Lightroom :: 5 - Every Next Crop Takes Maximum Area Of Photo?
Jun 22, 2013
I and my colleguaes had found that crop tool in Lightroom 5 works less logical than in previous versions. As we had found, if we use crop once setting preset aspect (for example 3:4) and than if we'll try to crop once again with another ascpect (for example 16:9) it will be croped in correct proportion but just within the frame of previous crop. So if we do 4 crops with different aspect one by one, we'll got a very tiny part of picture. In previous versions of Lightroom, every next crop takes the maximum area of the photo.
is there any way to set your crop area quickly? It would be a huge time saver if there is a shortcut for it. In many cases I use 1:2 view magnification, or any of predefined in fact. I can adjust crop from that pont if necessery... There should be a key shortcut for: crop to visible, crop to visible with image ratio (+ modifier key for longer and shorter side). Is it only me, or it should be one of the basic commands with crop tool??
I have a photo that I want to crop a little off the top and left side. However, the size of the photo must be 8 x 12. I set the aspect ratio to 8 x 12. Then on the photo, I move the line on the top and left to where I want it. The aspect ratio then goes back to original size. What am I missing?
I'm new to LR4 and after I move the photo corners to use the crop tool, the white hand doesn't appear when I hover over the photo to then move it around....
I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that?
Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
I find the crop tool in CS6 to be such a pain compared to the version in LR4. When using the mouse (in CS6) to reposition the crop area the box hops around and seems to "jump" into certain positions - this is especially pronounced if it gets close to an edge.
I realize I can reposition with the arrow keys but I was wondering if there is a way to disable the "jumping" while using the mouse?
I couldn't use the crop tool: when I want to crop any area, the big black-colored area occurs and preventing me to see what I want to crop... Before, with my Photoshop, I didn't have a such trouble, I attached a print-screen and it explains more accurate.
Using Anim8er to make a movie sequence of someone walking. Export images as BMP images.
Select the walking guy and delete the back ground. Found that the walking dude is a little high in the picture. ( I want it 8 pixels from the bottom, not the 16 pixels it currently is.)
I will be cropping each picture. is there a way of selecting the exact same crop area over 200 pictures? In the mean time I will change the camera angle to compensate the height.
Is there a way of using a plug in such as the ALIGN plugin to position the image to a particular point?
I'm using LR5 and I'm wondering if it's possible (maybe with plugins if necessary) to set a maximum aspect ratio when experting photos. For example I have a picture that I cropped to be a panorama, with an aspect ratio of 26:11. The print shop can print at a maximum aspect ratio of 19:11. So my 26:11 image is too small and I need to add some bars at the top and bottom of my photo to reach an aspect ratio of 19:11 (see also the sketch below). Later, when I get the finished prints, I have to cut the bars at the top and bottom with a pair of scissors for example. Is it possible to let LR automatically add these borders for a given maximum apsect ratio?
Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.
I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.
#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?
#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?
Have just upgraded to LR 3.5 but same problem persists. At times one of the pics suddenly develops pink boxes.
I was told this is either a problem with card reader or card. I have been checking for solutions for a couple of weeks, never thought it was card or card reader. Today I opened a folder of pics into LR that I know were fine but suddenly one of the pics developed these pink blocks. That pic is finished, I have tried closing down and re-opening and even opeing that pic in another programme but that pic has had it.
#1. My cameras are Canon 7D's and I shoot raw. Is there a maximum number of pics I can open in LR?
#2. In spite of defrags etc my PC is running very slowly nowadays and I get the feeling that that is the area causing the problem and may not be a LR prob at all. Is it possible that LR crashes on a pic if it cannot assemble all the information it needs within a set period?
I realize that there is no preset limit in the number of images that can be saved in a single (Lightroom 4) catalog but I need to know that given a well equpped PC (system with 2 sockets/8 cores, 8+GB of memory and plenty of fast hard drive), how many images can be _reliably_, and with acceptable performance, kept in a single catalog ?
So far I have been maintaining 1 catalog per year for my images but creating collections or galories that span over several years has become a pain so I am considering consolidating all the catalogs into one, which would then contain well over 500k photos.
I am a software type and am aware that the LR implementation does not impose internal hard limits on the individual dimensions it deals with but I would like to know:
- What are the sizes of the catalogs that the software is being stress-tested with before it is released (rough numbers would do)
- Is it possible that an internal _incoonsistency_ could be introduced in a part of the catalog that would go undetected (by the global consistency checking) and would only surface when you try to access that area which may not have been touched for many years (in other words is it possible for the catalog to become _partially_ corrupted and yet pass the (checksom-like ?) verification that takes place when the catalog is being backed up ?)
