Lightroom :: Color Changes Not Exporting?

May 26, 2012

I am trying to export a bunch of photos that I have tweaked the color on and a few other settings. Lowered saturation, sharpened, etc...
When I put the lightroom and the jpg in any other viewer side by side, the export looks like the original before it was tweaked. Too much red, too much saturation. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I have tried exporting a single image as well as a bunch and no different. In Lightroonm, they look amazing. Exported, they don't.

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Lightroom :: Color Space When Exporting From RAW

May 24, 2012

when exporting a photo, does Lightroom convert to a profile or assign a profile? Because there is no way to choose. I tried to export a photo with 3 different color spaces (sRGB, AdobeRGB and ICC profile from laboratory where I print my photos). After exporting them to JPEG it turned out that all of them look differently on my monitor - does it mean that Lightroom assigns a profile? If it was converting, shouldn't they have the same colours? What is more, after printing them in laboratory, results were completely different than I expected - the photo which had closest colours to what I saw in Lightroom was that in sRGB, but that with ICC of Lab was very different (much colder colours).
Where is the problem, or what aspect do I seem to misunderstand? Do I have wrong settings, should I use DNG to work with photos, should I export to TIFF, or I just have too weak monitor or wrongly calibrated one? Should I calibrate when viewing a picture in Lightroom or with the use of a photo exported to the ICC profile of Lab?
I would like to have a little bit of control over what I'm working on, depending on whether I want to publish it on a website or print. I know that my monitor can be a problem (I have an iiyama with IPS), but surely there has to be any way to make results of my work a bit closer to my expectations.
Just for information, my workflow doesn't require Photoshop, as I rather prefer to use only tools from Lightroom. I hope that my problem doesn't require the use of Photoshop.

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Lightroom :: Losing Color Saturation During Exporting?

Jan 2, 2013

I use my Ligthroom 3 for over 2 yeasr now and I had never such problem before. During exportin my pictures to HD I loose saturaion for orange. Whatever format I use problem remains the same. Both my monitors I use are calibrated so there is no colors distortion, especialy that it happen to orange only.

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Into JPEG Color Differences

Feb 6, 2012

I just spent 30+ hours editing a set of 123 wedding photos in RAW file format. When I export to JPEG, the colors change on just about every photo. I understand that if I would have correctly set up the camer calibration prior to editing, this would have possibly solved my problem. However, the photos are already edited. When I export the files in TIFF, they look fine. It's just the JPEG file format that changes the look of my images.  I'm using Lightroom 2.3. My last brainstorm involved importing the already edited TIFF files and then trying to export those into JPEG, the color format was still off.

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Lightroom :: How To Account For Color Corrections Needed When Exporting To JPEG

Jul 21, 2013

When I export as a jpeg the images obviously are compressed, however, they also get darker and more saturated.  Is there anyway to compensate for this without having to overcorrect the image before exporting?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images Unmatched Color Schemes On Different Previews?

May 21, 2013

After I've exported through LR 3 I am getting different tone qualities only with two different image viewing windows. The picture attached shows the example of the image on the left opened with Windows Photo Viewer is brighter red tie and bluer suit while the one on the right is opened with Microsoft Photo Editor is more darker red and purple suit. The one on the left is the correct image.

This is also happening when the photo is sent through an inventory management system we have. I am exporting with 600 x 1200 jpeg resize 72 dpi at sRGB, 100 quality, and jPeg mode in File settings.

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW / XMPs With Color Correction And Star Ratings

Jan 7, 2013

We would like to export RAW files in their original RAW format AND retain their color correction and stars labels.  We would then like to import these exported RAW + XMP files into other Lightroom Catalogs.  Sometimes when we do this, however, the color correction and stars ratings from the last catalog are not visible.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Edited Pictures To A Folder - Shows Up As Soft Color And No Photo

Aug 9, 2013

When exporting my edited pictures to a folder in m Pictures it goes as a blank soft color but no photo. It looks like a tiny dot and when you open it, it is a soft color..

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Illustrator :: Color Differentiation When Exporting To PNG

Oct 10, 2012

Whenever I export my artboards to the PNG format, I receive a slight change in the bitmap colorization.
In Illustrator, my colors are perfect, but when exporting to PNG, the end result shows an increase in color vibrance - making a light blue (for example) show as slightly more turquoise/sharper light blue.
(This is a screenshot capture. Illustrator artboard is on the left hand side, the exported PNG example is on the right hand side.)
So, my question is if I am doing something wrong with my color settings?

