I just tried to open LR4. It opened, but then a screen with "An internal error has occurred" and a long string of words and symbols is in the middle and LR is frozen. I did a force quit and reopened to the some thing.
I'm trying to synchronize "Noise reduction" settings on a set of 952 photos (which are actually smart previews), using LR 5.2, and after I click apply I get the following error:
An internal error has occurred: <AgErrorID>10003</AgErrorID>
I have tried with only 3 photos selected and it worked fine. But it seems LR is not properly handling the large number of photos.
In Library module/Folders right click and show parent folder I get the following error
An Internal error has occured: Database .. columns rootFolder, pathFromRoot are not unique Statement: UPDATE AgLibraryFolder SET rootFolder = ? WHERE id_local = ?;
This error occurs on all folders that I have checked.
I have tried to open lightroom and perform an integrity check which did not report any errors.
Yes, I do backup the catalogue but when this problem developed...
This problem started yesterday after I moved some of my library to an external hard drive. I created a new catalog and moved the photos within lightroom. I don't know if the move of photos caused the error or not. Now whenever I try to delete rejected photos, I get the following error message:
Database "/Users/mollynordin/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat": PreviewDataObservers_DevSettingsDeletions.devSettingsDigest may not be NULL Statement: DELETE FROM Adobe_imageDevelopSettings WHERE id_local = ?;
LR4.3 New catalogue created 2nd Jan 2013 - less than 300 images Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, fully updated Lenovo G770 6GB RAM 500GB HDD (partitioned C: & D: LR executables + catalogue on C: - 200GB free; images on D: - 160GB free) Olympus ORF (from E-P2) imported as DNG 30 image files imported One user preset run with import. all imports selected in library then autotone applied in quick develop change to develop module start to edit - crop - error: "An internal error has occurred! DB statement finalized twice "
Now can change module, click on folders etc, but no images are displayed. No disk activity LR displays "Loading ... " in centre pane
Closed LR without other errors displayed.
Now cannot restart LR - click on icon and brief hourglass, then nothing.
task manager shows two instanced of lightrrom.exe as running, one at 830K and another at 2.3K
Kill these tasks & restart lightroom. Catalogue does not show most recent import.
Close lightroom - still shows "phantom" lightroom.exe in task manager.
After upgrading to 3.5 from 3.4.1 I received this error when attempting to publish new photos to my harddisk. First I thought the problem may be related to access rights. I am running Win7, 64 bit. So I reset the read/write rights in the export folder and the LR catalogue and AppData folders. No success. Then I opened a new cataloge and imported the old one in order to start "from scratch" - no success, publishing collections were not importet. Finally I switched back to version 3.4.1, and ... it works again
Since some days, when exporting pictures, an internal error warning occurs opun the screen and says: Win 32 API error2 (System cannot find the Data) when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I bought Adobe CC 5 days ago and everything worked fine. When i continued to work on a project i started 3 days ago AE suddenly crashed and I got this error:
After Effects Error: internal verification failure! {Plugin ID is invalid}
I don't know why this happened but now i can't open any projects any more and if i start a new one and create a new comp i get the same message and after effects crashes again. In my last project I was mainly using the keylight and liquify plugin and a bunch of masks...
System Specs:
Win 7 Ultimate 64bit 16gb ram cpu: q9550 @3.99ghz gpu: gtx770 60gb ssd with os and ae + 4tb hdd (1tb+1tb+2tb)
We don't have a functional work around for this yet. We're using C3D 2014 (IDSP). We can get this error importing styles into some existing CAD files, but not all. We can create a brand new, blank drawing and attempting to import these styles will cause the error. The error occurs during the 'verifying imported styles' progress bar in the lower left.
We thought we were getting somewhere when we exported to dwg 2013 format and opened that and we could then import styles with no issue. Unfortunately, in exporting to dwg 2013 format, we lose all of our surface and point data. Doing a saveas to 2013 apparently does nothing more than just save the drawing and that will still not allow importing of styles.
how to get our style templates to successfully import into all of our CAD files.
This is happening in both Map 3D 2011 and Civil 3D 2011 directly on startup and I can seem to get a straight answer as to what is causing this, or how to fix it. The automatic response was to download a fix for the language pack, but that didnt work. Standard AutoCAD 2011 works without any issues, same with ecotect.
Ive already uninstalled and re-installed both of the problem programs.
Just installed 2012 Pro last week and tried to run FEA today. Everything else is running fine. Started with existing model and had this error. Went to a simple part with rectangle sketch 6x1x.125thk and still receive error. Found multiple issues with mesher errors in forum. So I removed all Autodesk products, cleaned registry, turned off antivirus and reinstalled software and SP1 and still receive error.
