Lightroom :: Counter To Show Number Of Flagged (rated Or Labeled) Photos In Folder Or Selection

Aug 22, 2013

Is there somewhere in the interface that shows a counter of the number of flagged (or rated or labeled) photos in the folder or selection?
There must be, but I just don't see it or must have turned it off.
Just to be clear... For example, I have a folder with 150 images; I've flagged 37 of them; rated 25 two stars and 15 red label. Is there some counter or other way to see at a glance just how many there are filtered?

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Lightroom :: Flags Don't Show Up In All Photographs When Flagged In Collection?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a catalog of an event which spanned over a few days, and so I made a few collections. I made collection sets for Day 1, Day 2, etc, and in those collection sets I have two folders - General and People.
When I enter say, the General collection for Day 3 and I flag a photo in there as 'rejected', the photo when viewed in 'All photographs' does not show the Rejected flag.

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Lightroom :: 3 - Photos Temporary Flagged As Removed

Apr 2, 2012

Before I pull the trigger on deleting the "Removed" photos from my collection and from the file, is there an easy to show all the photos in the collection with the Removed photos (as it is now showing) then without the Removed photos?  In other words, I'd like to see what's left after I click Delete Removed Photos.

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Lightroom :: Sending Flagged Photos To IPad?

Apr 22, 2012

a quick way to send only the photos I have flagged in Lightroom 4 to my iPad so I only end up with my best photos on my iPad rather than my whole collection?

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Lightroom :: Flagged Photos Not Showing In Smart Collection?

Jan 22, 2012

I flagged a few pictures with the P key, and I want to show them (with other creterias) in a smart collection. So I build a smart collection with the Pick Flag is flagged. But no pictures are showing in my smart collection.
If I do the same with the rejected flag, they appear in the collection...
Do I need to check database consistency or what?

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Lightroom :: Photos Show Up In Grid But Not Importing From Hard Drive Folder?

Mar 2, 2014

Importing photos from a hard drive folder.  The photos show up in the grid, but then when I try to final import to LightRoom the program states that the following were not imported, and lists all the photo id's -- but does not say why not.  Why the import would fail at that step?

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy Selection Of Photos To New Folder

Oct 14, 2012

I am looking to copy to a named folder  a selection of photos that I intend to incorporate in to a ProShow Gold slide show so that ProShow  will always know where they are. When I select copy I don't see an option to copy to a specific location.

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GIMP :: Adding Frame Number Counter To GIFs

Mar 2, 2012

I'm in the process of making several .gifs that I would love to add a frame # counter.

Is there any way to add a frame counter to .gifs?

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Lightroom :: Moved All Photos From Structured Folder System Into One Unorganised Folder On External Drive

Jul 17, 2013

I've got about 10,000 photos that I've moved in lightroom by creating a folder called 'pictures' on the external drive using the left folders panel. I then selected all the images in the root drive on my computer and dragged them onto the 'pictures' folder on the external drive, and I expected the folder structure to come with it. Only after I realised that they had all moved into one folder. Is there a way of moving the images back into a structure without manually doing it? Here's a screenshot.....

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Lightroom :: Synchronize Folder Gives Impossible Number?

Nov 1, 2013

When I select the Synchronize option, it says there are over 295,000 images, which is impossible.  15 to 20,000 at most.  So I never start it, cause I'm afraid of what it's trying to catalog.  Why would it be giving me such a number?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Drag A Group Of Photos Or Even Single Photos To A Publish Folder

Oct 2, 2012

I'm unable to drag a group of photos or even single photos to a publish folder.  In this case it's SmugMug. What is the correct method?

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Lightroom :: Folder Sync Shows All Files As Missing And The Same Number As New

Dec 27, 2012

moved from PC to Mac by external hard drive. Remapped path to images. Everything is fine but when I do the folder sync command it shows me 100 % of my images as missing and the same amount as new files. There are no explanition marks in the tree view and this is the only indicator that something is wrong.
On the PC everything is fine. If I click on show file in finder for a picture finder opens with the correct file marked.
So I wonder whether I can trust that folder sync feature?

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Lightroom :: Click To Show Presets Folder

Sep 3, 2013

Whenever I click to show the presets folder in Lightroom 5.2 Beta preferences it wants to launch Path Finder to show me the files.  I no longer own a current license for PathFinder and want Lightroom to use the normal Finder application. I do not have Path Finder even installed any longer and so clicking the button does nothing at all.

