Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Second Display?

Aug 18, 2013

When I click on an image and it appears on my second monitor, it appears sharp until my first monitor has updated for sharpness, at which point the second monitor goes off focus. If I then apply my normal sharpening preset, the image on the second monitor updates and remains focused.
It's not very important but a nuisance in that sometimes I do not need to apply sharpening. NB - it is not slowness in loading the image. LR5 and (RC2) work fast on my machine. No matter how long I leave the image on screen, it will not come to focus until I sharpen it.
Win 7 64 bit

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Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Image Display In 4 RC2?

May 21, 2012

I have just downloaded LR4.1 RC2 and in working through an existing catalogue yesterday, found that about 5% of the images in the main window would not load as focused images. (the images had alrady been developed and rated, so I know they were in focus).  The navigation and other thumnail images were fine, but some images just kept coming up as unfocused;  switching between library and develop mode did not seem to make a difference, neither did moving to another image and back again.   I had noticed this in LR4.0, but not nearly so frequently and usually switching to another image and back again or between library

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Lightroom :: Display Focus Point Used By Camera?

Sep 16, 2013

Can LR 4 or LR 5 display the focus point used by the camera?  It is in the metadata but did Adobe dig it out and create a nice display for it?

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Lightroom :: 2nd Display Disappears On Switching Focus To Another Application?

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running LR5 on Windows. I've got the grid view on my primary display and a second display showing the loupe view.
If the focus moves to another application (i.e. a small notepad window on the primary display) then I can still see LR with its grid view in the background behind notepad on the primary display however the loupe view on the second display disappears and I can see the desktop.
Is it possible to configure LR not to automatically hide the 2nd display when the input foucs moves to a different wiindow? I'd like to be able to continue displaying the image on the 2nd display while I'm doing something else on the primary display.
I've not been able to check but I've a feeling this is new behaviour in 5, I don't think 3 or 4 did this.

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Lightroom :: Display Focus Point Of Camera Superimposed On Image

Oct 26, 2011

I would like to see the focus point my camera used superimposed on the image in Lightroom with a setting and a keyboard shortcut toggle to turn this on and off. I shoot Nikon D200 and D700 bodies.

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Lightroom :: Focus Point Of Photo In 4.4?

May 10, 2013

Does lightroom 4.4 have a menu selection to show where the camera was focused  at the time of the shot?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Out Of Focus Grid View?

Oct 4, 2012

I’m not sure where the problem lies but when I view images in Lightroom 3.6 in the Grid View they are out of focus. If I view a single image in the Loupe View it’s fine. This doesn’t happen in any other application I run. My PC has an ASUS GTX 550 Ti graphic card

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Lightroom :: Show Focal / Focus Point In 4?

Nov 15, 2013

I have taken identical camera images with different focal points to test a focus stacking theory. Problem is I've forgotten what order these images were taken. Is there any way in Lightroom 4 that I can see the "subject distance" assuming that this will show me the focal points that I need to stack the images? I have checked these images but cannot confirm which focus order they are. I know the exif info contains this "subject distance" as I've seen it on Flickr.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Shows RAW Files As Very Soft Focus

Jun 2, 2012

I have been having real problems with Lightroom 3.6 showing RAW files (from Canon 400D) as very soft focus, whereas Zoombrowser and Photoshop Elements show the images as crisp and sharp.
I have wasted hours trying to sharpen images which did not need sharpening as I assumed my photos were bad, but they are not.
This has also been found to be the case on other photos taken in RAW with another Canon 50D. So the fault seems generic.

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Lightroom :: How To Enlarge Individual Photos In Loupe View To Check For Focus

Jan 19, 2013

When I am capturing images in LR4 from a CF card or camera I want to enlarge individual photos in loupe view to check for focus, etc. I am talking about the time PRIOR TO IMPORT. Some of my images will enlarge with no problem but some images become completel pixilated when I try to Zoom in. This does not happen when I try to import from the hard drive. Is this normal. My render preview is set to Standard.

