Lightroom :: Export Resize Possibly Broken

Jan 13, 2014

I have a set of images that fit within 1400x1050.  I want them to fit within 1024x768.  As I have done before, I set the export directory, choose 1024x768 as the export size, highlight all of the images and click export.  The first image in the set shows what iis going wrong.  It starts out as 680x1050 and finishes as 680x1050.  Clearly this is wrong - it is not resizing.
some of the images ARE corectly resized.  Random ones are not.

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Lightroom :: Sudden Ultra-slow Importing In 5.2 - Possibly Smart Collection Related?

Sep 20, 2013

This evening I wanted to import a series of images from my card reader using LR (just updated to 5.2 from the 5.2RC); I have ~240 images to import. I always have LR set to convert to DNG on import, and also to save a backup of the original raw file (NEF) onto a separate HDD at the same time. LR has always been pretty fast to carry out this process: normally just a few minutes are required for that amount of images (not including rendering previews once the DNGs are imported). However, today it's suddenly become painfully slow - as I type this, it's so far managed to import a mere 58 images, having so far taken about an hour and twenty minutes! Each image is being added one at a time, with a long pause before the next one clocks up in the 'current import' folder. I've never seen such slow performance with LR before.
I wonder if this is a bug connected to the final release of 5.2? I doubt it, as I would have expected to have heard about this by now, but you never know...
I have recently - in the past few days - set up a number (at least 80) of new smart collections that pick up raw images taken at specific focal lengths, as well as another set picking up specific apertures used for each raw shot in the catalogue (unlike the majority of my pre-existing smart collections, these new collections are purely there for interest really - nice to see which focal lengths are the most used for example - but don't serve as an aid to any specific workflow). In short, I've greatly increased the number of smart collections running in my catalogue. Would having a significant number of smart collections slow down the image ingestion process? For example, is LR updating individual smart collections on the fly as images are imported, and thus having to pick through each collection in order to complete the import (I'd always assumed that this would all be added to a central index in the catalogue that the smart collections feed from, but perhaps there are multiple indexes, one for each smart collection)?
I guess the other possible cause could be a corrupt catalogue, although both the catalogue integrity check and optimisation complete without a hitch and everything else seems to be fine.
I'm on Win7 x64, running the LR catalogue and previews from an SSD (with images stored on a separate HDD), with an i7 3770K CPU, 16GB RAM, and an AMD 5850 Radeon graphics card.

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Lightroom :: How To Export And Resize In Percentage To Disc

Sep 26, 2013

i have some smart folders of my fav. pics. i want to export them to disc for my mobile devices the pics have different resolutions.

I want to resize them in %. I saw only the option in pixel.
if there is no option in LR, can you recommend a freeware tool for mac or win?

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Export With Resize Option Not Resizing?

Dec 17, 2013

Just updated my LR to 5.3 from the CC and noticed a weird problem that I never encountered before in LR4 or 5.x (before 5.3 that is). I usually export pictures from RAW format to either TIFF or JPG (100% quality) and depending on purpose I use batch resizing, e.g. 1080 pixels on short edge ... well that whole Resize setting gets ignored by LR 5.3! It still exports full size (full RAW size in this case) into JPG or TIFF, but it won't resize .
I found out that I checked the "Don't enlarge" box in Export dialog under Resizing, that's when resizing was not working. After I unchecked it then it works fine, but still what does that have to do with anything if we are talking about downsampling images from 5184x3456 pixels to 1620x1080 ...

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Lightroom :: Export To JPG - Limit File Size Vs Resize To Fit

Feb 22, 2012

I take a large number of event images and the usual client request for images being sent to the press is image size rather than resolution, dimensions or other requirements.
Clearly in LR3 if the client has requested 3MB jpg the easy option is to after processing take my Canon 5d mkii RAW file and just hit export to max 3MB jpg.
My question is is it better - ie image quality better - to export by resizing longest edge to approx 3000 px and exporting to jpg which results in a similar file size, though different pixel dimensions? Or are they effectively the same?

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Photoshop :: Export / Render Video Broken?

