Lightroom :: 3.6 Exporting To CD / DVD Is Very Slow?
Feb 13, 2012
I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD. For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc. I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn. I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD. When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client. Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD. I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible. Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?
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Mar 27, 2014
Exporting with watermark is REALLY slow. Any tips on speeding this up?
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Feb 14, 2014
About 1 week ago possible after I loaded Adobe Exchange the develop module slowed especially in the filter and brush tools. Perfectly OK in Library and other modules and had been working perfectly before the glitch. On WIn 8.1 6GB RAM Disk 550GB 1/2 full. Raydon HD3870 card 24 inch screen Set Cache to 30GB, tried with a new small catalog. 1:1 previews. all to no luck. Even repaired LR. Photoshop OK except for slow load. Other graphics programs OK.
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May 17, 2013
I have a problem with my Windows 8 computer. notice that on this computer I did not change any of the default settings in the operating system, it is a clean install of Windows 8. I have also installed the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom directly from my Adobe Application Manager software (I am a Creative Cloud member).
What happens is that I have to wait 30-50 seconds after I give, in Lightroom, the command "Modify in -> Photoshop CS6" (I have the software in Italian and I hope that this translation is correct. Here is the command that I am using:
The very strange thing that happens is that Photoshop opens fast (5 seconds, I have an SSD) and Lightroom is very fast too. Here is the strange thing. Photoshop opens after I launch the command.
Then nothing seems to happen for 30-50 seconds (sometimes also more time). After this “long” period of time this error appears in Lightroom:
It says: "you can't modify this file because Photoshop CS6 can't be started". However, this is not true! Photoshop is running correctly, and it was running! This happens if Photoshop was started from Lightroom and if Photoshop was running before Lightroom command "Modify in -> Photoshop CS".
Another strange thing is that, after I press "OK" to this error message, the file immediately opens in Photoshop!
notice that this behavior happens also with a series of file. If, for example, I export 10 files from Lighroom, then, after about one minute, I get 10 error messages in Lightroom, and, when I press OK, the files will open in Photoshop (for each "OK" that I press a file opens, so I have to press 10 times OK to open my 10 files!).
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Apr 10, 2012
Lightroom LR4 - very slow Keyword set updating 1] keyword an image with some keywords from a keyword set. Those keywords are highlighted in keyword set 2] select next image 3] wait about 4 to 5 seconds for highlighted keywords to be non highlighted.he problem with this, is that yo cannot use the keyword set to apply these keywords to the newly selected image until they are not highlighted any more.
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Feb 2, 2013
When I use brushes in LR4 performance slows down only during use of brushes?
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Oct 11, 2012
I've seen this topic on the threads, but mostly for previous versions. I have LR4, and my previews load so slowly. How can I speed them up? Bridge handles the previews so fast and it is so much nicer going through with that program, but I'd like to move my workflow to LR4 solely. But hard to with the preview handling being so much slower.
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Mar 19, 2013
Just recently, when I am inputing new photos the system slows down to a crawl. All other modes have no problem with speed.
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Apr 30, 2012
I have just upgraded to LR 4 RC2 and found that it took two hours!! to import NEF files from my Lexar 400X 8Gb CF UDMA card....I did several trials and it seems that the problem appears when I set some keywords before starting the import procedure. When I put no keywords at all, Import runs as fast as with the previous version of LR4..
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Jan 16, 2011
When using spot removal in Lightroom v 3.3, my system becomes very slow and lags.Searching this on google mentioned turning off Lens correction. I have not touched the Lens correction panel.
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Mar 9, 2012
Using LR4 (not the Beta) processing JPEGS in the web gallery module seems to be taking about 5-TIMES as long as in LR 3 (or processing the same set of JPEGS to the same size and quality in Develop module in LR4).
I'm not a software engineer, but I would have thought that processing a large set of images using the same spec would be an excellent opportunity to utilise multi-core processors, and that doesn't seem to be happening on my system:
Mac Pro 2 X 2.66 Ghz - 20GB RAM - OS 10.6.8.