- and, in case it matters, there are mostly raw images, ranging form 10 to 50 mega pixels each (not that these should impact the size of the catalog.)
So I just recently purchased Lightroom 5.3 and installed it on a brand new clean install of Windows 7. When I attempt to import RAW files into LR from a secondary hard drive, Lightroom just stalls out for five to ten minutes. Eventually, if I wait long enough, the Import dialogue screen loads and I get to wait another five to ten minutes to choose my secondary drive with my RAW files on it. When I can select that drive and click the directory with my files, I get to wait ANOTHER five to ten minutes for it to accept that choice and load my photos into the Import window. Once I get past all that and hit the Import button, it actually loads the files into LR just fine and I can work as normal. I have never had this issue with this specific drive when I had Lightroom 3 and 4, so I don't know why suddenly LR 5 would not like it.
OS - Windows 7 SP1 64 bit LR Version - 5.3 64 Bit Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo RAM - 8 GB Secondary Drive - 2 TB SATA internal No USB periphrials engaged on computer
Also with LR4.1 the problem with avis (Canon Powershot Ixus 95IS) is not yet solved onm my system (AMD 6 Core, Win7 64Bit, 8GB RAM, ATI HD 5770 graphics card).
AVIs don't play when I want to start them in my LR3 converted catalog. Importing avis in a new catalog doesn't work at all. But the worst thing is, if you try to import pictures in a catalog already containing avis (or if there any avi is present in a folder you want to synchronize) it takes 10 minutes.The processes dynamiclinkmanager and dynamiclinkmediaserver are blocking the import for several minutes.
when I first start LR4, loading the Book, Slideshow, Map and to a lesser extent, Web modules take forever. Especially the Book module - it takes a good 25-30 seconds to load. Once it's loaded it's fine. I've been told everything from "that's normal" to there's something wrong with my computer.
Laptop Spec's - Spring 2010 15" MBP 2.4 i5 with 8gigs of RAM, 256mb video RAM, 500gig 7500rpm HD.
Other's have reported similar delays (none reaching 25-30 seconds though), where as others don't have any issues at all.
What is going on with Lightroom 5? I upgraded from 4 and now it doesn't export with a maximum long edge of 2166 pixels even though that is what it is being told to do.
LR4 takes 10 minutes or more to import 3 pictures. Importing these pictures in LR3 takes a few seconds.I did some checks: Using a new catalog (and not the converted one) and importing a sub folder of my picture directory has no effect. It takes also very long.
Importing a sub folder without videos is fast! But even if the videos are already imported (because of using the LR3 converted catalog), when adding new pictures to a subfolder it takes again 10 minutes. Importing videos in a fresh catalog does not work at all (they are only available if you convert the LR3 catalog) (Canon Powershot Ixus S95)
I have also a problem with playing (the LR3 catalog converted) videos. The video control bar does not react. After some minutes there is an error message that there was an error trying to work with the picture.
I have 2 layers.One photo was PLACED on each layer.I turn off the other layer so thet the "eye" icon is no longer seem.I crop photo in the active layer but remaining layer photo get cropped too.
What am I doing wrong? I did the tutorial for the new crop tool.
ISSUE: When cropping a photo, the crop tool highlights the photo correctly, but when the crop is activated it resized the photo to about 1 pixel, no matter how large or small the selection crop was.
Actions took: I fully installed all the updates, when unsuccessful, I repaired the installation, when that was unsuccessful, I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled Photoshop.
1) Click and hold the rectangule tool until other options appear. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool (or, alternatively, just click this in the options area for the shape tool.
2) Select "make work path" in the options for this tool.
3) Try drawing a rectangle. If you want a wider arc, increase the radius in the options.
4) When you're happy with the radius, draw a rectangle from picture corner to corner. Press space when you are making the rectangle to move it about...
5) Go to Paths (a Tab that's default location is behind Layers on the Layers Palette). Ctrl-Left click the workpath.
6) Select, Inverse (Ctrl-Shift-I)
7) Make a new layer and fill with white (Edit>Fill, or Shift-Backspace).
8) Delete the work path.
However I am not sure how to now crop the photo out of the white surrounding area. Also how do I then apply a thin border to the edges of the photo like a stroke?
I have a photo that I need to change /cut/crop/delete? the bottom right corner so that it curved - other corners can stay at right angle
I am using web designer 6 - can send .xar file if necessary - but would prefer to know what tools to use to get this done the photo sits on 2 rectangles with rounded corners (back- purple, foreground is white) so the photo needs to have the same curve as the rectangles.