Lightroom :: Web Galleries - How To Export Image List Only
Aug 3, 2013
I use Lightroom 5 for managing my web galleries, but I have my own software to run them. My workflow is this: I use "Publish to folder" to generate the needed JPEG images, and I use another software to sync them to my serverI use the "Web Gallery" feature only to define the list and the order of photos in each galleryI use the "Export..." feature in Web Gallery to get the .XML file with the list of photos - this file can be directly read by my softwareThe problem is that "Export..." also generates the images for the gallery, and after the XML has been generated I have to stop this task manually - it's an annoyance. Furthermore, it would be nice if I could export all my galleries in a single step, with multiple files generated, one per gallery. I don't need anything else other than the image file name: the metadata are extracted from JPEGs. All file formats would be ok (XML, TXT, JSON, whatever).
Using LR4 (not the Beta) processing JPEGS in the web gallery module seems to be taking about 5-TIMES as long as in LR 3 (or processing the same set of JPEGS to the same size and quality in Develop module in LR4).
I'm not a software engineer, but I would have thought that processing a large set of images using the same spec would be an excellent opportunity to utilise multi-core processors, and that doesn't seem to be happening on my system:
Mac Pro 2 X 2.66 Ghz - 20GB RAM - OS 10.6.8. ATI Radeon HD 5870 Canon 5DII RAW files
due to the disappearance of Apple's iDisk I have to transfer my Website (http[url....]) to another hosting.. I was beginning to change using LR galleries. Now I would have to change them but I can not open them in LR ... if you browse around you will see the return of galleries take you back to the old hosting ...
I'm finding that when I export a web gallery and overwrite an existing gallery (folder) the some contents of the previous folder remains.
I'm using LR 4.3 (on a Mac) and exporting using the Turning Gate web gallery.
I choose to export a gallery that overwrites an existing gallery folder which contains folders of images labeled Photos and Thumbnails (the folders have contents). The newly exported gallery does not include any images (I choose use selected photos but have none selected). LR asks me if I want to overwrite the existing folder and I click OK.
When the new folder is opened the Photos and Thumbnails folders have the images from the previous gallery. Why would this happen if I choose to overwrite the existing folder? In other programs overwriting a folder means the whole content is being replaced, not just certain things.
In the past I've also discovered that images from previous exported galleries will remain in a folder in the above scenario even if I export a different selection from the gallery. Should I report this as a bug with LR, or is exporting like this a (mis)function of the gallery?
Is it possible to add different captions underneath images in the html web galleries in LR 3.6? I want to name individual bird species in same gallery, but seem only to be able to add the same caption text to every image.
My client wants to group multiple web galleries in a single collection then upload them to his website enmass. I maintain they must be uploaded one at a time. Which is correct?
I manage a professional stock photo agency using ZenPhoto software that I would like to replace by Lightroom galleries (around 10,000 images).
I am looking for an internal search engine based on tags defined inside Lightroom. Does such a tool exist as a plugin or built in? If not, it would be a great addition to Lightroom for web publishing.
In the Library, I create a Collection. In the Web module, I create a web gallery with the Collection. When all the parameters are set, I click "Create Saved Web Gallery" (upper right corner). I give the web gallery a unique name and save it. The web gallery appears in the list of Collections, including the little 3x3-grid icon to the left of the name. When I hover over the name, the little right-arrow appears to the right of the gallery name and if I click the arrow, LR switches to the Web module and displays the gallery for that collection. This is how it should work.
After opening and closing LR several times after creating the web gallery, I have noticed in the list of Collections that the web gallery icon (3x3-grid) has changed into the regular Collection icon and the little right-arrow is gone. The unique name I gave the web gallery is still there. This has happened with several saved web galleries, although not all web galleries. I am baffled by why it is happening intermittently.
I reinstalled Windows 7 and copied over my LR4 presets and galleries over to the new install. I decided to try ""Store presets with catalog" to keep things simpler next time since I do periodic backups of the catalog folder anyway, so in the future all presets are backed up at the same time as the catalog. I put the presets including a couple web gallery presets in the proper folders. LR4 recognized all presets except for the web gallery presets--when I went to the Web module it didn't list them as options. I then copied those web gallery presets to the default LR4 settings folder (C:UserXYZAppDataEtc-so-on-so-forth) at which point it recognized the presets and listed them in the Web module.
So it seems that LR4 doesn't respect the "Store presets with catalog" setting when looking for web gallery presets.
I have created 2 web galleries--one html and one Flash. I saved them to my local drive and they work perfectly. Then I uploaded to our server (I checked to see that all folders/files made it, and they did) and then when I access the index.html file, neither the thumbnails or the full-size images show. Here are the two URLs
I have collected 30000 photos from a WebCam and I would like to make a time lapse. Pictures are taken every 15 Minutes and they are in sequence order (00001...00002...etc). I actually dont need them all for the time lapse and would like to export only lets say every third or every fourth picture. How can I do this with Lightroom?
Lightroom 4.1 will not export a deleloped image. I have the metadata to new file set to automatic and I get no error mesage. All my new exported files are the same as the original. I need a detailed discription of what boxes need to be checked or unchecked and where to find them. Something as simple as saving changes so that I might use them in another app should not be so difficult- version 2.7 worked fine so what's up with 4.1?
