error report says it is "Unhandled Exception". I just did another assignment last week, and it worked fine. I've changed nothing in the program. The only real difference this time is the presence of a light source and a camera, both of which I've used in the past with no problem.

It has been a couple months since I've worked in the program, and I'm hoping it is an easy fix, just something I've forgotten to change.

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Photoshop :: Anyway To Force See Full File Name?

Mar 28, 2008

I work with full screen mode, and the only place I see the file name is in the history palette and it's usually cut off. anything I can do without having to go to standard screen mode.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: How To Force PhotoPaint To Stick To Same Window

Feb 15, 2013

I've got this huge project - a printed catalog - that involves hundreds of product photos, of which the originals are scattered all over the place in different directories, etc.  Nobody knows where a photo might be hiding. However, luckily, this is an update of an earlier catalog of the same type, so most of the photos are already there. Unfortunately, many of them need to be "photoshopped" in some way, adding pigtail connectors in place of terminal blocks etc., which is fine.

But, when I try  to use the edit bitmap function in DRAW, the photo always opens in a new copy of PhotoPaint, forcing me to then save it separately, adding a name instead of "Bitmap in..." which would be all the 100 or so photos that I will have to work on.  I don't have any need to have the bitmap saved separately except that I need to have the various photos that I'm disecting in the same copy of PhotoPaint, so that means I have to jump though all these hoops.

Q:  Is there a way to force the Edit Bitmap to open everything in the same copy of PhotoPaint?  So that I can simply cut and paste pieces, etc.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Corel ARM Has Been Popping Up And Force To Close

Apr 14, 2013

Corel A.RM. has been popping up and forcing Corel to close.  This has been happening at leas once or twice a day.  I'm using X6 on WindowsXP. what A.R.M. is and possible reasons why this is happening?

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AutoCAD VB :: Force New Toolbar Location With VBA Programming?

Dec 12, 2011

I had made a short function I AutoCAD that generates a user definable toolbar. The toolbar is placed using the

acToolbarDockLeft, acToolbarDockRight , acToolbarDockTop , acToolbarDockFloating

Methods of which I chose acToolbarDockFloating all nice but because floating hasn’t been saved in a workspace (yet) means that the toolbar is placed in the top left corner. To cut a series of tests and playing round with lisp and scripts and the likes I'm after a way of simply forcing the new toolbar in the dead centre of the screen using VBA.

I have googeld and the likes but cant find anything that resembles like

ObjToolbr.Dock acToolbarDockFloating 200, 200

(Presuming the location of the toolbar I want to force is 200 by 200)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Force Modeless Form To Keep Focus?

Mar 20, 2011

how I could force a modeless form to keep focus.  There is a sample on the ObjectARX docs but I can find anything for Dot Net.

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AutoCAD LT :: Way To Force Someone To Save As Immediately After They Start A New Dwg?

Oct 20, 2011

Our company is using 2012Lt and has a couple (3) regular templates we use. The problem is I have to keep going back to the templates and clean them out (txt styles, layers, etc) and what I suspect is happening is that someone starts a new dwg does some work and the auto save kicks in before they "save as".

Question, is there a way to force someone to "Save As' immediately after they start a new dwg?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Force Refresh Is Not Working?

Dec 10, 2011

I am trying  to make a simple app using .NET classes.

I made a simple Windows.Form in which are check boxes (on for each layer of the CAD drawing).

Just to set the visibility of each layer. Everything is working fine, but I have a little problem with refreshing a drawing.

Changes of visibility settings are applied  after a form is closed.

I need the drawing to be refreshed after every check box check change.

 I enclose a method with handles check boxes changes. 

private void LayerCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBox s = sender as CheckBox;


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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Force Command Line Focus

Jun 28, 2012

How does one programmatically set the command line to have keyboard focus?

I'm programmatically setting an active/focused PaletteSet's visibility to false.

_paletteSet.Visible = false;

I would like to follow this line with code that sets the command line to receive focus.

The PaletteSet for other reasons has KeepFocus = true.

I've tried various Win32 APIs (SwitchToThisWindow, SetForegroundWindow, SetActiveWindow) to no avail.  I also tried SendCommand() and SendStringToExecute(activate=true,..) , etc.

I imagine there's a way to do this with the native APIs.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Force Reload Linetypes From Acad.lin

Oct 4, 2011

I have a bunch of drawings for which I have to reload the linetypes (they have to be redefined, for example pneumatic line has a new definition but the drawing has an older one). Is there a way other than rename the old linetypes, then load the newer version, then iterate through all objects and change the linetype to the newer version?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Applying Force In Simulation

Nov 16, 2011

Is it possible to set a time delay on an applied force in simulation 2012? I would like to apply a force for a set amount of time?

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Photoshop :: How To Force A Color Palette For A Mosaic?

Jul 19, 2006

I am trying to design a shower mosaic, using small (3/4") tiles. I have a certain color palette, dictated by where I buy the tiles

And convert it to a mosaic that only uses colors from the tiles. I could then play with tiles of different sizes or a bigger/smaller palette until I was happy with it, and use the Photoshop image as the pattern when I put them in.

