3ds Max :: How To Keep Focus On The Object

Jun 17, 2011

If I click on an object that has a modifier, the focus goes straight to the modifier and I cannot click on anything else unless I click on the parent object in the stack. This is a pain when I am randomly selecting objects. Is there any way for 3DS Max to keep the focus on the object when I click on it rather than going straight to the modifier.

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3ds Max :: Specify Object To Track The Focus?

Jul 29, 2012

I was wondering if there's a way or a script to specify an object to track the focus to rather then just the distance and if in case this would work either for standard cameras and vray cameras.

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Paint.NET :: Make Light Focus On One Object

Feb 9, 2013

Since I'm from Photoshop  and they have lighting effects, I'm wondering if I can make a light focus on one direct object, and the surrounding objects are blackened out a bit.
Link me to a plugin.

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Photoshop :: The Dark Effect, Focus Concentrating On Object

Oct 24, 2008

how this was made,

I think he did something with saturation but the dark thing?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Stealing Focus In OSX?

Jul 25, 2012

This happenes often, but not consistently.I'm using CS6 (regular) with OSX Lion, 16GB RAM.
Once I have a few files open, Photoshop starts "stealing" the cursor focus, which is to say if I go to any other application, as soon as I make one click, PS jumps into the foreground and becomes the active application. The click I made in the other app was applied, and I can see it when I go back to that app, but as soon as I click again, Photoshop pops back into focus.
The only workaround I've found is minmizing PS while I use other apps. Or closing it and restarting it. Sometimes just reducing the program window works, and sometimes not.

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Photoshop :: Change Focus

Sep 7, 2008

I have taken some netball sport photographs where the camera's automatic focus failed to lock onto the player. Rather, it locked onto the background spectators on the edge of the court. Consequently, the player is blurred. I have tried "lens blur" filter and "distortion lens correction" and even "spherise" without success.

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Photoshop :: Focus This Picture?

May 1, 2005

One of the pictures I took of a friend isn't focused well, can someone please focus it for me here?

I tried myself but the photoshop unsharp mask didn't work so well

Is it even possible to focus this using computer programs?

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Photoshop :: Out Of Focus Photos??

Jul 12, 2009

Any way these photos can be saved?  Or any advice as to what went wrong.  I operate CS3 Extended and Photoshop Elements 5.

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Photoshop :: Focus On The Picture?

Jun 11, 2006

way to make the background of fans not stand out as much so you can focus on the rest of the picture

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Photoshop :: Selective Out Of Focus

Feb 26, 2007

how to do this chore. Worse, I know it must be so simple that its laughable. I haven't ever needed to do it though.

I have an image that is great [in my eyes] but in the middle of the image an area of tree foliage shows that is so tightly focused, it distracts. How do I selectively soften, fuzz, blur [likely] or what ever only that portion. I have fought this since Sept and haven't found an answer that feels right.

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Photoshop :: Soft Focus

Sep 14, 2005

Does anyone know the technique to apply a soft focus to an image using the actions palette? Some would refer to it as "the move"...

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Photoshop :: Add Focus Shadow

Nov 13, 2007

how would you take a normal looking picture and add enough shadow and glow to make this?

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Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Second Display?

Aug 18, 2013

When I click on an image and it appears on my second monitor, it appears sharp until my first monitor has updated for sharpness, at which point the second monitor goes off focus. If I then apply my normal sharpening preset, the image on the second monitor updates and remains focused.
It's not very important but a nuisance in that sometimes I do not need to apply sharpening. NB - it is not slowness in loading the image. LR5 and (RC2) work fast on my machine. No matter how long I leave the image on screen, it will not come to focus until I sharpen it.
Win 7 64 bit

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Photoshop :: Focus Stacking Does Not Work?

Jun 24, 2012

I tried to find a CS6 forum in which I could post but could not find a forum that I was alowed to post inI have taken several photos with multiple focal points and I am trying to merge them in Photoshop CS6 but in every attempt I end up with a single layer that is used while the others indicate no selections at all.

