3ds Max Animation :: Oxygen Mask - Constrain End Of Pipe Bone To Possibly Rib Cage Bone

May 4, 2011

I have a figure with an oxygen mask attached to his face and an air pipe leading from the mask to a tank on his chest. I've added bones coming from the head for the mask and pipe and I need to fix the bone at the end of the pipe to the tank so that when he moves his head the pipe flexs but the end doesn't move from the tank. Hopefully that is clear

Is there a way to constrain the end of the pipe bone to possibly the rib cage bone? So they move together? With the pipe being flexible in between.

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3ds Max Animation :: Transfer Weight Map Between Bone

Jan 29, 2013

I have an old figure that is high poly and skinned to a bone skeleton. I want to rig it to a CAT rig for some of its quick animation features. Ultimately I want to be able to export the model into UDK to learn 3d demonstration and game development.

I have aligned a CAT rig to match the bones of the old figure. If I select and link the bones to the respective bones in CAT rig I can get the figure to animate perfectly and quickly, but when I export to the UDK through FBX the figure is severely distorted. I've found that the old rig needed to match the rotational axis order to the new CAT rig bones which worked a little on several of the limbs, but the initial translation of each bone does not get transferred giving an offset to the bones that still distorts the figure.

I want to rig the character with the CAT, but the figure uses painted vertex weights. I could spend an immense amount of time to try and replicate the quality done by the vertex weights, but if there is a tool or script that could speed up the process. I am looking for a tool that would be able to transfer vertex weights between bones. Ideally I'm looking for a workflow like so

1. Load figure
2. Add CAT bones to skin
3. Edit envelopes
4. Select bones or vertexes to copy
5. Copy vertex weights
6. Select bone destination
7. Paste vertex weights

The paste should then delete the influence on the original bone to complete the process.

I've seen something very similar to what I've been needing from this artist that goes by the name of Sun Dawei. A search for "Dawei Sun transfer vertex skin weight" minus the quotes gives you a video that would visually show the process I'm looking for. I don't know the policy on putting links for videos that I don't own so I won't put the actual link here.

I would like the script that Sun Dawei developed, but I could not find a download for it. He might have wanted to keep his work private, so I'll respect that.

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Maya Animation :: How To Add Bone In After Binding

Jun 7, 2011

I have already done a smooth bind on my mesh and painted weight maps. But then I realized I need to add a bone into the joint chain. It is on an extremity. Is there a way to add a bone in after binding without having to unbind and redo weightmaps?

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Maya Animation :: How To Fix Bone Rotation Orientation

Jan 4, 2011

I did the bones, but as you can see in the picture, the rotation not along the bone, is according to xyz, might be because i freeze them?

How can i rotate the bone accordingly? is there a way to rotate it local, and global like in Softimage?

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3ds Max Animation :: Modifying Bone Size In A Biped?

Jan 24, 2014

I have created a model of an alien, and I wish to rig it upto a biped. The reason I would like to be rigged to a biped opposed from using bones is because I wish to apply motion capture files to the biped from iPi Mocap. 
However, the problem I am having at the moment is that because my model is an unorthodox shape, and does not follow the figure of a human, is how do I modify and change the sizes of each individual bone? I've tried using the scale tool on the bones to no avail, as well as searching through the options. Are there values I can change to make them bigger?
In the picture I have attached, you can see that the hip on the biped, is significantly higher than the model, meaning that when it comes time to skin the model, it'll think that the aliens body are part of the legs. 

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3ds Max Animation :: Create A Bone System That Uses Meshes

Jun 23, 2012

I currently have a model made of a few different meshes (head, body, upper/lower arms etc...) which I have linked together. I primarily animated by rotating the joints of the model, but it just isn't cutting it anymore.

Is there anyway I can create a bone system that uses the meshes as the "bones"? I'd like to be able to do that so I can change the models for every part of the robot seperately in my game by changing the mesh associated with the bone. I've tried searching google and youtube but I'm not really sure what to search for.

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3ds Max Animation :: Rigging Character Using Bone Systems

Apr 2, 2013

I am having trouble rigging my character using the bone systems in 3 ds max. I boned out the front leg and cloned the bones for the other front leg, and that went well. the problem came when i tried to create the bones for the back legs. When i try to make the bones, they will only go on the x and y axis. I think the z axis is constrained somehow.

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3ds Max Animation :: Bone Wrong Length After Rigging?

Mar 1, 2014

I made and rigged some bones to animate a mech a modelled. However, after rigging I realised that one of the bones was too short, effectively making the 'thigh' pivot around an area lower than the 'hip'.
Is there a way of lengthening the bone, or do I have to delete it all and start again?

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3ds Max Animation :: Keyframe - Bone Twisting Gone Wrong

Jan 10, 2014

So i was skinning my 3d model and when i started keyframing different leg poses this is what happened to my bones in the leg.
How do fix this without really having to reskin the whole model

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3ds Max Animation :: Simple Scale A Root Bone?

Mar 8, 2011

I have the situation in the attachment photo.