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Lightroom :: 3.3 Doesn't Show All Images Of A Folder

Dec 30, 2010

I have used Lightroom since version 1.0 and at the moment I am using v3.3.
Now I have following problem and I can't find a solution for it: In the Navigator I have synchronized my complete folder where I store all of my photos. This folder contains more than 50000 photos already in many subfolders. But now I found some subfolders not showing all their content. I can see in the Navigator e.g. 216 pictures beside the folder name but in the preview I can see only 3 pictures! And I found some more folders which doesn't show their full content.
I tried to sychronize the single folder again but Lightroom says there were no new pictures and also no missing pictures to remove from the folder. If I open the folder by the Windows Explorer then I can see that all the files for the 216 pictures are there! So there must be a problem with the lightroom database!
But now I don't know what to do to get the pictures displayed in the library again.

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Lightroom :: Show Presets Folder Won't Open

Feb 16, 2013

I just bought an iMAC... 3 days now... still trying to get it going and up and running.

Well I finally got my presets downloaded, by importing on the left side of the screen.. which is great.

But I still need to dowload my adjustment brushes...

When I go to preferences, and go to "show lightroom presets folder"IT WONT OPEN......nothing comes up.. I click and click and click.. I restarted LR, over and over.. nothing comes up..

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Lightroom :: Moving Selection Of Images Within A Folder?

Oct 24, 2012

I would like to move a selection of images within the same folder. I have done this before with a drag and drop but it doesn't want to work today. I have and keywords for filters but wanted to set up in time/day order using 2 different cameras.

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Lightroom :: Use The Same Preset On Number Of Photos?

Feb 12, 2014

I have imported a preset and want to use it on several photos in the same folder.  How do I do this? I cant seem to see the option when I try to sync them.

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Lightroom :: How To Show Import Dialog While Synchronizing A Folder

Mar 2, 2013

LR3.6  started to fail to Syncronize folders. It also doesn't show only NEW photos on Importing fron hard drive, as it always has.
When I choose not to "show Import dialog" while synchronising a folder, it shows the correct number of new photos in a folder. But when the import starts there's a blank field and nothing happens. This can last for a whole day. Here is a screenshot.
The second problem is with Import.

When I start "Import" or  mark "Show import dialog before importing" in syncing a folder it shows me all the photos, despite I choose "Add", "New Photos" and "Don't Import Suscected Duplicates".
I havent changed any preferances, it all just started to happen lately.
I'm using Raw Photo Processor plug-in for external developing, I thougt this might be the cause, but I've been using it for a long time, and the problems started several days ago.

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Lightroom :: Show Folder Path In Grid View

May 9, 2013

I am organizing my photos, and used a plug-in that keyworded all my duplicates and put them in a Smart Collection.  I would like to see the folder path for each duplicate photo within the details of the grid.  That is, without having to r-click and choose "show in explorer" for each photo.

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Lightroom :: Number Of Photos Special Collections

May 13, 2013

After many photos have been removed (not deleted) from Smart Collections, is there a way to see the number of photos remaining? 

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Lightroom :: Is There A Connection Between Performance And Number Of Photos

Jul 16, 2013

Is there a connection between the performance of LR 4 (LR 5) and the number of photos in the catalog? Will it slow down LR with a directory of more than 40,000 images (Win7, 4 Gb RAM)?

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Lightroom :: What Is Practical Maximum Number Of Photos In LR4 Catalog

Nov 15, 2012

I realize that there is no preset limit in the number of images that can be saved in a single (Lightroom 4) catalog but I need to know that given a  well equpped PC  (system with 2 sockets/8 cores,  8+GB of memory and plenty of fast hard drive), how many images can be _reliably_, and with acceptable performance, kept in a single catalog ?
So far I have been maintaining 1 catalog per year for my images but creating collections or galories that span over several years has become a pain so I am considering consolidating all the catalogs into one, which would then contain well over 500k photos.
I am a software type and am aware that the LR implementation does not impose internal hard limits on the individual dimensions it deals with but I would like to know:

- What are the sizes of the catalogs that the software is being stress-tested with before it is released (rough numbers would do)
- Is it possible that an internal _incoonsistency_ could be introduced in a part of the catalog that would go undetected (by the global consistency checking) and would only surface when you try to access that area which may not have been touched for many years (in other words is it possible for the catalog to become _partially_ corrupted and yet pass the (checksom-like ?) verification that takes place when the catalog is being backed up ?)
- and, in case it matters, there are mostly raw images, ranging form 10 to 50 mega pixels each (not that these should impact the size of the catalog.)

