Lightroom :: Internal Photos Search Engine For Galleries
Dec 27, 2012
I manage a professional stock photo agency using ZenPhoto software that I would like to replace by Lightroom galleries (around 10,000 images).
I am looking for an internal search engine based on tags defined inside Lightroom. Does such a tool exist as a plugin or built in? If not, it would be a great addition to Lightroom for web publishing.
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Jul 31, 2012
This problem started yesterday after I moved some of my library to an external hard drive. I created a new catalog and moved the photos within lightroom. I don't know if the move of photos caused the error or not. Now whenever I try to delete rejected photos, I get the following error message:
Database "/Users/mollynordin/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat": PreviewDataObservers_DevSettingsDeletions.devSettingsDigest may not be NULL Statement:
DELETE FROM Adobe_imageDevelopSettings WHERE id_local = ?;
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Oct 24, 2013
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
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Aug 15, 2013
I'm using Lightroom 5.2RC. Not sure if this started happening with the 5.2RC version or if it's been an issue for a while.
While in Library mode, when I choose a library search filter preset, say all 5 stars, and then toggle the filter off and on again, the search criteria randomizes to something wildly different than what I was just searching for, for example, adding text and metadata to the search queries when I only had star attributes selected a few seconds before.
I've experimented with turning the filter lock icon on and off and that seems to have no effect. Switching between folders in my catalog and toggling search off and on, results in the same random search criteria being generated.
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Mar 6, 2013
Lightroom 4.2 – the situation is this, I have a number of pictures of group shots with many people. I tag each person in each photo. I show my photos to these people and they would like a print of photos with them in it. I am an amature photographer currently located in India where most people have no cameras, so I normally oblige if someone wants my of them pictures printed. On one such occasion I took a week long trip with some friends.After showing them the pictures I tagged “Print for Raju”, “Print for Priya”, “Print for Varun”. The problem arises now when I try to search keywords in the “contains all” section, “print for varun” doesn’t do an exact search. Rather if Raju wanted a picture of Varun printed, that picture would have the tag “Varun” and “print for Raju” and which would make the photo included in my search “print for varun” even if varun doesn’t want the picture.
Is there a way to search EXACTLY what I type? If my picture has 15 tags, “contains all” will search all those tags and if it can piece together the three words I am searching for out of all of the tags, it will reveal results inconsistent with my desires.I realize now that I could use collections instead of tags for compiling pictures to print for people.
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Mar 9, 2012
Using LR4 (not the Beta) processing JPEGS in the web gallery module seems to be taking about 5-TIMES as long as in LR 3 (or processing the same set of JPEGS to the same size and quality in Develop module in LR4).
I'm not a software engineer, but I would have thought that processing a large set of images using the same spec would be an excellent opportunity to utilise multi-core processors, and that doesn't seem to be happening on my system:
Mac Pro 2 X 2.66 Ghz - 20GB RAM - OS 10.6.8.
ATI Radeon HD 5870
Canon 5DII RAW files
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Mar 14, 2012
How does one import published galleries (Smugmug) from LR3 to LR4?
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Nov 10, 2011
due to the disappearance of Apple's iDisk I have to transfer my Website (http[url....]) to another hosting.. I was beginning to change using LR galleries. Now I would have to change them but I can not open them in LR ... if you browse around you will see the return of galleries take you back to the old hosting ...
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Apr 1, 2013
I'm finding that when I export a web gallery and overwrite an existing gallery (folder) the some contents of the previous folder remains.
I'm using LR 4.3 (on a Mac) and exporting using the Turning Gate web gallery.
I choose to export a gallery that overwrites an existing gallery folder which contains folders of images labeled Photos and Thumbnails (the folders have contents). The newly exported gallery does not include any images (I choose use selected photos but have none selected). LR asks me if I want to overwrite the existing folder and I click OK.
When the new folder is opened the Photos and Thumbnails folders have the images from the previous gallery. Why would this happen if I choose to overwrite the existing folder? In other programs overwriting a folder means the whole content is being replaced, not just certain things.
In the past I've also discovered that images from previous exported galleries will remain in a folder in the above scenario even if I export a different selection from the gallery. Should I report this as a bug with LR, or is exporting like this a (mis)function of the gallery?
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Jan 16, 2013
Creating web photo galleries?
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Jul 30, 2012
Is it possible to add different captions underneath images in the html web galleries in LR 3.6? I want to name individual bird species in same gallery, but seem only to be able to add the same caption text to every image.
