Lightroom :: Web Galleries Are Very Slow To Build?

Mar 9, 2012

Using LR4 (not the Beta) processing JPEGS in the web gallery module seems to be taking about 5-TIMES as long as in LR 3 (or processing the same set of JPEGS to the same size and quality in Develop module in LR4).
I'm not a software engineer, but I would have thought that processing a large set of images using the same spec would be an excellent opportunity to utilise multi-core processors, and that doesn't seem to be happening on my system:
Mac Pro 2 X 2.66 Ghz - 20GB RAM - OS 10.6.8.
ATI Radeon HD 5870
Canon 5DII RAW files

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Lightroom :: Import Published Galleries From LR3 To LR4?

Mar 14, 2012

How does one import published galleries (Smugmug) from LR3 to LR4?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Open Galleries?

Nov 10, 2011

due to the disappearance of Apple's iDisk I have to transfer my Website (http[url....]) to another hosting.. I was beginning to change using LR galleries. Now I would have to change them but I can not open them in LR ... if you browse around you will see the return of galleries take you back to the old hosting ... 

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Lightroom :: Overwriting Existing Web Galleries?

Apr 1, 2013

I'm finding that when I export a web gallery and overwrite an existing gallery (folder) the some contents of the previous folder remains.
I'm using LR 4.3 (on a Mac) and exporting using the Turning Gate web gallery.
I choose to export a gallery that overwrites an existing gallery folder which contains folders of images labeled Photos and Thumbnails (the folders have contents). The newly exported gallery does not include any images (I choose use selected photos but have none selected). LR asks me if I want to overwrite the existing folder and I click OK.
When the new folder is opened the Photos and Thumbnails folders have the images from the previous gallery. Why would this happen if I choose to overwrite the existing folder? In other programs overwriting a folder means the whole content is being replaced, not just certain things.
In the past I've also discovered that images from previous exported galleries will remain in a folder in the above scenario even if I export a different selection from the gallery. Should I report this as a bug with LR, or is exporting like this a (mis)function of the gallery?

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Lightroom :: Creating Web Photo Galleries?

Jan 16, 2013

Creating web photo galleries?

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Lightroom :: Caption Text In Web Galleries?

Jul 30, 2012

Is it possible to add different captions underneath images in the html web galleries in LR 3.6? I want to name individual bird species in same gallery, but seem only to be able to add the same caption text to every image.

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Lightroom :: Web Galleries - How To Export Image List Only

Aug 3, 2013

I use Lightroom 5 for managing my web galleries, but I have my own software to run them. My workflow is this: I use "Publish to folder" to generate the needed JPEG images, and I use another software to sync them to my serverI use the "Web Gallery" feature only to define the list and the order of photos in each galleryI use the "Export..." feature in Web Gallery to get the .XML file with the list of photos - this file can be directly read by my softwareThe problem is that "Export..." also generates the images for the gallery, and after the XML has been generated I have to stop this task manually - it's an annoyance. Furthermore, it would be nice if I could export all my galleries in a single step, with multiple files generated, one per gallery. I don't need anything else other than the image file name: the metadata are extracted from JPEGs. All file formats would be ok (XML, TXT, JSON, whatever).

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Lightroom :: 4 - Can Upload Multiple Web Galleries At A Time?

Apr 12, 2013

My client wants to group multiple web galleries in a single collection then upload them to his website enmass.  I maintain they must be uploaded one at a time.  Which is correct?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Build A Spiral Staircase And Use Spline To Build The Railings?

Oct 10, 2013

I am trying to build a spiral staircase and need to use spline to build the railings. Every time I try to end the spline by hitting enter the spline disappears. I am using 2014, and I have never had this problem before with previous versions.

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Lightroom :: Internal Photos Search Engine For Galleries

Dec 27, 2012

I manage a professional stock photo agency using ZenPhoto software that I would like to replace by Lightroom galleries (around 10,000 images).

I am looking for an internal search engine based on tags defined inside Lightroom. Does such a tool exist as a plugin or built in? If not, it would be a great addition to Lightroom for web publishing.

