Lightroom :: Entire Display Is Quite Dark?

May 12, 2012

II've just downloaded Lightroom 4 and the entire display is quite dark: I thought this was a cool new feature until I realised that the photos all display significantly darker than they should. Is there any way to correct this?

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Lightroom :: Can't Display Entire Exif Data For The Image

Sep 13, 2012

I have the demo version of Lightroom 4.1 and really like it and am thinking of buying it.  I have one question (at the moment, anyway). In the Library module, when I open an image, the Metadata tab shows me only some of the exif data in my file compared to what I can see from Windows explorer file properties on my jpg files.For example, the Metadata tab does not show me: exposure compensation, metering mode (spot, center-weighted, or matrix), exposure program (like Aperature Priority or Shutter Priority), Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Sharpness, White Balance, etc.
If Windows Explorer can display the entire exif data for the image, why can't LR? Is there maybe some way I don't know about to make LR show me the full exif data instead of just what it considers "interesting"?

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Lightroom :: Why Won't Menu Display In Dark Vibrant Colors

Dec 3, 2013

Why won't my LR4 menu sliders display in dark vibrant colors on my MacBook Pro?

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Photoshop :: Dark Hair On Dark Background

Nov 12, 2007

My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)

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Lightroom :: 3 Desktop Too Dark?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a black background on the panels and the selection keywords, folders etc., are gray. This is verrrrry hard to work with for me. It LOOKS very nice but I need to change to a light gray background with black type. The preferences do not allow for this change.

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Lightroom :: Entire Catalog Missing?

Mar 9, 2012

I've always had some problems with missing files in Lightroom (as in, they would go missing without me moving or renaming any files), but it was never anything too important so I ignored it. However, I recently got Lightroom 4 (used 3 as a trial just before 4 was released) - I had downloaded it as a trial, and today I enterted my Student/Teacher approved serial number. When I opened Lightroom, most of my files were said to be missing. When I go into an individual catalog.

But when I went into 'All Photographs', it appeared with all shots that were obviously also in the Auto Show album (side note: it seemed to have made duplicates without my saying so, but now they are erased - thoughts?):

Thing is, I basically imported the photos off my camera into Lightroom, then deleted the shots on the camera thinking they would be safe on my computer, so I have no idea where the primary location is for all my photos. I did move some folders around today, but none of which contain anything to do with Lightroom as far as I can tell. If I deleted anything, it was just export versions of the photos.
I should add that this is with ALL my my photos - not just certain ones.Where can I find the master location for all of these photos if it exists?

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Lightroom :: How To Search The Entire Catalog

Apr 27, 2013

I've got loads of folders in my library, and they span over several pages on the Folders section in the Library module. But, when I want to search for a photo using the Library filter, I need to always first, move my mouse and click manually over the Folders section to the top Parent folder before I can do a search on the entire catalog. I don't want to always have to find the most parent folder and click on it before I do a search across the entire library.

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Lightroom :: Very Dark And Dull Prints?

May 27, 2013

I have used LR 2 in the past with Windows 98 and an HP Photosmart Pro B9180 shooting with Pentax k10d using DNG files and printing with few or no problems with minimal developing. I am now trying LR 4 with the same printer and camera but with Windows 7 and with little or no changes in developing the prints are very dull and almost black. I have the latest driver updates and am have the printer letting the application manage the color with the correct setting in profile.

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Lightroom :: How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under The Eyes

Jan 23, 2013

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes?

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Lightroom :: Photos Go Dark After Export

Jul 19, 2012

I use Lightroom 2.3 64-bit on a Windows 7 Home Premium operating system to process my RAW photos. When I export a post-processed photo to a folder on my hard drive, it appears very dark and muddy-looking, even though it seemed fine in the Lightroom catalog. I've had prints made from the exported files, and they also appear very dark and muddy. Also, oddly enough, when I return to the Lightroom catalog after exporting a photo, ALL the photos in Lightroom appear darker than they were prior to the export. If I close Lightroom and return later, they seem OK again (except for the already exported photos, which remain dark).

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Lightroom :: Moving Entire Library To New Computer

Nov 17, 2011

I'm planning to upgrade my Windows system from a 6-year old XP box to a new Windows 7 system. Moving my entire digital photo archive and Lightroom (3.4) catalog will be part of the process. I need a faster system and desperately want to get active, but older, image files onto a fast internal hard drive. My catalog currently has about 110,230 images in it.
Before I begin the transfer I'd like any tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible.Here's the current setup (I license my images as stock from my office so everything is in one LR catalog):
2003-2006 photos on an external Networked Attached Storage (NAS) box
2007-2008 photos on an internal hard drive (#1)
2009-2011 photos an an internal hard drive (#2)
Scanned slides on internal hard drive (#1)
Physical and LR folder structures for all of the above are similar, starting with a top-level "Camera 20xx" and then subfolders for major image categories, e.g. flowers, forests, portraits.
Archived .PSD and .TIF files from a book project on a second NAS box .lrcat file on internal hard drive (#1)Planned new computer setup:
2003-2011 photos on internal hard drives, same folder structure as old system, but drive letters likely to change.Scanned slides on internal hard drive, same folder structure as old system, but drive letter likely to change
After I reinstall LR on my new computer and copy the .lrcat file over, will I simply be able to point LR to one image for each year and it will be able to find all the rest of the photos in that year's folder structure? Or is it going to be more complicated than that to re-synchronize Lightroom with the new folder locations?

