Lightroom :: Filter Files By Rating Before Import?

Oct 10, 2012

Is there any way of filtering files by rating BEFORE importing them from my camera to my PC? I can sort them once they have been imported but it would save a lot of hard drive space if I could only import the ones I rated before importing.

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Lightroom :: Filter By Rating - No Photos To Match

May 3, 2013

I am fairly new to lightroom. I pulled up 500 or so images from a wedding and went through them quickly starring them with the left and right brackets. When I was finished I went to the grid view in the library module and clicked on the filters, filter by rating, greater than or equal to one star (my images were in a collection by the way). When I hit that it says that no photos match my filter. Why?

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Lightroom :: Star Rating Filter Has Stopped Working

Dec 21, 2013

I have always sorted my photos by using star ratings but all of a sudden the filter has stopped working properly.
For instance,
>= 4 stars works as expected

>= 3 stars displays 'no photos match the filter'
It affects my entire catalogue and is fundamental to my workflow.
It seems to affect both my laptop and my desktop computer.

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Lightroom :: Camera Raw Import Filter For Nikon D800 NEF Files In 3.6?

Jul 9, 2012

Camera Raw import filter for Nikon D800 NEF files in LR 3.6?  I believe LR 4.1 supports this file type natively, but I am not yet ready to update to 4.1.
I can, however read these files in Adobe P-Shop CS5 and Bridge CS5.
OS: Windows 64)

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Lightroom :: Keep Star Rating After Export?

Feb 13, 2014

I can't seem to keep my star ratings on my files after I export them to JPG. My export settings are set to keep "All" metadata, but this doesn't seem to change it.

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Lightroom :: Showing One Rating At A Time?

Apr 15, 2012

I notice that when viewing by rating (1, 2, 3, stars...) the program defaults to viewing the rating you choose and above.  So, say I want to just see four star photos, it's showing me four and five star photos.  Is there any way to set the rating function to only show those star rated photos I want to see?

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Lightroom :: Conflict With Rating Image

Jul 12, 2013

I'm working on image in a collection that I created. I give image 4 stars and a color when I'm done working on them in the Development module.After opening the Preset and using some of them, as soon as I was giving a star rating to an image, I was automatically brought to the next image - which is not the normal behavior of Lightroom.So, I close the Presets "module" and re-clicked my Collection and then it stopped. It's hard to re-create a problem like this. But this is the only thing I've done differently and I've been retouching over 500 images without encountering this problem before.I'm working with the latest Lightroom 5 version.

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Lightroom :: How To Display Rating In Survey View

Dec 11, 2012

I couldn't see the rating stars under each photo in Survey mode; I only see the flag status.  Now, it's probably something I did, like hitting a shortkey or something... but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to bring back that visual information.  After searching online + fiddling around with the settings.
PS. Lightroom 4.3RC  (why 4.3 RC, because I'm one of those plagged with a super slow Lightroom in develop mode, especially with my D800 files! I'm crossing my fingers with each RC update that the software will be faster... )

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Lightroom :: How To Sort Or Filter Only The RAW Files In A Library Folder

Feb 16, 2014

Is there a way to Sort or Filter only the RAW files in a Library folder that have had adjustments made to them in the Develop Module?   Not by date, key words or flags etc.  Only develop adjustments.

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Lightroom :: Sort By Rating And Color Label For Images?

May 13, 2013

I can select a rating and a color label for my images, but I can not sort by rating and color label. when I click on the filter drop down, color label is not one of the options.  how do I get both ratings and color lables as an option to sort with.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Loses Rating And Labeling On Edited File

Feb 9, 2014

When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom (ie. Edit in -> Edit in Adobe Photoshop CC...) the photo opens as normal, I edit the photo as normal, and when I hit save, it saves and the edited photo appears in Lightroom - all as per normal.  BUT, the edited photo doesn't have the rating and labelling applied to it that the non-edited photo has.  So, for example, if I have given a photo a 3 star rating in Lightroom, and then edit and save that photo in Photoshop, when the edited photo appears in Lightroom, it doesn't have a star rating anymore).
I've used Lightroom and Photoshop together for 6 years and never had a problem with this - the photo has always reappeared in Lightroom with the same ratings and labels that the non-edited photo has.
This is a real problem to use when we've filtered a bunch of photos to edit.  Everytime we edit one we have to go back to Lightroom, turn off the filtering, find the edited photo, add the ratings, turn the filtering back on and go to the next photo - a real pain when we have 50 images to do in a row..
I can only guess this is a bug with either the new Lightroom, or new Photoshop CC (guessing it is actually a Photoshop problem as I think it appeared around the time it was updated by CC, but I could be wrong).

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Lightroom :: Changing Rating From The Develop Module Seems Broken In 5?

Jul 5, 2013

Since upgrading to Lightroom 5 I've been seeing this nasty bug pretty much all the time. In the library module choose a folder where a bunch of photos already have ratings. Select the attribute filter and choose to only display photos with a rating of exactly 4. Now open one of the photos and switch to the develop module. Then click to change the rating to 5. Now go back to the library module, clear the filter and look at what filter the photo actually got. For me it gets changed to a rating of 1!
This was tested on Lightroom 5.0 on Windows.

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Lightroom :: 5.2 - Smart Collection Or Filter To Display Non-renamed Files

Sep 26, 2013

I always rename pictures after import with YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_SEQ-NR, now I would like to find out, which pictures were not getting renamed or where the filename is equal to the original-filename.

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Lightroom :: Moving Folders Between Catalogs - How To Save Rating System

Jan 10, 2013

When I move folders between catalogs how do I save my rating system ( flags, stars etc.)  Also how can I move a collection between catalogs?