ATI Radeon HD 5870
Canon 5DII RAW files
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Oct 18, 2013
I started to edit a picture with the brush. I refined the selection of my area. More I refined, more Lightroom was slow. I have only this brush modifier on this picture. I created dynamic snapshot & 1:1 snapshot during the import of this picture. My RAW is located on a network NAS et my catalog is on my SSD.
My PC config : SSD, Intel i7 Quad core, 8Gb RAM, Nvidia GTX 560 Ti.
My config is good for me to edit only one picture.
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Jun 25, 2012
I know there are lots of LR4 performance issues floating around, but I havent been having the normal develope modue issues. My issues are more related to general catalog loading and responsivene
Basically my catalogs tend to slow down drastically over a couple days of useage until they are pretty much useless. When I first import in a catalog they seem to be pretty quick, previews load correctly and when i go to develope it loads up in a couple seconds. Give it a couple days or a few hours of useage though and all of a sudden the catalog will refuse to load images that were not already in cache and trying to open an image will cause the LR to come to a hault and just sit there. If you leave it for a few hours it will eventually load them up usually. I have lost a couple catalogs to this issue. Closing the program and reopening usually results in LR not opening at all. Windows wont even let me kill LR through taskmanager sometimes. I usually have to log out and log back in, but sometimes it will still say the catalog is currently in use.
Running window7 64bit, i7 2700k, 16bg ram, intel 320 ssd (os, LR, and LR raw cache 8gb), nvidia 240gtx, images drive is a seagate 7200k 2TB drive. Raw files are from a d800 and d700. Seems to be more issues with the d800 files though.
I honestly have gotten to the point where I have to back up my catalogs as jpegs daily and often times to complete a wedding I need to use 2-3 different catalogs. LR3 had no issues at all on the same system.
Consider a full OS wipe and restore, or trying to convert to DNGs before editing.
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Nov 2, 2011
my LR has all of a sudden started to show an unacceptable lag between making any sort of adjustment and the screen image updating. System info below -
Operating System
MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i5 2500K @ 3.30GHz
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
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Oct 29, 2013
I'm using two monitors with LR5, and the second monitor is the preview screen. I find the preview on the second monitor to be painfully slow in both the Library and Develop modules:
1) If I am the Develop module, and I move to the next photo, and zoom the preview to 100% (or if it is already at 100%), it take a minute, literally, for the preview to display correctly.
2) In the Develop module, sometimes the display does not update correctly at all. If I adjust a slider on the Details tab, however slightly, the preview then updates almost immediately.
3) In the Library module, if I switch the main window to single photo view, and view 100%, then, as I browse the photos, the main window updates very quickly, but the preview window lags behind.
I'm working with Fuji X-Trans RAF files, and this maybe this si the issue? JPGs update almost immediately in the preview window in both modules.
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Sep 16, 2012
I've downloaded the trial version of Lightroom 4.1 to give a try with my raw files.
First LR is very slow at generating the preview (takes about 30 sec for some files), the only filter applied at import is "Lens correction".
When Applying corrections, it takes seveal seconds to see it on the preview and there is also a lot of lag.
Maybe is a limitation of the trial ? My RAW files are CR2 from a DSLR Canon EOS 60D (18 Mpix): 5184x3456.
I try LR on the following setup:
OS: Windows 7 SP1 32bit
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
HD system: 7200 RPM 300 GB
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
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Apr 17, 2012
I am running Lightroom 4.1 RC on a 2010 iMac 27" with 2.93 core i7, 16GB of RAM and a 512GB Crucial M4 SSD drive (where the Lightroom catalog resides). When I scroll through images in Library, I can move through images very fast, however, when I try to do the same in the Develop module, it becomes really, really sluggish. Probably about 5 seconds between images. I have 1:1 previews generated.
