Photoshop :: CS6 Takes A Long Time To Start
Dec 19, 2012
Windows 7, Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 x64. I updated from CS5 and all was well. Photoshop came up very fast when it was started. One day for a reason I've forgotten, I had to delete and reinstall CS6 and ever since then it's taken I'd estimate maybe 20 seconds to come up. If I shut CS6 down and restart it without rebooting the computer, it comes up relatively fast.
I'm assuming there is a file that should be starting on boot and apparently it got lost along the way. But I see nothing unusual in my startup file.
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Jul 14, 2013
I have CS6 64bit on a reasonably up to date windows 7 system. Just checked for CS6 upgrades 7/14/13, and have the latest version (
Things have been working fine since I installed the product about a month ago.
At some point something went wrong and it now takes 30 seconds or more to load a file via "file>open..."
It also takes 30 or more second just for photomerge to display the file dialog from "file>automate>photomerge..."
All other photo s/w I have loads raw files, tifs, jpegs, etc... very quickly. This is CS6 specific.
I disabled loading of plugins, didn't work (CS6 starts quickly enough, just not so much file loading).
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Jun 7, 2008
I have been running PSCS3 for quite a while. I just installed it into a new system. Just about every time I try to shut it down, it takes 5 minutes or more to shut. Often I need to use the task manager to close and it takes several attempts to close.
FWIW, Bridge CS3 can have the same problem.
I have 3 GB RAM. 3.00 gigahertz AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core.
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Mar 14, 2011
Is it normal for VSX4 to take a long time to save a project? I am finding that it is taking about 20 minutes for X4 to save my project each time, which has a running time of about 45 minutes. This is an excessive amount of time wasted in waiting for it to do its thing, as I can't proceed with anything else while it is saving.
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Mar 4, 2012
I recently installed Corel paintshop pro x4 in my computer and when I go to open it, it takes a long time for it to open. My mouse keeps spinning. When I first installed it, everything worked fine. I added a couple of plug ins. Should I uninstall paintshop and re-install? If so, would I lose the plug-ins?
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May 11, 2010
I am having trouble opening up cdr files as they take very long time to open (around 20-25 min per file of 5-10 MB).
Following are my system specs:
>Intel Pentium 4 - 3GHz, 2 GB RAM,
>Windows XP SP2
>Coral Draw X3 installed
I have already tried deleting unnecessary fonts, views and color styles. I also restored corel to factory defaults (using F8 key at start up) but some cdr files still take a long time to open.
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Jul 25, 2013
Have open a old max scene. And it take a very long time to save. That can have multiple reasons. Found a new (for me):
My old scene has a "render output" path to a no longer exists netzwork drive. This slow down max on save. Don't know why max access the output path on save ;( Slow down is also the Assert Tracking dialogue and "Render Output/Files..." Dialogue... Maybe max always tries to access the not existing network drive, every time ;(
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Jan 16, 2014
So I just recently purchased Lightroom 5.3 and installed it on a brand new clean install of Windows 7. When I attempt to import RAW files into LR from a secondary hard drive, Lightroom just stalls out for five to ten minutes. Eventually, if I wait long enough, the Import dialogue screen loads and I get to wait another five to ten minutes to choose my secondary drive with my RAW files on it. When I can select that drive and click the directory with my files, I get to wait ANOTHER five to ten minutes for it to accept that choice and load my photos into the Import window. Once I get past all that and hit the Import button, it actually loads the files into LR just fine and I can work as normal. I have never had this issue with this specific drive when I had Lightroom 3 and 4, so I don't know why suddenly LR 5 would not like it.
OS - Windows 7 SP1 64 bit
LR Version - 5.3 64 Bit
Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo
RAM - 8 GB
Secondary Drive - 2 TB SATA internal
No USB periphrials engaged on computer
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Dec 29, 2010
It seems to happen randomly and I can't tell what triggers it. Everytime I regen or autosave/save the status shows "displaying contours" and a load bar that takes way too long and slows me down...
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Feb 28, 2012
why does it take ages to copy and paste from one drawing to another
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Sep 11, 2012
Got this Problem since 16.0 to 16.0.1 update. I´m working on a MacPro with OS X 10.6.8.
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Mar 17, 2014
Saving InDesign files to a network location seems to take an extremely long time during which I am unable to do anything else inside InDesign.I know that this has been an issue for me for at least 2 weeks (since March 3, 2014, possibly earlier). I am not certain whether I have updated InDesign since then, but have consistently been experiencing this same problem.
Today I ran some tests (all using the same ~20MB file).
Save from InDesign to network location: 12 seconds
Save from InDesign to desktop: <2 seconds
Copy file (in Windows Explorer) from desktop to network: <2 seconds
Copy file from network to desktop: <2 seconds
I know I can work on the file locally and copy my saved versions out at the end of the day, but this was not necessary before, and I don't know what changed to make this take so much longer than it used to.
Current system configuration: InDesign 9.2 x64 running on a Win 7 Pro 64-bit with 16GB RAM and a Xeon 3.6GHz processor.