Sep 30, 2013

MacPro1,1 (32bit kernel, 64bit OS X 10.7.5)
x5355 8-core 2.67GHz CPU,
4-Drive RAID0 System and data drive (four new 3TB Seagate Barracuda [fast] drives)
GTX 570, 1.3GB - Recognized by PhotoShop for OpenCL and OpenGL
PhotoShop CC (v 14.1.2 x64) Trail (about 5 days into it)
1) I can open a video and play it back at the speed of the video.
2) I can not get playback faster than 1 fps if there are any filters applied - the pre-render / buffering isn't working at all.
3) I can not "Render Video" by choosing either "Render Video from the menus or the Export Arrow button in the GUI.

As soon as I select either I get a Progress Bar that that says "Initializing Video Export" but never finishes. I have waited as long as 4hrs and still no dice.I've tried with more than a few different videos and the result is always he same.  Here are three of the videos I have tried with:


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InDesign :: Export To EPS Results In Broken Type?

Mar 5, 2014

I typeset long documents which often include several hundred labeled photos and illustrations. Much of our art is created off-site, but we label the figures in-house. In the past, this has been done in Illustrator, but I prefer to do it in InDesign.
Exporting an InDesign document as an .eps results in fractured type. Opening the .eps in Illustrator, a single word is now comprised of random groups of letters, and some of the characters are outlines. In the Export EPS dialog box, I've tried every combination of options under "Embed Fonts" and "Data Format." Is this a bug, or are .eps files created from InDesign not intended to be fully functional in Illustrator?
As an aside, InDesign files placed within InDesign documents often cause the program to crash when exporting to PDF. Perhaps that is a subject for another post, but it's basically the only reason I export InDesign files as .eps (so I can re-link the offending .indd file to the .eps and export to PDF). I don't really want to open InDesign-created .eps files in Illustrator -- I'd rather simply place the .indd as a link -- but sometimes it's expedient, and I'm curious as to why the type becomes fragmented.
InDesign CC
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks

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After Effects :: Artifacts Showing Up In Render Video Possibly Too Intense?

Nov 12, 2013

I'm making a hybrid between machinima and an "MLG parody".
h264, 720p, 30fps - Eventually going on youtube.
The setting is basically a "box" of gameplay videos with the scene inside. One wall is visible in the screenshot, there are 10 total 3d models within a fast moving 30second time frame littered with Trapcode Form, Element 3D animations, and greenscreens.
My issue begins with a fast moving camera which pans around the character below as he animates in from a green orb. Obviously the bitrate is through the roof, artifacts appear and slowly go away after the camera stops (screenshot below). I can smooth the camera out and add motion blur, but things seem pixelated even when the camera is still.
The artifacts slowly disappear, but another problem arises with a Trapcode Form blob below; The blob also has artifacts, probably the result of a massive bitrate from a combination of things - would the background videos be a serious cause of this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get The Broken Symbol In A Broken Dimension?

Jul 13, 2012

Is there any way to get the broken symbol in a broken dimension like shown below?

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GIMP :: Resize Option Bundled With Export Command

Jan 13, 2014

This is such a common task, there may be cause to have a Resize option bundled with the Export command. Having to always perform them as two separate steps is an annoyance, but the possibility of accidentally saving the wrong resolution back to the XCF file is a danger.

A question that asked late last year as I had a need to resize and keep working on original. That's when I found the save for web had been reinstated as 2.6.

Part of the motivation for the save/export distinction in the firstplace is later being able to introduce such improvements to exportworkflows (as well as other neat things; like being able to choosebetween export presets, multiple named regions - and more). Without aclear conceptual internal seperation - such future improvements willbe much harder.

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Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop Broken

Mar 2, 2013

I just upgraded from Lightroom 3 to 4.3. I'm trying to "edit in Photoshop" which is not greyed out. Photoshop opens successfully but the image from Lightroom never launches. Is there something I need to enable to allow the photo to open?

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Lightroom :: JPEGs With Broken ICC Profiles?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a set of precious digital images, they are actually fairly low-res scans of prints but they are irreplaceable and cannot be re-scanned.
The images exhibit the following issues and I don't know how to fix them:
1) In the LR import dialogue box they show up as "Preview unavailable for this file".
2) When I attempt to import to LR, I get the error "The following files were not imported because they could not be read".
3) If I open the file in Photoshop CS5, I get the warning "The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the embedded ICC profile is invalid. Ignoring the profile" - if I ignore, PS can open the file but of course the colour profile is missing and the images look universally awful.
Curiously however the images DO provide a preview in Windows Explorer, and if I open them with the infinitely inferior Windows Live Photo Gallery, they open correctly and the colours are as they should be.
This all leads me to believe that there is something wrong with these files which Windows is OK with but Adobe is not. Since I do not have the paper prints, cannot rescan, and do not know the workflow process applied, I have absolutely no idea whether this happened at scanning time or subsequently.
HOWEVER surely, in this day and age, there must be a tool which allows me to package the information Windows can read and put it back into the file where it should be so that Adobe can read the same thing?

