Lightroom :: Build Smart Previews For All Photos In Existing Libraries
Jun 12, 2013
Now that Lightroom 5 is out. Is there a quick way to build smart previews for all the photos that are in the existing libraries? And is it recommeded to build them for all photos. Does it essentially save two files?
I want to make smart previews for all of my existing files and move the originals to an external drive. It goes without saying that I want the catalogs intact. I tried to do it but was unsucessful.
I observed that when photos are deleted while in a smart preview collection the photos are not removed from the smart preview collection. Resulting over time in a large smart preview file with unused photos, consuming your hard drive space.
It is therefor important only to delete photos when they are first discarded from the smart preview catalog.
When eventually photos are removed while they were available in the smart preview catalog the work around to delete them is to locate the catalog named: "Lightroom 5 Catalog Smart Previews.lrdata" and to open it with Lightroom. When opened you can select the photos and remove them. After that you can remove the folder from your Lightroom folders and the file itself will consist of only 0 bytes.
It would maybe a good idea that removing photos automatically would discard them from the smart preview.
I would like to take my existing photo's on an internal drive and move them to an external drive. I would like to leave my catalogue where it is on my internal drive. I would then like to use smart previews to allow me to edit my photo's with or without the external drive connected and have the photo's automatically sync'd when the external drive is re-connected.
I used to have a huge library already imported into lightroom while all the files stored on Drobo (external HD). At some point my main computer died (HD failure). After a full reinstall of the whole system from scratch, including LR I tried to reimport the same libraries again into new the new installation. Is there a way to reuse the old import or somehow recreate it? Or I have to do it all from scratch?
I created a catalog with smart previews from my PC (Win 7, 64 bit) and copied it onto my macbook pro (OSX 10.9.1) via a thumb drive. I can view the photos fine, zoom in and use the develop controls. However I get no histogram, cannot export and below the histogram it just says 'photo is missing'.
The whole point of this exercise was to choose and export lo-res selects to customers when out of the office. I can't do that.
I set create smart previews when I imported my images...none show up.
I selected some files (with originals available) and went Library>previews>create smart previews...the tast bar zipped across the top left but no previews were created.
i am a photographer who shoots on the road and has a digital tech/retoucher that is away from the location. with lightroom 5, i was excited to export my catalogs with smart previews at a fraction of the size to send out to the digi tech for editing. the plan was for him/her to then send back only the catalog files which i could apply to the original master files and export finals for the client. i assume this is possible, but am having trouble dialing in the workflow.
I haven't paid much attention to my smart preview status. I always import and create smart previews and watch the completion bar go across the page and see the message after import that x number of smart previews were created.
But when I look at my catalog files (which I keep on Dropbox if that matters), I see that the file shows last updated on OCT 30 and it's 7.68gb. If I do a spotlight search for the smart preview irdata file, I find it has the same date but is 9.3gb. In either case, the size seems smaller than I would expect.
On my laptop, the smart previews of recent imports are all there, so I'm using them. On my desktop (even when disconnected from the drive with the original files) I do not see them (since that machine is always hooked up to the drive that the originals are on, it doesn't really matter but I'm confused).
Is there some setting that I can't find where I've set a max size of the smart preview file? Is there any way it could be saving somewhere other than in the LR cat folder I'm saving to?
Principles of smart previews and how they can be used with an external Hd but I wish to know HOW to transfer the smart previews from my pc to the laptop, work on them and then update my PC files whilst still retaining the smart previews on the laptop for future reference.
Naturally the smart previews would have to be regularly updated to match any work undertaken on the PC.
I’m trying to get my mind around exactly what Smart Previews can be used for. I’m wondering if I can edit them on another computer with a different Lightroom 5 installation. In the past, I’d export a Catalog from my Master machine, edit that with another installation of Lightroom on another computer and then reimport it to my Master macine. So, what I’m wondering is if it is possible to use Smart Previews in this workflow.
Much has been written about how to create smart previews, and how to work with them, but I am unclear about how to get them from my desktop to my laptop. The smart previews were created in a collection on my desktop. I'd like to take that collection over to the laptop. I have a usb thumb drive with plenty of space. Specifically, what is the proceedure to get the previews onto the thumb drive, and then view them on the laptop, using Lightroom? Further info: The laptop does not have a copy of the desktop's catalogue.