I know how to create a mosaic with squares of size x. What I don't know is how to tell Photoshop to take an image and create a mosaic forcing it (as best as it can) into a specified color palette.

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Xara :: How To Force Thumbnails In Windows 7 64bit

Jun 4, 2011

Windows 64bit systems do not show .xar (or .web) file type thumbnails in Windows explorer. I saw a thread with solution for Windows Vista 64 but it doesn't apply do Windows 7. I've also tried the same procedure starting Xara Design as Administrator. I wonder if it's some sort of permission or something in the file.

It's funny that old files (made with Xtreme 4) shows thumbnails fine. Only new files. It cam be a problem when we have many files in a same folder and have to find a specific one fast.

I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64bits & Xara Designer Pro 6.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Saveas From External App?

Aug 29, 2012

I want to force a saveas from an external app using code as below:-

If OApp.Ready Then
Call oDoc.SaveAs(File_Full_Name, True)

However, Inventor invariably crashes at this point - especially if panning a model. Is there a way I can either lock Inventor from the user whilst the save is happening or check that no mouse or keyboard activity is in use?

I have tried monitoring the status bar text for "Ready" but tihs is unreliable.

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3ds Max Animation :: Collisions Between Wind Force And Wall

Apr 24, 2013

Are there any options in 3ds max to create wind force coming from the opened window?

I've just created simple scene where curtain hanging near closed window. I want to open the window and put some wind to the room. I'd like to move one part of curtain (the nearest to window) but now my wind force doesn't see wall and all curtain is moving.

How connect collisions between wind force and wall in 3ds max 2012?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Force Quite Shuts Down Firefox

Jul 19, 2012

When I use the service monitor to quit smoke due to a lockup. It always shuts down/ force crashes Firefox. (13.0.1 & 14.0.1).

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3ds Max :: Adding Thickness To Spline To Render Force

Mar 8, 2011

I basically projected honeycomb pattern on to the skin of the addition on the existing building from CAD, then god ALOT of splines.It was very laggy and slow, but I got both the splines and the skin imported in max.

I was trying to render it, but it kept giving me an error message. I can't even do preview of this thing because as soon as i check the 'view in the viewport' checkbox, it gives me the exact same message and closes max.I have to render this with some thickness... AND bunch of other stuff together within the same render.The file size is 17mb, and it has one layer for the skin another layer for the entire splines.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Force GC To Clear Memory After BindXRef

Jan 14, 2013

I have a issu when i use BindXRef. I have 4 XREF in my dwg.  so i use à Do / While for each XREF i have found. It work fine but whrn the Xref is big File, i have the issue "Out Of memory".

So the question : How i can Force the GC to clear all memory not used. My Think is to force the GC to Clear the memory before to use BindXRef() with only one XRef before to BindXRef with another.

Here my code  :

Dim LockDoc As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument Dim MemNumBoucle As Integer = -1 Dim CollXRef As New ObjectIdCollection Do CollXRef.Clear() Dim xg As XrefGraph = db.GetHostDwgXrefGraph(True) Dim root As GraphNode = xg.RootNode Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction For o = 0 To root.NumOut - 1 Step 1 Dim child As [Code]......

In this example i cant BindXREf ('R+1') alone. I need to BindXRef('ARCHI') before 

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AutoCad :: Force Dimension Of A Line / Circle

Sep 29, 2011

If there is a way to force the dimension of a line or circle or anything.

For example: If I draw a line and dimension it, it will dimension it to 2.973 let's say, but if I want to change the dimension or the line to 3.300, how would I do that?

Also, after you create a 2D drawing, is there a way to make it a 3D model or extrude the model?

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Lightroom :: Point To New Location For Photos?

Feb 28, 2013

Due to some computer issues, I had to move my photos to a new location (different drive).  How do I get Lightroom to point to that location?

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Lightroom :: Focus Point Of Photo In 4.4?

May 10, 2013

Does lightroom 4.4 have a menu selection to show where the camera was focused  at the time of the shot?

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Photoshop :: Force Clipping Mask To INCLUDE Stroke

Mar 26, 2012

I have a text layer I wish to use as a clipping mask, for an image above.  But the text layer also has a stroke around the outside of the text, to thicken it a bit.  I want the stroked part to be included as part of the mask, i.e. for the image above to be projected onto both the text body AND the stroke around it.  However, it seems that the stroke is ignored, and only the basic text shape used as the mask.
How do I achieve an effect whereby the image above is projected also onto the stroke?
I have a similar problem with a shape layer I have.  It is a rounded rectangle shape, but I am only using the shape to act as a path around which I stroke to create a 20px frame.  I want the frame (only the frame) to be used as a clipping mask, so that an image is projected only onto that frame, and NOT inside or outside the frame -- only on the frame.  I can set the "fill" to 0% to create a transparent interior, so that all I have is a frame, and transparency inside and out (which I would then hope is a great clipping mask to use for my purpose), but I guess photoshop views this as being entirely transparent (i.e. effectively no mask at all) because it ignores the stroke part completely.

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