Lightroom :: Survey Mode Not Working Correctly?

Oct 17, 2012

When I select a number of images to survey and flag one of those images, all images in survey mode are flagged making the culling process extremely difficult.  This only started happening since upgrading to LR 4.2  May have to resort to LR 4.1 until fixed

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Lightroom :: Reordering Images In Survey Mode

Aug 15, 2012

What are the restrictions on rearraging images in Survey mode? I could not figure out why it would sometines work and sometimes doesn't.
For example, I have a main top directory 2012 and in it a folder for each month. If I am in GRID view at the 2012 level and choose images in Survey mode, I cannot rearrange them. But I am in GRID view in one of the subfolders, then I can.
Is this normal? Am I doing anything wrong?

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Lightroom :: Why Not Survey Mode Let Pick Only One Photo

Feb 25, 2013

Why won't survey mode(N) let me pick only one photo? It used to let me but now won't. I have the latest software update on Lightroom 4, working with an iMac(OS X 10.8.2). I hightlight several images to pick from, click on one and press "P" to pick it. It then picks ALL of the photos I have hightlighted instead of only the one I clicked on.
It's not supposed to do that according to the website...yet it's still happening to me. In the Library module, do one of the following:

Select one or more photos in the Grid view, or select a single photo in the Filmstrip in Loupe, Compare, or Survey view. Then, choose Photo > Set Flag and choose the flag you want. If more than one photo is selected in the Filmstrip in Loupe, Compare, or Survey view, the flag is applied only to the active photo.

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Lightroom :: Zooming In Survey Mode Is Not Sharp?

Jun 15, 2012

I'm using LR 4.1. When in survey mode, if I select an image and hit Z the resulting 1:1 image is not sharp. If I zoom in or out and back to 1:1 it becomes sharp. This is not a problem in Loupe mode. It's not a delay issue - it never becomes sharp unless I change the zoom level. I have 1:1 and standard previews pre-generated.

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Lightroom :: The Upload To Flickr Service Is Not Working Correctly Anymore

Sep 26, 2013

i have the newest version of 5.2 installed.

i have some automated virtual folders for uploading to flickr.

in former times, when i changed one of the pictures and pressed "publish", the pictures which were already online have been deleted and uploaded again (replaced).now i have a lot of dublicates on flickr.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Develop Mode Not Working?

Jun 25, 2012

Just downloaded LR4.1 trial version (upgrading from LR3 to work with raw Canon 5DM3 images) and am unable to use Develop mode. When I select a photo in Library and go to Develop it just says "no photo selected".

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Lightroom :: Solo Mode Not Working In 4.3

Jan 1, 2013

Why doesn't solo mode work in LR4.3? It basically makes any of the sections in Develop module inaccessible until I switch out solo and relaunch.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Preview Not Working In Print Mode

Dec 20, 2011

Last week I updated my mac to Lion and encountered a problem with lightroom 3. It wont let me preview the print in print mode now! before it did! now when i try and print, it just prints a white blank print?!
Luckily i used my macbook pro, the same problem happened in the lightroom too but it printed the image rather than blank printing
Any reason why i cant see the print preview any more?

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Lightroom :: Sharpening Tool Is Not Working In Library Mode Or Export 4.4

Jan 27, 2014

I was editing phots when I suddenly realized that sharpening tool, neither the adjustment brush for sharpening or ordinary sharpening, would be shown in Library mode or when photos were exported. When I see the picture in Develop mode, they seem fine and I can adjust the sharpness as usual. So something goes wrong between Develop and Library mode.
I have Lightroom 4.4. The ISO level in the pictures are not high at all, so that is not the problem, as I have read some explanaitions of. When I see the picture in 1:1 in both modes, they look the same after sharpening. But if I zoom more, I can definately see big differences.

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Lightroom :: Change Size Of Thumbnails When Working In Library Mode?

Oct 11, 2012

How do I change the size of my thumbnails when working in Library mode?

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Photoshop :: Cannot Paint Or Use Gradients Correctly In Layer Mask Mode?

Feb 15, 2013

I have my blending mode set to 'NORMAL".  When I paint in black on a layer mask it creates a transparent effect (not hide the image/pattern). 

