Lightroom may have a great photo editing set of capabilities, but text soooo leaves a lot to be desired. Why isn't there a template in the book module for two columns of text on a page. It seems like a no-brainer.
I'm trying to delete a middle column from a JPEG of a page of text columns without leaving a blank space where the column used to be. Viewing the page as three rectangles -- the rectangle to the left of the unwanted column, the rectangle containing the unwanted column, and the rectangle to the right of the unwanted column, I want to eliminate the middle rectangle and join the right rectangle directly to the left rectangle.
A little + sign appears at the bottom right corner of a text cell when the text overflows. I find I cannot pick up the additional text by clicking the + sign to place it on the next text cell thus linking text from page to page. Am I missing something or is such a useful facility unavailable in Lightroom? If that's the case, is there a good reason for Lightroom not offering text linking between pages?
Lightroom 5 (trial) on Mac OS X (Mountian Lion 10.7.5)
I was excited about the book module's "Save as Custom Page" as a solution to preview book we have our lab produce but it seems that several settings are not saved. My intention is for the file name to be under each image but the "Photo Text" checkbox does not stay enabled. Nor, do the zoom settings for the images boxes.
Does "save as custom page" only remember paddding settings and ignore everything else?
When doing this for a pdf or slideshow, the text I enter is at 1/2 way point down of the little white box. how to get a new line of text. I hit enter and that just closes the window. So I have to make one long line, and even then it starts to dissapear from view at the bottom of the window.
This is probably very easy, but I cant figure it out. Whenever I try to type text on the spine of my lightroom book, Lightroom puts it horizontally. I like to rotate the text on the spine of my book by 90 degrees so that it reads from top to bottom, like on any normal book. How do I do that?
By the way, when I start a new book, the spine text appears correctly by default (rotated by 90 degrees). In my existing book, the text cursor appears only for horizontal flow however, despite using the same design template. Is this a bug or did I accidently change the orientation of the text?
Several times a week I need to take a PDF (single-page doc), then convertto a page-sized PNG with quality good enough to read the text (and atransparent border), and then convert to a SWF. I have a PNG-to-SWFutility, but when I used it on the PNG saved after I opened my PDF andexported from GIMP, the end result was not good enough. A co-worker saidGIMP couldn't make a PNG (w/transparency) with enough quality. He said we'dhave to use some other software. Part of the issue was not being able toresize without losing quality before the PNG export. True or false?
If it's a bug, then I cannot believe it wasn't caught before the release. So here it is. I simply put artistic text down on page 1. Select the text and copy to clipboard. Add a new page and paste the text. On my computer, the text changes from artistic text (as copied to clipboard) to paragraph default text left justified across the center of the page. It doesn't matter how much text I select, it always pastes on the new page as paragraph text left justified and across the center of the page.
However, if I select artistic text and any other object, copy and paste to a new sheet, it works erectly. Apparently, I now have to select text and an object to insure that the paste feature works properly?
I'm in process of creating a photobook using LR4's Book Module. Whenever I create a multiple columns page or photo caption, the text won't flow from the 1st column into the succeeding column.... The multiple columns feature however does work for normal text placeholders.
How to simply edit the text in the spine of hard cover, 40 page book in the book module? I can click into any other text window and edit and change attributes but I am locked out of editing text when it comes to the spine of the book.
I'd like to create a totally custom page, inserting photos at various locations and sizes as well as text regions. Can this be done? I haven't been able to find a way to do this.
Been working on this one for a while. Tried some searching on the site here, but I just haven't found a good solution for my needs.
I have rounded logo for my business. I like to paste it into emails and some marketing materials in either a jpeg or png format. The problem is the background of the page keeps showing up in the export file. Any quick solutions to this? I have pasted a copy of it in the text here.
In Bill of material i have custom PartQty column and is beside QTY column. I need all informations from QTY column to PartQty column to copy. Possible with iLogic? I'm selecting now manualy copy and paste but it would be nice to have automatic.
I have an illustrator file with some text flowed in and the area type options setup to create two columns. I would like to have a paragraph break move to the second column using some sort of column break (number enter key in indesign). Is this possible in illustrator?
I am using the Enhanced Custom Grid in Architecture 2014. Everything is right about the grid except that the text inside the bubbles is mirrored. I am looking at the plan view (not the bottom) and my UCS is square to the world so I'm not sure what's going on.
