Lightroom :: How To Display Rating In Survey View
Dec 11, 2012
I couldn't see the rating stars under each photo in Survey mode; I only see the flag status. Now, it's probably something I did, like hitting a shortkey or something... but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to bring back that visual information. After searching online + fiddling around with the settings.
PS. Lightroom 4.3RC (why 4.3 RC, because I'm one of those plagged with a super slow Lightroom in develop mode, especially with my D800 files! I'm crossing my fingers with each RC update that the software will be faster... )
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Oct 16, 2013
I'm using Lightroom 5, and was wondering if there's a quick way to display all items in a stack in Survey View.Expanding the stackSelecting all items in the stack.Switching to survey view.I was wondering if there was a quick way to click on the stack and get it to open in Survey View.
Failing that I was wondering if I could automatically select all the items in a stack.
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Jul 17, 2012
When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of the previews are blurry. The same thing happens in Grid View. However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key. Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks.
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.
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May 2, 2012
I'm having trouble with the secondary display (window, in my case; only one monitor). When I first open the secondary display, either with a keyboard shortcut or by clicking, all is fabulous. The display modes (Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey) are visible & clickable, as is thumbnail slider, file path. If I click or keyboard command to Loupe view, Normal, Live & Locked modes are available. However, if I close the window and then want to open it up later in my workflow, all of the aforementioned functions disappear. I'm able to bring up the Filter view, and can technically still work off the menu bar (and keyboard shortcuts, if remembered). But only if I restart the program do the full set of functions become visible again. The arrows at top & bottom don't collapse/expand to show anything more than a black border where the display & mode options once were.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have Lightroom 4.4. and Windows 7--both of which have been working fine for several months. Starting a few days ago, however, thumbnails have refused to load for any NEW photos I import. They appear gray/blank in both Grid view and the film strip. However, if you click on any of the film strip thumbnails (while in either Grid view or Develop mode), that thumbnail and corresponding image WILL load--until up to three have done so. Then they begin disappearing again, allowing you to view no more than three images' thumbnails at any one time.
I can't review a shoot via Grid mode this way. I'm also afraid to use Lightroom while it's misbehaving, for fear of corrupting the catalog somehow (though all the images appear to be there). Searching this forum, I found several people who experienced having all of their thumbnails blank out and who were able to correct this by either reinstalling or removing their color profiling software. However, 1) I did this (and it didn't work), and 2) it isn't that all my thumbnails that have disappeared. All the thumbnails and images imported prior to the bug, still initially display correctly.* And I can get three thumbnails of the newer images to appear at a time.
*The asterisk is because after I poked around some more, I realized that if I opened other folders and began post-processing images from older uploads (vs. just viewing them), the thumbnails that initially displayed correctly everywhere also blank out and begin appearing in this up-to-three-at-a-time fashion.
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Feb 13, 2014
I can't seem to keep my star ratings on my files after I export them to JPG. My export settings are set to keep "All" metadata, but this doesn't seem to change it.
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Apr 15, 2012
I notice that when viewing by rating (1, 2, 3, stars...) the program defaults to viewing the rating you choose and above. So, say I want to just see four star photos, it's showing me four and five star photos. Is there any way to set the rating function to only show those star rated photos I want to see?
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Jul 12, 2013
I'm working on image in a collection that I created. I give image 4 stars and a color when I'm done working on them in the Development module.After opening the Preset and using some of them, as soon as I was giving a star rating to an image, I was automatically brought to the next image - which is not the normal behavior of Lightroom.So, I close the Presets "module" and re-clicked my Collection and then it stopped. It's hard to re-create a problem like this. But this is the only thing I've done differently and I've been retouching over 500 images without encountering this problem before.I'm working with the latest Lightroom 5 version.
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Oct 10, 2012
Is there any way of filtering files by rating BEFORE importing them from my camera to my PC? I can sort them once they have been imported but it would save a lot of hard drive space if I could only import the ones I rated before importing.
