Lightroom :: Broken Catalog Associations - Need To Mass Rename?

Jan 26, 2014

I dragged over about 200 GB worth of pictures from my internal drive to an external within Lightroom. In doing so, a majority of my images did not retain their associations.

For example. a picture whose name in a folder is: /pic1.nef
but in the gallery it's named: /pic1_2.nef

So, the association is broken. Is there a way to mass rename everything that has the string "_2" in it and remove it. I.e, go from pic1_2.nef to pic1.nef.

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Lightroom :: How To Rename A Catalog

Mar 8, 2012

How do I rename a catalog?

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Lightroom :: Rename On Import Doesn't Rename Source Images?

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to have Lightroom rename the source images according to my custom naming convention?
I just imported 278 photos and they are all correctly renamed within Lightroom however the source files retained the original Canon generated names. I want to rename them for backup/in case I ever decide to stop using Lightroom/etc.

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Lightroom :: Can Update Catalog On Laptop And Then Transfer Updates To Master Catalog On Desktop

Jan 13, 2011

I don't want to have the original files on both laptop and desktop.
I want to make a copy of a Lightroom 3 catalog to put on my laptop so while on the move I can be geo-tagging and keywording to 8000 photographs. I don't want to drag an external drive with me. I just want to be able to work on the catalog metadata and have all the updates/changes stored there (on the laptop)(in the catalog) and then transfer the catalog back to the desktop (to the primary archive) and have all the updates/changes pushed back into the DNG's or the XMP sidecar files alongside the CR2's. These changes would be only keywording and possibly writing GPS data into them….NOT image edits (that would probally require access to the original image files)
As a test, I tried "exporting as catalog", TWO images (with the source images "unavailable"). I flash-drived the resulting catalog to my laptop. I opened the catalog in LR3 and made changes to the metadata. I tried both "saving metadata to file" and "updating DNG previews" (which would be useless anyway since I could not write data back to the missing originals) and also tried doing nothing and just closing LR,  then pulling the flashdrive and plugging it into the DESKTOP.(knowing the changes are stored within the catalog itself only) I open the 2 picture catalog in LR and see the keyword updates. Hurrah!
I switch over to the master catalog. All I want to do is import the updated metadata (keywording, contrast, etc…) back into the master catalog and push the data into the original DNG or XMP. On import I select "replace: Metadata and develop settings only" (with or without "preserve old settings" checked) and click import. Voila! NOTHING HAPPENS and the updated keywords are NOT picked up.
I know that the metadata updates were carried out because they showed up when I opened it separately in LR! For some reason they don't seem to making through the import process to the master catalog…

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalog - Does Housing Catalog And Images On External Hard Drive Work

Jan 15, 2014

I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library  to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalogs By Importing A Catalog Into A Master Catalog

Dec 15, 2012

I'm using Lightroom 1.  I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems.  The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct.  It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140?  How can I fix that?  (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too.  It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Catalog 4.4 (empty) With V3 Catalog With Many 1000 Photos

Apr 29, 2013

I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus.  As a result LR 3 in no longer installed.  I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4.  What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get The Broken Symbol In A Broken Dimension?

Jul 13, 2012

Is there any way to get the broken symbol in a broken dimension like shown below?

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Lightroom :: Option To Export All LR4 Catalog As A New Catalog

Nov 12, 2013

i have an 8 giga LR4 catalog (about 300000 images).just installed the new LR5 and tried openning the LR4 cat in LR said it needs to upgrade, but in the middle of the prosses i had this messege: "lightroom encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of LR"
i saw that there is an option to export all my LR4 catalog as a new catalog and than import it into LR5.i haven't tried that yet since i'm worry that i might loose some info. will this process (of exporting and importing) keep all my LR settings? like develop user presets, keywords and collections?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Created New Catalog And Ircat - How To Only Have One Catalog

Feb 10, 2013

I only want ONE cataglog.  Today I installed and upgraded Lightroom from v. 3 to v. 4.3 which was OK.I wanted to upgrade my ONE and ONLY existing catalog keeping the same name.LR created a second catalog and added a - 2 to the name and it's a .ircat. 
How can I return to having only ONE catalog and library?

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Lightroom :: Catalog 3 Didn't Transfer To Catalog 4

Dec 15, 2012

My catalog 3 did not transfer to catalog 4.  I tried to manually transfer files.  Now I have as many as eight copies of some pictures, none of others.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remove Iproperty Mass Unit String From Mass Value In Text String?

Oct 3, 2011

I've been looking for a solution to remove the unit string ie Lbs, g, kg from the value given from a 'Mass' value in a text string.

As you may all know, creating text and having a 'physical property - mass' value...the unit string is there...

Lots of people on here have the has got a solution.

Until now... the part you need to get the mass property of in your text string.

Follow the instructions on this webpage...this is the first part...