Since the upgrade this has affected both my pc and laptop versions.   I've read through the forums and see a lot of folks having issues with the blending mode set inccorrectly but this seems different. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Working With 2D Survey Drawing?

May 6, 2012

I'm exploring the option of going from normal autocad and PDS (for our road designs) to fully using Civil 3D 2013.

Generally we only recieve a survey drawing as a 2d cad file with height points represented as 2d text.

In PDS all we need do is 'convert text to point' and create a ground model, this gives us a 3d ground mesh to work with.

In Civil 3d i've found 'movetexttoelevation' but now i'm stuck with adding a point at the node of the text object, and then I need to creat a surface model to overlay a 2d siteplan andstart creating our roads.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database Working Folder

Feb 7, 2013

At my office we set the the survey database working folder for each individual project, but many times the individual working on the project forgets to set the folder to their particular project. Is there a way to set Civil up, so when you open a drawing it also opens the associated database?

Is importing all your text files then adding them to a database good practice? Doing it this way will not allow linework to function correctly, though?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Survey Database Not Working On Network Locations?

Sep 6, 2012

I have been using survey database with the working folder set to the project location on our Z:. It was working fine until I come into work this morning and I can no longer open survey databases on the server. I can set the working folder and I can create new databases on the server but I cannot access them. Moving the working folder to a local drive fixes everything.

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 Not Working Correctly?

Sep 3, 2012

When I start my Photoshop CS5.1 I get an error saying that my standard brushes, standard colors etc. are missing/

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Photoshop :: CS5 Not Working Correctly

Oct 29, 2013

'm running windows 7, and am using PS CS5. It has started developing a few problems that are becoming very troublesome. My system is 64-bit running intelcore i5 2320 3.00 gz with 6gb ram. It's a Dell which is probably the main problem to begin with, but here goes.
It won't open any secondary files on the first try. When it doesn't, I have to scroll through folders, then try to re-open the file. Major headache. On my preferences under performance, "Open GLdraw" is not checked.
It often won't let me make any image adjustments on a file, or on a layer unless I close the program and restart.saving files in an unrecognized format. I usually can recover some if I open them with paint, but I find this ridiculous.

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3ds Max :: Cloth Not Working Correctly

Jul 10, 2013

Today I tryed to simulate cloth that was created in 3ds max 2012.While in max 2012 it works fine, in 2014 the cloth pops a few centimeters up. No matter what i tried (reset state, erase simulation, delete the cloth modifier and re apply it) the problem persists.

Along with other problems such as geometry being corrupted (in max 2014), crashes when rendering, and wierd viewport problems, max 2014 has to be THE MOST buggy and problematic release of 3ds max I've ever used.

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Photoshop :: Cmd-0 (Fit To Screen) In CS5 Not Working Correctly?

Oct 25, 2012

I am running Photoshop CS5, and when I am use cmd-0 (fir to screen) the window reduces to the tiniest speck

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Offset Not Working Correctly

Jan 8, 2014

(I have tested this on both Map 2010 and Map 2014 but it could be happening in other AutoCad platforms)

when offsetting a polyline with a shallow deflection, the newly created polyline is created incorectly.

I have a 2 segment polyline with a 0D03'00" deflection. when I offset it, the vertex of the new polyline is created in the wrong location. On a polyline with a 0d04'00" deflection, offset works correctly.

 If I explode the polyline, offset the lines and fillet them, the vertex is correct.

Attached is the final result. The red polyline is the polyline with a 3' deflection and the green polyline has a 4' deflection. when offset the vertex's should land at the center of the circles that are drawn but the red polyline vertex is incorrect by 0.00654456.

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Photoshop :: Quickmask Not Working Correctly

Apr 6, 2009

I can't get quickmask to work correctly in photoshop. Each thing I try to mask and then copy ends up having 50% or so opacity. All the layers are at 100% opacity, and in the quickmask options opactiy is also at 100%. Anyone know what could be wrong?

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Photoshop :: Wind Filter Not Working Correctly - CS5

Jan 11, 2013

my Wind Filter is not creating the "tracers" or "trails" that I am used to seeing.My goal is to create a motion effect on white text.  The "tails" are not growing in length when I duplicate the filter over & over like it should.
Example: This is the text after applying the filter once.Here is an example after the 3rd time of applying the Wind Filter.
the streaks are remaining within the text. It's not creating the trailing streaks that I need.