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Lightroom :: Focus Jumps To Keyword Filter Box When Clicking A Keyword

Aug 17, 2010

Long, long, keyword hierarchy.  Clicking on a keyword takes the focus back up to the keyword filter box.  Usually happens if I've used the filter box to narrow down the keywords that are visible. Continues even after the filter box has been cleared.  Doesn't happen all the time though.  It is a real pain when trying to double click a keyword to edit it as the first click or the double click causes the list to refresh showing only the top entries.  The second click (of the double click) then causes whatever keyword is now under the pointer to be keyword to be edited - NOT the keyword under the pointer when I started the double click.
I've seen this happen in both LR3.0 and LR3.2RC.
Windows XP, 32bit.

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Lightroom :: Map Display In 5.3

Jan 18, 2014

When I select Map or click on the  Geotag icon or the coordinates in Library, instead of the normal map display, I get a copy of the library view (grid, loupe, etc.) embedded inside the previous view as can be seen in the accompanying picture.  This is apparently some problem in my set up (Win7 x64 Pro with NVIDIA GeForce GT220 Display Adapter.).  It is likely a display driver issue, but I have updated my driver each time NVIDIA has sent out an update.  I have my other copy of 5.3 on a MBP with Mavericks and it's working fine.

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3ds Max :: How To Keep Focus On The Object

Jun 17, 2011

If I click on an object that has a modifier, the focus goes straight to the modifier and I cannot click on anything else unless I click on the parent object in the stack. This is a pain when I am randomly selecting objects. Is there any way for 3DS Max to keep the focus on the object when I click on it rather than going straight to the modifier.

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Lightroom :: How To Use Retina Display In 4.3

Mar 28, 2013

How do you use the Retina Display in LR 4.3?

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Lightroom :: Why Does LR Not Display Photos

Nov 8, 2013

all of a sudden lightroom tells me "no photo selected " when I try to open a folder.All the folders are visible but the photos cannot be displayed.I am using lightroom 4.1..The last editing was done less then 12 hours ago without any problems.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Stealing Focus In OSX?

Jul 25, 2012

This happenes often, but not consistently.I'm using CS6 (regular) with OSX Lion, 16GB RAM.
Once I have a few files open, Photoshop starts "stealing" the cursor focus, which is to say if I go to any other application, as soon as I make one click, PS jumps into the foreground and becomes the active application. The click I made in the other app was applied, and I can see it when I go back to that app, but as soon as I click again, Photoshop pops back into focus.
The only workaround I've found is minmizing PS while I use other apps. Or closing it and restarting it. Sometimes just reducing the program window works, and sometimes not.

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Photoshop :: Change Focus

Sep 7, 2008

I have taken some netball sport photographs where the camera's automatic focus failed to lock onto the player. Rather, it locked onto the background spectators on the edge of the court. Consequently, the player is blurred. I have tried "lens blur" filter and "distortion lens correction" and even "spherise" without success.

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Photoshop :: Focus This Picture?

May 1, 2005

One of the pictures I took of a friend isn't focused well, can someone please focus it for me here?

I tried myself but the photoshop unsharp mask didn't work so well

Is it even possible to focus this using computer programs?

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Photoshop :: Out Of Focus Photos??

Jul 12, 2009

Any way these photos can be saved?  Or any advice as to what went wrong.  I operate CS3 Extended and Photoshop Elements 5.

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Photoshop :: Focus On The Picture?

Jun 11, 2006

way to make the background of fans not stand out as much so you can focus on the rest of the picture

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Photoshop :: Selective Out Of Focus

Feb 26, 2007

how to do this chore. Worse, I know it must be so simple that its laughable. I haven't ever needed to do it though.

I have an image that is great [in my eyes] but in the middle of the image an area of tree foliage shows that is so tightly focused, it distracts. How do I selectively soften, fuzz, blur [likely] or what ever only that portion. I have fought this since Sept and haven't found an answer that feels right.