Basically, this creates a Mass property value in the parameters table that you can call on as a text parameter.

It's similar to the custom iproperty model - mass but NOT the same.

Once you have done this, you can go to the drawing of the part and create a text string in the drawing and call it up as shown in this procedure. BUT it still has the unit string.

Here's the best bit that you want to know...

To get RID of the unit up the part again from the on the parameter icon...find the user the Nominal value column, right click on the value and you get a pop-up that gives you 3 options...

Custom Property Format, Make Multi Value & Delete Parameter.

Click on Custom Property Format.

The pop-up window comes up...showing you the property my case...the 4 left columns read Text, g (grams), Format & Precision...

On the right hand side I have a Preview of the text...then 3 check boxes...Units string, Leading Zero's, Trailing Zero's.

Units string is checked.

Uncheck it.

Close it...Save your part...go back to the drawing and hey presto!...the text now shows the weight you require as a straight units!

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Lightroom :: Mass Editing In Development Module Is Not Working?

Jul 28, 2013

I used to be able to select all photo's in the development module and then apply a preset (i.e. sharpen for faces) and it would apply to all photo's, a mass edit would occur.  Now when I select all and add a preset, it only applies to the photo being viewed at that time, i can no longer do mass edits in this manner.  Is there a setting I am missing which allows mass editing in Development module?  I am using Lightroom 5 for Mac. I edit 100's of photo's at once, and I like to add sharpening to all at the end rather than clicking each one at a time.

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Lightroom :: Changing Metadata Info After Mass Import

Apr 1, 2012

I just imported several photos into my catalog using a preset metadata import.  After Import I edited all the photos and then was set to export.  Unfortunately it was the wrong metadata preset and I want to change it on all my photos.  Is there a way that I havent been able to find yet that would allow me to easily change over the metadata copyright info on all the photos without having to start all over again?

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Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop Broken

Mar 2, 2013

I just upgraded from Lightroom 3 to 4.3. I'm trying to "edit in Photoshop" which is not greyed out. Photoshop opens successfully but the image from Lightroom never launches. Is there something I need to enable to allow the photo to open?

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Lightroom :: JPEGs With Broken ICC Profiles?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a set of precious digital images, they are actually fairly low-res scans of prints but they are irreplaceable and cannot be re-scanned.
The images exhibit the following issues and I don't know how to fix them:
1) In the LR import dialogue box they show up as "Preview unavailable for this file".
2) When I attempt to import to LR, I get the error "The following files were not imported because they could not be read".
3) If I open the file in Photoshop CS5, I get the warning "The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the embedded ICC profile is invalid. Ignoring the profile" - if I ignore, PS can open the file but of course the colour profile is missing and the images look universally awful.
Curiously however the images DO provide a preview in Windows Explorer, and if I open them with the infinitely inferior Windows Live Photo Gallery, they open correctly and the colours are as they should be.
This all leads me to believe that there is something wrong with these files which Windows is OK with but Adobe is not. Since I do not have the paper prints, cannot rescan, and do not know the workflow process applied, I have absolutely no idea whether this happened at scanning time or subsequently.
HOWEVER surely, in this day and age, there must be a tool which allows me to package the information Windows can read and put it back into the file where it should be so that Adobe can read the same thing?

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Lightroom :: Previews Broken On Import?

Sep 22, 2012

I've had trouble since upgrading from LR3 to LR4 with previewing files on import. Sometimes reports no import, sometimes just shows thumbnail; sometimes fails on all photos, sometimes on just some. Happens for different file formats (ie, JPEG, raw from different cameras), different card readers, different USB ports. Canceling the import and selecting import again seems to be a workaround, but this is annoying nonetheless.

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Lightroom :: Broken File Connections

May 23, 2013

I am a relatively new user to LR and I moved a few hundred images on my Mac without realizing that it should have been done through LR. I now have a few hundred broken image links. The tutorial seems to indicate that I must re-connect them one by one. Is this true or is there a ya I can connect multiple images in folders?

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Lightroom :: V4 Layout Overlay Broken?

Jul 18, 2012

Images brought in to LR4 used as layout overlays are the wrong proportions - they are slightly skinnier. It makes the feature unusable.

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Lightroom :: Import New Photos Broken In 4.3 RC?

Nov 16, 2012

I take a series of images, insert the SD card into the card reader and import the images into LR 4.3 RC.
Later after taking more images I insert the SD card into the reader, click Import in LR and it now imports all the old images again with '-2' appended to the file name.
'New Photos' is selected at the top of the Import dialog window.
LR 4.2 did not do this as far as I can recall - is this a known problem in 4.3 RC?
Happens on Windows 7 64 bit and OS X Mountain Lion.