Is there a way to automatically create smart previews inside a collection?Now, I know how to create a smart collection of only my holiday pictures with a five star rating. That's not the problem, but is there a way that these pictures are automatically transferred into a smart preview?
I understood that Lightroom does not use smart previews as previews in most cases and still uses previews as before for working on. I normally import as standard previews because this improves speed whilst working on them. I have just ticked the smart preview box for a couple of files that I thought I might want to work on after transferring them to my externsl drive and it crashed when set with standard, OK with minimal, I am now wondering if in fact the smart previews are the previews it works on and that by setting it to standard as well it has confused the program and that is why it crashed, but then why have the option of both or is it simply a computer resources issue trying to create both standard and smart previews.
I get it. I know I need to tell Lightroom that it's "this" specific catalog that I want to be working on while being away from my external hard drive. But, just so I understand the logic: I have to opne Lightroom with the external hard drive connected and then, ejected it so I could smart previews that I've previsoulsy build. There's no way for me just to turn on my computer, away from my external hard drive, and work on smart previews? So, I guess that this my real questions: If I make a copy of the catalog from my external hard drive onto my desktop, and I tell my computer to work with this catalog while away from external hard drive, will this clash everything up?
I'm wondering if it's possible to create smart previews for images that were imported into the catalog in a prior version of LR. As my catalog continues to increase in size, I'm considering relocating my images to an external drive (currently on the hard drive). I'm obviously concerned about doing any unintended damage to the catalog and workflow.
I have all my data and LR installed on a desktop machine. As I never find time at home to cleanse and work on images, I would love to do so on my journeys and trips... Therefore I installed LR5 also on my laptop and would like to play around with smart previews to shape my workflow.
Is there a description on how one can generate the smart previews on the main machine and transfer them onto the mobile device?
When I have this set up and running. Would the import and work on new photos on the run also join back into the main library once back home togehter with the smart preview sync or would this have to be covered by another workflow importing a new catalogue?
Is it possible to make preview photos that have the exclamation mark ( ! ) top right - into low res jpegs? I seem to have accidently deleted the RAW files before exporting.. not sure how this happened as I don't recall doing it. They are not on my external hard drive and sadly not on my memory card either.
I unfortunatly deleted some important photos (I don't know how and I don't know why they dot appear on my backups ...) but there preview are still available in lightroom so that means they are still stored somewhere so is there a way to extract these previews ??
I have more than ten thousand photos on an external harddisk. When I travel I prefer to leave the external harddisk at home and just use the previews of Lightroom. However, only some photos display well without the attached harddisk. The rest are very pixelated.
Is there any way to make sure all photos have properly cached previews?
(I'm fairly new to trying to using Lightroom for anything useful, even though I have played with it every now and then for several years. Tools I know better are Aperture and Photoshop and ACR.)
The original files are gone, deleted accidentally. But my LR3 catalog still has full size previews of all of them. Is there any way to convert those previews into photo files (dng or jpg would be fine)?
It seems like this should be possible - I can see the images right there on my screen, so they can't be gone for good!
The deleted photos comprise an entire day in Venice, Italy, and had already been sorted into keepers. Even if I could only get a medium sized jpeg, it'd be better than nothing at all.
I have Lightroom 5 and a Mac computer..Uploaded photos via card reader to Computer.Lightroom Opened but would not show previews. - said show source - would not open the previews on the imported photos
When I tried to activate the source to upload my photos - all when blank after 1 second of showing information (Photos) that were the previews. - then went blank.I stopped the process and ejected the card correctly through the finder. Thought I would try importing via image capture.
This was also a problem as the previews only showed as a flash of a second.I also notice that for some reason Lightroom 4 keeps on opening when importing photos and not Lightroom 5 - Though Lightroom 5 opens up when I edit other photos.
I've recently moved from iPhoto and already had a hard time figuring out how to replicate the "hidden" photos and how not to display them in lists etc. by default.
Now I'm hanging on another thing I simply couldn't find in LR4 yet but believe it must be there - at least it would be a no-brainer to implement this if I were a programmer of LR.
The feature I'm talking about is the user-definable preview picture for each "event" in iPhoto.
In LR, in the Library module, there is this folder selection menu on the left-hand panel. Now when I hover all the folders shown there the picture in the Navigator changes to resemble the respective first picture in each of the folders.
What I want to do is select a different "preview" picture for each folder and save this setting inside the Lightroom catalog I'm currently in.
How do I accomplish that - or is it impossible with the current version of Lightroom?