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Photoshop :: Eraser And Brush Are Not Working Correctly

Dec 28, 2012

For some reason photoshop at times will only let me erase or draw within the confines of a specific layer. It seems to happen randomly without me accidently hitting a hotkey of some sort.
For instance in the image below, I was drawing and randomly I noticed I could no longer draw. It would only let me use the brush/erase tool within the confines of the line work I had already established. The only way I have been able to correct this so far is to completely restart photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Pattern Definition Not Working Correctly?

Feb 5, 2013

I work as a graphic designer at a company working with CS6. I try to define a pattern but when the dialogue box pops up in define pattern the pattern does not define as I want it to. Instead of defining it as it looks in the image. The pop up turns it into something else. I've taking a screen capture of the problem and inserted it below.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcuts In CS6 Not Working Correctly

Jul 14, 2012

Keyboard shortcuts are working sporadically. For instance, when using select all, copy, paste shortcuts to copy from one image to another in a different tab it can take 2 presses of the keyboard to get them to work. This also makes actions unusable.
Using MacPro 2.66 Nehalem 8 core, OS 10.6.8, 32GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4870
Have tried:
Adjusting Performance in preferences -currently 25062 memory usage, history states 20, cache levels8, cache level 1024, use graphics processor ticked. Have changed all of these settings with no effect on problem.
Closed all other programs(including all browsers).
Removed any plug-ins. Closed flash panels namely mini bridge. 
Having to revert to an older version of Photoshop at the moment as dodgy Keyboard shortcuts make CS6 unusable. Also have a problem with Camera Raw which I have raised in another Discussion that makes it unusable also.

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Photoshop :: Sketch Filters Not Working Correctly

Jun 6, 2012

Several of my CS5 "Sketch" filters (e.g., Stamp, Photocopy, Halftone) are suddently producing only all-black images, while others are still working correctly. 

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Photoshop :: Place CMD And Batch Not Working Correctly

Aug 12, 2013

I am using the "Place" command to embed my transparent logo into all my images that I post.I hand place the logo in the right bottom corner (not "aligned" as it just pushes the logo too close to the edge).  My problem is when I create an action incorporating the "place" command and use it in batching, my "hand" placed logo defaults to the center of the screen which I don't want. Is this a bug. Shouldn't the placement go where I actually place it? I am using percentages to resize so that should not be a problem.
When I use the align tool the batch actually works and places it in the absolute alignment position, but that looks terrible.

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Photoshop :: Colors Arent Working Correctly

Mar 22, 2004

some graphics on photoshop and messed up colors. Applying gradients,or fill colors it always uses a lavender color no matter what the foreground or background color is.

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GIMP :: Scale Tool Not Working Correctly?

Mar 18, 2011

Recently when I click on an image/layer to rescale (like I have done hundreds of times) the height figure resets to 1 px. When I try to increase it back to the original figure, nothing happens apart from weird lines that appear below the image. It started yesterday, after I was in the middle of a project and Gimp crashed (which it has never done before). It does not matter how many new projects I start, after a while the scale tool stops working.

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Illustrator :: Undo Key Command Is Not Working Correctly?

Mar 24, 2014

Working in Illustrator CC (latest version) and my undo key command is going back in time and undoing stuff I did earlier in the file. I'm on a Windows 7 machine.

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Illustrator :: In CS6 - Smart Guides Don't Appear To Be Working Correctly

Nov 30, 2013

I'm having some trouble with smart guides in Ai CS6. They are on. However, when my cursor intersects a guide path, words like 'intersect' and 'guide' do not appear, as I have seen them do for others. Also, the 'heads-up' information display that shows the width and height, e.g. when using the grid tool, does not appear either.
The guides are working to some extent, it seems, since I do get green lines here and there.

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Illustrator :: Artboard Dimensions Not Working Correctly

Dec 20, 2012

I want to make a 3.5" by 2" document. I created a new document, set the artboard width to "3.5 in" and the height to "2 in". When I open the document and look at the actual size, the proportions are correct but about half as big as they should be. what gives?

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