I want simply scale the root of the hand skeleton, but if i use "scale" it scales also the cildren...

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3ds Max Animation :: Rigging Bone To Stay Centered Between Hands

Oct 9, 2013

I am currently working on a project that requires me to keep an object centered between a biped's hands (like a floating fireball or a box). I need to be able to move the hands around and keep the bone averaged between them. The position and rotation need to be averaged for the bone, but not scale.

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3ds Max Animation :: Lock Rotation Axis For IK Bone System?

Aug 23, 2013

I've created a mech robot and now I want to create a rig for it. But the problem is, that none of the joints are 'ball and socket joints'. So the joints can only rotate in one dimension, like a typical mechanical joint. My first solution was simply locking two out of three rotation axis for the bones and this works fine for FK animation. For IK animation however, it doesn't work. The locks are simply ignored.Is there any way to lock a rotation axis for an IK bone system?

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Maya Animation :: How To Keep Clusters In Alignment With Bone Rigging

Sep 9, 2011

Best way to keep clusters in alignment with bone rigging. I'm trying to parent clusters that control facial movements to the head bone of my skeleton so as when I move my character about the clusters retain there position in relationship to the face.

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Maya Animation :: 2013 - Joint Tool Bone Radius Won't Change?

Aug 13, 2012

I am trying to rig a character, and when I place the bones with the joint toot they are very small. So I went into the tool settings and upsized the radius for all of the types of bones. But then when I go to make the bone again it is still the same small size.

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3ds Max Animation :: Assign Specific Vertices To A Bone By Selecting Separate Part Of Object

Nov 24, 2013

Is there a way to assign just specific vertices to a bone by selecting a separate part of an object? Like for example, I have a model of a gun which I'm trying to rig now and this gun has two barrels, one obove the other, and each of this barrel needs to be assign to a different bone. Those bones are there, but the problem is that certain parts (vertices) of second barrel are assigned as well to the second bone, which is incorrect. How do I select only part (an element) of an object and assign it to the bone?

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Maya Animation :: Why Joint Orientation / Rotational Axis After Rotating Bone / Freezing Transformation

Nov 21, 2013

I want to know after rigging why should i orient joint in the attribute editor using the channel "joint orientation". Because i can easily fix the rotational axis after rotating the bone and freezing transformation.

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Maya Animation :: Skin Conversion To Muscle System Without Converting Every Single Joint To Polygon Bone Object

Nov 10, 2011

Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.

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3ds Max :: FBX Bone Export

Mar 26, 2013

I haven't done any character rigging/animation for a while, so this may just be me forgetting to do something. I've never had this happen to me till a couple days ago, but I'm having issues exporting a character with animations with standard bones, and using the FBX exporter.

The rig doesn't have any spiffy IK controls or anything like that. Just a super simple rig with just bones and a skin modifier on the model.

When I try and export the model with the animations I get two errors. One says it detects animation controllers that are not directly supported and that I should just bake the animations into the model on export. It then lists all the bones in the system I'm exporting. I would prefer not to do this, as some of the bones need to be referenced for a script inside Unity.Here is specifically what the warnings said.

#1 says: Warning: Unsupported controller (39)
The plug-in has detected one or more animation controllers that cannot be directly supported. Using the Bake Animation option may better address these limitations. The following nodes are affected:

#2 says: Unsupported Parameter Curve Out-of-Range...The plug-in has detected Unsupported Parameter Curve Out-of-Range animation types. Use the Bake Animation option to avoid unexpected results.

I suspect this one has something to do with the curve editor (as I did tweak some animations in it and at one point had "Out of Range Types" enabled to loop an animation). At this point, I have changed it back to be linear though so it doesn't loop.

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3ds Max :: Mesh Twists Around The Bone

May 5, 2012

I attached a biped via physics to a simple character mesh and made the envelopes fitting like I want them. But here comes the problem. If I move the thigh or calf, it doesn't matter, the mesh starts to spinning around the bone of the calf and I just don't know how to fix this.

The spinning is almost not to see if the thigh gets moved though. I attached two pics and hope that the problem will get more clear that way.

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Photoshop :: Showing Bone Through Skin?

Dec 29, 2011

I have been recently trying to simulate the appearance of rotting flesh or being able to see someones bone through their skin. I've done this with skulls on peoples faces but am having trouble with arms. making the edges appear burnt around the bone so that it looks decently real?

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3ds Max :: Bone Placement Is Bugging The ViewCube?

Sep 28, 2012

i have a problem with 3DS Max 2011. When I open it up, an error appears that says:

"XAML Parse Error: Error parsing Xaml file: root element is missing."

I then proceed to click 'ok'. Another dialog box appears saying:

"Reset Ribbon? The main Ribbon configuration file is probably corrupt. Reset to factory defaults?"

I click 'Yes', and 3DS Max starts up without any noticeable problems. However, when I open my project and attempt to place bones into my model, the bones do not place properly (it seems that they are being placed along a random axis and they are stretched out. Not only this, but upon placing a bone, the ViewCube stops working. It is still present on screen, but i cannot interact with it.

