Lightroom :: Restore Deleted Folder
Sep 26, 2013
I deleted a folder in the library mode and now I need this folder to be back. I tried to import the hole folder again, but Lightroom didn't show me the images like there weren't any images. I think, that I didn't actually deleted the folder and that the pictures are still in the catalog. And I don't have a back up for this catalog.
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Nov 18, 2012
When I first began using LR I don't think I understood the navigation correctly, because for one project, back in June, I created a folder and moved favorites (flagged and 5-starred) from other folders into that one. What I didn't realize until 5 minutes ago is that it actually moves those files on your HD as well! The folder in LR has long since been deleted and for a heart-stopping 15 minutes or so I thought all my favorite photos were gone as well.
What I found, however, was the original project folder with all my favorites on my HD. So that's okay - problem is, now when I try to bring the folders back into LR, it treats them all as new, untreated photos. It doesn't recognize them. It doesn't recognize any adjustments I've made, either. Even in Finder when I open the photos, they're all totally untreated.
My question: is there a way I can get LR to recognize those photos again? Or am I going to have to go one by one and re-do all my adjustments, keywords, and folder placement?
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Apr 24, 2012
While editing an image in LR4, I accidentally deleted it from develpment module. I have a problem with restoring it. But I see the same image file by opening Explorer or navigating the original folder of image source. I could not re-import the same deleted image in Library module. ?
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Jan 23, 2014
How to restore a deleted Lightroom 5 catalog?
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Jun 2, 2013
I am a Lightroom 4 user and I have accidentally deleted the catalog AND the backup folder. I am completely panicking -- is there a way to restore my catalog?
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Apr 15, 2013
Are the previews of deleted images themselves automatically deleted from the previews folder?
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Oct 22, 2012
deleted some xref by mistake.
is there a way to restore deleted xref or block from the database?
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Jun 1, 2013
I have accidentally deleted a frame option from graphics selections. I thought I was only removing it from the photo I was working with. No warning came up when I did this. I tried resetting the panel, but that did not work. I also could not find it in recent edits. Is there any way it can be retrieved and restored to the panel? It is one of a very few I might want to use in the future.
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Mar 7, 2014
I purchased a new computer today and also purchased PSE 12 (I had PSE 10 running on a different machine/laptop). On the laptop/PSE 10, I had about 20,000 digital on an external drive (all were tagged according to color, theme, etc via the PSE organizer). All of the elements were stored on the external drive under a folder called "digital kits". I used the PSE 10 backup utility to backup my catalog to ease the move to my new machine. After I performed the backup, I renamed the "digital kits" folder to "digital kits-glw" because I intended to just move the external hard drive to the new computer and restore the catalog to the same path, “E:digital kits”, as I have other software that is dependent upon that path.
The restore went pretty quickly, and I can see the correct folder structure within PSE 12 Organizer, but all I have is a bunch of blank thumbnails. Upon closer inspection, the restore did NOT recreate the E:digital kits folder on the hard drive as I expected. Worse, the E:digital kits-glw folder is virtually empty (just a handful of thumb.db files). So, it appears the backup process deleted/hijacked all of my files. (Note: I did NOT verify the contents of the digital kits folder before I renamed it.) Tech support is closed until Monday, and I’m just sick over the possibility of losing all that data, so I’m turning to you all.(I have a backup of the data, but without the catalog piece I would have to re-catalog all 20,000 elements!)
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May 22, 2013
1. How do i restore a deleted preset from the Image Trace drop down panel. I accidentally deleted one of them and would like to restore it.... naturally . Is there anyway short of doing a complete reinstall?
2. I notice that when I scan some art, i get a double path. Meaning there's a path on both sides of the inked line. How do I get it to make one line/path for the inked line? IOW a single path with its thickness defined by the stroke weight.
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Aug 6, 2013
Every now and again and usually after a crash, when I start up AE I get a message saying that the AE media cache folder does not exist. When I check on my drive for that folder, AE is quite right - it is not there. I use a separate SSD for all my media caching and another drive for footage and another as my start up drive. I set AE to use a folder called A:AE Cache. For whatever reason AE is deleting this folder. Other folders on this drive remain as they are. Unless I have a goblin sneaking into my suite on a night deleting this folder or Windows decides to delete this folder all on it's own then it is almost definitely AE that is doing it.
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Dec 3, 2013
When importing something off of a DVD or CD how do I direct Lightroom to copy the imported images or folder to a specific folder on my hard drive? It seems to default to MyCatalog but leaves the location on the CD rather than copying it to the drive. If I remove the CD the images is reported as missing.
When I go to the top of the screen for importing I can change the source but the location info on the right is not active or changeable.I am new to lightroom and coming from Photoshop Elements background.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have another question about installing LR5. How do I manage to install the program to a special folder and not the custom folder on drive c:?
I just run the installation through application manager. I set the installation folder within my presets to d:adobe...
But anyway it was installed on hard drive c:
A direct download of the installer from adobe is not possible unfortunately.
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Feb 24, 2014
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
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Jul 17, 2013
I've got about 10,000 photos that I've moved in lightroom by creating a folder called 'pictures' on the external drive using the left folders panel. I then selected all the images in the root drive on my computer and dragged them onto the 'pictures' folder on the external drive, and I expected the folder structure to come with it. Only after I realised that they had all moved into one folder. Is there a way of moving the images back into a structure without manually doing it? Here's a screenshot.....
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Feb 16, 2014
Im using the most recent version of Lightroom 5.3 (updated through CC - even though this has shown up on previous version) on Windows 7 and all the folders in my library are showing up with the directory path in front of my folder names. How can I get rid of this? I do not see any options in preferences to turn this off. I have also turned off preferences in Windows > Folder Options Control Panel "Display full Path in Title bar" option.
