Lightroom :: Is There A Connection Between Performance And Number Of Photos
Jul 16, 2013
Is there a connection between the performance of LR 4 (LR 5) and the number of photos in the catalog? Will it slow down LR with a directory of more than 40,000 images (Win7, 4 Gb RAM)?
I am running windows 7 pro 64 bit. Whenever I try to download photos from my camera into lightroom using usb connection, lightroom stops working and wont respond. This is happening since Adobe removed lightroom 4 beta from my system.
I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder. How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.
I realize that there is no preset limit in the number of images that can be saved in a single (Lightroom 4) catalog but I need to know that given a well equpped PC (system with 2 sockets/8 cores, 8+GB of memory and plenty of fast hard drive), how many images can be _reliably_, and with acceptable performance, kept in a single catalog ?
So far I have been maintaining 1 catalog per year for my images but creating collections or galories that span over several years has become a pain so I am considering consolidating all the catalogs into one, which would then contain well over 500k photos.
I am a software type and am aware that the LR implementation does not impose internal hard limits on the individual dimensions it deals with but I would like to know:
- What are the sizes of the catalogs that the software is being stress-tested with before it is released (rough numbers would do)
- Is it possible that an internal _incoonsistency_ could be introduced in a part of the catalog that would go undetected (by the global consistency checking) and would only surface when you try to access that area which may not have been touched for many years (in other words is it possible for the catalog to become _partially_ corrupted and yet pass the (checksom-like ?) verification that takes place when the catalog is being backed up ?)
- and, in case it matters, there are mostly raw images, ranging form 10 to 50 mega pixels each (not that these should impact the size of the catalog.)
One thing that is slowing me down is that all my photos and videos are on a Western DIgital NAS box that I can access with fairly decent performance. I want to leave them there as I have them all organised how I want them. I have a 64-bit Windows 7 laptop with 4GB RAM and Intel Core i5 processor and access the NAS box via a Wireless-N connection on the laptop via a Netgear Wireless-N router.
When I add a video or photo I get a lag (more notably the videos) but worse is selecting a video after importing it into a library. It can take a good 10-30 seconds before I can continue using VideoStudio. Is there anyway I can reduce this lag selecting videos or is my only option to copy videos to my laptop?
Is there somewhere in the interface that shows a counter of the number of flagged (or rated or labeled) photos in the folder or selection?
There must be, but I just don't see it or must have turned it off.
Just to be clear... For example, I have a folder with 150 images; I've flagged 37 of them; rated 25 two stars and 15 red label. Is there some counter or other way to see at a glance just how many there are filtered?
I was wondering how many people are using a 10000 RPM drive as their OS hard drive. My OS backup drive is dying slowly, and I'm thinking whether or not it would make sense to spend $300 on a faster drive (and use it as the OS drive). Mainly I'd like to speed up Lightroom and Photoshop.
Installed Lightroom 5 upgrade. On LR 4 I can export a 55 slideshow as MP4 with 1080p preset using all four cores on a win7-64 (Intel I7) in about 6-8 min (used 70-80% processor). In LR5, the CPU never goes above 15% processor and takes 45-50 minutes. I can flip between the two (not at the same time) to test. Luckily, no catalog changes other than what the automatic conversion did.
Interestingly, I see a ".aac" and ".m4v" in the destination directory during the rendering process (they eventually goes away and are replaced by the ".mp4" at the end of the rendering export process).
Why LR5 is not taking full advantage of the multi core CPU? How to improve performance in this area?Overall, its very disappointing. I have to go back to LR4 to re-render the slideshows that eventually get exported to a DVD (but that's another story).
Additional information, when I render the slideshow, it looks like LR4 exports using the native executable (no spawned subprocesses), but LR5 spawns a separate process to handle the export/rendering process.
Is there a way to re-size heaps of photos at once? Instead of having to go into the menu and changing the size, photo by photo? For example: If I download pics from my camera how do I change them all. Also, does anyone know how to make a folder name and it automatically updates all your .jpg file names for you? For example, a folder could be Jack's 21st and all pics become jack' jack's21st002.jpg etc.
I cannot find anywhere in Photoshop Elements where it tells the total of photographs I have in my collection. The old version told this number in the lower right hand corner. Is there somewhere in this newer version where I can find how many photos I have without having to count them?
LR 4.1 does not have a stable connection with the CF card. Both when plugged into the internal reader or when external reader is used.
When selecting pictures for the import, the complete screen with thumbnails goes away. A littele later, the screen comes back. The selection is still valid.