I am using AutoCAD 2011, there are new options of "no columns" "dynamic columns" and "static columns" for multiple text. I am used to "No columns" but it seems to be set to "Dynamic columns" by default, wonder if there is any setting to change default to "No columns". Or any Lisp can be used.
aIs there a way to Format the Column Header to wrap text & rotate text if necessary? I would prefer if I could only Format the QTY Column Headers, but leave the others s is.
Lightroom 4.2 – the situation is this, I have a number of pictures of group shots with many people. I tag each person in each photo. I show my photos to these people and they would like a print of photos with them in it. I am an amature photographer currently located in India where most people have no cameras, so I normally oblige if someone wants my of them pictures printed. On one such occasion I took a week long trip with some friends.After showing them the pictures I tagged “Print for Raju”, “Print for Priya”, “Print for Varun”. The problem arises now when I try to search keywords in the “contains all” section, “print for varun” doesn’t do an exact search. Rather if Raju wanted a picture of Varun printed, that picture would have the tag “Varun” and “print for Raju” and which would make the photo included in my search “print for varun” even if varun doesn’t want the picture.
Is there a way to search EXACTLY what I type? If my picture has 15 tags, “contains all” will search all those tags and if it can piece together the three words I am searching for out of all of the tags, it will reveal results inconsistent with my desires.I realize now that I could use collections instead of tags for compiling pictures to print for people.
I have a problem in trying to copy text from an existing multi column text box and pasting it into another existing text box. It just doesn't work. If I copy text from a single column text box into another text box, single or multi column, it does work.
The only was to copy text from a multi column text box is to use paste special which then creates a completely new single column text box and pastes the text there. I loose all the formatting.
I can then copy the text from the text box created by that paste special process and then copy that to where I want it to go, but of course I then have to reset all the formatting.
I'm using the latest version of Corel Draw X6 -this probem however seems to have been introduced in X6 as I've just open X5 on my system and the copy/paste functon works as it shoud.
I'm trying to change the value in the description column through the formattedtext but the final result is not what is supposed to be, this is a part of my code.
Sub HoleTab()Set oDrwDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As SheetDim i As IntegerSet oSheet = oDrwDoc.ActiveSheetDim oHoleTables As HoleTablesSet oHoleTables = oSheet.HoleTablesDim oTable As HoleTableDim oTableRow As HoleTableRowDim oTableRows
I am trying to publish to the CC a guide rail. The vendor of the rail gives me the option of entering the desired length of the rail. After that he gives me the option to choose between the length that I entered and a shorter and longer standard length witch can be delivered faster.
I want to do the same thing with my published part, but I cannot make a key parameter to change depending on the entered custom parameter. I want the user to make the next steps when inserting from the CC: 1- select the size of the rail; 2-select the type of the rail; 3- enter the desired length of the rail; 4- choose between the desired length and the 2 recommended lengths (I need these 3 lengths to be shown)
I don't know what I clicked, but all of a sudden above the import column in library, where it usually says"source", there is nothing. I clicked on something (arrows?) and am able to get it to give me a limited choice to choose from, but this is not good. when I have my ext HD attached and want to choose from one of the folders, I have to select one folder at a time, wait for pics to appear, then go back and start over if it isn't the one I want. Be4, all the folders showed up in the column (as well as other sources for pics), and all I had to do was click on one, e.g., COLORSPACE 1, COLORSPACE 15, etc, and pics showed up and I could choose.
Several times, we generate a drawing, and the text widths in the columns vary greatly. Some have text that is ten characters long, and others have thirty-plus characters.
Is there a way to be able to select the table (or perform the command to all tables in the current layout) and have each of the columns expand to the appropriate width, that depends on the longest string of text in that column, for each column. The problem I see, is that some tables have two columns, some have six, and of course other with any number in between. The same is also true for the amount of rows.
I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or column of a parts list in inventor.My code so far...
Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument [code]...
I want to print what is in the MessageBox into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped.The cell i am trying to print to is a custom property in the Parts List.
I went to develop a photo yesterday, and suddenly noticed the Develop "Basic" column (has Treatment: Color, B/W, then White Balance, then Presence...all the stuff between toNE CUrVE and Crop/Red eye, etc. I can't imagine what I accidently hit to make this disappear, but I have once again tried Lr Help, touched everywhere on the screen and can't seem to restore this part of develop. It happened once before when I lost the "Regions" on the tone curve. All I had to do was click the little box to the right, and it got restored. I don't see anything like this for the Basic section, tho'.
the basic column in the develop section of lightroom is not there, I tried the advice to right click (ctrl button on my computer) on one of the headings, but nothing showed up.