Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Image Display In 4 RC2?

May 21, 2012

I have just downloaded LR4.1 RC2 and in working through an existing catalogue yesterday, found that about 5% of the images in the main window would not load as focused images. (the images had alrady been developed and rated, so I know they were in focus).  The navigation and other thumnail images were fine, but some images just kept coming up as unfocused;  switching between library and develop mode did not seem to make a difference, neither did moving to another image and back again.   I had noticed this in LR4.0, but not nearly so frequently and usually switching to another image and back again or between library

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Lightroom :: Display Focus Point Of Camera Superimposed On Image

Oct 26, 2011

I would like to see the focus point my camera used superimposed on the image in Lightroom with a setting and a keyboard shortcut toggle to turn this on and off. I shoot Nikon D200 and D700 bodies.

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Lightroom :: Out Of Focus Second Display?

Aug 18, 2013

When I click on an image and it appears on my second monitor, it appears sharp until my first monitor has updated for sharpness, at which point the second monitor goes off focus. If I then apply my normal sharpening preset, the image on the second monitor updates and remains focused.
It's not very important but a nuisance in that sometimes I do not need to apply sharpening. NB - it is not slowness in loading the image. LR5 and (RC2) work fast on my machine. No matter how long I leave the image on screen, it will not come to focus until I sharpen it.
Win 7 64 bit

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Lightroom :: Display Focus Point Used By Camera?

Sep 16, 2013

Can LR 4 or LR 5 display the focus point used by the camera?  It is in the metadata but did Adobe dig it out and create a nice display for it?

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Lightroom :: 2nd Display Disappears On Switching Focus To Another Application?

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running LR5 on Windows. I've got the grid view on my primary display and a second display showing the loupe view.
If the focus moves to another application (i.e. a small notepad window on the primary display) then I can still see LR with its grid view in the background behind notepad on the primary display however the loupe view on the second display disappears and I can see the desktop.
Is it possible to configure LR not to automatically hide the 2nd display when the input foucs moves to a different wiindow? I'd like to be able to continue displaying the image on the 2nd display while I'm doing something else on the primary display.
I've not been able to check but I've a feeling this is new behaviour in 5, I don't think 3 or 4 did this.

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Lightroom :: Display Corruption - Image Info / Top Of Image

Aug 17, 2012

I'm running Lightroom 4.1, but this issue has been present since Lightroom 3.0 using two different, modern ATI Graphics cards, same Sandy Bridge PC.
On any image, shot with any camera, after a few minutes the info display (image information) and the surrounding area will corrupt. It looks like there's a rectangular box about the width of the image and the height of the info display, where the border of the rectangle is made up of bits of the image, hope that makes sense.
Anyway, pressing "I" to cycle through the info display removes the corruption, but then it returns a few minutes later.

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Lightroom :: Can't Get Image To Display In Library Mode

Oct 10, 2012

I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade.  Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.

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GIMP :: 2.6 Has Lost Focus In Image Window

Apr 26, 2011

I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!

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Lightroom :: 5 - Selected Image Does Not Display In Develop Module

Jul 8, 2013

I recently upgraded to LR5 from LR4.1. I have seen on several occasions where the selected image in the Develop Module does not appear. I can move back to the LIbrary view and the image appears, but when I switch back to the Develop Module, the image disappears and only a black box appears (dark grey really). This seems to happen after I have deleted flagged files using the ALT-Backspace shortcut. This has happeded when  I deleted while in the Library and Develop Module, but does not happen every time. I have disabled the "Show photo on Mouse Over" view option.  Prior to that, the preview window shows the selected or moused over photo. 
The only thing I can do to get the develop module to work again is to restart Lightroom. It is very annoying when trying to go through 4000 photos!

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Lightroom :: Can't Display Entire Exif Data For The Image

Sep 13, 2012

I have the demo version of Lightroom 4.1 and really like it and am thinking of buying it.  I have one question (at the moment, anyway). In the Library module, when I open an image, the Metadata tab shows me only some of the exif data in my file compared to what I can see from Windows explorer file properties on my jpg files.For example, the Metadata tab does not show me: exposure compensation, metering mode (spot, center-weighted, or matrix), exposure program (like Aperature Priority or Shutter Priority), Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Sharpness, White Balance, etc.
If Windows Explorer can display the entire exif data for the image, why can't LR? Is there maybe some way I don't know about to make LR show me the full exif data instead of just what it considers "interesting"?

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Lightroom :: Image Detail Info Display At Import?

Jun 16, 2012

In lr4.1 before Importing images, I'd like to see more info (camera, lens, focal length, f-stop, exposure time etc.) about the images besides just the file name before making the selection to import.
In the library module I just push the i key and it loops through two sets of info and a non-display. Why can't I do this in the Import module? If yes: how? What options do I set and where? If no: Is there a plugin to do so or who do I ask to add this to the next release?