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May 3, 2013
I am fairly new to lightroom. I pulled up 500 or so images from a wedding and went through them quickly starring them with the left and right brackets. When I was finished I went to the grid view in the library module and clicked on the filters, filter by rating, greater than or equal to one star (my images were in a collection by the way). When I hit that it says that no photos match my filter. Why?
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Feb 2, 2012
I am trying to rotate a survey in layout view so that it will print at 1:1000 on an A0 piece of paper as the survey is orientated NEW. When I try and rotate it in viewport so that it is aligned to the paper and then go back to model space the co-ordinates have changed. It is a important that the co-ordinates remain correct in model space as this is a real world hydrographic survey.
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May 13, 2013
I can select a rating and a color label for my images, but I can not sort by rating and color label. when I click on the filter drop down, color label is not one of the options. how do I get both ratings and color lables as an option to sort with.
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Feb 9, 2014
When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom (ie. Edit in -> Edit in Adobe Photoshop CC...) the photo opens as normal, I edit the photo as normal, and when I hit save, it saves and the edited photo appears in Lightroom - all as per normal. BUT, the edited photo doesn't have the rating and labelling applied to it that the non-edited photo has. So, for example, if I have given a photo a 3 star rating in Lightroom, and then edit and save that photo in Photoshop, when the edited photo appears in Lightroom, it doesn't have a star rating anymore).
I've used Lightroom and Photoshop together for 6 years and never had a problem with this - the photo has always reappeared in Lightroom with the same ratings and labels that the non-edited photo has.
This is a real problem to use when we've filtered a bunch of photos to edit. Everytime we edit one we have to go back to Lightroom, turn off the filtering, find the edited photo, add the ratings, turn the filtering back on and go to the next photo - a real pain when we have 50 images to do in a row..
I can only guess this is a bug with either the new Lightroom, or new Photoshop CC (guessing it is actually a Photoshop problem as I think it appeared around the time it was updated by CC, but I could be wrong).
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Jul 5, 2013
Since upgrading to Lightroom 5 I've been seeing this nasty bug pretty much all the time. In the library module choose a folder where a bunch of photos already have ratings. Select the attribute filter and choose to only display photos with a rating of exactly 4. Now open one of the photos and switch to the develop module. Then click to change the rating to 5. Now go back to the library module, clear the filter and look at what filter the photo actually got. For me it gets changed to a rating of 1!
This was tested on Lightroom 5.0 on Windows.
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Dec 21, 2013
I have always sorted my photos by using star ratings but all of a sudden the filter has stopped working properly.
For instance,
>= 4 stars works as expected
>= 3 stars displays 'no photos match the filter'
It affects my entire catalogue and is fundamental to my workflow.
It seems to affect both my laptop and my desktop computer.
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Dec 20, 2012
I was wondering if after drawing an alignment, creating a profile, and profile view, is there a way I can mark items along the alignment so they could show up in the profile view. I am laying out a pipeline and want to have the profile display a marker for items such as tees, elbows, reducers and other items. The marker I would like to use will be something like the vertical style grade break markers.
Also on a side note, as each of these items will have a different name, is there a way that I can add these markers and then have each one with a unique name?
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Jan 10, 2013
When I move folders between catalogs how do I save my rating system ( flags, stars etc.) Also how can I move a collection between catalogs?
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Sep 29, 2013
I have LR 5.2 and when I review newly imported images with an impromptu slideshow to rate and flag the image in the slideshow, the relevant "flag as pick" or "set as rejected" notification shows on the screen but at the end of the slideshow only the first image is picked or rejected and the rest remain unchanged.
I have tried the fix that adobe published for 5.0 - changing the ui.dll but that fix prevents LR5.2 from loading alltogether.
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Feb 18, 2012
I am in LR3 and I want to be abale to see file size, rating, file name, exposure details all at once. I can only make 2 show at one time.
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Apr 20, 2013
How do I get the flag/star rating system back in the bottom left of LR4?