I am having trouble exporting my RAW files as JPEG files. At first Lightroom 4.4 seemed to skip certain photos when exporting and now I'm unable to export more than one image at the time. How can I fix this? I didn't seem to have this problem before the 4.4 update, but then again, the 4.4 update has been running for a few days now. I run on a 32bit Windows 7 with 4GB of RAM.
Lightroom has also been a considerable lot slower since the last couple of days, yet there have been no changes at all to my computer or system or anything - nothing's changed expect for the fact that Lightroom isn't behaving as it used to.
just started with my lightroom 4 / photoshop cs5 set up? when i edit a image in lightroom4 and export to photoshop cs5 ,the image apears to be over exposed ,quite a lot.i export from lightroom with lightroom adjustments and it keeps coming into photoshop overexposed.
I did an export of an image from DNG to JPG in LR4. Funny thing is, the JPG suddenly appears with a washed out look. It looks the same in Develop and Print modules also.
It gets even funnier, because when I use Finder to check the photo, the preview of the image is fine. I also opened the image from Finder in Photoshop CS5 and it is fine there. I also opened the image in PSCS5 from LR4 with "Edit In" and again the image in Photoshop is fine. So this appears to be a view issue in LR4. I did not print out the washed out photo but I suspect it would print out as it appears in LR4.
I've done some other image exports from DNG to JPG with other images and they do not have this problem but those were black&white converted images. However, I did check doing an export of another color image with the same result as the problem image. Here are screen captures of the DNG and the exported JPG (I was going to upload the exported JPG, but like I said it appears fine in Finder):
When I export an image with existing keywords they showup in the file properties when I open the new image in Windows Explorer. When I re-import that new file back into Lightroom I find that none of the original keywords are visible. This had not been an issue in previous versions of Lightroom.
When exporting an image and specifying to resize 1500 pixels on the long edge I get this result 2541 x 1500, which is exactly the same result when I specify the short edge. I have tried this with cropped images and with uncropped images.
From time to time and more than bearable as all the published pictures need to be manually checked to detect if the probleme occured, LR5 publish a picture with only the watermark applied and not the picture ! Which results in the watermark on a white background as below.
Other than the obvious to export images before I edit them, or duplicating and removing all alterations after selecting and editing I don't see an easy way to do this in LightRoom. In Aperture I would select Export Original Photo, and then choose JPEG as format. It appears to me that the only Export Original Photo option in LightRoom will do just that...export a true original - meaning in RAW format. Not useful. I need to export JPEGs of my final selects, both in the edited form, and in the original unedited form as JPEGs.
On another similar note, is there any way to see the switch between the original unedited photo and the edited photo?Meaning true original, pre crop / rotation and all? Love the option to see just the other adjustments, but I often would like to see what my crop has done as well to the image quickly. Aperture had a true "Original Master" viewing capability.
Other than these two things, I am loving the transition to LightRoom!
I imported images from my 1D M4 and made themDNG rather than RAW. All the images, JPOG and DNG have a heading in image info at top of the image in Library or Develop as 4.0MP indicating that the information is very small. Canon tells me this camera should show MP as 16-18MP and large prints available. The smmaller bird will not crop to make an image over 4x4 and I pring 8x10. Canon believes it is a LR4 preference issue but I can't locate it in importing. I did note a export image smaller and changed it but regardless, I checked the importing file size and tey are all significant so it is a Adobe LR4 issue and preference somewhere. NAPP says it is not LR4 so I am caught?
When I export an image and specify the maximum dimensions in the Image Sizing section, Lightroom only honors the maximum width or height if both original dimensions are below the requested setting.
For example, I have an image with original dimensions of 2592x1936.
If I export using 1935x1935 in the Image Sizing section with option "Width & Height" or "Dimension", I get an exported file with dimensions 1935x1445. The "width" is properly constrained to the maximum value I've entered.
However, if I export using 1937x1937, the resulting exported file has dimensions 2592x1936--the original size of the image.I've tried the same with an original image of 1936x2592 and get similar results.
Would it be possible to automatically set the name of the folder in the "put in subfolder" export option, based on that image metadata (or on a preset, as it is, for example, for filenames)? Maybe a plugin? - image in "summer 2013" gets exported in "summer 2013 jpg" subfolder, where "summer 2013" is taken from the "folder" metadata and "jpg" either from the filetype or manually added.
In order to retain a wider gamut, I'd like to export a .raw file as a multichannel image (psd or any other file type to be opened in photoshop). Those channels should be e.g. c, m, y, k and two spot colours. As far as I understand, this can't be done from within photoshop, since an image presently in rgb can only be converted to a cmy mulitchannel image.
Would you achieve this by exporting the .raw from lightroom setting a colour space (under file settings) that contains such six print colours? And if yes, how ywould I produce such a colour space (that, if I understand correctly, must be present as a file itself, to be selected instead of the default choice between sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), and ProPhoto RGB)? Or if there is another way to obtain such wider gamut image of more than cmyk.