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Jan 16, 2013
I recently downloaded the trial version of VSP X5. And now, I have a new 12 MP camera as opposed to the 5 MP I had before. Anyway this new camera shoots in video mode at 1920, 1280 and 640. When I use 1920 or 1280 (HD), the file size of the videos are huge, so when I import them to VSP, they take a very long time to import. Is this normal when you want high res videos or is there something I can do to cut down on the file size. To test it out, I shot 20 second videos at all three resolutions. In 1920, the file size was almost a whole gig at only 20 seconds. It would be much larger than that for lets say a 20 minute movie. I'm guessing that would take all day to import.
Correction: Actually, It's taking long to "Create a Video File", not to import the video. Anyway, is it normal for the program to take so long to create a file? if it's a 15 or 20 minute video, it will probaly take at least a couple of hours to create at that resolution.
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Jan 15, 2013
I am running Inventor 2012 sp2.
Even with a simple IPT that only has a handfull of features, at times it takes a long time (3-5 minutes, sometimes longer) for Inventor to execute a undo or redo command.
Undo file size setting in Application options is set at 1MB (which is teh same setting I used in previous versions).
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Jul 22, 2013
I've used AutoCAD 2013 on other machines and have no had this issue.
When pasting to the command line there is a huge delay from when I hit CTRL-V until the actual text is displayed in the command line. It takes roughly 4.5 seconds for the following to display after pasting: (command "-view" "D" "*"). The time it takes is roughly the same and does not depend on the size of the lisp that I'm pasting.
The command bar is docked to the bottom and there is no transparancy enabled.I have tried setting AUTOCOMPLETEDELAY to 0 and 10 with no change.I have completely disabled all Auto-Complete options and it still happens.
There is also a significant delay between Auto-Complete populating the list of suggestions and when I am able to use the arrow keys to move the selection box down to pick a command.
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Oct 20, 2011
We have a data folder on the server mapped as network drive to the clients. The data folder contains all cad data stored from productstream professional.
Due to an over 10 year old environment the data folder contains a huge amount of cad files, library parts, iParts and so on.
Due to historical growth of the environment there are some missing parts (not available on the file system anymore), because they were deleted, are corrupt, and so on. At the root of the data folder there is located the typical cmpinv11.ipj inventor project file.
If you open an assembly either from productstream or via inventor (without productstream) directly from the data folder and the assembly has an unresolved child component because the file isn't there anymore it takes a very very long time until the dialog box for unresolved link comes up (waiting time several minutes 1...10min). Once reached this point one can skip and repair the assembly, of course.
But the question is, how to speed up the time for getting the unresolved link dialog?
The network connection itself is quite OK und the project file itself is also OK. The project file list of every user is pretty small (only cmpinv11.ipj and some standard ipj's).
We think inventor internally scans the whole project-file folders to ensure that the component is really missing but due to the huge environment this takes many minutes and is annoying.
Any bypass for that? Is it possible to apply a temporär setting before opening a potential inconsistent assembly? Or is there a setting like skip unresolved components by default or by a defined timeout?
Because it is Inventor 2010 (Productstream PRO 210) there is no File open Option Auto-Skip unresolved components (like in 2012) but even if it was I guess it wouldn't reduce the time to get the dialog either.
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Aug 27, 2011
I have CorelDRAW X4, when I open some file(s), which takes long time to open, even which file size is smaller or bigger.
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May 18, 2012
The AttSync command does what it advertises fairly well. My problem is that I have thousands of small blocks in a single drawing. (My current drawing has 2100 block references with four attributes in each one.) I may change the attribute values in a few of them and need to re-sync the attribute locations. When I run AttSync it updates every single block insertion. One of two things are desired:
1)Flag each block insertion as having been sync'ed, reducing the number of objects requiring synchronization when AttSync is called again. Provide a way to force all to be sync'ed.
2)Allow a selection set in the AttSync command after selecting the block to sync.
Either or both of these would a great time-saver for those of us with large numbers of blocks with attributes.
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Jul 24, 2012
i have got a problem with AutoCAD 2010 right now. Im having some procedures that take very long to process in between a Transaction Manager. Start Transaction and Commit/Abort.
When taking too long AutoCAD sometimes just disappears/crashes without giving a call stack/Exception or anything. There are also no memory leaks or exceptions raised, though i send some status messages to the command line of AutoCAD.
Does AutoCAD need anything like a KeepAlive? Do i have to send it some specific messages or anything? Is that a common problem?
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Jul 13, 2013
I have an issue with saving files in my Illustrator CS6 (64bit), the saving process is too long, 5-10 minutes of wait and my laptop is getting iffy while saving. Sometimes Ai crashes in midst of my work or saving and I loose hours of work.
My laptop: CPU Intel i3, 8GB RAM, 1GB Nvidia Graphics, 480GB HDD, Windows 7 Premium 64bit.
I tried fixing the problem so far (unsuccesfully obviosly) by doing this:
1) Running all updates
2) Uninstalling excess fonts, I only have 180 fonts currently
3) I do not use FontExplorerProX or similar.
4) I turned off compression option during save.
