Lightroom :: What Is Practical Maximum Number Of Photos In LR4 Catalog
Nov 15, 2012
I realize that there is no preset limit in the number of images that can be saved in a single (Lightroom 4) catalog but I need to know that given a well equpped PC (system with 2 sockets/8 cores, 8+GB of memory and plenty of fast hard drive), how many images can be _reliably_, and with acceptable performance, kept in a single catalog ?
So far I have been maintaining 1 catalog per year for my images but creating collections or galories that span over several years has become a pain so I am considering consolidating all the catalogs into one, which would then contain well over 500k photos.
I am a software type and am aware that the LR implementation does not impose internal hard limits on the individual dimensions it deals with but I would like to know:
- What are the sizes of the catalogs that the software is being stress-tested with before it is released (rough numbers would do)
- Is it possible that an internal _incoonsistency_ could be introduced in a part of the catalog that would go undetected (by the global consistency checking) and would only surface when you try to access that area which may not have been touched for many years (in other words is it possible for the catalog to become _partially_ corrupted and yet pass the (checksom-like ?) verification that takes place when the catalog is being backed up ?)
- and, in case it matters, there are mostly raw images, ranging form 10 to 50 mega pixels each (not that these should impact the size of the catalog.)
I have 90K items in my PSE11 organizer catalog. I'm running Win8 and I'm getting nervious that catalog size will become an issue. Backing up the catalog is cumbersome since it is 337G. If I need to break it up into smaller pieces, what is the best way to do this? Is there a bridge or link between catalogs?
Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.
I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.
#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?
#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?
Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.
I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.
#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?
#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?
I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus. As a result LR 3 in no longer installed. I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4. What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?
Is there a way to increase the number of documents shown in the Windows menu? Sometimes I work with more than 9 docs and it's a pain navigating to and from "More..."
I tried to open 400 TIFF CCITT group 4 files from the Photoshop CS3 as I used to do in Photoshop 7, but I got an error message: "Could not complete the open command because opening the number of files selected would cause Photoshop to have more than 200 documents windows open at once". Does anybody know if there are any limitations on the maximum allowed number of files to be opened at the same time?
Is there a maximum number of files in a folder that can be processed by the Image Processor in CS5?
I'm trying to convert a bunch of jpgs to tiffs and I have to run an action (high-pass filter+threshold) before it saves them. This works out fairly well when using a small amount of files. When I try to load my main folders then Photoshop stops responding as soon as I try to initiate the processor. I sometimes get an error if I let it sit for a long time. I've tried this on two computers with the same result.
I have over a million files across 9 file folders that I need to process.
I am having a very frustrating time trying to create a DVD from my project.
I am not using chapters or menus at all so they can be ignored. I am simply trying to create a DVD-R from a project that contains 137 video clips (downloaded from my AVCHD camcorder) and a couple of titles. As VideoStudio goes through its compilation of the clips it stops when it reaches the 99th clip and throws up a message stating that ‘a maximum of 99 video media files is allowed’. Which is a crazy imposition to place in an otherwise excellent product! Once that message appears, I can only hit OK to exit and nothing more happens. I cannot add the remaining 38 clips and on closing the program, it does an automatic save and drops out of the DVD creation process.
In an attempt to get round the problem I created a video file (2.5GB) and used Windows Explorer to burn the MPG file to a Phillips DVD-R. No problem there, it even ran automatically on the PC with no trouble, but when trying to play it on my 3-year old Sony DVD Player/Recorder (HXD870) a message displayed on the TV (a Sony Bravia) to the effect that it could not read this type on disc.
How can you limit the number of open drawings in a session of AutoCAD. Now I can open up 35 drawings in 1 session which will take up a huge amount of memory.
Is there a variable or something like this that I can limit this to 4 for example?
CS6 "Unable to set maximum number of files to be opened." Just got the production bundle and installed everything on both my macs, everything works fine besdies illustrator which only works fine on one not at all on the other.
Since installing Creative Suite 5 in 2010 I have never been able to open Illustrator.All programs work but 'Ai'.I've tried re-installing it multiple times with no success.
The message that occours when trying to open the program is:'Unable to set maximum number of files to be opened'. And then it generates a 'Problem Report for CS5 Adobe Illustrator'.
I have installed Adobe Illustrator but when I launch it I get an error message; "Unable to set the maximum number of files to be opened". When I click OK to close the error message the program will not open.
Is there a max number of pics allowed in Elements 10? My catalog has 11,918 pics, and am importing 124 pics from an SD memory card. Elements stops working.
what's the maximum number of photos that can be organized in Elements 10? what's the maximum size of a photo with a thumbnail what's the meaning of the 'broken card' icon?
I can not open Illustrator. I bought it a few years ago as part of a CS5 package.It show "unable to set maximum number of files to be open" this is the error message.[code]....
The message 'Unable to set maximum numbers of files to be opened' is what appears when I try to open Illustrator, which is a part of my CS5 set up.
I've tried reinstalling CS5 several times but have had no success with getting illustrator to open. After this message appears it then says 'adobe has quit unexpectedly' click to reopen/ bug will be reported to apple. I've asked adobe for support resolving this issue a number of times...
By doing this simple command I get this error message after a while of working... 2011Map 3d, Windows 7, 64 bit....
Select Line:
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
; error: exceeded maximum number of selection sets
Is there a setvar or toggle to change the max number of selection sets or to change to an unlimited setting anywhere?
At this time I have to save my work and close the dwg, reopen the dwg and I can resume picking objects etc., with no problems, untill it reaches the "majic" number and the error pops up.
Is there a maximum number of characters that can be in the name of a saved displacement file? When I save a displacement file with 12 characters or less, the Filter>Distort>Displace works fine; when I save the same file with 13 characters, nothing happens when I try to apply the filter. Obviously, the solution is to save files with 12 or fewer characters. I just wondered if this is a known limitattion.
What is the maximum number of elements I can have in the timeline? I believe I have about 92 elements now and when trying to add another element it shows up at the top of the elements panel, but isn't showing up at all in the timeline?
I have tried converting some elements to symbols or grouping elements but still the new element I've added to the stage is not showing up in the timeline. I am not EVEN done adding more elements.
Question 1.In C3D 2013 is there a ceiling to the number of points allowable in a C3D surface? Is it 1.5 million?
Question 2. In C3D 2013, when creating a surface from Point Cloud data is there a maximum point count based on the answer to question 1 - or is a different point count limit applied?
Are there any official document describe the limits in a DWG file? For example, the maximum number of blocks that can be added, the maximum number of layers, the maximum length of an object name, etc.?
I have 17,900 photos and videos in a directory structure organized by date (folders for year, with sub folders for month, day etc). Recently, Organizer refuses to display newly added folders in the folder tree. That is, I create the new folder, and rename with a date, at which point it vanishes from the display. It still appears in Microsoft Explorer. It looks like there is some limit on the number of folders you can have in Organizer, but surely that is absurd?
I have a new Windows 7 PC, running on a home network (total 3 PCs). All have (legal) copies of Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements. Files are stored on a NAS in a shared directory.
I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder. How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.
Is there a connection between the performance of LR 4 (LR 5) and the number of photos in the catalog? Will it slow down LR with a directory of more than 40,000 images (Win7, 4 Gb RAM)?