Lightroom :: Doesn't Export With Maximum Long Edge As Instructed

Jan 14, 2014

What is going on with Lightroom 5?  I upgraded from 4 and now it doesn't export with a maximum long edge of 2166 pixels even though that is what it is being told to do.

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Lightroom :: Export Short Edge / Long Edge Reversed?

Oct 15, 2013

In version 5.2 for Mac i'm seeing Export ->  Long Edge / Short Edge giving the wrong result... they seem to be inversed...  I.e. defining a long edge seems to result in an exported image with that length as the short edge.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 Export Short Edge Sizing Doesn't Work

Feb 12, 2014

Exporting images in LR 5.3 with resize setting of "short edge" does not re-size the image at all when the option for "do not enlarge" is checked.  Instead it simply exports the full sized image.  This happens even if you are trying to downsize an image (in my case from a 24MP image to one that is 800px wide), in other words you are not enlarging the photos so the option for "do not enlarge" should not apply.
Other sizing options like "long edge" appear to work as expected.Have tried restarting LR but no effect.  Have tried changing export setting and then changing back to "short edge", again no effect.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Control Maximum Gap And Face / Edge Distance?

Mar 6, 2013

Can I control the Maximum Gap Distance and Face/Edge Distance in the Corner Seam by iLogic.

I want to change between those two in different styles.

Something like this?

If currentStyle = "Kemi_0.6" Then
Face/Edge Distance = treu
 If currentStyle = "Kemi_0.6" Then
Parameter("overlap") = 0.8 ul

see also my  topic:[URL]

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Edge Animate CC :: Have Reached The Maximum Number Of Elements In Timeline

Aug 12, 2013

What is the maximum number of elements I can have in the timeline? I believe I have about 92 elements now and when trying to add another element it shows up at the top of the elements panel, but isn't showing up at all in the timeline?
I have tried converting some elements to symbols or grouping elements but still the new element I've added to the stage is not showing up in the timeline. I am not EVEN done adding more elements.

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Edge Animate CC :: Crash If The Filename Is Too Long?

Mar 26, 2013

we have some trouble with Edge. Edge crash if the filename is to long.

We are using Snow Leopard on mac.

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Lightroom :: Doesn't Seem To Export Correction Into DNG

Feb 7, 2013

I'm trying to export my corrected files as DNG's with the corrections from LR 4.3 but it does not seem to apply those corrections. If I open up the exported DNG into a new LR catalog, the new catalog does not pick up those corrections!

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Lightroom :: 5.3 RC - Export By Megapixels Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2013

I haven't noticed this before. I know that in LR 4.4 image is scaled properly when export size is specified by megapixels instead of pixel or print size.In LR 5.3RC it does not work. The image is always exported as it's original size. Not sure how LR 5 and LR 5.2 was?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lat - Long Label Doesn't Work?

Aug 22, 2012

In Civil 3D 2013 > Settings tab > General > Label Sytles > Note . . .create a new label style that will label the latitude and longitute of a location in your drawing.  Assign your drawing a coordinate system.  Now label  a point in your drawing with the newly created Lat-Long label.  Tell me if it works.  I've not had any luck with it.  I can do it fine in Civil 3D 2012, but no matter what I do (old drawing, new drawing, any template) it just doesn't seem to work in Civil 3D 2013. 

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Lightroom :: Won't Export All Files And Doesn't Notify Which Ones It Didn't

Nov 29, 2012

I have a large library and one day i wanted to make sure that none of the files were corupt so I thought of an idea to export my entire library to see if i get a notification if any of my files didn't export. I could then check on those files to see whats wrong. But trying to export that many images caused lightroom to crash so I exported by year instead. Some years were fine, but others like 2011 for example, out of 13906 images, only 9824 exported. I would be ok with that if lightroom notified me which images didn't export. Normaly, when i try to export images that are ofline, lightroom will tell me which ones didn't export and say that they can't be found. How am i supposed to find those 4000 images that didn't export if i don't know what there file names are? I tried exporting the previews as a catalog and all 13906 exported fine. I updated my dng previews and I even genereated new standard sized previews as well. I also ckecked for missing images under Library/Find Missing Photos, and there were none missing.