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Photoshop :: Image Size Reduction-focus Loss

Jan 6, 2006

I'm editing digi photos about 6mb in size and dragging/copying them into another file (template) which is much smaller. When the photo appers in the new file it's huge. So I use the free transform tool to get the image down to the size and position I want and all is good.

I lose the focus of my subject (close up of Rolex-Omega watch's). Now the original shot is perfect and most of the time I dont have a problem in that the focus remains perfect after reducing the image down. Have I clicked on something that I shouldn't? I cannot work it out, the photo's are all in a batch, the first 4 were perfect and the 5th, just not having it, even after re-taking the picture.

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GIMP :: Switch Focus To The Image Window Without Having To Click It

May 19, 2012

If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.

The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.

I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.

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GIMP :: How To Create A Keyboard Shortcut To Put Focus On Image Window

Apr 15, 2012

Is there any way to create a keyboard shortcut to put focus on the image window? I see how to create shortcuts to select every window except the image window, and it if I could just select the image window with a keyboard shortcut, GIMP would be much easier for me to use.

Also is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of a layer?

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Lightroom :: Focus Point Of Photo In 4.4?

May 10, 2013

Does lightroom 4.4 have a menu selection to show where the camera was focused  at the time of the shot?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Out Of Focus Grid View?

Oct 4, 2012

I’m not sure where the problem lies but when I view images in Lightroom 3.6 in the Grid View they are out of focus. If I view a single image in the Loupe View it’s fine. This doesn’t happen in any other application I run. My PC has an ASUS GTX 550 Ti graphic card

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Lightroom :: Show Focal / Focus Point In 4?

Nov 15, 2013

I have taken identical camera images with different focal points to test a focus stacking theory. Problem is I've forgotten what order these images were taken. Is there any way in Lightroom 4 that I can see the "subject distance" assuming that this will show me the focal points that I need to stack the images? I have checked these images but cannot confirm which focus order they are. I know the exif info contains this "subject distance" as I've seen it on Flickr.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Shows RAW Files As Very Soft Focus

Jun 2, 2012

I have been having real problems with Lightroom 3.6 showing RAW files (from Canon 400D) as very soft focus, whereas Zoombrowser and Photoshop Elements show the images as crisp and sharp.
I have wasted hours trying to sharpen images which did not need sharpening as I assumed my photos were bad, but they are not.
This has also been found to be the case on other photos taken in RAW with another Canon 50D. So the fault seems generic.

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Photoshop :: On Close Inspection - Stacked Image Appears Small / Random / Out Of Focus Blobs?

Jun 22, 2013

Having followed various tutorials to the letter, I am finding that, on close inspection, my stacked image appears to have small, random, out of focus blobs. No matter how many shots I use in the stack, the final results are the same. However, if I repeat the procedure, with the same images, the result is the same, but with different areas of softness.

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Photoshop Elements :: Depth Field - Whole Image Unblurs Even When Choose Small Area To Focus

Jan 17, 2013

When I use the gradient tool in simple depth field in photoshop element 10  my whole image unblurs even when I chose a smal area to focus. It used to work well before but for one reason or another, it stopped. I uninstalled my program and that didn't fix the problem.

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Lightroom :: How To Enlarge Individual Photos In Loupe View To Check For Focus

Jan 19, 2013

When I am capturing images in LR4 from a CF card or camera I want to enlarge individual photos in loupe view to check for focus, etc. I am talking about the time PRIOR TO IMPORT. Some of my images will enlarge with no problem but some images become completel pixilated when I try to Zoom in. This does not happen when I try to import from the hard drive. Is this normal. My render preview is set to Standard.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Using 2 Monitors To Display 1 Image And Making Screenshot Of Image

Apr 12, 2012

If I use 2 monitors to display 1 image with the image extending from one monitor into and across the second monitor, can I make a screen shot of the entire image without any break in the middle where it crosses from one monitor to the other? Will it be one continuous screenshot of the entire image, even though the image is displayed on 2 monitors?

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Lightroom :: Focus Jumps To Keyword Filter Box When Clicking A Keyword

Aug 17, 2010

Long, long, keyword hierarchy.  Clicking on a keyword takes the focus back up to the keyword filter box.  Usually happens if I've used the filter box to narrow down the keywords that are visible. Continues even after the filter box has been cleared.  Doesn't happen all the time though.  It is a real pain when trying to double click a keyword to edit it as the first click or the double click causes the list to refresh showing only the top entries.  The second click (of the double click) then causes whatever keyword is now under the pointer to be keyword to be edited - NOT the keyword under the pointer when I started the double click.
I've seen this happen in both LR3.0 and LR3.2RC.
Windows XP, 32bit.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Display Image File Name Next To Image

Mar 28, 2013

I have about 150 photos loaded into my drawing and scaled in order to perform measurements on them. I'd like to have file names of the images displayed next to the images. Is there a way to automatically display file names for all the images, so I don't have to do it by hand? 