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Lightroom :: Previews Broken On Import?

Sep 22, 2012

I've had trouble since upgrading from LR3 to LR4 with previewing files on import. Sometimes reports no import, sometimes just shows thumbnail; sometimes fails on all photos, sometimes on just some. Happens for different file formats (ie, JPEG, raw from different cameras), different card readers, different USB ports. Canceling the import and selecting import again seems to be a workaround, but this is annoying nonetheless.

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Lightroom :: Broken File Connections

May 23, 2013

I am a relatively new user to LR and I moved a few hundred images on my Mac without realizing that it should have been done through LR. I now have a few hundred broken image links. The tutorial seems to indicate that I must re-connect them one by one. Is this true or is there a ya I can connect multiple images in folders?

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Lightroom :: V4 Layout Overlay Broken?

Jul 18, 2012

Images brought in to LR4 used as layout overlays are the wrong proportions - they are slightly skinnier. It makes the feature unusable.

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Lightroom :: Import New Photos Broken In 4.3 RC?

Nov 16, 2012

I take a series of images, insert the SD card into the card reader and import the images into LR 4.3 RC.
Later after taking more images I insert the SD card into the reader, click Import in LR and it now imports all the old images again with '-2' appended to the file name.
'New Photos' is selected at the top of the Import dialog window.
LR 4.2 did not do this as far as I can recall - is this a known problem in 4.3 RC?
Happens on Windows 7 64 bit and OS X Mountain Lion.

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Lightroom :: RC2 Has Broken Link To PS6 Beta

Apr 28, 2012

After installing LR4.1 RC2 i have lost the link to PS6 when working with CR2 files... when i right click "edit in" PS6 opens but no document is created... when i do teh same with a DNG file all works fine... perhaps it is an issue with Camera Raw compatibility?
Both CR2 and DNG work fine with PS5.5...Obviously this is not a major issue but it is behavior that needs to be fixed...

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Lightroom :: Flag Accelerators Are Broken In LR5?

Jun 16, 2013

I'm running LR5 on Windows 64 bit and have noticed that the flag accelerator keys, P, U and X don't work. When I press these in the Library module, the text pop-up tells me that the appropriate flag state is being set but the flag never actually changes state. To change the flag, I have to right click and use the "Set Flag..." context menu. This makes editing a lot slower since I can no longer move through all the shots and pick selects and rejects using the keyboard.und?

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Photoshop :: Resize Images For Export Into Premiere Pro In That 1920 X 1080 Format?

Jan 29, 2013

I have some fotos that are apparently too small for the 1920 x 1080 format of my film.
What do I need to master about the relationship between three items (canvas size, image size, and document size) so that I can smoothly resize a bunch of images in Photoshop for export into Premiere Pro in that 1920 x 1080 format?
I will be constraining my proportions... if the images are too big, I will do a Ken Burns "zoom out" effect in the film.

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Lightroom :: Broken Collections Path Links On New Mac?

Dec 21, 2011

I moved from an XP based PC to a Mac Pro running Lion. I copied LRcat to the new location and all photo files.  Catalog opens and works fine in the Folders tab, but all of the Collections links are broken.  Each of the collections links are pointing to the old location on the pc:  C:usermy documentsphotoslightroom.... 
I have tried to right click on the collection folder and point it too the new location.  This seems to be processing the change, but results in loss of info in the old C: location and does not redirect the Mac collection to the right place.
Is there any way to fix this at the top level without having to delete and recreate all the collections?

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Lightroom :: Broken Paths Due To Drive Failure

Jun 30, 2012

I'm using Light Room 1.3. on a Mac. My catalog is in my user/pictures folder, but my photos were kept in a large number of nested folders and subfolders on an external hard drive. The hard drive died. I have backups of all the photos and a fairly recent backup of the LR catalog, but when I open the catalog or the backup, all the paths to the photos have been broken. The folders appear in red in the "Folders" window of LR. I know how to relink the individual folders by using  "Locate Missing Folder", but I've got hundreds of folders listed. The top level folders are not listed--there were basically three folders in which all the rest were located (sometimes several folders down). Is there anyway to re-establish the paths without doing so for each individual folder? how I might re-arrange my thousands of photos so this can't happen again. I was just about to upgrade to a new iMac and LR4, but am afraid of the same thing happening when I transfer everything to the new computer.