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Aug 3, 2013
I use Lightroom 5 for managing my web galleries, but I have my own software to run them. My workflow is this: I use "Publish to folder" to generate the needed JPEG images, and I use another software to sync them to my serverI use the "Web Gallery" feature only to define the list and the order of photos in each galleryI use the "Export..." feature in Web Gallery to get the .XML file with the list of photos - this file can be directly read by my softwareThe problem is that "Export..." also generates the images for the gallery, and after the XML has been generated I have to stop this task manually - it's an annoyance. Furthermore, it would be nice if I could export all my galleries in a single step, with multiple files generated, one per gallery. I don't need anything else other than the image file name: the metadata are extracted from JPEGs. All file formats would be ok (XML, TXT, JSON, whatever).
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Apr 12, 2013
My client wants to group multiple web galleries in a single collection then upload them to his website enmass. I maintain they must be uploaded one at a time. Which is correct?
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Dec 13, 2012
LR 4.2, Windows 7 x64, i7, 16GB RAM
In the Library, I create a Collection. In the Web module, I create a web gallery with the Collection. When all the parameters are set, I click "Create Saved Web Gallery" (upper right corner). I give the web gallery a unique name and save it. The web gallery appears in the list of Collections, including the little 3x3-grid icon to the left of the name. When I hover over the name, the little right-arrow appears to the right of the gallery name and if I click the arrow, LR switches to the Web module and displays the gallery for that collection. This is how it should work.
After opening and closing LR several times after creating the web gallery, I have noticed in the list of Collections that the web gallery icon (3x3-grid) has changed into the regular Collection icon and the little right-arrow is gone. The unique name I gave the web gallery is still there. This has happened with several saved web galleries, although not all web galleries. I am baffled by why it is happening intermittently.
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Jun 6, 2012
I reinstalled Windows 7 and copied over my LR4 presets and galleries over to the new install. I decided to try ""Store presets with catalog" to keep things simpler next time since I do periodic backups of the catalog folder anyway, so in the future all presets are backed up at the same time as the catalog. I put the presets including a couple web gallery presets in the proper folders. LR4 recognized all presets except for the web gallery presets--when I went to the Web module it didn't list them as options. I then copied those web gallery presets to the default LR4 settings folder (C:UserXYZAppDataEtc-so-on-so-forth) at which point it recognized the presets and listed them in the Web module.
So it seems that LR4 doesn't respect the "Store presets with catalog" setting when looking for web gallery presets.
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Oct 19, 2012
I am running out of space on my internal hard drive on a MACBookPro and would like to move my photoes to an external disk and keep the catalog pointing to them. They are currently in nicely named folders and I would like to keep them that way. How can I do this?
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Apr 3, 2009
I have created 2 web galleries--one html and one Flash. I saved them to my local drive and they work perfectly. Then I uploaded to our server (I checked to see that all folders/files made it, and they did) and then when I access the index.html file, neither the thumbnails or the full-size images show. Here are the two URLs
FLASH: [URL] .......
HTML : [URL] .......
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Oct 15, 2012
I just upgraded to PSE 11. So far so good. I am running Windows 7 64-bit, SP1.
I'd like to find out how to search for all of my photos that do not have a map location assigned to them.
Is there a way to do this? It may be built in, but so far I have not been able to figure it out.
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a bunch of photos that are duplicates -- exact duplicates, with the same filename and date taken etc, but stored in different folders.
The Duplicate Photo Search function finds pictures that look the same.
Why isn't there a function that finds photos with the same filenames and date/time? That way you could easily delete the duplicates.
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Feb 11, 2013
Is there any way to turn off auto-recovery in LR4 2012 process engine? When shooting on white seamless, I gradually bring up the background lights until I see the raw file just blowing out as I want it, at my shooting aperture. With LR4 and auto-recovery - using this method of 'metering' if you like - I'm adding 2-3 extra stops of light than I would expect before this happens, which then gives me wrap around and flare problems. I'd like to take back control of this, so I'm not guessing where my pure white is any more..
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Jul 16, 2013
I just tried to open LR4. It opened, but then a screen with "An internal error has occurred" and a long string of words and symbols is in the middle and LR is frozen. I did a force quit and reopened to the some thing.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have many pictures (about 10'000). Now i need a search (smart search) with pictures where only my mother (is marked)
On all my pictures each person is tagged. For my mother the Person Tag is called "mother"
I created a saved search with the criteria Person include "mother". The problem now is that also pictures are shown with my mother and other persons. But i would like only pictures from my mother without other persons. Something like... "Person is mother and not person "sister" and not person "friends" etc.
