Lightroom :: How To Resize A Photo To Actual Dimensions
Jun 21, 2012
I am creating a photo book using LR 4.1 and BookSmart (so that I can design my own layouts which I can't do in the LR Book module). Everything is working fine except for resizing to fit BookSmart photo containers. In LR it appears that I can only resize to an aspect ratio and not to the actual pixels. For example, I have a custom size of 5.7 x 4, which LR crops to the aspect but retains a high pixel count (4798 x 3367 for example). The optimal size for the BookSmart container is 1710 x 1200 pixels. My understanding is the BookSmart downsamples the image to fit the pixel dimensions of its container. I have read that for best results you should have your photos in the optimal size to begin with, which avoids the downsampling. In LR I can't see any other way of doing this except in the Print module, which does not connect back to my collection in Publish Services. I am hoping to avoid having to edit each photo (over 400) in Photoshop just so that the size (dimensions and pixels) is optimal for the BookSmart photo containers. Am I missing something in LR that would allow me to set the size correctly for BookSmart?
I have been creating different designs in various sizes, such as 4x6 and 12x12 or letter size. What I need to know is how to view the design in photoshop at those sizes without having to hold a ruler up to my computer? A few years ago I was told of a shortcut key, I think it was Ctrl+1, to make it full-size. It turned out not to be accurate advise. I learned this after creating fifty 4x6 designs and after they were printed I discovered they print was way too small. I need a more accurate and scientific way to have Photoshop resize the view to the actual size of the graphic so I can span the design and confirm everything is legible and visiable before I print it.
I need to print out a map the actual dimensions of the map are 36x65. For some reason, btw this has worked in the past. I have tried all the troubleshootings i can think of like, printing from a new project with default settings, printing from the view ports, even in the model worksheet. I tried making the paper size longer, i have tried window, limit, everything. But for all the reason i can not understand it always just plots exactly at 36 x55.. i have plotted things that are 36 x 80+ so i know i don't have a length limit.
Is there a way to get the dimension text to highlight along with the actual dimensions, without having to directly select it after pulling a dimension off of an object? CAD Tools 7 automatically highlighted it.
I'm trying to figure something out, and it seems like it SHOULD be a simple thing... but I haven't been able to find the answer. I'm importing an avi file (from Poser 9) into AE 5.5. The dimensions are 1200x900. There need to be 48 copies of the avi movie running at the same time behind a mask made of circles on a grid. (If you've ever seen the Coca-Cola commercials from the 90's where all the disks had animations on them, "La la la lala, always Coca-Cola..." think of that design.) The problem is that each copy of the avi needs to be 150x150 in order for it to work.
how to reduce the FILE size, not the literal physical dimensions of the movie clip.
I am new to Lightroom. When I export a group of photos some are around 3000x4000 and others are around 6000x8000.
These larger sizes will not upload to my Picasa Web Albums. Why are they different sizes? Some are only taken on my iphone and are the larger size and others are on my SLR and are the small size.
I want to know how to resize a photo without loosing quality....... in the image resize box the is a check box that says maintain file size ......what does that do .
I have tried to resize using it and the file stays the same as the original.
I want to use the crop tool to edit my image - I want the crop tool to maintain the image dimensions (i.e. 4x6), BUT I don't want the image to be resampled. All I see with the crop tool is that if I want the size to be constrained, it makes me pick a specific size, not an aspect ratio.
For example, if I say 4 inches by 6 inches and crop a very small section of my image, it will crop it, but then resample it and blow it up to a 4 inch by 6 inch photo. I really just want the ratio to be maintained. 4x6.
I am using PaintShop Pro Photo X3 build with an HP Deskjet 6940 printer running on a 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium system. If I follow the following workflow an apparent problem is revealed:
1. Open image file and go to File | Print... 2. Under Size/Position choose Fit to Page and note the image size details 3. Click on Properties 4. Go to the Paper/Quality tab 5. Change the paper size to A5, for example 6. Click OK 7. Note the image size details - they have not changed from those noted in 2 8. Click on Properties 9. Click on OK 10. The image has now been resized 11. Click on Properties 12. Choose a different paper size 13. Click OK 14. The image has not been resized from the dimensions in 10 15. Click on Properties 16. Click on OK 17. The image has been resized
When I place an aligned dimension along a wall in plan view and then select the wall, the temporary dimension does not appear to allow me to resize the wall.
I've used Photoshop for 13 years now and slowly over the years, the subsequent versions have had a problem with the brush cursor maintaining the correct size. Now, with CS6 the problem has become unmanagable! I used to have to go fairly often to preferences to reselect the option to display the actual size of my brushes and pens etc. While a pain, I could deal with it because it only happened once in a while. Now with CS6 it is in a permanent crosshairs mode and will not change no matter what prefs I select! Obviously this makes the program significantly less useful. I'm on a new Mac with Mountain Lion.
I downloaded LR 4 and it opens but only the LR 4 superstructure (frames, info on left side) is visible. There are no phoyos from the catalogs listed on the left side.
When I import files from the M Monochrom there are no actual previews in the import dialog window. Also LR4 does not indicate the aperture used in either the library or develop module.
I have an image jpg, i want to add another person in the pic from another pic and be able to resize the pic I pasted. can u tell me what steps to take/ been going crazy trying to do this. As u can tell a new user.
I want to know how to resize one of my photos to 190px wide by 147px high? When I do it becomes super blurry and I need it to be crystal I correct in assuming that it has to be a landscape picture? Are there special sharpening tools that I need to use, etc.?
I have a photo in PE Organizer/Editor which according to the document size it is 6.6667 inches x 8.917 inches. I know to select image from the menu but not sure whether to select image size or canvas size?
I select Print, choose the print settings, print size 4 x 6 inches, image only - don't want a border, then this message appears: the following images will be rendered at less than 220 dpi at the requested size.
This can't be done in PE and I have to use crop to resize. I surprised that PE cannot resize to inches.
I searched further and found a video on Youtube that demonstrated that PE will resize to inches. The steps in the video were:
1. Select resize, image. 2. Document size: Enter 6 for width, 4 for height and 300 for resolution (for printing) Check Scale Styles, Constrains proportions, Resample image, Bicubic 3. The pixel dimensions automatically changed to 1800 width and 1200 for height.
In the video the above steps worked. In my PE, I followed the same steps but the Document size for width changed to 2.99 after I had entered 6 and the Pixel size for width changed to 897.
First, PE change resize to inches but for some reason my PE 11 changes the width after entering 6.
how do I make a picture smaller w/o making the document smaller. I just have a large photo to put on a flyer so it needs to be a lot smaller than it already is... I know to go to image and resize and change the size but it always makes the document smaller.
When I resize or crop a photo, it would be nice to be able to keep all the original information in the exif tag. Instead the tag appears empty. Is it possible to maintain the original, possibly with additional info indicating post-process?
Or, just the original, indicating camera and lens, aperture and exposure?
How can I resize a photo in Elements 12, using the squares around the picture? I want to change the shape of the photo - in my old version, when I changed the size/shape, it would cut off part of the picture (which is what I want in order to get the size I want), whereas in Elements 12 it is just stretching and distorting the photo.
I am using this for a "scrapbook" photo page, where there are multiple photos and text on the page.
How do I resize a photo using pixels as a unit in Elements 12? I do not wish to print it, just to resize to the size it will be viewed online.I have "upgraded" from Elements 8 where this was no problem but I cannot find the option in Elements 12.
I tried opening the images that I applied lightroom filters on, and the images did not change at all, though when I go to lightroom the filters are present. Does that mean that lightroom filters only work inside lightroom? Is there a way to save the photos with the filter(s) applied?