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Oct 30, 2013
I have been capturing data for measured building surveys with a Leica total station (TS06). When I upload the data into autocad i can see the node points (+) and text in the top view. When switch to look at the points from the front view (to produce an elevation), the text and points appear as a flat line, although the insertion point of the node/text is still correct. I need to find a way of rotating the text and points so they are visible in this view. I will then flatten the points and cut them to the top view to produce a 2d elevation.
we had a toolbar with a button to perform this function. However, now i don't have the toolbar,
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Oct 23, 2013
Any way using autoCAD LT 2014 to get CAD to display the elevation heights of survey points without having to type the heights in text bozes next to each individual point. i can insert a field which displays the elevation of the point but doing this again i would have to do every point individually.
Another words is there a way to select all the survey points required and get CAD to display a certain property, which in my case is the elevation height of that survey point, next to it? so it looks like x 23.35 x 23.57 etc..
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Nov 19, 2013
I copied some Survey Data of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 for Surveyors to my C3D 2013 machine few weeks ago. Now I cannot do the "Import point file" of the Survey2 Data B in Survey Databases, because the Survey2 Data B is locked up - see the attached file that has a red circle with an arrow on. How I can unlocked the locked Survey 2 Data in the Survey Databases.
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May 3, 2012
here's my process:
1- Import the asc file into my drawing.
2- Convert the asc file to a FBK file
3- Import my FBK file. The survey figure linework generated doesn't overlay my previously imported asc file. I checked the FBK file and the coord's match the asc file. I'm confused as to why the survey figures don't overlay the survey points from the asc file, since the coords match in both? The survey figures are all shifted .7' and 54deg. from the points. The elevations are all good on the survey figures, as they match the survey points.
So my quick fix is to explode the survey figures, since I don't really need them for what I'm doing, and then select all the 3d polylines and move them to them to an appropriate survey point. Everything then looks fine and I can get the job done.
However, I would like some insight as to why this might be happening. It's strange that the FBK and asc coordinates match, but the survey figures aren't lying over them.
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Jul 18, 2012
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
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Aug 19, 2013
After processing images in Lightroom 5, I exported them as jpgs to another folder, which I intend to upload to a printer. However, the stars i used to rate the images appear in the upper left corner of the jpg. Why did this happen and how can I get rid of the visible stars?
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Apr 19, 2013
I'm having a bit of an issue with using this software properly on an older computer.
The only rendering software the computer is capable of running is OpenGL, not DirectX, which appears to be the default.
Apparently, the View Cube will not operate when OpenGL is being used, which prevents me from navigating the scene properly...
Would there happen to be a way to have the View Cube display without the use of DirectX? Or do any alternatives to the View Cube exist?
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Aug 15, 2012
What are the restrictions on rearraging images in Survey mode? I could not figure out why it would sometines work and sometimes doesn't.
For example, I have a main top directory 2012 and in it a folder for each month. If I am in GRID view at the 2012 level and choose images in Survey mode, I cannot rearrange them. But I am in GRID view in one of the subfolders, then I can.
Is this normal? Am I doing anything wrong?
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Feb 25, 2013
Why won't survey mode(N) let me pick only one photo? It used to let me but now won't. I have the latest software update on Lightroom 4, working with an iMac(OS X 10.8.2). I hightlight several images to pick from, click on one and press "P" to pick it. It then picks ALL of the photos I have hightlighted instead of only the one I clicked on.
It's not supposed to do that according to the website...yet it's still happening to me. In the Library module, do one of the following:
Select one or more photos in the Grid view, or select a single photo in the Filmstrip in Loupe, Compare, or Survey view. Then, choose Photo > Set Flag and choose the flag you want. If more than one photo is selected in the Filmstrip in Loupe, Compare, or Survey view, the flag is applied only to the active photo.
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Jun 15, 2012
I'm using LR 4.1. When in survey mode, if I select an image and hit Z the resulting 1:1 image is not sharp. If I zoom in or out and back to 1:1 it becomes sharp. This is not a problem in Loupe mode. It's not a delay issue - it never becomes sharp unless I change the zoom level. I have 1:1 and standard previews pre-generated.
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Oct 17, 2012
When I select a number of images to survey and flag one of those images, all images in survey mode are flagged making the culling process extremely difficult. This only started happening since upgrading to LR 4.2 May have to resort to LR 4.1 until fixed
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