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Sep 22, 2013
I've an Intel i7 with 4 cores, 3.6 GHz and enabled Hyperthreading. Also I've 24 GB RAM. My monitor has a resultion of 2560x1400 pixel. I configured in Lightroom 5 to have a standard preview size of 2880 pixel. During the import I let Lightroom generate all preview in standard size.
So some days later I wanted to review my picture in full screen mode. At first I saw just a blur picture, after 2-3 seconds it was a little bit sharper and after additional 2 seconds it was sharp. So I've to wait 4-5 seconds per picture, before I can see a sharp image.
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Oct 15, 2012
I recently installed the trial version of Cyberlink PowerDirector 11 (a video editing programme) but un-installed it again because it did not suit my requirements.
Since I installed PowerDirector, Lightroom has become unbearably slow. It is barely usable now. Before, LR was very fast on my system.
I need getting my system back to the previous performance. I have already run a PowerDirector specific “cleaning” utility, CLCleaner2_PowerDVD_11.exe and also Piriform CCleaner and System Mechanic but the problems persist.
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Mar 25, 2012
I am trying to create a slideshow then when I tried to put music and hit the play button the music is distorted in slow tempo. I tried exporting it and I still got the same result.
I am using lightroom 4 in MAC OS X version 10.6.8
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Jul 15, 2012
I just upgraded my Mac Pro with more memory and a new SSD drive. I already use an SSD (120 GB) as my boot drive with applications and LR catalog. I moved the ACR cache to the new SSD drive (480 GB) and set it to 120 GB, and I'm also using that drive for documents. I have my images stored on a 2 TB Western Digital Caviar Black drive. I have 24 GB or RAM, which should be more than enough for LR.
This should be faster than my previous set-up, but since I started using this configuration I'm seeing the "Loading..." icon in the develop module after every change I make (adding a vignette, changing the exposure, etc.). This is very strange. Could it have something to do with the cache rebuilding, since I moved it?
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Mar 13, 2014
When I am viewing my images in the catalog, I don't know why it takes so long for my edited pics to render. It takes about 5 seconds. Is this normal?
I have tried increasing my cache size, auto xmp is off, I have build standard previews, I have upgraded to a faster hard drive, I frequently optimize my catalog.
Ideally, I want to be able to flip through all my catalog images fast without waiting for the developed pics to show.
The only thing I can thing is maybe storing my cache and catalog folders on my external hard drive is slowing it down?
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Jan 4, 2014
6 seconds to select three images in the grid? I've done all the things recommended by the FAQ's for optimizing Lightroom's performance. My PC setup as reported by Lightroom is below. My catalogue contains fewer than 30,000 images. I don't use stacks. I don't automatically write to XMP. I'm running LIghtroom alone on a freshly started Windows 8 session. All my other software runs fine. Version 4 seemed to run fine.
Lightroom version: 5.3 [938183]
Operating system: Windows 8 Business Edition
Version: 6.2 [9200]
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 3.4 GHz
Built-in memory: 8078.3 MB
Real memory available to Lightroom: 8078.3 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 919.9 MB (11.3%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 881.8 MB
Memory cache size: 1074.5 MB
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 4
System DPI setting: 96 DPI
Desktop composition enabled: Yes
Displays: 1) 1680x1050, 2) 1280x1024
Installed Plugins:
1) Behance
2) Canon Tether Plugin
3) Facebook
4) Find Duplicates 2
5) Flickr
6) jf PicasaWeb
7) Leica Tether Plugin
8) Nikon Tether Plugin
GPUDevice: D3D
MaxTexture2DSize: 8192
OGLEnabled: true
Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
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Jul 18, 2013
I have an i7, 18 GB of RAM, SSD drive for cache and catalog, PC running Windows 7 64 bit. Minimal startup items. I find the Develop sliders hard to "grab" and move. There is quite a lag in response. Most of my files are from a Nikon D800, but I also have a lot of D700 files which perform only marginally better. I have not been able to find a satisfactory solution. Yes, I have deleted the preference folder, and tried all the tricks but to no avail. I also have some response issues with the Nik plug-ins and their slider response also, but not as bad a Lightroom.