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Photoshop :: Soft Focus

Sep 14, 2005

Does anyone know the technique to apply a soft focus to an image using the actions palette? Some would refer to it as "the move"...

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Photoshop :: Add Focus Shadow

Nov 13, 2007

how would you take a normal looking picture and add enough shadow and glow to make this?

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3ds Max :: Specify Object To Track The Focus?

Jul 29, 2012

I was wondering if there's a way or a script to specify an object to track the focus to rather then just the distance and if in case this would work either for standard cameras and vray cameras.

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Lightroom :: Folder Structure Display

Dec 6, 2013

I have been using Lightroom 3 for a number of years quite happily. My folders in Lightroom nicely reflected the folder names for their respective photo folders on my external drive. The top level folders were the years (e.g. 2012, 2013, etc) with subfolder names which reflected various photos taken that year e.g. Christmas 2013, Johnny's birthday, etc.
my last photo import my folder structure has changed in Lightroom and instead of showing the folder names it shows the number of photos in the folders. So instead of showing Christmas 2013 the folder name displays as 45 if there are 45 photos in the Christmas 2013 folder. The structure and hierarchy of the folders are still correct but the names have turned into numbers which is nonsensical and makes navigation between folders a headache.

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Lightroom :: How To Display And Use Full RAW File

Nov 30, 2012

my camera (Canon S95) has a sensor with 4:3 aspect ratio and thus saves all RAW files in this format. Additionally, the camera can automatically create JPGs with a cropped ratio (e.g. 3:2 or 16:9). This is very useful because you can see the target format already on the camera screen (with black bars on top and bottom), which facilitates the composition. However, when processing the photos on the big screen afterwards, it often also facilitates the photo to adjust the ratio a little bit and therefore use the additional information saved in the bigger 4:3 RAW file. This works very well with many of the freely available software tools.
The problem found in Lightroom is now that it only shows the RAW photo in the cropped format and up to know I have found no way to display or use the full RAW format. So my question is: Which settings do I have to change to use the full format? What do I need to change?

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Lightroom :: Prints Don't Match Display

Oct 1, 2013

I have profiled my monitor and my printer.  I can print from photoshop and prints match  my display.  When I print out of lightroom, they are not even close.  I use the same printer profile and the program  manages the color. 

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Lightroom :: Does Not Display All Lens Profiles

Nov 29, 2011

After upgrading to LR3.5 it seems that the lens correction lost some profiles (in particular 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 Nikon). It used to show this profile previously. I checked the file system and the profile(s) are in '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/LensProfiles/1.0/Nikon' as expected. Any thoughts to tell LR to show them to me?

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Lightroom :: 4 Won't Show Slideshow On 2nd Display?

Jul 23, 2013

I've been using Lightroom 4 in our studio since it came out of beta. We have been running it with our projector set as the second display (windows7). Last week it stopped displaying the slideshow through the projector. The module recognizes the second display but when we run the slideshow nothing is displayed. All the other functions display through the projector normally.  I must have changed some setting but can't figure out what.

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Lightroom :: Toggle Display Of RAW / JPEG?

Oct 21, 2010

I shoot in RAW+JPEG so that I can recover from disasters, also I'm fairly new to digital photography so want to give myself as many options as possible. Lightroom works perfectly and imports both the JPG and RAW files from my 5Dmk2, it displays first the JPG, and then loads in the RAW file. This has the effect of showing a quick fullscreen view with one exposure settings, and (normally) once the RAW loads in, everything darkens as the RAW appears.
Sometimes however, the JPG's have perfect color balance and I'd rather work with them than spend 15 minutes screwing with the color - is there a way to toggle between the RAW vs. JPG in each pictureset?
I know there is an option to treat RAW+JPG pairs as a single file, but a quick way to switch between them would be very handy. Does this exist?

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Lightroom :: Entire Display Is Quite Dark?

May 12, 2012

II've just downloaded Lightroom 4 and the entire display is quite dark: I thought this was a cool new feature until I realised that the photos all display significantly darker than they should. Is there any way to correct this?

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