Each time the checkmark for pictures to import needs to be checked again.
At the top-left part of the screen you see that the drive-letter drops away, comes back again and the letter changes each time.
In windows explorer nothing unusual happens, drive remains mounted and can be accessed in a normal and stable manner.
I have used PSE 9 and there was a line at bottom that told the total number of photos in the Organizer. I now have PSE 11 and I can find no such line, and I have not found a way to tell the total number of photos in my Organizer. Where is this information hidden?
How can I import photos with the same file number (they are different photos but Elements seems to treat them as duplicates.) I already unchceked the preference box that would prevent duplicate photos from being imported, but it hasn't worked.
Today I upgraded LR from 5.2 to 5.3 and then began editing pictures. When I tried to delete a picture a message came up to the effect that the file could not be permanently deleted from the disk since it could not be found. It offered the possibility of erasing the file permanently still. I chose that and the picture disappeared and a small box flashed by which said that the file could not be found. The number of files in the folder didn't change. How do I reconnect to the picture files which are in a stand alone hard drive - And - will the editing I did today be lost of subsequently be connected to the appropriate picture files/
I cannot establish a publishing connection to Flickr from Lightroom 4.3. I get this message: Oops! Flickr doesn't recognise the "oauth_token" this application is trying to use."
Since transferring my photo files from my hard drive to an external drive(without telling lightroom) I have completely lost all connections between lightroom and the new destination (my external drive). There is no sign of anything at all in Lightroom. It shows 0 photos, my preferences seem gone, and it is as though I have just loaded up lightroom for the very first time. Do I need to start from scratch and reimport my photos or is there some way I can retreive/reconnect the photos so I have the edits I have already made?
I am trying to reduce the file size on a large number of jpeg photo's for unsertion into Windows Movie Maker. How do I compress the slides in a batch job? Can I do it in Photoshop Elements?
I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is lot of photo's involved.
I add five photos to a folder in Lightroom 4.3. The photos are in the specified folder in Windows. Import shows the five photos as imported but greyed out and semi-highlighted. Library does not show these five photos. What can I do?
How to “synchronize” the ‘layout number” with “sheet number”?
As in most cases, the arrangements of “lay outs” reflects the way they are regularly printed, then how could we renumbering the sheets such that the first lay out takes number 1, the second lay out takes number 2,…and so forth.
I just completed a major photo scanning project and added a bunch of folders of dated pictures to lightroom. However when i expand the top level folder I can not longer click on the bottom set of folders (can scroll and see them). My collections are also not visible with the top level folder expanded. Clicking a couple times on some of the bottom folders - trying to get them to select results in lightroom locking up, steadily increasing in memory usage (got above 8GB), and crashing.
I have tried creating a new catelog, reinstalling, and reverting to 4.4 from 4.4.1 (thought 4.4.1 might have been the issue), to no luck. The only thing i can come up with is that maybe there is a max number of folders that can be displayed? For the record I have 1705 folders within one top level folder.
System specs: Running Lightroom 4.4.1 64 bit on windows 7 64 bit. i7-3770, 16Gb Ram, 256GB crucial m4 SSD for catalog, 6TB Raid 0 WD Red Drive array for images, paging disabled.
I've been trying to import a number of videos into LR5 (all .mov) and am running into a bunch of iissues. First of all, the import takes an extremely long time - imorting around 150 videos took over 4 hours, for example. Secondly, once I've imported the videos no thumbnails are created -- they're all grey squares -- and Lightroom then has problems finding the original file for playback, even though the location (on my local drive) hasn't changed.
I've renamed some of the images on import into my LR4 catalog and I'd like to know what the orignal file names were out of camera. Is it possible to do this?
When I select the Synchronize option, it says there are over 295,000 images, which is impossible. 15 to 20,000 at most. So I never start it, cause I'm afraid of what it's trying to catalog. Why would it be giving me such a number?
using lightroom 4.3 when I edit a group of photos in lightroom, most of the files will only be edited in lightroom but a few will also be opend into PS6 (by right clicking > edit in>) Once the PS edits are complete the image is saved & I return to Lightroom. When I export the entire group of images - I set the file name to 'custom name - original file number'. The images I edited in lightroom only - all are renamed as expected (ie wedding photo-1234, wedding photo-1235). The images I edited in both lightroom & photoshop receive the custom name but lose their file name (ie wedding photo-, wedding photo-1, wedding photo-2, etc.) When viewing these PS edited images in lightroom - they do show the file #, it is only after export that the file # is lost..
I wish to maintain the file names for all of the images.