As I flip through pics in the Library Module, the previews often take a while to load. Any way of speeding this process up? I've already tried changing the Catalog Settings, ensured the pixels meet my screen resolution, and chose low quality preview.
I have had CorelDRAW X6 for about 6-months with no problems. Recently I try to open X6 and the load time is extremly long. Once it finally loads the screen looks normal but when I click on anything on the screen i just get a "ding" sound and the screen is frozen. I actually have to go to task manager to shut it off.
Once in a while I can open a previous design and then everything will work fine. I thought I would try to re-install the software. I tried to uninstall but when I get to the uninstall page I see three options "Modify", "Repair", or "Remove". I can click on these but there is not other botton on the page like and OK or Continue, so I am stuck.
This software is very important to my t-shirt design business. how to either get it to load normally and act normal or at least be able to uninstall and re-install?
When i start corel it takes really long time to create new document. Or when i save document it also takes a lot of time. I resest workspace, clear temp directory, what else could i do?? This all started without any reason. I shout down pc, and now i turned it on, and since then corel is not working ok...
I've seen this topic on the threads, but mostly for previous versions. I have LR4, and my previews load so slowly. How can I speed them up? Bridge handles the previews so fast and it is so much nicer going through with that program, but I'd like to move my workflow to LR4 solely. But hard to with the preview handling being so much slower.
Preview panel "preview" freezes indefinitely.App very slow to load while creating new previews. (previews take forever to create and update)Wrong previews showing for wrong images when swapping between folders, etc. (ie: all photos, last import, custom collections) This one is a little different...
Ratings lost when switching between folders, etc. (ie: all photos, last import, custom collections) This was a clean install that ran beautifully at first. Started noticing this more and more after using the spot tool. (my last step in processing a job)
I use separate catalogs per job. Some as small as a few dozen images. (family stuff) Others, as large as 500-600. (engagement and wedding clients)
So I just recently purchased Lightroom 5.3 and installed it on a brand new clean install of Windows 7. When I attempt to import RAW files into LR from a secondary hard drive, Lightroom just stalls out for five to ten minutes. Eventually, if I wait long enough, the Import dialogue screen loads and I get to wait another five to ten minutes to choose my secondary drive with my RAW files on it. When I can select that drive and click the directory with my files, I get to wait ANOTHER five to ten minutes for it to accept that choice and load my photos into the Import window. Once I get past all that and hit the Import button, it actually loads the files into LR just fine and I can work as normal. I have never had this issue with this specific drive when I had Lightroom 3 and 4, so I don't know why suddenly LR 5 would not like it.
OS - Windows 7 SP1 64 bit LR Version - 5.3 64 Bit Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo RAM - 8 GB Secondary Drive - 2 TB SATA internal No USB periphrials engaged on computer
Is there a way to shift the capture time (in EXIT) of multiple files by a long time frame? When you select photos and go to Metadata - Edit Capture Time, you can shift the capture time in the increments of hours.. I need to shift the capture time of some photos by years.. Is this possible at all within LR?
I start psp and the TAB on the left hand side (which shows my collections) flickers as if it is continuously trying to load. After about 2 mins it stops and I can continue as normal
Windows 7, Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 x64. I updated from CS5 and all was well. Photoshop came up very fast when it was started. One day for a reason I've forgotten, I had to delete and reinstall CS6 and ever since then it's taken I'd estimate maybe 20 seconds to come up. If I shut CS6 down and restart it without rebooting the computer, it comes up relatively fast.
I'm assuming there is a file that should be starting on boot and apparently it got lost along the way. But I see nothing unusual in my startup file.
Tonight I created my first DVD disk (ie authored a DVD) using X4 which I purchased last year.It seemed to take a much longer time to complete especially the creation of the title (menu?) than what I am used to using VS10.
Is this normal?
Is this a known 'problem' with X4?
What are others using to author a DVD?
Should I use VS10 to 'create disk'?
BTW I authored using the same characteristics as I used when I created my DVD file (create video file) so I don't think that it re-rendered.Also I am creating a 'standard definition' DVD not high def.
Is it normal for VSX4 to take a long time to save a project? I am finding that it is taking about 20 minutes for X4 to save my project each time, which has a running time of about 45 minutes. This is an excessive amount of time wasted in waiting for it to do its thing, as I can't proceed with anything else while it is saving.
PSP taking eons to save a file. It goes into (Not Responding) mode. It is using about 10 to 15% CPU for a good 4 to 6 minutes before it all comes alive again likje nothing happened. THis is with small 50K pics and larger 600dpi images. All held locally. No disk whirring so it all seems to be a memory thing ! Vista Ultimate. Old machine but PSP has been running fine on this box for a while now (aside from startup times being slow). I've been editing larger files regularly with no issues before.