Even when using just 2 images the process only uses the first image and it sets the mask to transparent.Here are the steps I've been following Open each of the images I want to stack.Use the Photomerge tool with Auto, Blend Images Together, and Add Open Files. This successfully creates a new image with multiple layers but areas are being selected.Use Auto Blend Layers, Stack Image with Seamless Tones and Colors checked.The obvious result is no change because only the first layer is being used.

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Photoshop :: How To Use CC To Do RAW Conversion / Focus Blending

Jan 17, 2013

How do I use Photoshop to create a focus-blended image from multiple RAW files and convert the result to B&W using Silver Efex Pro in smart filter mode with *everything* non-destructively edited?
I typically export files from Lightroom to Photoshop as Smart Objects. How can I export multiple files from Lightroom to Photoshop as Smart Objects, focus-blend them in Photoshop, and then convert the resulting focus-blended stack into a B&W image using Silver Efex Pro in smart filter mode?
If this isn't possible, what workflow would give the closest approximation of the flexibility (being able to tweak RAW conversion without a lot of re-work of the later steps) of my desired workflow?
I'm using OSX 10.7.5 on a Core i5 with 16GB RAM, Photoshop CS6, and Silver Efex Pro 2.

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Photoshop :: Losing Layer Focus CC?

Jun 25, 2013

I frequently create multiple paths on a single layer with the intention of applying a stroke to each of them at the same time.  I typically lay out the paths roughly and then go in with the Direct Select tool to refine them before applying the stroke.

In previous versions, once I'd made the last adjustment I would click off the subpath I'd been editing and then right-click and choose Stroke Path, thereby applying the stroke to each of the paths.  (If I don't deselect the last sub-path I was working on, the only option I get on right-click is to stroke that sub-path.)

In CC, once I click in a blank area to deselect the sub-path it also deselects the Layer (removes the highlight from the Layer in the Layer Panel), so most of my right-click options are greyed out. I have to move back over to the Layer Panel and reselect the Layer I want to apply the strokes on.

It's possible that my old approach is bad and I should feel bad, and this added step of having to re-highlight the Layer in the Layer Panel is the bestest thing ever, but I'd kind of like to be able to avoid that additional step.  That is, I'm assuming that this is somehow a feature and not a bug.

If there's no way around having to reselect the Layer after deselecting the sub-path (or after clicking on a blank area with the Direct Select tool in general), in the alternative, is there at least a quick way to select all of the sub-paths at once without losing Layer focus?

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Photoshop :: Camera Focus Correction...

Oct 16, 2007

trying to improve the quality of this picture. I have tried a few ideas suggested on this forum (I have searched) Including Smart Sharpen, Sharpen Mask, and High Pass filter and light linear blending, and a few plugins. None of them have produced results that improve the image.

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Paint.NET :: Stopping Tools From Having Focus?

Jun 9, 2011

but my lack of determing the answer has stopped me from using what is obviously an excellent product: Once I use a tool to perform something, say to draw a colored line in an image, I dont know what to click on from stopping the drawing tool from having control. I can click on another tool, but what if I just want to drag the image to another part of the screen? In a previous paint tool I used, PhotoImpact I believe, there was an icon in the Tools that basically stopped whatever tool I had last selected from being in affect.

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Photoshop Elements :: Out Of Focus Thumbnails

Apr 17, 2013

When I click any of my thumbnails in organizer Photoshop elements 11 they are out of focus. I am using a Macbook Pro.

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Photoshop Elements :: Out Of Focus Old Photos?

Sep 9, 2013

How can I get an old photo better focused, it is very blurred?

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Possible To Do Focus Stacking?

Dec 31, 2013

Is it possible to do (Focus Stacking ) in Elements11?
If so, any link to a tutorial?

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Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Image Display In 4 RC2?