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3ds Max Animation :: Oxygen Mask - Constrain End Of Pipe Bone To Possibly Rib Cage Bone

May 4, 2011

I have a figure with an oxygen mask attached to his face and an air pipe leading from the mask to a tank on his chest. I've added bones coming from the head for the mask and pipe and I need to fix the bone at the end of the pipe to the tank so that when he moves his head the pipe flexs but the end doesn't move from the tank. Hopefully that is clear

Is there a way to constrain the end of the pipe bone to possibly the rib cage bone? So they move together? With the pipe being flexible in between.

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Lightroom :: Broken Catalog Associations - Need To Mass Rename?

Jan 26, 2014

I dragged over about 200 GB worth of pictures from my internal drive to an external within Lightroom. In doing so, a majority of my images did not retain their associations.

For example. a picture whose name in a folder is: /pic1.nef
but in the gallery it's named: /pic1_2.nef

So, the association is broken. Is there a way to mass rename everything that has the string "_2" in it and remove it. I.e, go from pic1_2.nef to pic1.nef.

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Lightroom :: Changing Rating From The Develop Module Seems Broken In 5?

Jul 5, 2013

Since upgrading to Lightroom 5 I've been seeing this nasty bug pretty much all the time. In the library module choose a folder where a bunch of photos already have ratings. Select the attribute filter and choose to only display photos with a rating of exactly 4. Now open one of the photos and switch to the develop module. Then click to change the rating to 5. Now go back to the library module, clear the filter and look at what filter the photo actually got. For me it gets changed to a rating of 1!
This was tested on Lightroom 5.0 on Windows.

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Lightroom :: 3.2 - Local Adjustment Brush And Heal / Clone Tool Broken

Sep 1, 2010

After installing LR 3.2, the first thing I noticed is that it is much slower than the previous version (using XP Pro + 3GB memory and a speedy processor).
But the most terrible novelty of this version is that the Adjustment Brush is going berserk after a while:
It first slows down to a crawl, so slow that it's almost impossible to work with.While working with it after a while, it starts to show random rectangular areas that are copies of other areas of the image that have nothing to do with the area I'm working on. This happens after a brush stroke. The Undo command makes these rectangular "patches" disappear.From time to time, the whole image is flipped upside down (You can't believe it? Neither could I) eventually, after a brush stroke, the sandclock mouse cursor is displayed and the program freezes (at this time it can be using over 1 GB of memory although I'm working on a single, standard EOS 5D image). The only way to stop this madness is to kill the process. The Heal/Clone tool also shows a similar misbehavior. I didn't have these problems with the previous version.

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Lightroom :: Map Module Broken After Adobe Flash Update On OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.2

Feb 11, 2013

the map module is broken after a recent adobe flash update on OSX 10.8.2.  It's just a grey screen now when I go to it.

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Lightroom :: How To Export A Window Without Export Buttons At Bottom

Mar 1, 2014

Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
Makes LR totally useless.

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Lightroom :: How To Export All The Snapshots At Once In A Single Export Step

Jan 20, 2013

I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.

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Paint.NET :: Resize Images And Print Size Fields On Resize Dialogue

Mar 24, 2013

I have just been trying to resize some images on the latest version -  3.510.4297.28964 - and I have typed the measurements that I wanted into the print size fields on the resize dialogue. The actual sizes the program resizes the images to differ though - some look to be about right, whereas some come out much larger, but they all show the dimensions that I inserted in the canvas size box. 
I'm sure I've done this before and this hasn't happened?

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Photoshop :: Drag Resize Doesn't Resize Dual Brushes

Dec 18, 2008

It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.

I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?

I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.

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Lightroom :: Won't Resize The Image

Dec 20, 2013

I have noticed that if the export function uses constraint "Resize to fit"=Short Edge, than this version of lightroom does not resize the image. A maximum size jpeg is being generated.

A workaround is to use a different resize constraint, for example "Resize to fit"=Long Edge. This works as usual.

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