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Aug 23, 2013
how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?
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Apr 13, 2013
I have a catalog that is just under 5gb, if I navigate to the folder where it is stored and copy paste it onto my backup drive it copies in under 2 min. However, if I chose to backup my catalog on exit from inside lightroom it takes over 30 minutes (not counting testing etc). Obviously I can backup my catalog manually, but it would be nice if the built in backup feature worked like it's supposed to.
I'm running win 7 64 lightroom 64 same probelm in 4.3 and 4.4 the catalog and lightroom are stored on a ssd drive backing up to a NAS ( my typical transfer speeds are 60-80 MB/s)
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Oct 11, 2013
I'm having a serious problem with the thumbnails in Library/Grid mode taking anywhere from 5-10 seconds to "pop in" the adjustments I've made in develop and/or via the quick develop tab. I need to quickly see if large batches of images are similar in color/exposure, and I've always used the Grid to compare them in bulk. Now it seems the previews refuse to update unless I hover over that image for an extended period of time. I've even tried jumping back and forth between Develop (in order to update the preview) and Library, but 8 times out of 10 it reverts to the old preview. I have tried:
1) Clearing my cache
2) Expanding the cache size from 3 GB to 10 GB to 40 GB with no avail
3) Optimizing the catalog
4) Updating Lightroom & Camera Raw
5) Removing Luminance/Sharpen adjustments from all the images
6) Reducing Preview size/quality
7) Using Smart Previews
Because of the sheer numbe of images I work with, I have to store them on an external drive, not my Mac (3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 and 16 GB DDR3 memory). Even when I edit images locally on the machine, I have this problem. All of my software and drives are up to date, and I've got around 90 GB free on my system. making my adjustments on faith and then "re-updating" the previews...but deleting the Smart Previews/Previews and recreating them doesn't seem to fix the problem.
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Feb 6, 2013
I'm using LR 4.3 on Windows 7, 64-bit. It seems to work pretty well in Library and Develop and such, so I don't think there's a performance issue...
When I do a synchronize on a folder (may be 500 files or as few as 20), new files don't show up to be imported. I can look at the folder and SEE the file. It's there. But, it's NOT in the library grid. Synchronize does NOT see the file. If I do an import (separate from Synchronize), the file usually shows up. The file I can't see in the library shows up in the list with a checkmark, so it KNOWS it's not been imported. At that point, I can go ahead and tell LR to add them and it's fine.
ALSO, when I add a keyword to a new file, it doesn't show up when I open the files for that keyword. For example, I take a .dng file edit it, then finish in Photoshop. Saving the file in Photoshop gets it back to LR. I can see it in the files in Develop. I can see it in the Library grid. But it ISN'T in the keyword set. Even if I ADD the keyword AGAIN, it STILL doesn't show up in the files for that keyword. If I shut down Lightroom and restart it, THEN the file shows up in the keyword set. Is there some "auto-update" setting I've messed up?
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Jun 14, 2012
When I am sorting photos in the library loupe mode, the thumnails always show loading as I am trying to make my pics and rejects. How to speed up the process? I have already increased my cache to 100.
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Dec 20, 2013
In the blink of an eye, importing pics all of a sudden has become super slow. It now takes 5x longer to importing off of memory card. Also having issues with plugins I use for B&W & HDR.
Not certain what to do. Seems Catalog got jacked up somehow and no clue what to do to remedy it.
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Mar 22, 2013
I don't hve the fastest computer, admittedly. But dowloading raw pics cand take ten minutes per picture. I am downloading to an external drive - is that the problem, or do I simply need to get a more modern/ faster computer?
I typically shoot in raw and export jpg versions..
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