AutoCAD Inventor :: Get The Broken Symbol In A Broken Dimension?
Jul 13, 2012Is there any way to get the broken symbol in a broken dimension like shown below?
View 9 RepliesIs there any way to get the broken symbol in a broken dimension like shown below?
View 9 RepliesAdding the second layer of weld in the dialog box, it is impossible to specify the weld size as the text areas don't show up when the symbol is added. The bottom weld symbol works fine though.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn PSE 9 when I "sometimes" save a picture, I get a broken picture symbol. I have gone to file/reconnect and this does not work. I can't figure out what I'm doing different when this happens, as it only happens now and then.
View 10 Replies View RelatedOne of my users has been complaining that his "right click stops working". I have verified the problem myself, and find it very odd. It seems to be exclusive to his machine, which is a Windows XP 32 bit, I think with 4GB RAM and a decent gaming graphics card running IV 2012.
After he's been working about half of the day he suddenly is unable to right click and bring up his context menu. He then has to save his work and reboot his machine. After this he'll be good again for a few hours.
I asked him if he can bring up his context menu on other applications when IV's stops working. He didn't know but said he would try it the next time he has the problem.
I also asked him if he's using a 3 gig switch.
My company is using inventor 2010. I have 64 bit edition. When I zoom in on a dwg or ipt it zooms for like 1mm then my screen goes gray. If i click the restore down button then restore back to max drawing comes back but as soon as i try to scroll zoom again with my bamboo pen the screen grays out again. I've already updated my video driver to latest version and i've updated my bamboo pen driver to latest version. I also booted windows 7 64 bit into safe mode and check device manager to make sure no broken drivers or anything like that. Some times it will work for a few min then start graying out my screen again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhere can I change the default gap value in the initial display of the Broken View dialog box. I use a french version and the default value is set somewhere to .250 po instead of .250 in. I want to set this value correctly in my template.
Windows 7 64 bits french
Inventor pro 2014 french
I changed some feature on a sketch that was working and broke it. When I close the sketch a window shows the problems. A typical message is " Fillet1: Could not build this Fillet". The name "Fillet1" was automatically assigned. by Inventor. The questions is, how do I find Fillet1 in my sketch so I can fix it? I have looked in Parameters and that doesnt tell me.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen working inside an ipt, I want to open the idw from the browser using the right-click > "open drawing" option. The link is broken, however; so the idw must be searched for manually and opened. How can I repair the link so I can open the idw from the ipt browser in the future?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am experincing an issue with display quality when using broken views in Inventor 2013 drawings.
After adding the break to any view in the drawing, part geometry and draft items in all views disappear/reappear upon zooming in and out on the drawing. The entities are still there (they can be highlited and selected), but they are not displayed.
If the view is deleted, or the break removed from the view, the problem goes away.
This seems to be related to the software because both myself and a co-worker are experiencing the same thing while using competely different hardware configurations.
I created a derived part and I broken the link with its parent. Is there a way to relink the two parts?
Autodesk Inventor 2011
I have a part that when I adjust its length additional fabs are needed. Now in my idw for this part I want to secure the break lines on the part at a exact distance from the end / each other to display these fabs. Is there a way to parameterize or set the break lines so they adapt to the change in length and move accordingly?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got updated from IV 2012 to 2013 with a new Dell (yawn) workstation to boot. OK, I did a section view of a pretty complex assembly and when I tried to take a measurement, the section view just dissapeared and it went back to full view. One of the primary uses of using section views is to view / inspect / measure, that which cannot be seen in the normal full view.
Why did this break in 2013 ? and is there a patch to fix it ?
The basic save, when making an inventor drawing....
Produces a file that is a Black Panel, to Every other program than inventor... (Tried 5 so far, some just fail to open)
REALLY basic thing that is failing... is it really a proprietary file they "called" .dwg?
Or is there some setting I have on?
I opened Inventor and on the ribbon there are only lines and boxes.
Its happening a few machines but not all in a lab.
I did download a patch last week, could this be the cause ??
how to heal a chained centreline between a row of hole features?
Here is my current work practice...
I have a panel with a row of hole features, they are not an array as the pitch between holes typically varies.
I create a chain of centres along the row.
I copy the panel and drawing to make a similar part but I remove one of the holes from the middle of the row.
Now the chain centreline is broken, obviously missing a feature and I cannot find a way to heal the centreline unless I delete and recreate it.
There is also the switcharound too where I add a hole within the row.I typically have to do this for nearly 60 similar panels.
How to fix a broken link to an excel table in an idw file general table?I changed the folder name and heirarchy of the project.i expected the idw tables to find their parent excel files in the same folder with a new name, but they didn't.