My settings have been set in my Adobe Bridge to:
Europe General Purpose 3
RGB Space: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
CMYK Space: Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2:2004)
PS: I constantly switch between creating graphics that are used for the web and other on-screen web applications (such as GUI's) and printed booklets and posters, etc. I've always had immense trouble finding a perfect working space with web and printed material. Any color settings or some kind of best-practice working environment to create consistent color.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Color Mode When Exporting PNG Image

Feb 8, 2013

I'd like to export a design as a PNG image. The document color mode was set as CMYK and I've only used CMYK colors but when I go to export, that option is not available (as you can see in the picture).

Can't .png images be exported with a CMYK color mode? If I export as .jpg then there is no problem but in this case it has to be saved as a png image.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Exporting To H.264 While Preserving Color?

Apr 29, 2011

Exporting to H.264 while preserving your color correction. I have not found anything definitive that addresses this issue. I'm bringing it up here as I do a lot of web delivery in H.264 and am tired of the color/gamma shift.

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Illustrator :: Can't Include A Color Profile When Exporting To PDF

Oct 7, 2013

I've a basic RGB illustrator file - no embedded or linked images, just flat colors and gradients.I'm working in sRGB space and this is reported correctly in the info field at the lower left of the editing window.Some issues:
1. When I look at this file in Bridge it's listed as 'untagged'.  However if I re-open it in illustrator it's reported to be sRGB as expected.

2. Despite requesting 'Include All Profiles' on the output page of the PDF save dialog I cannot get a PDF exported that includes the sRGB profile.
Same issues in both CS6 and CC - Windows 7, 64.

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Illustrator :: Exporting IOS GUI Elements In PNG In Correct Hex Color?

Apr 30, 2013

I would like to export some GUI elements as PNGs for an iPhone application and encountered the following problem:
What I did:

1. The developer gave me an hex code with that I should produce the GUI elements

2. I set the color in illustrator and exported the GUI elements as PNGs

3. The developer imported them and we noted a difference in color between my GUI PNGs and the color of a background element set in the ios app via the same hex code.
I work on:

- MacBook Retina
- Illustrator document color mode is and was always RGB
- I experimented with color profile settings in Illustrator and Mac System Preferences but don't really know what the settings mean and dont have good feeling playing arround with them

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Exporting Graphic Saving Spot Color

Sep 24, 2013

I am using CorelDRAW X6.  I am trying to export a graphic that includes several spot colors.  The spot colors are from a library that a printer provided me.  It is in the same location as my pantone library, and summa spot color library.  

When I export as a pdf or eps to send to the printer it converts the spot color to rgb.  If I have a pantone color or summa color in the file they stay as a spot but this new spot library does not.  If I have these spot colors in a gradient they will stay as spot colors.

When exporting I have the color management checked to use document color settings, output colors as Native, and I have embed the color profile.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Transparent Imgs (chanels?) No BG Color

Mar 13, 2003

i once exported images (blurred) without any background. I used these in flash afterwards.

I was shown how to do this with chanels or masks but i cant remember the procedure -

again - im looking to save (pict, tiff, ....???) files from photoshop WITHOUT a background colour and keeping opacity (transparent gifs are not good enough).

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Photoshop :: Exporting Spot Color Channels As Paths With Fill To Illustrator

Mar 17, 2003

I need to send vectorized art to this company that only uses Illustrator. I have never used or even opened Illustrator. Ok, I'm very familiar with Freehand so I get the basic idea about vector. I have a 3 color logo that I have saved as a Photoshop DCS .eps file with the channels saved as spot colors so I can print separations with Pantone colors. According to what I have translated from the Photoshop guide what I need to do is figure out how to get my clipping paths of each channel to retain its fill when I export paths to Illustrator. I've tried and when I open the vectorized paths in say Freehand there is only lines and no fills. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can get these file seperations to this company with Illustrator?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Exporting To Signlab E6 - Design Doesn't Export If In Multi Color

Jul 2, 2012

I have recently upgraded from corel 12 to X6.  I work in SignLab e6 on my production computer. Now since I have upgraded when I export files from x6 and import them into SignLab e6 they will not import unless I change everything to 1 color.  If it does export the file as full color, when I import the file it is converted to 1 color. This takes a lot of time to re color everything.  I typically have to export files from Corel as .EPS in order for the file to import into Signlab with best quality, but have been using the CMX (legacy) lately with same results.  I dont understand why I have to convert them into 1 color nor why they convert from full color to 1 color.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Exporting From ADD Transparency Added CMYK Objects To JPG Makes Drastic Color Shift

Mar 26, 2013

It makes very serios color shift. how can I prevent this.