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Lightroom :: Authorize On Flickr Export Plugin Doesn't Open Browser

Aug 30, 2012

I'm trying to authorize Lightroom to export to my Flickr account, but when I click "Authorize" nothing appears in my browser.
I am using Lightroom 4.1, and upgrading to 4.2 RC1 didn't resolve the issue. I've tried clearing my temporary files and re-installing Lightroom. I tried deleting my catalog and starting again. My default browser is currently Chrome, but when I make IE the default, I see the same behavior.
getting Lightroom to show me the authorization dialog box so I can export to Flickr?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Images Sometimes Not Saved When Using Close All And Instructed To Save

Jan 7, 2013

I often open multiple images to make several changes, then use Close All and when it prompts "Do you want to save changes to ... before closing?" I check off the box to "Apply to all" and say Yes.   This saves lots of time when adjusting several multi-hundred MB images.  Imagine my surprise today when it closed an image without saving!  I had to repeat about 30 minutes of work as a result. 
I thought I had somehow accidentally clicked "No" to saving, so I made sure to pay close attention the next few times I used Close All to save work.  It worked fine until a moment ago when it did it again.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Export To Webpage Directly Since HTML Export Doesn't Work?

May 17, 2013

Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.

My current work around is  to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Set Maximum Aspect Ratio When Exporting

Dec 18, 2013

I'm using LR5 and I'm wondering if it's possible (maybe with plugins if necessary) to set a maximum aspect ratio when experting photos. For example I have a picture that I cropped to be a panorama, with an aspect ratio of 26:11. The print shop can print at a maximum aspect ratio of 19:11. So my 26:11 image is too small and I need to add some bars at the top and bottom of my photo to reach an aspect ratio of 19:11 (see also the sketch below). Later, when I get the finished prints, I have to cut the bars at the top and bottom with a pair of scissors for example. Is it possible to let LR automatically add these borders for a given maximum apsect ratio?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Maximum Number Of Picture Can Be Opened?

Nov 22, 2011

Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.

I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.

#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?

#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?

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Lightroom :: Maximum Number Of Picture Can Open In 3.5?

Oct 29, 2013

Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.

I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.

#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?

#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?

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Lightroom :: 5 - Every Next Crop Takes Maximum Area Of Photo?

Jun 22, 2013

I and my colleguaes had found that crop tool in Lightroom 5 works less logical than in previous versions. As we had found, if we use crop once setting preset aspect (for example 3:4) and than if we'll try to crop once again with another ascpect (for example 16:9) it will be croped in correct proportion but just within the frame of previous crop. So if we do 4 crops with different aspect one by one, we'll got a very tiny part of picture. In previous versions of Lightroom, every next crop takes the maximum area of the photo.

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Lightroom :: What Is Practical Maximum Number Of Photos In LR4 Catalog

Nov 15, 2012

I realize that there is no preset limit in the number of images that can be saved in a single (Lightroom 4) catalog but I need to know that given a  well equpped PC  (system with 2 sockets/8 cores,  8+GB of memory and plenty of fast hard drive), how many images can be _reliably_, and with acceptable performance, kept in a single catalog ?
So far I have been maintaining 1 catalog per year for my images but creating collections or galories that span over several years has become a pain so I am considering consolidating all the catalogs into one, which would then contain well over 500k photos.
I am a software type and am aware that the LR implementation does not impose internal hard limits on the individual dimensions it deals with but I would like to know:

- What are the sizes of the catalogs that the software is being stress-tested with before it is released (rough numbers would do)
- Is it possible that an internal _incoonsistency_ could be introduced in a part of the catalog that would go undetected (by the global consistency checking) and would only surface when you try to access that area which may not have been touched for many years (in other words is it possible for the catalog to become _partially_ corrupted and yet pass the (checksom-like ?) verification that takes place when the catalog is being backed up ?)
- and, in case it matters, there are mostly raw images, ranging form 10 to 50 mega pixels each (not that these should impact the size of the catalog.)

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Edge Animate CC :: Animation Doesn't Display In Windows OS

Dec 5, 2013

Have a fairly simple banner ad created in Mac OS. Previews fine locally. Previews fine in Safari on Mac as standalone file and dropped in to iframe on Wordpress page (just like a Nivo slider on same page. Also previews in Safari using IE user agent string. When viewed in any browser on Windows OS, no animation display; either as standalone or loaded into iframe. Possibly something simple: a CSS visbility? URL....

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Lightroom :: Previews Take Long Time To Load

Jun 21, 2012

As I flip through pics in the Library Module, the previews often take a while to load.  Any way of speeding this process up?  I've already tried changing the Catalog Settings, ensured the pixels meet my screen resolution, and chose low quality preview. 

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Lightroom :: How Long It Take To Import 300 To 500gb Files Into LR4

Sep 12, 2012

Just purchased my first mac, the imac. I have 550 gb photo files on my pc which apple has been transferring to the mac since last friday night. All kinds of problems have occurred and the final outcome is that they were unable to transfer about 200gbs of files. Could be that one or more files were corrupted.
I have ordered LR4 and plan on downloading it next week.
How long it would take to import anywhere from 300 to 550gbs of files into LR?