I could find nothing for fixing broken excel links.
I wanted to go through all of the Essentials videos for Inventor (URL... ) but every single link listed for the Essentials is broken. Is there another place I can find them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDesign view representations in an iPart file are not included in the generated members after installing Inventor 2014 SP2 (and also in Update 1).
In the attached part factory, the two work planes are included in the members. They would need to be individually set invisible in each assembly view representation because the members only have the Master view representation.
I have several drawings with tables on them with broken links to spreadsheets which have been deleted.I can't edit the tables.
Is there a way of reusing the information in the table to recreate the spreadsheets or new tables.
I am having problems creating a profile around a path. The profile (image-1) resulted in an undesirable corner (image-2). Which I don't know if that can be fixed. My workaround was to create a lower profile, and then loft between the 2 rails.
The loft results in a twisted surface (image-3). So to correct this under loft> transition I turn off automatic mapping and edit the point set. I always end up with one extra set of points, or edge, and end up having one set of points on top of another, a duplicate edge. Which I believe is where my problem lies. However I can not delete this extra point set, so there is not much I can do there. Am I missing something? This results in a surface loft (image-4). When I thicken this surface by 6mm it results in this broken solid (image-5)
I have tried merging tangent surfaces in the loft command, which appears to work better, but when using thicken the error message reads that the thicken operation did not produce a meaningful result. When I change the thicken direction I get a solid, just not the one that I need.
I had many other strange errors, and seemed to have solved some of them by taking the fillets out the sketch, and applying them to the solid. But this should be an easy operation, and I can't seem to make this work at all.
I am using Inventor 2014 and the ipt file is attached.
I can't create a split view of a section broken in. I've attached the screenshot.Is there a workaround to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI started getting a fatal error just on opening Map3D today. I googled the error message (FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434f4dh Exception at 7c812afbh) and a couple things came up about windows updates.
I did get a windows update this morning, so I don't know if it's related to that or not. Anyway, I can't open map now, I just get a fatal error after it loads up. Im using Map3d 2010 on win xp.
Is there a way to add the all around symbol to a note or dimension? I see how to add it to a weld symbol and a feature control frame, but that doesn't work for me too much just yet...
View 8 Replies View RelatedI cannot get the advanced select objects tools to work.
I type:
select <enter>
wp <enter>
Make my polygon, and then I'm stuck in a single item select mode. If I hit enter, they all unselect and I can't do anything. Typing a command (like "m") does nothing.
Typing m <enter>, and then doing the selection yields the same result. At the end of my selection process and I hit <enter>, it sits in the single object selection mode (the little box cursor). Hitting <enter> here again makes the selection dissapear and I'm back to square one.
Is there a way to quckly join contour lines that have been broken where the contour elevation is?
example, if this were a contour line ---------501---------
I'd want to delete the contour elevation and join the line to make a continuous contour line.....
Possible to open a drawing that was created with AutoCad Civil3D 2011 and create all of your Civil objects and data references if it is a bad idea to then open it at a later date in AutoCad Civil as Autocad 2011. Does this effect any of the data in the drawing. It has been recommended here that we do this for making minor line/text edits as some folks have slower computers that cant handle the civil side of the program.
why we are constantly facing corrupt drawing files that lose references.
When i am making e-transmittal i am getting the message warning Xref broken reference , what are the causes for this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working with a goverment agency and we have hired two cosultants to work on a projects. They are using data shortcuts for surfaces, alignments and pipe networks. When they delivered C3D files to us get our reviews, (they burned the dwgs on the CD) all surfaces and alignments are broken.
My question is:
1) How do I repair those broken C3D objects?
2) What should i request the consultants to provide us so that when I open these drawings at my end, the surfaces are not broken.
Just wondering how does one re-link an image (in this case a JPEG) if it comes up with a warning icon in 'XREF' dialogue window? Right cicking on the images warning sign and clicking on either 'Re-load' or 'attach' doesn't re-establish a broken link!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a question about sheet name field, can it be broken into 2 or 3 lines?
Our office has huge text size for drawing name, which can not be changed to a smaller one (you know the politic craps about standards).
So I wonder if there is a way to break the Sheetname field to 2,3 or 4 lines to accommodate this. So far the field is set to have one single line at best. It was good for "floor plan" but not good for "floor plan and etc, etc...."
I seem to have issues with this particular file from sketchup pro, Ive tried converting the .bak file without luck, on my mac the file briefly opens then closes.
I am using autocad 2013 student and also tried opening it on other computers with the same result.