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Lightroom :: Exporting From 4.1 To PS CS6

Jul 28, 2012

I had LR 4.1 on my machine.  I upgraded PS CS 5 to CS 6 and now LR 4 does not recognize CS 6. 

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Lightroom :: Exporting From 3 To A Lab?

Jan 10, 2012

I am a photography and most of the time I send my jpeg files to a professional lab In LR3 the images are exposed correctly but when I recieve them back from the lab the are too dark.. I have a Hiti printer and home and when I print the images come out a little over exposed. My question is how can I export a file from LR3 correctly and be confident that when I send them to a Lab they will come back correctly exposed?

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW To JPG

Jan 10, 2014

When I export a RAW file that I want to be changed to JPG, the file does not show up in my Lightroom folder until I synchronize the folder that I exported to.  What LR setting is needed so that the exported JPG file will show automatically?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Exporting To CD / DVD Is Very Slow?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 3.6 for Mac and when I export to CD/DVD it takes several minutes to burn the CD.  For example, I have about 50 jpg images that I export at 100% quality and at 300 dpi with no watermarks, etc.  I can use Finder to burn to disc funtion and I can burn 2 cd's in the time it takes Lightroom to burn.  I want to be able to use Lightroom for all my processing from importing to corrections to printing to exporting on CD.  When shooting events we take the images in jpg, import and put them into folders for each client.  Once the client purchases a CD of all their images we burn the CD.  I do not want to use separate software to burn the CD if at possible.  Is there settings or something I can change in Lightroom to speed up the process?

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Lightroom :: Exporting From LR4 To Photoshop CS6

Dec 2, 2012

When using the ctr E keyboard shortcut to edit in PS6 from LR4, multiple raw files are generated in PS CS6 and only stop creating when PS is forced closed.  Using the Drop Down menu in LR makes the transfer to PS6 no problem.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Presets From 3?

Jun 4, 2012

I recently got a new computer because my other one is going out on me. I downloaded LR3 onto my new computer but need to somehow get Ithe presets I created off of my old computer and onto my new one. Anything I find just tells you you have to export them one at a time which would really suck if that were true because I have hundreds.

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Images From 5?

Jul 7, 2013

My continuing story of space issues. Find that I'm rapidly running out of space now that my wife has been uploading way too many 24 mpixel files (~30Gb total) to my Lightroom 5 catalog. Is there any way to export her RAW files to a thumb drive or another external hard drive?  The only export functions I see are conversions to Jpegs.

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Files To PS5?

May 17, 2012

when exporting RAW files from lightroom 3, version 3.6, to photoshop 5, (version 12.04, ACR 6.6), raw files go directly to editor, not camera raw editor. This began only after I went from trial version to full version, before it went to RAW editor.  If loading directly into PS RAW files do go to RAW editor as they should, but not from LIghtroom.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Exporting Empty JPG

Feb 28, 2013

I have been having a problem exporting w/ Lightroom on a Mac. It seems that no matter what export settings I am using, Lightroom will only properly export a few images out of several. I don't get an error message in Lightroom, but when I try to open the file, it tells me: "The file '__' could not be opened because it is empty". I'm at a loss, and I have to get several files exported today.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Photobook To PDF?

May 8, 2013

I'm new to Lightroom and have created my first photobook. I am unable to export it to a pdf. It says there is an error.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images From LR3?

Dec 4, 2011

last week no problems exporting images at all come yesterday I get a screen saying ' An unexpected error occurred. This photo was not rendered. ( 1) ' this seems to occur for all images I have in LTRM

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Lightroom :: Any Way To Adjust DPI When Exporting?

Sep 7, 2012

I'm being asked to provide images in 800X600 72dpi. Is there a way to adjust dpi when exporting?

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Lightroom :: V5 Exporting To Blurb?

Oct 12, 2013

I havejust started using lightroom. I have put together a book and want to export to Blurb When I press the button , nothing happens.Also If I try to export to PDF  nothing happens.

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