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Oct 18, 2013
I'm trying to synchronize "Noise reduction" settings on a set of 952 photos (which are actually smart previews), using LR 5.2, and after I click apply I get the following error:
An internal error has occurred: <AgErrorID>10003</AgErrorID>
I have tried with only 3 photos selected and it worked fine. But it seems LR is not properly handling the large number of photos.
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Jul 13, 2013
I think this should be straightforward but want to make sure. I use Windows 7 on a Dell Desktop with a 1.5 TB HD. It's 30 Gigs from full which is one more shoot. I have backups on external drives but would like to have all my photos both internal and external for safety sake. I'm currently using lightroom 4.4.
When I install my second 2 TB HD I think all I would have to do is move My Pictures folder (with the lightroom catalog) to the new drive. What will I have to do within the software to let the Program know where it is?
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Dec 21, 2013
In Library module/Folders right click and show parent folder I get the following error
An Internal error has occured: Database .. columns rootFolder, pathFromRoot are not unique
Statement: UPDATE AgLibraryFolder SET rootFolder = ? WHERE id_local = ?;
This error occurs on all folders that I have checked.
I have tried to open lightroom and perform an integrity check which did not report any errors.
Yes, I do backup the catalogue but when this problem developed...
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Jan 28, 2014
I’m using Lightroom 4.x on Mac Pro, 10.6.8 OS. MY 1TB internal drive is full so I want to copy all my images to a new 4TB internal drive. I also want to make a back up copy to an external hard drive but not necessarily at the same time.
What is the best way to do this so that Lightroom will have no problem linking to my photos? I’m thinking that making a clone copy via SuperDuper or CCC??
After making the copies to the new larger “originals” hard drive and back up drive, how do I get Lightroom to recognize and to open up the new "originals" drive and link to all my photos?
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Jan 8, 2014
my internal iMac 1TB HD is at its limits and so I bought a 3 TB external HD, but I don`t know what to do...I want to have all the data on the external HD...
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Mar 7, 2012
I've never had problems doing this with Lightroom 3, just upgraded to Lightroom 4 and I can't seem to export anything. I also can't publish either.
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May 27, 2013
I have lightroom 3.6 on a Mac running OS 10.6. I am in the process of moving my picture library from the internal drive to an external drive because my internal drive is very full. I plan to have the LR catalog remain on the internal drive as others have suggested LR will run faster if the catalog remains on the internal drive.
I initiated the move process within the LR library, by selecting all photos within about 150 folders inside a master "my photos" folder on the internal hard drive displayed in the library module of LR. I then dragged them into the new "my photos" folder I created on the external drive which was displaying inside the LR library module.
First question, this moving process is progressing so slowly, at a rate of about one picture every second. is this normal?
Second question: When I open the external drive by clicking on the drive itself, outside LR, it seems the pictures are flowing in without any of the original subfolder structure that was present on the internal drive.Is something wrong that I don't see the subfolders on the external drive? I want to preserve this structure and of course see it show up in the LR library for the external drive.
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Jan 14, 2013
New catalogue created 2nd Jan 2013 - less than 300 images
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, fully updated
Lenovo G770 6GB RAM 500GB HDD (partitioned C: & D: LR executables + catalogue on C: - 200GB free; images on D: - 160GB free)
Olympus ORF (from E-P2) imported as DNG
30 image files imported
One user preset run with import.
all imports selected in library then autotone applied in quick develop
change to develop module
start to edit - crop -
error: "An internal error has occurred! DB statement finalized twice "
Now can change module, click on folders etc, but no images are displayed.
No disk activity
LR displays "Loading ... " in centre pane
Closed LR without other errors displayed.
Now cannot restart LR - click on icon and brief hourglass, then nothing.
task manager shows two instanced of lightrrom.exe as running, one at 830K and another at 2.3K
Kill these tasks & restart lightroom. Catalogue does not show most recent import.
Close lightroom - still shows "phantom" lightroom.exe in task manager.
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May 29, 2012
I used a trial version of Lightroom 4 and imported about 300 photos from my internal imac hard drive to tinker with during the trial. So when I first set LR up, the catalog was connected to my internal hard drive, via the Pictures folder. Then when the trial ended, I bought the software and installed it but in the meantime had transferred all my photo libraryfrom my computer internal hard drive to an external hard drive. Now that I have the LR 4 software and am no longer using the trial, I'm ready to import all my photos to Light room. My question is how to I change my LR catalog (which currently contains the 300 photos I imported during the trial period) to link to my big photo library which is now on my external hard drive, instead of linking to my computer's internal hard drive
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