Lightroom :: How To Use Parentheses Instead Of Dashes When Exporting
Apr 6, 2012
I don't always want to replace a photo without warning. Sometimes I like to see the photos side by side. Windows convention uses parantheses for different versions of an image, which keeps the jpegs together and separate from tiffs or other raw images. But Lightroom uses a dash so I get, for example, 20120101-1.jpg. I need it to be 20120101 (1).jpg
When I draw what I want to be a solid line it comes out as dashes and I cannot figure out how to turn off the dashes. This happens whether I use the strait line tool or the arc tool.?? I am on a Mac with 6
I am working with Autocad Map 3D 2009. I just recently switched computers and I put all my custom shapes into the correct folder on my new computer (program files/autodesk/support) and my acad.lin in the correct folders. My custom complex linetypes were then working just fine.
Today, I open the drawing and all my custom complex linetypes are now dashed. I've checked my shape locations, I've checked my msltscale and my psltscale, tried reloading the linetype (it reloads and doesn't give me an error message about it being invalid). Why are my linetypes doing this???
Is there anyway to line up the dashes of overlapping polylines so that when I have 2 or more dashed polylines on top of each other the polyline will still looks dashed. Because at the moment the dashes don't line up and the polyline appears as a solid line where they overlap.
The standard symbol for a stream on topographic maps is a blue line.
The standard symbol for an intermittent stream on topographic maps is a a blue line, with long segments interrupted regularly with a series of three dots. I can create a dashed line interrupted by two dots, but there aren't enough boxes for me to specify the third dot.
I have a drawing with two viewports. One needs to show topography. The other does not. When I freeze the surface layer in the second viewport, the contour lables leave behind a dash. It's on layer 0 so I can't VP freeze without losing other things.
Where do these dashes come from? They aren't a visible part of the contour label. They only show up when the surface is on a frozen layer. The only purpose they serve is to show where a contour label would be if the surface wasn't frozen.
When I enter text into an image, the letters are surrounded by the moving selection dashes, the font colour is not there, the image turns a strange red colour and I cannot get rid of the selection dashes.
I would like to add the effect of hand stitched thread around some of my designs. The line tool can change a line to dashes but this is a bit too uniform for hand stitching. I have seen a tutorial on doing this in Photoshop where a brush is made with a few small different length strokes. this is then spaced out and made to follow a path. how to create a hand stitch effect using X5 that looks like natural hand stitching...
I am a photography and most of the time I send my jpeg files to a professional lab In LR3 the images are exposed correctly but when I recieve them back from the lab the are too dark.. I have a Hiti printer and home and when I print the images come out a little over exposed. My question is how can I export a file from LR3 correctly and be confident that when I send them to a Lab they will come back correctly exposed?
When I export a RAW file that I want to be changed to JPG, the file does not show up in my Lightroom folder until I synchronize the folder that I exported to. What LR setting is needed so that the exported JPG file will show automatically?
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD. For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc. I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn. I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD. When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client. Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD. I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible. Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?
When using the ctr E keyboard shortcut to edit in PS6 from LR4, multiple raw files are generated in PS CS6 and only stop creating when PS is forced closed. Using the Drop Down menu in LR makes the transfer to PS6 no problem.
I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.
My continuing story of space issues. Find that I'm rapidly running out of space now that my wife has been uploading way too many 24 mpixel files (~30Gb total) to my Lightroom 5 catalog. Is there any way to export her RAW files to a thumb drive or another external hard drive? The only export functions I see are conversions to Jpegs.
when exporting RAW files from lightroom 3, version 3.6, to photoshop 5, (version 12.04, ACR 6.6), raw files go directly to editor, not camera raw editor. This began only after I went from trial version to full version, before it went to RAW editor. If loading directly into PS RAW files do go to RAW editor as they should, but not from LIghtroom.
I have been having a problem exporting w/ Lightroom on a Mac. It seems that no matter what export settings I am using, Lightroom will only properly export a few images out of several. I don't get an error message in Lightroom, but when I try to open the file, it tells me: "The file '__' could not be opened because it is empty". I'm at a loss, and I have to get several files exported today.
last week no problems exporting images at all come yesterday I get a screen saying ' An unexpected error occurred. This photo was not rendered. ( 1) ' this seems to occur for all images I have in LTRM
I havejust started using lightroom. I have put together a book and want to export to Blurb When I press the button , nothing happens.Also If I try to export to PDF nothing happens.
While useing LR 4 and makeing a Book (13x11 w/164 pgs) when I go to export a PDF it freezes up everytime around the 150ish page. also when I go to export a blurb it loose pages over 50ish
I am trying to export a bunch of photos that I have tweaked the color on and a few other settings. Lowered saturation, sharpened, etc...
When I put the lightroom and the jpg in any other viewer side by side, the export looks like the original before it was tweaked. Too much red, too much saturation. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I have tried exporting a single image as well as a bunch and no different. In Lightroonm, they look amazing. Exported, they don't.
I recently converted from Lightroom 4 to 5. I just noticed that not all my keywords are exported to my jpeg file. For example I have the following keywords in Lightroom; Horizontal, Landscape, National Forest, Scenic. My exported jpeg has only the keyword Landscape.
In the Library Module, when I click on the dropdown Keyword Tags and select "Will Export", I only see the keyword Landscape. I'm not sure what this "feature" is all about. I need to be able to export all keywords.
This problem seems to be consistent and I have a test file set up so I can repeat the problem. Only certain keywords are not exported.
I get this annoying problem with color banding when i export 16bits TIFFs ProPhoto RGB (with no compression) from Lightroom to Photoshop CC. Both LR and PS working space is set to ProPhoto RGB color space. Miraculously, the banding disappears when i convert to Adobe RGB or sRGB.
There's no banding in Lightroom, only in Photoshop. I have encountered others with the same problem, but no one have come up with a solution.