Lightroom :: Updated To 3.5 But Had To Restore Back To 3.4 / Now Can't Open LR?
Dec 26, 2011
Four days ago I updated to LR 3.6. Two days ago I got malware and part of the solution was to System Restore my computer to before the LR 3.6 update. Then I used MalwareBytes to remove the malware. My computer seems to be working fine but now I can't open LR.
On my C: drive I still have LR 3.6 Files but my shortcut to open LR says it is 3.5. I found a LR 3.5.exe file but clicking on it does nothing.
I seem to have a corrupted version of LR4 and the Adobe tech in India got on my computer remotely and really screwed me up even worse. He seemed to reset the default system and removed the plist (which I have on my desktop) but the LR version now is showing up as it was 6 months ago and I am missing many images, collections etc. His answer was " Well just re import the images and sorry I don't know MAC".
I have a mac and am not sure where to restore them from in Time Machine or if I put the plist back that will fix the problem. I do not back up in LR since is creates duplicate files which take up way too much space when you have over 50k images.
by mistake I imported (moved) several AVI and MPEG videos into a specific folder that I inteded to use as backup for one of my relatives.
Problem is that my original folders, where I stored these videos, along with specific names regarding genre and/or subject were left intact, with nothing inside them.
I am trying to find a way to "revert" the import process and send those files back to where they belong.
I just update lightroom to version 3.6 from the last current version. I am on a Mac pro operating system 10.6.8. Everything appeared to be normal until I tried to open an image in the develop module and nothing happens and the program freezes with the lovely spinning rainbow wheel and the program must be forced to quit.
I have been using Photoshop Elements 10 back-up service (for which I pay an annual fee) and now want to restore the pictures. I cannot figure out how to do this.
My daughter turned off my MAC mid-session edit and now I can't load any pictures from any session let alone that session I was working on. I even tried to close out and back up and it won't back up the catalog..way to get my images back.
I recently made a backup of all my photos to an external hard drive. When I went into Photoshop to work with some photos in editor, I receive the message that files are missing. I try to restore the back up from the external hard drive and photoshop becomes unresponsive and I have to force quit. new to Photoshop and I'm afraid I've lost all of my photos!!!!
I have operated AutoCAD2011 for at least a couple years with no issues. last week i received a few automatic updates from Windows, and now AutoCAD won't open. what can i do?
I got a new computer (Windows 7) at work this April and as of today, when I work on any of my JPEG images in PS CS5,suddenly it has defaulted its "Save As" to JPEG2000. How did this default change and how do I get it to default save as. JPEG again? There was nothing I noticed and no warning as to why this has changed, I didn't touch a thing!
(Last week, Adobe had to work with our IT manager to fix a problem that started occuring with my new Adobe Acrobat Pro 11 program. They had to log into my computer and change a registry thing to get it to work properly again...also something that changed without warning!!)
I just created a smart collection to take images from a shoot, all of which have a keyword something like
20120403 Sample shoot name
and give me all images from this shoot with 4 or 5 stars. I defined the smart collection with keyword-starting-with that string and rating at least 4. I got all but two of the images. I looked and there was no bug - two images were missing the keyword. When I corrected this, in LR 3 I was accustomed to the dynamic collection's immediate update. However, now in LR 4 (Win 7), the collection didn't update. I tried switching views in Library, such as to the shoot itself, but the collection didn't update. I closed LR and reopened it, and the collection was now updated with all images that should be in it. This appears to be a bug to me.
I updated to 4.3 today and I was still unable to import my D600 NEF/RAW files. After I updated, I rebooted and it seemed like I could actually import the D600 NEF files. However a few moments later, somehow those images were no longer in my catalog/library and when I try to reimport them again it says the files are not compatible and no preview was available during the import screen.
I'm always getting "metadata file needs to be updated" notification for two TIFF files, not for others. I'm saving them to the disk, after two seconds they are giving the same notification ... I'm not touching my hands even to the keyboard ...
My cameras have, over the years, misidentified a few lenses in EXIF. Most notably Sigma lenses, but naturally also older optics without built-in electronics.
I use Exiftool to rectify this, and then re-import metadata from file within LR. It works like a breeze both DNG, TIFF and JPG, but for the life of me I can't get those changes effected in existing Virtual Copies.
System details: LR version: 3.6 OS: Windows Vista Ultimate x64
The export to facebook plugin is giving me this error:
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook.I am trying to publish photos to an album that has previously been updated, and has not yet went past the 200 photo limit.
I have ensured that permissions on facebook have been set to public, deleted lightroom uploader on facebook, reauthenticated numerous times, and created a new album. Every time I recieve that error. Most times one or two photos are uploaded, all duplicates of ones that have been previously published.
Tools from Lightroom 3 load into to 4 and 5. I have not been able to get the updated tools. Once in a while they will come up but how. Mac user 2.66 Ghz core i7 version 10.8.3
How can I search and/or filter to find photos which have not been updated to the current Process Version? I would like to get a list of the photos rather than going through them one by one and looking for the lightening bolt.
Selecting three or more picturesAdjust something (enabled auto sync)Selecting a not adjusted picturesFirst picture is updated, the others adjusted picture are not updated. The previews in the filmstrip stays until I select them and they are displayed and updated Any chance to get at least the small preview pictures in the filmstrip automatically updated?
I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.
I have not been able to restore my catalog(s) using the Backups. My computer crashed and will not start up. So I am thinking, whew – good thing my original image files and backups are stored on a separate (and unaffected) hard drive (plus 2 additional backups of all of this). Until I tried to restore my catalog from the backups.
I am contemplating what to do with the crashed computer, I decide to check the Lightroom backups just to ensure that work fine.
.If I try to open the backup catalogs on my laptop (a separate computer from the one that crashed) without moving them from their current location/ folders (in backup folders on the hard drives) I get an error message that says the catalog file is not writable (due to incorrect permissions or because another Lightroom application is using the catalog).
If I move the catalog backup to the laptop (to a folder location that has unrelated functioning catalogs), I get a message that says the folder cannot be found. I have tried to restore 3 separate LR3 catalogs. I have not attempted to restore the LR4 catalogs yet.
I use auto cad 2010.In my computer .dwg file is deleted but .bak is in my computer but when i rename the .bak file to .dwg file but it not open in auto cad 2010.
I deleted a folder in the library mode and now I need this folder to be back. I tried to import the hole folder again, but Lightroom didn't show me the images like there weren't any images. I think, that I didn't actually deleted the folder and that the pictures are still in the catalog. And I don't have a back up for this catalog.
I need to re-insatll my PC and wanted to know how I can backup/restore my LR4 presets/preferences. The most important for me to keep are the Smart Collections, Keyword list and Export settings (to Flickr). I also use a number of plug-iins, but I imagine I simply need to re-load these (however, if I can keep the settings associated with these plug-ins that would save a lot of time).