I have Lightroom on several computers and have set up preferences the same on each workstation, and this only shows up on one workstation.
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Jul 6, 2012
I just copied around 30GB of photos from my Mac laptop to a secondary internal drive that I placed in my Mac desktop. I then copied the Catalog from my laptop and put it in my primary drive on my Mac desktop. I double-clicked on the Catalog and it seemed to open everything up. I clicked on some keywords and it is finding the images. I never used LR for anything other than adding multiple keywords to all of my images.
1. However, the folder section on the left has question marks next to each and every folder that displays in that section. Why does it have the question marks and what do I need to do to remove them?
2. Do I need to do anything else to ensure the transfer is complete?
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Nov 21, 2011
I set lightroom 3 to monitor the folder that my Eye Fi card feeds to but I couldn't see how to do this without also setting the "move to" there a way to do this to just have Light room recognize when new pics come in and not move them?
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Jan 2, 2014
I have recently upgraded to LR5.3 and have now noticed an issue when importing photos. When importing in to one folder (as a sub folder), the photos are imported correctly, - on disk they appear in the correct place, howevr in the folder panel, the sub-folder is shown outside of the main folder.
Imort settings are:
Note , on disk the folder '20131226 - Boxing Day' appears correctly (These are all under a root folder 'Photos - LR Masters')
However, in the LR Folder Panel, the folder '20131226 - Boxong Day' appears outside of the 'Photos - LR Masters'
If I attempt to move the folder by dragging, I get an error that the folder already exists.
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Nov 27, 2012
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
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Aug 27, 2012
catalogs, I got error message about getting current drivers for hard drive. My hard drive is Western Digital which is supported by Windows 7.
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Oct 8, 2012
I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.
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Jul 18, 2013
Do the previews (1:1 etc.) get deleted from the previews.lrdata file when you remove the photo from Lightroom?
If yes, does it happen imediately, when the catalog closes, or when you optimize?
If not, how do I get rid of them without loosing the rest?
I have several fairly large catalogs and the preview data files are getting pretty large.
Lightroom 4.4 (will switch to 5 when I have time between projects)
Mac OS-X 10.6.8 & 10.8.4
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Mar 30, 2013
Sometimes when I try to delete photos in Lightroom 4 a dialog box apears saying that the photo can't be deleted, it isn't in any collection so how can I get rid of it from both LR4 and the harddrive?
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Jan 19, 2012
I opened my catalog today and went to one of my folders (2011/9 September). I noticed that there were pictures in the folder that did not belong and had the wrong name attached to them. I was surprized so I right clicked selected "Show in Finder" the folder 2011/9 September opened the photo was not in the folder.
Knowing the folder it should be in I went there and sure it enough it is there with it's original name.Went back to lightroom optimized the catalog... still there. Deleted folder in Lightroom, reimported, but the files came back.
The folder on the finder has 96 pictures, the folder in Lightroom shows 146.I can deal with removing the 40 odd files in this situation but I am afraid it will occur in one of the folders where there are a couple of thousand images.All my other folders seem fine for now, what would cause this issue?
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Jan 2, 2013
In my New Years' organizing spree today, I decided to split my Lightroom catalog into two separate catalogs. I didn't see an efficient way of doing this, so what I did was copy my entire catalog into a new catalog, and then I deleted (from disk) the ones that didn't belong in the respective catalog. After I deleted a few "catalog A" photos from catalog B, I double-checked catalog A to make sure I wasn't totally deleting them. . .only to later find out that I was only looking at a thumbnail. So now ALL of my photos are deleted, and I can't figure out how to restore them.
I used Time Machine to restore yesterday's version of Lightroom 4 lrcat. I created a new catalog--trying to start fresh--tried to import the photos from LR 4 lrcat. I have thumbnails, but on each it says "the file named x is offline or missing."
I also have a LR 3 catalog which houses the bulk of my years of photos since I just upgraded to LR4 a month or so ago. I tried restoring that from Time Machine as well but was unsuccessful in getting anything more than a picture that says "the file named x is offline or missing."
Although I am hopeful because I do use Time Machine, I do have a foreboding feeling because at some point when I deleted over 1000 images, I got a message that said that this action could not be undone because I was doing it to 1000+ images.
I am using LR 4.3. Using OS X 10.8.2. I am using some RAW files, others from earlier years are JPGs.
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Jul 16, 2012
I thought I was permanently deleting just one photo, but apparently I must have had 30 photos selected. Now they are all gone. Not in my recycle bin or anything. Can I recover them?
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a batch of photos that were imported in Lr, edited, and exported with a watermark. I then deleted the original file. Well, the pictures still show up in my photo strip in Lr, but it won't let me export it because it's saying the "file is missing or offline". I know I deleted these photos and have no way of retrieving them. Question is: Since I can still view them in Lightroom, is there any way to export them now? Even if I have to open in another program and save them, I don't care. I just need these photos w/o the watermark.
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Apr 11, 2013
So last week I shot a wedding. I just imported pictures from my computer and have been working on them. Tonight I sit down to edit and was going to delete another catalog not thinking and deleted all of my pictures including my wedding folders. Those had thousands of files most of which I had already edited. They went to my Recycle Bin so I do still have them but now they are not edited. Is there ANY way of getting what I had edited back?
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May 30, 2013
I deleted a set of images from LR 4.4 catalog, but did not delete from disk. Where are they? I can't find them and searching did not yeild any results.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have been deleting, or rather, REMOVING files as I edit a wedding, I assumed they would go to the recycle bin which I could empty at a later date, this is not the case and now when I start up LR it is telling me that I am running critically low on disc space on my c drive and that I need to delete the files.
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