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Lightroom :: Web Gallery Module - Saved Galleries Disappear

Dec 13, 2012

LR 4.2, Windows 7 x64, i7, 16GB RAM
In the Library, I create a Collection.  In the Web module, I create a web gallery with the Collection.  When all the parameters are set, I click "Create Saved Web Gallery" (upper right corner).  I give the web gallery a unique name and save it.  The web gallery appears in the list of Collections, including the little 3x3-grid icon to the left of the name.  When I hover over the name, the little right-arrow appears to the right of the gallery name and if I click the arrow, LR switches to the Web module and displays the gallery for that collection.  This is how it should work.
After opening and closing LR several times after creating the web gallery, I have noticed in the list of Collections that the web gallery icon (3x3-grid) has changed into the regular Collection icon and the little right-arrow is gone.  The unique name I gave the web gallery is still there.  This has happened with several saved web galleries, although not all web galleries.  I am baffled by why it is happening intermittently.

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Lightroom :: Store Presets With Catalog Doesn't Work With Web Galleries

Jun 6, 2012

I reinstalled Windows 7 and copied over my LR4 presets and galleries over to the new install.  I decided to try ""Store presets with catalog" to keep things simpler next time since I do periodic backups of the catalog folder anyway, so in the future all presets are backed up at the same time as the catalog.  I put the presets including a couple web gallery presets in the proper folders.  LR4 recognized all presets except for the web gallery presets--when I went to the Web module it didn't list them as options.  I then copied those web gallery presets to the default LR4 settings folder (C:UserXYZAppDataEtc-so-on-so-forth) at which point it recognized the presets and listed them in the Web module.
So it seems that LR4 doesn't respect the "Store presets with catalog" setting when looking for web gallery presets. 

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Lightroom :: Web Galleries / Thumbs And Large Images Not Showing After Uploading To Server

Apr 3, 2009

I have created 2 web galleries--one html and one Flash. I saved them to my local drive and they work perfectly. Then I uploaded to our server (I checked to see that all folders/files made it, and they did) and then when I access the index.html file, neither the thumbnails or the full-size images show. Here are the two URLs

FLASH: [URL] .......

HTML : [URL] .......

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Lightroom :: How To Build New Catalog From RAID Recovery

Jul 11, 2013

Recently my 9TB Raid 5 server catalogue was corrupted and the drive were put through an extensive RAID recovery. I will b recieving 4TB of the 9 back with CR2, TIFF, .mov and JPEG files. We are not sure if all the data is in these files. What is the most efficient way to create a new catalogue with all the complete files? Is there another program to analyze the files before beginning in LIghtroom?

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Lightroom :: Build Smart Previews For All Photos In Existing Libraries

Jun 12, 2013

Now that Lightroom 5 is out.  Is there a quick way to build smart previews for all the photos that are in the existing libraries?  And is it recommeded to build them for all photos.  Does it essentially save two files?

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Photoshop :: Web Page Galleries Anyone?

Feb 12, 2004

Has anyone tried to make their own web page gallery templates for Photoshop? I know you can do it, but even with it being explained in the help file and such, I have little luck.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Pictures Not Displaying In Galleries

May 11, 2013

Just uploaded a picture and its not displaying until clicked on?

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Photoshop :: Creating Images Galleries

Nov 30, 2005

I created an automated task to individually resize images and make thumbnails. Then I made a simple gallery layout in html and manually coded each thumbnail to link to the original sized image.

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Photoshop :: Photo Galleries And Scripts

Aug 25, 2005

I was wondering if anyone out there could point me in the direction of some photo gallery templates or scripts I could use to fit the website I'm designing? I know you can create one in Photoshop but I'm not sure if you can change them.

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Photoshop :: Bridge Galleries Not Showing Copyright...

May 28, 2009

I just installed PS CS4, and updated to 11.0.1. I tried creating a quick web photo gallery, and the copyright information doesn't appear anywhere - not on the images, not on the site or web pages.

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Paint.NET :: Automatically Create Photo Galleries?