I ran the update function on Friday, and I think the download might have gotten corrupted. Today, Monday, when I try to start the program I get only a little window with this notice:
Could not complete your request the internal file signature is incorrect.
The dubious grammar doesn't bother me so much as the fact that the Creative Cloud window tells me that I'm up to date. I don't know how to get a new download to replace the bad one I probably have.Oddly, the 32 bit version of CC works fine. 5.1 still works, too.
I have tried to install Corel 12 to Windows 7 (x64). Corel 12 refuses to install himself reporting "Internal Error 2738". I tried to solve this problem by re-registering vbscript (recommended for Windows Vista), but with no effect.
just test my code about create a stair 3D,still running the program and then appeared a display box,with said "Error analyzing internal islands",what meaning it said?.at attach file with "Error Analysing-1.jpg is the result that program.
I have tried numerous times to be able to upload directly from PSE 10 to Facebook, but continue to get an error after I sign in to Facebook that says HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
One is as follows: I start in library mode/grid. I have a publish service that exports to hard drive, with some folders configured. I click on any folder, I see the correct pictures. Clicking on any folder inside the service lets me see the right pictures. Now I click on any other folder outside of the publish service (say, a collection, a smart collection, a folder... whatever) and... neither the thumbnails in the grid nor the filmstrip at the bottom are updated; the only part of the screen which is updated is the filmstrip description (i.e. I read Collection: blahblah, 123 photos).
I think this should be straightforward but want to make sure. I use Windows 7 on a Dell Desktop with a 1.5 TB HD. It's 30 Gigs from full which is one more shoot. I have backups on external drives but would like to have all my photos both internal and external for safety sake. I'm currently using lightroom 4.4.
When I install my second 2 TB HD I think all I would have to do is move My Pictures folder (with the lightroom catalog) to the new drive. What will I have to do within the software to let the Program know where it is?
I’m using Lightroom 4.x on Mac Pro, 10.6.8 OS. MY 1TB internal drive is full so I want to copy all my images to a new 4TB internal drive. I also want to make a back up copy to an external hard drive but not necessarily at the same time.
What is the best way to do this so that Lightroom will have no problem linking to my photos? I’m thinking that making a clone copy via SuperDuper or CCC??
After making the copies to the new larger “originals” hard drive and back up drive, how do I get Lightroom to recognize and to open up the new "originals" drive and link to all my photos?
my internal iMac 1TB HD is at its limits and so I bought a 3 TB external HD, but I don`t know what to do...I want to have all the data on the external HD...
I manage a professional stock photo agency using ZenPhoto software that I would like to replace by Lightroom galleries (around 10,000 images).
I am looking for an internal search engine based on tags defined inside Lightroom. Does such a tool exist as a plugin or built in? If not, it would be a great addition to Lightroom for web publishing.
I have lightroom 3.6 on a Mac running OS 10.6. I am in the process of moving my picture library from the internal drive to an external drive because my internal drive is very full. I plan to have the LR catalog remain on the internal drive as others have suggested LR will run faster if the catalog remains on the internal drive.
I initiated the move process within the LR library, by selecting all photos within about 150 folders inside a master "my photos" folder on the internal hard drive displayed in the library module of LR. I then dragged them into the new "my photos" folder I created on the external drive which was displaying inside the LR library module.
First question, this moving process is progressing so slowly, at a rate of about one picture every second. is this normal?
Second question: When I open the external drive by clicking on the drive itself, outside LR, it seems the pictures are flowing in without any of the original subfolder structure that was present on the internal drive.Is something wrong that I don't see the subfolders on the external drive? I want to preserve this structure and of course see it show up in the LR library for the external drive.
I used a trial version of Lightroom 4 and imported about 300 photos from my internal imac hard drive to tinker with during the trial. So when I first set LR up, the catalog was connected to my internal hard drive, via the Pictures folder. Then when the trial ended, I bought the software and installed it but in the meantime had transferred all my photo libraryfrom my computer internal hard drive to an external hard drive. Now that I have the LR 4 software and am no longer using the trial, I'm ready to import all my photos to Light room. My question is how to I change my LR catalog (which currently contains the 300 photos I imported during the trial period) to link to my big photo library which is now on my external hard drive, instead of linking to my computer's internal hard drive
I have LR4 in a Mac Pro. I have two internal drives both labelled "Hard Drive 2" (don't ask.) As a result, pictures have ended up on both drives, and my catalog is a mess. To clean it up, I want all the photos on one drive and I want to move LR folders from one drive to the other. I'm working on a big project and there are some 4,000 photos involved. I was going to export the photos from one drive to an external drive and then re-import them to the other drive into appropriate folders.
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
I have to move all my picture files from my internal hardrive to an external hardrive. How do I ensure that Lightroom 4 will find both them and it's own Libraries?