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3ds Max :: Bone Shrinks While Rotating Joint

May 6, 2012

Since bipes didn't work out for me I switched to regular bones which work just fine. But now I got the problem that the calf bones right and left are starting to shrink if i rotate the joint. I have a similiar problem with the feet. If I rotate the calf the feet start to grow...

I attached two pics to show the problem. What the heck is causing this?

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3ds Max :: Control Modifier With Helpers Or Bone?

Aug 25, 2012

Is it possible to control a modifier with helpers or bones?

For instance, I want to use Bend modifier but I want to control the Angle or Direction by moving a bone or a helper.

Windows 7 Ultimate x64
3Ds Studio Max 2012 x64 - Student Version

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Maya Animation :: How To Constrain A Human IK Control

Dec 5, 2011

imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar. With maya constrains not work fine and don't know why.

How i do? i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?

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Maya Animation :: Constrain HumanIK Control To Object?

Dec 6, 2011

imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar.With maya constrains not work fine and don’t know why.

i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?I’m trying with Parent Constrain, Orient, Aim.. and don’t work properly: Position (tx,ty,tz) work’s fine but X-axis of rotations are inverted… when turn the handlebar to left, rotation turn to right.i trying with offsets or any parameter in the constrain but nothing..

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Maya Animation :: Constrain Foot To Pedal / Put Pedal In Place?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a character on a monocycle and what we did was constraining stuff to stuff which I didn't quite understand. Understanding it is not so important for now, it should work in the first place - but doesn't.

- pushed the pedals out of the monocycle structure in outliner
- constraintoint the foot to the pedal
- constraintoint the pedal to the wheel axis
- constraintrient the ankle joint to the pedal
- constraintoint the ikHandle to the pedal.

correct the list above if you feel there's a mistake.

Now that we've pushed the pedal out of its place in the monocycle structure, I don't know what to do with it. When i place it where it was before it won't work properly. Perhaps I have to do further steps but this is all I got in class yesterday.

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Lightroom :: Export Resize Possibly Broken

Jan 13, 2014

I have a set of images that fit within 1400x1050.  I want them to fit within 1024x768.  As I have done before, I set the export directory, choose 1024x768 as the export size, highlight all of the images and click export.  The first image in the set shows what iis going wrong.  It starts out as 680x1050 and finishes as 680x1050.  Clearly this is wrong - it is not resizing.
some of the images ARE corectly resized.  Random ones are not.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block / Flat Reinforcement Cage

Jul 5, 2013

This is mine dynablock of Flat reinforcement cage.When you change the height of the walls, height of a flat frame should change so that the penultimate transverse rod was located at the distance not less than 50 and not more than 200mm from the last (upper rod). Now I could define this range, but there are some height of the wall in which the unit produces a range of 50 to 320mm. 320mm is more than a step transverse reinforcement 200mm, so the work of the unit is not entirely correct.

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GIMP :: Cage Tool Recalculates Transformation With Every Point Change

Jan 3, 2014

Currently the cage tool recalculates the transformation with every point I change. This can be terribly slow for every point moved.

What I imagine would be good therefore would be to have an option for how the transformation is previewed -

1. None - useful for moving many points; might not be necessary if 2 below works well2. Low-Res - useful for getting the transformation almost right without incurring exasperating delays3. Full Quality - final checks and tweaks

(It would also be a useful extra to mark key points and see how they move, but not quite so necessary as having a low-res preview option)

Also an option if feasible to transform what's outside the cage also?

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After Effects :: Artifacts Showing Up In Render Video Possibly Too Intense?

Nov 12, 2013

I'm making a hybrid between machinima and an "MLG parody".
h264, 720p, 30fps - Eventually going on youtube.
The setting is basically a "box" of gameplay videos with the scene inside. One wall is visible in the screenshot, there are 10 total 3d models within a fast moving 30second time frame littered with Trapcode Form, Element 3D animations, and greenscreens.
My issue begins with a fast moving camera which pans around the character below as he animates in from a green orb. Obviously the bitrate is through the roof, artifacts appear and slowly go away after the camera stops (screenshot below). I can smooth the camera out and add motion blur, but things seem pixelated even when the camera is still.
The artifacts slowly disappear, but another problem arises with a Trapcode Form blob below; The blob also has artifacts, probably the result of a massive bitrate from a combination of things - would the background videos be a serious cause of this?

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GIMP :: How To Pass Info To Cage Tool And Make It Real Rectangle

Mar 21, 2013

The new cage tool is fantastic to solve the following problem.

I take a photo with the smartphone of a book page. I need two hands for this. The page does not lies flat (see [URL].... because no more hands available to keep the page flat (and no glass sheet at hand...). Using the cage tool with 3 nodes above and 3 below the text produces an acceptable result see [URL]....

Question: Is there any better method? Any GIMP plugin or even Android app to solve this problem?

I can trace the deformed rectangle that enclose the page text, but then I don't know how to pass this info to the cage tool and ask to make it a real rectangle.

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