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Lightroom :: Entire Catalog Folder Missing

Feb 26, 2013

I have checked the invisible files rebuilt the desktop, restarted loaded a back up from different drive - photos are in place but the lightroom folder is gone.
Yet the drive in question space, has not changed still full. I'm loosing a lot of work two three full days between backups had added a lot of new material.
my main question is How can I free up the 86 gigs of space this 'missing folder' is still taking I'm seroius never seen this before.,228000 images were organized in that folder I had done a lot of work and was having issues generating previews due to space on drive was clearing space opptimized then did a 'get info' on the lightroom master folder just moments before lightroom crashed for third time today. Poof entire master catalog folder gone. Main drive size exactly the same.Seems isolated to lightroom..all aspects of my mac are fine. 

Is there a file limit, folder implosion feature? I'm current and purchased just to do this organization.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Import Dialog Visibility Dark / Low

Nov 30, 2011

I have struggled with various settings of the Interface under Preferences, but the import dialog in Lightroom 3.* is so dark/low contrast as to be almost invisible.  I have to really strain to read it.

The "dim level" control doesn't work nor does using "light grey" or "white" backhground.  I'm using pretty common, calibrated monitors and the problem is not just on one computer.

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Lightroom :: How To Apply An Entire Keyword Set To Selected Image

Sep 19, 2012

Is there a way to apply an entire keyword set to selected image (as opposed to applying keywords one by one from a set)?

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Lightroom :: How To Create Fuchsia (dark Pink) Preset

Jun 26, 2013

How do I create a fuchsia (dark pink) preset in Lightroom 4. I need to change a photo to that color.

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Lightroom :: Prints Coming Out Too Dark - Calibration Workflow?

Mar 20, 2014

Yes, my monitor is an LCD and it is bright. It is not a proofing monitor. It was calibrated. I've been printing B&W from LR on an Epson printer (r1900 & r2400). I know proper color management. Turn off Epson Color Management, let LR manage color with the correct icc profile
Obviously I can do trial and error, brightening the photo until it looks correct.My thought is, is there a way I could print on one page Thumbnails or like in the film days strips with different "exposures." Then with one print I could pick how much of an adjustment is needed?

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Lightroom :: OM-D / How To View Entire 4:3 RAW File When Aspect Ratio Set In-camera To 3:2

Apr 27, 2012

When shooting RAW, the OM-D records 4:3 files no matter what the aspect ratio is set to.  If you set it to 3:2 (for example), the camera records some sort of metadata to communicate this information to Lightroom, which honors the setting.  So far, so good.
My question is, is there any way to override that setting? I have a photo shot at 3:2, but I can see from the in-camera preview that it'd be a better shot with the whole thing. But I can't figure out how to get LR 4.1rc2 to show me the whole thing!

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Lightroom :: Moving Entire Catalog To Bigger External Drive?

Jun 29, 2013

A friend just had major problems moving his v3 files. He had one top folder for all Lightroom. He keeps his catalog and photos on an external and now needs to increase the capacity of the external. So he copied them over in Windows with the entire Lightroom folder remaining intact, and reassigned the old drive letter to the new external hard drive, so the path to all photos is preserved.
However, everyhting shows up Missing. "Find this folder" doesn't work. You navigate to the new location but it's not clear what exactly you "do" to relink. Clicking the name of the lost folder in the resulting dialog box (new-but-named-the-same-as-old-drive) didn't cange anthong back at the Library display of that folder. I know I -- myself -- will be moving to a new internal drive from the one currently storing my photos in the near future. So his problem is relavant to the hassle i can expect.

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Lightroom :: How To Do Batch Resize And Watermark On Entire File Of Images

Nov 4, 2012

I would like to resize and watermark all of the image in a particular file.  I understand that I can do this with Lightroom, but I do now know how.

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Lightroom :: In Library Module Entire Folder Hierarchy Is Not Showing

Nov 21, 2011

I have things cataloged in folders by country then by year, then date. If I try to add a folder I am directed to my Lightroom folder and everything is in order, ie Lightroom/Asia/China/2008/ 2008-6-16. But I can't see that on the right side of LR.

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Lightroom :: Entire Catalog Images Turned Black And White

Apr 19, 2013

My 3yo son got on my computer and somehow changed over 5000 images in my lightroom catalog all to black and white! How do I un do this?