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Lightroom :: How To Make The Rating / Flagging Feature Work With Impromptu Slideshow

Sep 29, 2013

I have LR 5.2 and when I review newly imported images with an impromptu slideshow to rate and flag the image in the slideshow, the relevant "flag as pick" or "set as rejected" notification shows on the screen but at the end of the slideshow only the first image is picked or rejected and the rest remain unchanged.
I have tried the fix that adobe published for 5.0 - changing the ui.dll but that fix prevents LR5.2 from loading alltogether.

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Lightroom :: Allow Thumbnails To Show File Size / Name / Rating And Exposure Details All At Once?

Feb 18, 2012

I am in LR3 and I want to be abale to see file size, rating, file name, exposure details all at once.  I can only make 2 show at one time.

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Lightroom :: Get Flag / Star Rating System Back In Bottom Left Of 4?

Apr 20, 2013

How do I get the flag/star rating system back in the bottom left of LR4?

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Lightroom :: Keeps Changing NEF-RAW Files To DNG Files Upon Import

Jul 31, 2013

I am currently using a Nikon D7100 and recording my photos in the Raw/NEF-RAW format.  Recently, whenever I am uploading my photos to Lightroom 5, my photos are changing to .dng files rather than staying in the NEF file.  When I go and look back at my previous imports from the past few times, they are in NEF and NOT in .dng.  Why is this doing this and how do I turn this feature off so that my files remain the same going from my camera to my computer through importation. 

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Lightroom :: 4 - When Import Files Load As CR2 Files Not DNG

Apr 4, 2013

I just upgraded to a 5D and LR4.. when I import the files load as CR2 files, not DNG files.  When the files import it takes 4 files to find them. It also will not recognize the file names in the library.  How do I fix this to import like it did in LR 3??

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Lightroom :: How To Import RAW CR2 Files

Mar 5, 2013

Today I went to LR4 and tried to import RAW CR2 files into the program using the usual import process which is pretty automatic. I also asked that copies be saved as DNG files. No matter what I tried, I got an error message saying that the files could not be imported. I use a Canon 5D Mark III. The only difference in today's shoot was that I used and HDSC card instead of a CF card. No other obvious changes. Clearly, this is a serious concern. What amI missing?

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Lightroom :: Only Import RAW And Not JPG Files?

Feb 8, 2013

How can I make Lightroom import only RAW and not JPG files? (Some camera's require you to save a JPG next to a RAW to generate the best preview on the camera LCD).

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Import PDF Files

May 7, 2012

how do i import pdf files onto lightroom 4?

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Lightroom :: Can't Import Files Into 4.3

Feb 25, 2013

I am suddenly unable to import photo files from my computer directory into LR 4.3. I have imported thousands of photos previously, but now I get an error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location". I have seen comments elsewhere on forums which says that to solve this the "Destination" has to be set to "Pictures". I can't find anywhere to select "Pictures" in the Destination menu.
LR is now totally useless to me. How can you get to talk to an expert at Adobe? I just get sent round in circles and end up back on the forum every time!! This is urgent!
25/02/13 Solved this myself. Found after clicking on the arrow at the top right, I got a pull-down menu of recently used destination paths, and by ticking the one which showed "My Lightroom Photos/ Pictures" all was well. (My Lightroom Photos is my directory in which I keep all my photos).

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Lightroom :: 2.5 Won't Import Raw Files

May 25, 2012

Lightroom 2.7 won't import raw files from folder. After I choose files and click they come up as a white file that says (preview not available for this image )  and I  can't go any further. Have no trouble importing JPEGS.

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Lightroom :: Why Won't CR2 Files Import

Apr 3, 2013

I can't get my RAW files to import.  Shooting on the 5DM3 using jpeg + RAW setting.  I got the jpegs to import, but not RAW. 

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Any Files On 4.2

Dec 5, 2012

I have been having problems with importing all files to Lightroom since my Macbook was 'healthchecked'!! I get the message 'cannot read files'. This started with Lightroom 3 - where I have tried to delete the preference file and then recreate - no luck, after alot of other things tried, I then uninstalled Lightroom 3 and installed a fresh version of Lightroom 4.2 - and the problem still exists.

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Lightroom :: RAW Files Will Not Import?

Jun 5, 2012

RAW files will not import. Told the program does not recognize the file type. Worked fine before upgrading to version 4.1.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 RC Does Not Import Files?

May 23, 2012

I use a Lexar USB 3 card reader to import files created by my Canon 5d Mk-II. I click on Import on the lower left corner of LR, point to the drive which displays the files on the card. But when I click on Import LR simply sites there with the progress bar at the top not moving. I waited for quite a while several times and the files did not copy and import. Then I copied the files using Windows explorer to the folder where they are kept and tried to synchronize the folder but that option was not avaliable from the right-click on the folder name context menu. I have to shut down LR and restart before the Synchronize Folder appears again.
Another, and possibly related anomaly is the number of files LR report that could be imported. The number is always wrong. For instance, there may be 25 files sync but it reports something like 172.

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Lightroom :: RAW Files Will Not Import

May 19, 2013

Replaced Nikon D80 with D7100 and now RAW files will not import, suspect Raw plug in is out of date but my PC Windows Home XP is quite old with only 960MB of RAM, will i need to upgrade to LR4 and upgrade PC too?

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Lightroom :: Import PNG Files Into 3?

Aug 30, 2012

Is there any way to import png files into Lightroom 3?  I made a catalog for scrapbooking and my png files were not imported.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Raw Files In LR5

Nov 22, 2013

So I have just started using a D4. I was trying to upload my photos, and the RAW files will not import. I was using LR3, and thought it had something to do with the version, so got LR5, and its not working. FIles could not be imported because they could not be read. I am on MAC OSX 10.5.7. Files will import fine if they are JPG, or RAW from my D3.

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