May 21, 2012

I have just downloaded LR4.1 RC2 and in working through an existing catalogue yesterday, found that about 5% of the images in the main window would not load as focused images. (the images had alrady been developed and rated, so I know they were in focus).  The navigation and other thumnail images were fine, but some images just kept coming up as unfocused;  switching between library and develop mode did not seem to make a difference, neither did moving to another image and back again.   I had noticed this in LR4.0, but not nearly so frequently and usually switching to another image and back again or between library

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Lightroom :: Focus Point Of Photo In 4.4?

May 10, 2013

Does lightroom 4.4 have a menu selection to show where the camera was focused  at the time of the shot?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Out Of Focus Grid View?

Oct 4, 2012

I’m not sure where the problem lies but when I view images in Lightroom 3.6 in the Grid View they are out of focus. If I view a single image in the Loupe View it’s fine. This doesn’t happen in any other application I run. My PC has an ASUS GTX 550 Ti graphic card

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Premiere Pro :: Page Zooms In And Goes Out Of Focus

Feb 9, 2014

I have seen it in Dateline and 60 Minutes, they are highligting and article, e-mail or memo; the page zooms in and goes out of focus ( this is easy) but then an excerpt of the article rips out of the page and the important statement with jagged edges comes into focus. I have seen it several times so I don't know if it is just a plain graphic or an After Effex template. I have Google it and found nothing.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Why Does Keyboard Focus Keep Switching To Menu Bar

Aug 18, 2013

Photoshop CS6 constantly setting the keyboard focus to the menu bar? This makes it difficult to use shortcuts.
Typical examples: I want to switch to the Move tool, so I press V, but instead, the View menu drops down. Or I press T for the Type tool, but instead, the Filter menu drops down. This happens often and it's very annoying.
This also happens in Premiere Pro CS6, and happens on both my Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 machines. Doesn't happen in other applications, and is not related to actually using a menu, i.e. if I choose something from a menu, then press V, Photoshop will often work correctly and activate the Move tool. This behavior seems to happen randomly.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Focus Distance In Exif Data?

Mar 4, 2013

cs6 doesn't save the focus distance in the exif data (Canon 7D) like cs5, is there a fix for this?

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Paint Shop Pro :: All Layer Lose Focus

Sep 21, 2011

Since version X4 I sometimes have the problem that no layer has the focus anymore. So no layer is active and then I cannot select any tool. I never had that befor and I do not like it.

Is that a bug or a new feature which makes sence in some cases? Can I switch that "new feature" off?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Force Modeless Form To Keep Focus?

Mar 20, 2011

how I could force a modeless form to keep focus.  There is a sample on the ObjectARX docs but I can find anything for Dot Net.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Windows Focus During Batch Processing?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a VBA program that I'm converting to VB.Net.  The program is a batch process that opens a an excel file, opens a template drawing, adds blocks (listed in the excel file), plots and saves the drawing, then moves on to the next drawing, and so on.  In Autocad 2008 and previous version, the program ran in the background, i.e. I could see what was happening, but it didn't affect the running of other programs (like email).  However, since switching to Autocad 2009 (and 2010, and now 2011), the very same program now steels focus every time a new drawing is created (every few seconds).  We've been running this program for years during normal business hours, but have had to change to running them on a remote VM (which is slower) or at night.

I have since converted the program to vb.net, but I get the same results; windows or autocad keeps returning the focus to the autocad interface.  When I originally started to covert this program, I was going to do everything in the database only (not the user interface), it appears that to plot, though, the drawing must be opened in the interface. 

I can still run the same VBA program in 2008 or 2007 (if I re-install them) and it will run without steeling focus, but the 2007 file format is slightly larger and adds up with the thousands of drawings we are dealing with.  And I want to move to vb.net and 2011.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Set Focus To Main Window From Form?

Dec 7, 2013

How to switch focus to AutoCAD document window from my form of C# .NET plug-in.

After user pressed the button, I invite him to input a point, but my form still on top.

And it is nessesary to press minimize button, next to set a Focus on Autocad window, then to pick a point.

It is not handy enough.

I did not find a property to set a focus in class of Application.MainWindow.

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