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Photoshop :: Refine Edge Tool - Brush Doesn't Show

Oct 9, 2012

My refine edge comes up with a circle with a line through it. The brush doesn't show in is just this circle with the line. I was working with a few days ago and it was fine now I get nothing. Need my refine edge tool.

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Edge Animate CC :: Responsive Content Doesn't Work In Muse?

Jan 25, 2014

I like to create a respsponsive and dynamic menu bar witin Edge animate. I made attempts to make one (a test) and the responsiveness doesn't work in muse.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 64 Bit - Import Takes Long Time Loading

Jan 16, 2014

So I just recently purchased Lightroom 5.3 and installed it on a brand new clean install of Windows 7.   When I attempt to import RAW files into LR from a secondary hard drive, Lightroom just stalls out for five to ten minutes.  Eventually, if I wait long enough, the Import dialogue screen loads and I get to wait another five to ten minutes to choose my secondary drive with my RAW files on it.  When I can select that drive and click the directory with my files, I get to wait ANOTHER five to ten minutes for it to accept that choice and load my photos into the Import window.  Once I get past all that and hit the Import button, it actually loads the files into LR just fine and I can work as normal.  I have never had this issue with this specific drive when I had Lightroom 3 and 4, so I don't know why suddenly LR 5 would not like it.
OS - Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
LR Version - 5.3 64 Bit
Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM - 8 GB
Secondary Drive - 2 TB SATA internal
No USB periphrials engaged on computer

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Lightroom :: Get Match Long Edges Function To Work?

Dec 21, 2012

How can I get the Match Long Edges function to work. I have tried hovering over image on a page, but no option or double headed arrow appears.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Blend Or Gradient That Doesn't Reach Edge Of Shape

Jan 29, 2013

I am creating a shape that looks like a pill a rectangle with two circles on the ends, if you will. But it's all one shape. I want a gradient or blend (what exactly is the differnce?) that has a white middle and dark gray edges. The white goes along the pill horizontally but the dark gray is above and below this white "line" but the rounded edges of the pill shape are the dark gray. I'm using CS6.

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Edge Animate CC :: Cursor Doesn't Turn Into Pointer In Mouseover State?

Jun 15, 2013

I'm programming buttons in Edge Animate, which are just symbols with their own timeline. I've given them actions in click, mouseover and mouseout states. They just call URLs and work correctly, but I've noticed that the cursor doesn't turn into pointer (the hand pointing with the forefinger) in mouseover state. This creates a bit strange feeling, because users won't be sure that they are buttons before they click them...

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Edge Animate CC :: Flip Book Animation Doesn't Work Smooth

Aug 21, 2013

i just made an animation. basicly it works like an flip book. i have 30picture laying on top of each other and turn them on after each other( it´s in a symbol).

my problem is that it run not smoth enougt. it seems like it´s too much datasize for edge. sometimes it just stops an one picture for a moment and it seems like the stage has to load the other pictures before continuing.

is there a code to preload the animation? or is there anyway to get it smooth?

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Lightroom :: Embed Long Text Strings To Image Metadata?

Mar 20, 2012

I would like to embed long text strings to image metadata, in order to copy and paste memories written and related to these images. As an example, I'm keeping a sailing logbook and I would like to add the daily entries to pictures but I have run into problems when sharing images elsewhere. The string length exceeds the metadata standard lengths.
Which standard metadata fields allow longest text strings that I could use for my logbook entries without the fear of losing them when exporting or sharing them elsewhere?

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Lightroom :: How To Shift Capture Time Of Multiple Photos By A Long Timeframe

Jun 3, 2012

Is there a way to shift the capture time (in EXIT) of multiple files by a long time frame? When you select photos and go to Metadata - Edit Capture Time, you can shift the capture time in the increments of hours.. I need to shift the capture time of some photos by years.. Is this possible at all within LR?

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Photoshop :: 3D Image Export Into Adobe Edge?

Jun 24, 2012

design an image / animation like the one shown below, in software (probably Photoshop), and then import this image into Adobe Edge for the user to interact with.
1. Should Photoshop be used if I am considering importing into Edge (File Size issues?)
2. Is Adobe Edge suitable to animate this design? - Why? (Note: I am looking for the pitch to rotate and stop at certain frames when user will click on certain links.
3. This is planned to be hosted on a CMS Joomla, where users will have access to certain animaitons based on membership (tiered) - Why?

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