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Lightroom :: Importing Photos - Cannot See Folder

Mar 7, 2014

In the import screen, on the left side of the screen, i start opening my tree to find the folder of photos I want to import but it doen't scroll down. The folder I need is further down, what can I do?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Photos In Folder?

Sep 9, 2013

when I am done in LR where do I "export" my photos too (what folder)

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Lightroom :: Move Photos To A Sub Folder?

Jun 22, 2013

I'm using Lightroom 5 and moving photos to a sub folder. Here's where I'm running into a problem:
My photos are in a folder named "to file"Inside "to file" I create a folder named "2013-05"I select some photos from "to file" and click and drag them into "2013-05"They appear in "2013-05" as expectedThe problem is, they still appear in the parent folder "to file" My question is, once I move photos to a sub folder how can I prevent them from appearing in the parent folder?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Move Photos From One Folder To Another?

Jun 20, 2012

FIRST: I cannot move photos from one folder to another, drag and drop does not function at all, and there is no 'move' command with a right-cllick on a photo. I can move folder locations, drag and drop on the folder view works, but I want to move individual photos. I am sure I could do it with previous versions.
SECOND: If I click on HELP, I simply get a box up from Adobe AIR saying: This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance. I am loathe to re-install as last time I did that, I had a grand hassle over number of activations, even though I am only running on my one and only machine.

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Lightroom :: Imported Photos From Folder On A Server

Sep 20, 2013

I have a Lightroom catalog on each of two different computers. Each of the two catalogs have imported photos from the same "Photos" folder on a server.

There is one main folder with hundreds and hundreds of sub folders.
The one catalog is showing 226,186 photos and the other catalog is showing 218,732 photos.
I've tried syncing the computer's catalog that has 7,454 less photos imported than the other computer but I always end up with two different totals on each computer. Very frustrating since both catalogs must match.
One computer is a Mac and the other computer is a PC (not sure that should make any difference).

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Lightroom :: Synchronize Folder Then Import New Photos

Jul 28, 2012

I am new to Lightroom, and just purchased LR 4, upgraded to LR 4.1 and catolog my photo files. After this, I uploaded some photos from a SD card to a common folder (e.g. "Uploads 2012") on my hard drive using LR. This worked well. I then used Windows Explorer to drag/drop those files into their respective proper folders (there were many files on the card that were appropriate for different existing folders on my computer).
Here's where the problem starts. Prior to this uploading session, I had 297 files in a photo folder. Afterwards, I had 427 photos in this same folder. Using LR 4.1, I chose to "synchronize folder", then "import new photos" (it recognizes that there are new photos in this dialogue box).  The program tells me this task is completed, but afterwards there remain 297 photos in the LR folder, and 427 photos in the location in Windows Explorer.

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Lightroom :: Import Not Showing All Photos In Folder

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to sync my folders but Lightroom is not importing all of the photos in the folder.  In one folder I have 675 photos (both jpg and CR2) and Lightroom is only importing 1.  Even though you can look at the folder in another window and see all 675 (photo below).  This is happening in several of my folders.
The folders that have problems have arrows that are greyed out versus solid grey arrows. If the info is needed:

- Mac Mini - OSX (Leopard)
- Lightroom 3
- Photos were in Aperature prior to exporting out to import into Lightroom
- Photos were either taken with Canon Rebel XS or Canon Powershot S3IS
- I have tried optimizing my catalog.
- I have tried remove the folder from Lightroom and re-importing.  Still only recognizes 1 photo.
  - The do not import duplicates button is not clicked
  - I have confirmed that all filters are off.

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Lightroom :: Folder Shows More Photos In File Than There Actually Are?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a folder on my hard drive with 72 photos (files) in it.  When I pull this folder up in Lightroom 3, the number next to the folder incorrectly indicates that there are 73 photos in this file!?  When I "Select Al"l photos for this folder, it indicates that 72 out of 73 photos were selected.  Why does Lightroom indicate one extra photo that should not be there, and how do I correct this?  Synchronizing the folder did not fix this.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Mac / Moving Folder Deletes Photos

Aug 8, 2013

I am using the latest (stable) version of LR5 on a up to date iMac. I was moving my photos (that is - the top level folders) from one drive to another in LR. After a while LR shows the error message saying the files couldn't be found. When checking in Finder I see the folder structure gets duplicated at the new location, the original folders are empty though and I can find the photos in trash.

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