Jan 31, 2014

There is a plugin that automatically resize multiple photos for publication on the web ?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Have Galleries And Upload A Design

Jun 7, 2011

how to have galleries,and how to upload a design.

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Exporting To CD / DVD Is Very Slow?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD.  For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc.  I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn.  I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD.  When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client.  Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD.  I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible.  Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 64 Slow In Develop

Feb 14, 2014

About 1 week ago possible after I loaded Adobe Exchange the develop module slowed especially in the filter and brush tools. Perfectly OK in Library and other modules and had been working perfectly before the glitch. On WIn 8.1 6GB RAM  Disk 550GB 1/2 full. Raydon HD3870 card 24 inch screen    Set Cache to 30GB, tried with a new small catalog. 1:1 previews. all to no luck. Even repaired LR. Photoshop OK except for slow load. Other graphics programs OK.

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Photoshop :: Very Slow Lightroom 4.4 To CS6 In Windows 8?

May 17, 2013

I have a problem with my Windows 8 computer. notice that on this computer I did not change any of the default settings in the operating system, it is a clean install of Windows 8. I have also installed the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom directly from my Adobe Application Manager software (I am a Creative Cloud member).
What happens is that I have to wait 30-50 seconds after I give, in Lightroom, the command "Modify in -> Photoshop CS6" (I have the software in Italian and I hope that this translation is correct. Here is the command that I am using:
The very strange thing that happens is that Photoshop opens fast (5 seconds, I have an SSD) and Lightroom is very fast too. Here is the strange thing. Photoshop opens after I launch the command.
Then nothing seems to happen for 30-50 seconds (sometimes also more time). After this “long” period of time this error appears in Lightroom:
It says: "you can't modify this file because Photoshop CS6 can't be started". However, this is not true! Photoshop is running correctly, and it was running! This happens if Photoshop was started from Lightroom and if Photoshop was running before Lightroom command "Modify in -> Photoshop CS".
Another strange thing is that, after I press "OK" to this error message, the file immediately opens in Photoshop!
notice that this behavior happens also with a series of file. If, for example, I export 10 files from Lighroom, then, after about one minute, I get 10 error messages in Lightroom, and, when I press OK, the files will open in Photoshop (for each "OK" that I press a file opens, so I have to press 10 times OK to open my 10 files!).

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Lightroom :: 4 - Very Slow Keyword Set Updating

Apr 10, 2012

Lightroom LR4 - very slow Keyword set updating   1] keyword an image with some keywords from a keyword set. Those keywords are highlighted in keyword set  2] select next image  3] wait about 4 to 5 seconds for highlighted keywords to be non highlighted.he problem with this, is that yo cannot use the keyword set to apply these keywords to the newly selected image until they are not highlighted any more. 

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Lightroom :: Slow Performance During Use Of Brushes?

Feb 2, 2013

When I use brushes in LR4 performance slows down only during use of brushes? 

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Lightroom :: Previews Slow To Load?

Oct 11, 2012

I've seen this topic on the threads, but mostly for previous versions.  I have LR4, and my previews load so slowly.  How can I speed them up?  Bridge handles the previews so fast and it is so much nicer going through with that program, but I'd like to move my workflow to LR4 solely.  But hard to with the preview handling being so much slower.

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Lightroom :: 4 Slow Down In Input Mode?

Mar 19, 2013

Just recently, when I am inputing new photos the system slows down to a crawl.  All other modes have no problem with speed. 

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Lightroom :: 4 RC2 Is Slow On Importing Files?

Apr 30, 2012

I have just upgraded to LR 4 RC2 and found that it took two hours!! to import NEF files from my Lexar 400X 8Gb CF UDMA card....I did several trials and it seems that the problem appears when I set some keywords before starting the import procedure. When I put no keywords at all, Import  runs as fast as with the previous version of LR4..

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Lightroom :: V3.3 Spot Removal Very Slow

Jan 16, 2011

When using spot removal in Lightroom v 3.3, my system becomes very slow and lags.Searching this on google mentioned turning off Lens correction. I have not touched the Lens correction panel.

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