I purchased X5 Ultimate last spring and have been happy with the results. My only complaint is the extraordinarily long start up time. From clicking the icon to being able to use it takes about 2 minutes. The X5 outline or shell appears within 15-20 seconds and then there is a round blue circle spinning in the center of the work area for the remainder of the 2 minutes. Once initialization has completed X5 works very well for me.
I upgraded to X6 Ultimate and found it to be amazingly faster, which was my hope. 15-20 seconds and it is ready to use. This holds true for the 32 & 64 bit programs.
I would like to use X5 for the existing plugins that shipped with it. It is up to date with SP3.
I recently installed Corel paintshop pro x4 in my computer and when I go to open it, it takes a long time for it to open. My mouse keeps spinning. When I first installed it, everything worked fine. I added a couple of plug ins. Should I uninstall paintshop and re-install? If so, would I lose the plug-ins?
I have already tried deleting unnecessary fonts, views and color styles. I also restored corel to factory defaults (using F8 key at start up) but some cdr files still take a long time to open.
I have been running PSCS3 for quite a while. I just installed it into a new system. Just about every time I try to shut it down, it takes 5 minutes or more to shut. Often I need to use the task manager to close and it takes several attempts to close.
FWIW, Bridge CS3 can have the same problem.
I have 3 GB RAM. 3.00 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core.
Have open a old max scene. And it take a very long time to save. That can have multiple reasons. Found a new (for me):
My old scene has a "render output" path to a no longer exists netzwork drive. This slow down max on save. Don't know why max access the output path on save ;( Slow down is also the Assert Tracking dialogue and "Render Output/Files..." Dialogue... Maybe max always tries to access the not existing network drive, every time ;(
Are there limits on how long time laps films made in PS6 can be?
I'm trying to create a time laps but PS6 does not include all the images in sequence 0001 to 1360? It simply creates a movie in 27 seconds and cuts out the 400 latest pictures!
A few of my design drawings are taking a long time to open from cold. They are not particularly complex drawings and all the files / assembly etc. that are referenced on them are correctly stored and are not corrupt or 'sick'. Why are these drawings taking so long to open? waiting for them is slowing me down considerably.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL) Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
It's taking a long time to move cogo points. About 2 minutes for a single point move. Other commands affecting points are taking longer too. Would it just be a function of file size.
Sample point:
AECC_COGO_POINT Layer: "V-NODE-P-CURB-FACE" Space: Model space Handle = daf3e Primary point group : Pro Face Curb Point Number : 5198
I was wondering if anyone knew what is wrong with my smudge tool. When I go to use it and apply it to my image, it takes a while to show the affect. Everything else in my photoshop works fine. Oh yeah, I use PS CS if that makes any difference.
It seems to happen randomly and I can't tell what triggers it. Everytime I regen or autosave/save the status shows "displaying contours" and a load bar that takes way too long and slows me down...
Saving InDesign files to a network location seems to take an extremely long time during which I am unable to do anything else inside InDesign.I know that this has been an issue for me for at least 2 weeks (since March 3, 2014, possibly earlier). I am not certain whether I have updated InDesign since then, but have consistently been experiencing this same problem.
Today I ran some tests (all using the same ~20MB file).
Save from InDesign to network location: 12 seconds
Save from InDesign to desktop: <2 seconds
Copy file (in Windows Explorer) from desktop to network: <2 seconds
Copy file from network to desktop: <2 seconds
I know I can work on the file locally and copy my saved versions out at the end of the day, but this was not necessary before, and I don't know what changed to make this take so much longer than it used to.
Current system configuration: InDesign 9.2 x64 running on a Win 7 Pro 64-bit with 16GB RAM and a Xeon 3.6GHz processor.
I recently downloaded the trial version of VSP X5. And now, I have a new 12 MP camera as opposed to the 5 MP I had before. Anyway this new camera shoots in video mode at 1920, 1280 and 640. When I use 1920 or 1280 (HD), the file size of the videos are huge, so when I import them to VSP, they take a very long time to import. Is this normal when you want high res videos or is there something I can do to cut down on the file size. To test it out, I shot 20 second videos at all three resolutions. In 1920, the file size was almost a whole gig at only 20 seconds. It would be much larger than that for lets say a 20 minute movie. I'm guessing that would take all day to import.
Correction: Actually, It's taking long to "Create a Video File", not to import the video. Anyway, is it normal for the program to take so long to create a file? if it's a 15 or 20 minute video, it will probaly take at least a couple of hours to create at that resolution.