These are photos of microfossils and the all look pretty similar, so telling them apart visually is often a problem.

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Photoshop :: Image Won't Display On Web!

Jun 3, 2005

I cannot seem to get this image to display!

I originally put it through Photoshop, it didnt work. Now its been through every program I can think of and i resaved it.

Still no go!

It DOES work if it is loaded into a browser as the sole content, but not if part of a webpage (either as an image or as a CSS background element)

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Photoshop :: Bridge Will Not Display Image

May 8, 2013

Here is what I get when I try and view an image in Bridge. It has been working fine and then all of a sudden I can't view images.

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Photoshop :: Bad Image Display Quality In CS5?

Sep 16, 2012

I had CS5 installed over a year ago and running without any display problems until recently. About a week ago I noticed severe banding in the high light areas of my images when I opened them in PS. At first I thought there was something wrong with my camera, or just plain bad images, until I realised that the images display without any banding in Windows Photo Viewer or any other viewer! I'm running Windows XP SP3.

I have not made any hardware, software or other changes recently (except installing a Nik S/W plugin – which I subsequently uninstalled but that did not solve the problem). Also no changes in colour profiles etc. I also updated CS5 to the latest version; disable/enabled Open GL acceleration in the preferences without any effect on the problem.

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Photoshop :: Image Display In CS6 - Washout

Jun 13, 2012

when i open any image in Photoshop, its looks like washout but it looks fine in windows image viewer. Here is an example:

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Photoshop :: Cs4 Image Display Messed Up

Dec 16, 2008

I recently purchased cs4 to update from CS3 and I have installed it without problem. But when I open my images they appear in different shapes and most of them are barely visible due to a crosshatch pattern on them. I can't figure out what is wrong with them its not my computer because i never had a problem with CS3.

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Photoshop :: Image Display Not Working Properly?

Mar 24, 2012

I've recently installed Photoshop CS5 extended on my new comp It was working fine, but when following a tutorial to make rust or metal it starts having issues.
As you can see below the noise in the left hand picture worksfine, but in the right when applying motion blue I get a fuzzy line down the middle, and occasional a sort of beveled effect around the image.If I drop the motion blur to a low count it's ok, it's when I start upping the amount.
When I first loaded up photoshop it did say it had an issue with my monitor settup which I have recently sorted but the problem still remains.

My computer specs are below.
   Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.111118-2330)
System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
               BIOS: Ver: CHG_712.rom vCHG7.12
          Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

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Photoshop :: CS5 Image Display Differs From Used ICC Profile In Win 7?

Jun 14, 2012

on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine, I just calibrated my Dell SP2309W monitor using an i1DisplayPro and basICColor 5, creating a ICC v2 profile (I am aware of the problems under Windows with ICC v4 profiles).
It created the ICC profile and applied it to be used by Windows. I double checked under COLOR MANAGEMENT that the new ICC profile is being used. Although I can see that the new ICC is being used (desktop appearance changes), there are a few issues I am experiencing:
(1.) Windows Photo Viewer
The thumbnails in Windpows Explorer look fine (they DO use the new ICC profile), when I double click a jpeg and open the image it DOES NOT use the new ICC profile. When I click the PLAY SLIDESHOW button (starting the slideshow) in the opened image in Windows Photo Viewer, the images DO use the new ICC profile.
(2.) Internet Browsers
All current internet browser (Firefox, IE, Safari and Chrome) DO use the new ICC profile and display the image correctly.
(3.) Photoshop CS 5
When I open the same image - that Windows Photo Viewer does not correctly displays (according to the new ICC profile) - in Photoshop CS5, I get the same image display that Windows Photo Viewer gives me (when not thumbnail or not in slideshow mode) - it appears to be the sRGB display.
My color settings in PS CS5 are: North America General Purpose 2 > sRGB IEC 61966-2.1.When I go to View > Proof Setup > Monitor RGB I get the image display using the new ICC profile.Why does the image look different in PS than my calibrated monitor should output ?
I was under the impression that the sole purpose for calibrating my monitor was to get a uniform display across (ICC aware) applications. Even when one applies different color spaces to a document in PS, I thought the output on my calibrated screen done by the graphic card should always be according to my calibration and the settings in the ICC profile being used.

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