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Lightroom :: RC2 Has Broken Link To PS6 Beta

Apr 28, 2012

After installing LR4.1 RC2 i have lost the link to PS6 when working with CR2 files... when i right click "edit in" PS6 opens but no document is created... when i do teh same with a DNG file all works fine... perhaps it is an issue with Camera Raw compatibility?
Both CR2 and DNG work fine with PS5.5...Obviously this is not a major issue but it is behavior that needs to be fixed...

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Lightroom :: Flag Accelerators Are Broken In LR5?

Jun 16, 2013

I'm running LR5 on Windows 64 bit and have noticed that the flag accelerator keys, P, U and X don't work. When I press these in the Library module, the text pop-up tells me that the appropriate flag state is being set but the flag never actually changes state. To change the flag, I have to right click and use the "Set Flag..." context menu. This makes editing a lot slower since I can no longer move through all the shots and pick selects and rejects using the keyboard.und?

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Lightroom :: How To Rename A Image

Aug 7, 2013

How can I rename a image Inside Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Rename Folder In 5.3

Feb 16, 2014

When I try to rename a folder in LR 5.3, a pop-up tells me the folder cannot be renamed or moved. 

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Several Files At Once

May 31, 2013

I am trying to do a rename of several files at once, but I would like it to use a Custom Name WITHOUT a sequence on the first file.  I should be able to select several files and the first file will get the custom name, the second file will get -2, then -3, and so on.  If I select 30 files, the first file gets the custom name correctly, then the second file get -31, then -32, and so on.  It is counting the number of files I have selected, and then renaming them based on that count!!
The way I have to do it now is to select the first file, do custom name, then select the rest of the files and do sequence.
Lightroom version: 4.4 [891433]
Version: 10.6 [8]
Application architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 3.0 GHz
Built-in memory: 12288.0 MB
Real memory available to Lightroom: 12288.0 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 2508.2 MB (20.4%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 4140.8 MB
Memory cache size: 1882.9 MB
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 2
Displays: 1) 1920x1080, 2) 1680x1050

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Lightroom :: Batch Rename In LR

Jul 9, 2013

I know that I am being really obtuse, but batch renaming a set of files really eludes me.My Canon 5D2 has now taken over 20000 images, so I want to place a number before the present file _MG_2459.CR2 to _MG_022459.CR2. This is easily done in Bridge, but I cannot workout how to do such a simple thing in Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Export Resize Possibly Broken

Jan 13, 2014

I have a set of images that fit within 1400x1050.  I want them to fit within 1024x768.  As I have done before, I set the export directory, choose 1024x768 as the export size, highlight all of the images and click export.  The first image in the set shows what iis going wrong.  It starts out as 680x1050 and finishes as 680x1050.  Clearly this is wrong - it is not resizing.
some of the images ARE corectly resized.  Random ones are not.

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Lightroom :: Broken Collections Path Links On New Mac?

Dec 21, 2011

I moved from an XP based PC to a Mac Pro running Lion. I copied LRcat to the new location and all photo files.  Catalog opens and works fine in the Folders tab, but all of the Collections links are broken.  Each of the collections links are pointing to the old location on the pc:  C:usermy documentsphotoslightroom.... 
I have tried to right click on the collection folder and point it too the new location.  This seems to be processing the change, but results in loss of info in the old C: location and does not redirect the Mac collection to the right place.
Is there any way to fix this at the top level without having to delete and recreate all the collections?

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Lightroom :: Broken Paths Due To Drive Failure

Jun 30, 2012

I'm using Light Room 1.3. on a Mac. My catalog is in my user/pictures folder, but my photos were kept in a large number of nested folders and subfolders on an external hard drive. The hard drive died. I have backups of all the photos and a fairly recent backup of the LR catalog, but when I open the catalog or the backup, all the paths to the photos have been broken. The folders appear in red in the "Folders" window of LR. I know how to relink the individual folders by using  "Locate Missing Folder", but I've got hundreds of folders listed. The top level folders are not listed--there were basically three folders in which all the rest were located (sometimes several folders down). Is there anyway to re-establish the paths without doing so for each individual folder? how I might re-arrange my thousands of photos so this can't happen again. I was just about to upgrade to a new iMac and LR4, but am afraid of the same thing happening when I transfer everything to the new computer.

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Allowing To Rename Photos?

Aug 18, 2012

I've been running on LR4 for about 2 weeks with no issues until last night when, for some reason, it would not allow me to rename my photos. I had been renaming photos almost every day since I got LR4 and this issue just popped up out of nowhere yesterday.
'Some Photos Will Not Be Renamed Because They Are Missing Or Not Writable' is the saying that pops up. But the files aren't missing and not sure why they aren't writable.

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Already Published Photos

Feb 9, 2014

I alreayd published to HDD a series of five images. I then rename the images, and mark the images to republish. But when they're published again, the old names are there. So, I change the publishing service to a custom name, mark the images to republish again, and try once more. Still, the old names are there.

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