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Lightroom :: How To Copy (not Move) Entire Library To New Hard Drive

Dec 9, 2013

I would like to consolidate all of my image files onto one  hard drive by copying them from multiple drives to one large new one. The desired result is that I would have my library on that new drive, with all the links making sense to LR, but leaving the original files on those original drives as an archival back up. I know how to MOVE the files within LR, but I can't figure out how to COPY them. If the image files were not already in the catalog, I would just import them using "copy and add to catalog." Worst case, I suppose I could move all of the files to the new drive and then export copies to the old drives, but that seems very time consuming. I have more than 3TB of files.

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Lightroom :: How To Select Some Pictures as Opposed To Entire In Photo Album

Mar 26, 2013

I am Trying out Light room and so far notfinding it not very friendly. when I open a Folder of pictures. even though Ichoose certain one to create a Photo Album to put on a Website it wants to put everything in not just what I select.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Renders Images With Dark - Green-yellow Color-cast?

Sep 29, 2013

The fresh install of LR 5.2 renders all images - RAW and JPG - throughout the program with a very dark, green-yellow colorcast. The only place where images appear normal is in the Import dialog, while the thumbnail mode is active. Apart from that, every program module features this annoying reproduction. Here are some supporting screenshots (red rectangles are from me):
Import screen - thumbnail view - OK:
Import screen - preview - NOT OK:

Library view - NOT OK:
Strangely enough, if I export the picture to JPEG - without any modifications - the image appears normal again:

 LR version: 5.2.1, 64b (tried the 32b version too, same error)
OS: Windows 8, 64bit
Camera: Canon 40d, imported images are RAW.

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Lightroom :: Small Dark Circle Appearing In Right Upper Corner Of Image?

Nov 5, 2012

In LR 4, a small dark circle is appearing in the right upper corner of an image; hovering over it does not bring up an explanation and when tapping on it, it turns white?

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Lightroom :: NEF Files / D5100 - Fully Loaded Preview Image Dark?

Oct 12, 2012

How do you join a multi-word keyword so it is recognized as one keyword? i.e. If you want "New York", not "New" and "York." Do you put it in quotes? Isolate it with commas? Other?
Ocean View
Ocean Front
Over the Water
I try to do this in Library Mode, Keyword Creation box, I get 2 words.
Example, I type Los Angeles and get:  Angeles, Los
Nothing I try works.  I know it is common since I imported 200,000 images and I see lots of word combos used as keywords.

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Lightroom :: Softproof To ARGB Or SRGB - Resulting Proof Crushes Dark Tones Into Solid Black

Apr 2, 2014

When I am going through RAW files from my Canon cameras (1Ds MkIII and 6D) I edit them in the develop module and then convert to aRGB or sRGB depending on the output media. They look good in aRGB and sRGB too when I take into account the limitations of sRGB.
---> However, if I try the softproof to aRGB or sRGB the resulting proof crushes dark tones into solid black. Why is this when the actual conversions are way better? The actual conversions look good in both LR and PS CS5.
I have also noticed that when I upload images to my online galleries and view them with Firefox (latest version and color management enabled for all rendered graphics) they appear darker in the darkest tones than what they appear in LR. What gives?
- - - - - - - - -
Further info:
I am using LR 5.3, no updates suggested by the softwareWindows 8.1 clean installThe computer is a new one, fast processor, 32 gigs ram etc.Eizo CX270 hardware calibrated (16-bit internal LUT) with the Spyder 4 in ColorNavigator 6 software.The issue has always been like this

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Lightroom :: Select The Crop Tool Image Disappears During The Entire Crop Process

Jun 2, 2008

when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.

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Lightroom :: Cover Layout That Spans Your Entire Back / Front Cover With Blurb?

Aug 23, 2012

I am building my second book with Blurb, this time with LR4
it's going to be a small square and for the back and cover, I have built a file with photoshop and when I drop it to first page, no way I can "slide" it to cover the entire back+ cover
see my problem [URL]

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Lightroom :: Map Display In 5.3

Jan 18, 2014

When I select Map or click on the  Geotag icon or the coordinates in Library, instead of the normal map display, I get a copy of the library view (grid, loupe, etc.) embedded inside the previous view as can be seen in the accompanying picture.  This is apparently some problem in my set up (Win7 x64 Pro with NVIDIA GeForce GT220 Display Adapter.).  It is likely a display driver issue, but I have updated my driver each time NVIDIA has sent out an update.  I have my other copy of 5.3 on a MBP with Mavericks and it's working fine.

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Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Second Display?

Aug 18, 2013

When I click on an image and it appears on my second monitor, it appears sharp until my first monitor has updated for sharpness, at which point the second monitor goes off focus. If I then apply my normal sharpening preset, the image on the second monitor updates and remains focused.
It's not very important but a nuisance in that sometimes I do not need to apply sharpening. NB - it is not slowness in loading the image. LR5 and (RC2) work fast on my machine. No matter how long I leave the image on screen, it will not come to focus until I sharpen it.
Win 7 64 bit

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