5) I turned off making PDF copy option.
Same Ai on a much weaker PC in XP SP3 32bit has saving time of few seconds. This issue was nonexistant when I first installed Ai, but as time goes by its getting worse and worse, it seems.
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Nov 8, 2011
When I give the open command, it takes 3 to 5 minuites just to get the file selection dialog box. I am running Windows 7.
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Aug 9, 2011
I start psp and the TAB on the left hand side (which shows my collections) flickers as if it is continuously trying to load. After about 2 mins it stops and I can continue as normal
why it takes so long to load this information?
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Dec 10, 2013
Is Kaspersky Anti-Virus interfering with Gimp start up??? ever since I installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013, Gimp takes more than 20 minutes too start up, it searches for data files for more than 20 minutes straight before my image is opened in Gimp ever since Kaspersky was installed!
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Sep 6, 2013
I made a Photoshop® script (action) which works perfectly. (Open .PDF files in Photoshop®, to after save them as .JPG files into another folder)
The problem comes when I launch a batch process. It takes a while to the computer to open the large .PDF files, and when a file is opened, well it doesn't go through the whole script. In fact, Photoshop® already open the second file and so on. Then without running the rest of the script/action .
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Oct 15, 2013
In V12, for the large Catalog that I have converted from V8: After closing in the PSE Editor the edit of a photo, the horizontal red bar with the text "Edit in Progress" takes typically much too much time to disappear from the PSE Organizer. I am seeing this problem wrhen using the large V12 PSE Catalog (around 70'000 cataloged folto files, including the multiple versions within Version sets), that I have converted from PSE V8. With V12, typically for the jpeg photo Files that i have shot this year with my Nikon D5000, it takes around 16-18 seconds between
- the time where I complete within the Editor closing the edit
- and the time until the red bar disappears from the Organizer.With V8, this took only a couple of seconds.
I noticed that for my older photos shot in 2004 wih a Canon compact camera (and originally cataloged with PSE Version V3) , in V12 this is much faster: a couple of seconds (I will need to measure that more precisely), even though I use the same V12 PSE Catalog, the same PSE Preferences and the same Windows 7 based PC for the tests with the recent photos of my recent D5000 cameras and for the tests with the old photos of my old Canon compact camera.
I do not understand, why these timing differences between the photos shot with my modern NIKON D5000 and the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera. There is a difference in the file size (around 3.4 MB vs around 14.MB ); but I doubt whether this can be the explanation.
Also, I noticed that in "Information --> Metadata --> GPS" the Organizer sjows me for my Nikon D5000 photos (just) the following entry: GPS Version (something that is not shown for the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera). Myself do not use GPS datza (at least: not concsiously). There are probably also other differences in the Metadata.
I remembder that many years ago, I was seeing similar long times for some activities (I do not fremember which ones). After some investigations, it turned out that the reason for these long times was a component that was trying to adccess rersouces that were not located on my PC but were instead located remotely on the Laptop of my wife (which was in the same Windows Home networjk)
Sees in V12 long time for the red horizontal bar to disappear? Do you have an explanation for that?Some Notes about my current environment:
In the Preferences of the Organizer: All Media Analysis Options are disabled/unckecked: in the Preferences of the Organizer: Adobe Revel Agent is disabled and none of the Dialog fields in the "Adobe Revel" panel have been set..Thumbnails are all built (at least, this is my impression)t Watch Folder is diable. Killing the Elements.I have deactivated the Adobe Active File Monitors of all PSE Versions that I have installed - this did not work..I have not installed PRE V12 (but have previous Versions of PRE installed)
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Dec 11, 2012
Every time i give a plot, even if very small, it takes almost 1 minute to complete the job. & i cant give next plot till previous is finished.
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Sep 21, 2012
Are there limits on how long time laps films made in PS6 can be?
I'm trying to create a time laps but PS6 does not include all the images in sequence 0001 to 1360? It simply creates a movie in 27 seconds and cuts out the 400 latest pictures!
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Dec 7, 2004
I was wondering if anyone knew what is wrong with my smudge tool. When I go to use it and apply it to my image, it takes a while to show the affect. Everything else in my photoshop works fine. Oh yeah, I use PS CS if that makes any difference.
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May 8, 2006
when I try to use it now, It basically locks up the whole computer, and takes around 2-3 minutes before it finally pops up with the liquify box.
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Mar 13, 2013
each time I force quit Smoke with the service monitor in a project when I open the same project after it takes several time to load the clips (EDITDESK: LOADING CLIPS). Sometimes the project just didn't open and stay on the EDITDESK: LOADING CLIPS screen.
There's something I'm doing wrong or my project is totally corrupt ?
smoke201321_smack02_app.txt smoke201321_smack02_shell.txt
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Mar 5, 2012
There's probably a simple explanation, but if I have a file open for a long time in Photoshop the blacks will start to appear oversaturated/blocked up. If I close and reopen file it looks normal again.
I am using OS X Lion, Photoshop 5, Apple 30" Cinema display. My monitor is calibrated with a i1 Display by X-Rite and resets according to amibent light.
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