Photoshop :: Crop And Copy In Other Photo
Sep 28, 2004How Can I Crop A Part Of A Photo,
And After Put It On Other One.
Another Question:
How Can I Take The Background Of A Photo Away?
How Can I Crop A Part Of A Photo,
And After Put It On Other One.
Another Question:
How Can I Take The Background Of A Photo Away?
In Elements is it possible to copy a selection from one photo into a different photo, i.e copy and paste
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I crop photo?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 2 layers.One photo was PLACED on each layer.I turn off the other layer so thet the "eye" icon is no longer seem.I crop photo in the active layer but remaining layer photo get cropped too.
What am I doing wrong? I did the tutorial for the new crop tool.
why cant I use all the features on my photoshop
View 4 Replies View RelatedSoftware: Adobe Photoshop CS3
OS: XP w/SP3
System: Dell vostro 200, 2.20GHz Duo, 2GB RAM, 160GB HD (mostly free), Intel G33/G31 Express 128.
No error message displayed
When cropping a photo, the crop tool highlights the photo correctly, but when the crop is activated it resized the photo to about 1 pixel, no matter how large or small the selection crop was.
Actions took:
I fully installed all the updates, when unsuccessful, I repaired the installation, when that was unsuccessful, I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled Photoshop.
1) Click and hold the rectangule tool until other options appear. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool (or, alternatively, just click this in the options area for the shape tool.
2) Select "make work path" in the options for this tool.
3) Try drawing a rectangle. If you want a wider arc, increase the radius in the options.
4) When you're happy with the radius, draw a rectangle from picture corner to corner. Press space when you are making the rectangle to move it about...
5) Go to Paths (a Tab that's default location is behind Layers on the Layers Palette). Ctrl-Left click the workpath.
6) Select, Inverse (Ctrl-Shift-I)
7) Make a new layer and fill with white (Edit>Fill, or Shift-Backspace).
8) Delete the work path.
However I am not sure how to now crop the photo out of the white surrounding area. Also how do I then apply a thin border to the edges of the photo like a stroke?
How do i crop an image from one photo into another photo?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I crop a photo so that I can keep the sides of the photo but remove the middle part.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac, OSX 10.8.2, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. Photoshop CS5. My crop tool worked for years, then all of a sudden when I crop a photo, hit return, the image goes black. I even reinstalled the application.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have several thousand images to process. All of them end up being different sizes by the time the different editing steps have been performed.
Is it possible to setup an action that will crop the image 500x500, finding the center of the image prior to the cropping?
I need to crop a photo with a circular shape. At the end of the day the picture has to be circular. How do I do that? At the course I learned how to crop with or without proportions, but I want to crop with different shapes...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am editing photo's of documents and I want to make them all the same size after cropping so that when combined into a single pdf they will all be the same size.What is the best way to set the crop feature so my photos will all be the same size as the original paper document they were copied from?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to crop a coach out of an individual shot & crop her into a team photo so we can turn in to a state director.... I've done the crop/cut/paste part but the image is so much larger than the other people in the shot. How can I bring her down to size?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use the rect marquee tool to do a selection and then crop a photo but when I do nothing happens.
A couple of strange things have/are happening:
-At one point, while I was in transform selection I there was added space around the marquee, which became the new edge, as opposed to the marquee itself.
-The marquee is in the shape of a rounded rectangle.
I want to crop a photo into an oval with the cookie cutter tool. As soon as I drag the oval from the center out the photo is then covered with white and gray squares so I can no longer see the photo.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I copy one part of a photo and paste in another part of the same photo. element 12
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create a flat image of the tattoo around my wrist. It seems as soon as i place a photo in Photoshop I cant do anything like that with it. I tried using different layers to place the different photos in, but when I crop one, it crops the entire image.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a photo that I need to change /cut/crop/delete? the bottom right corner so that it curved - other corners can stay at right angle
I am using web designer 6 - can send .xar file if necessary - but would prefer to know what tools to use to get this done the photo sits on 2 rectangles with rounded corners (back- purple, foreground is white) so the photo needs to have the same curve as the rectangles.
How to crop a photo to remove the background? Or do I need to go through several of the general tutorials before I can follow a tutorial on cropping?
I found a bunch of cropping tutorials on YouTube, but they used a lot of advanced (to me) terms and seemed focused on difficult situations.
I have 30-40 photos that are of wooden figures cut on a band saw. They do not have highly irregular edges like hair or fuzz.
I am hoping for a tool that can automatically follow the outline and then let me make any minor adjustments that may be needed.
How do you crop a photo into the shape a heart
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to alter a photo to make it look like a crop circle - as in, getting the texture of the (headshot) photo to resemble a crop circle, but still be recognizeable. After several frankly laughable attempts with combinations of fx, ( pastel, pencil sketch, twisty stuff, etc)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a photo that I want to crop a little off the top and left side. However, the size of the photo must be 8 x 12. I set the aspect ratio to 8 x 12. Then on the photo, I move the line on the top and left to where I want it. The aspect ratio then goes back to original size. What am I missing?
I am using LR3 on a mac
I'm creating a collage of photos (mockup, right now). The background on which those photos will be added as layers is at 100 dpi.
When I copy a 300 dpi photo that shows up on my screen at 100%, and paste it on the background (also viewed at 100%) — I would expect the 300 dpi pasted photo to render on the 100 dpi background at a 300% ENLARGEMENT... But it shows up at the same size it was rendered in it's own window... That doesn't make sense to me... Am I suppose to first lower the resolution of the 300 dpi photo to 100 while enlarging it's physical size 3 times?
It would be very handy in determining movement between frames..
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have done this before but I need to crop an image to 2X3 for a yearbook photo. When I go to the crop tool it doesn't stay at 2X3 but when I start cropping the picture large numbers appear in the crop box for width and height.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere are a lot of fantanstic new features in PhotoPaint X4, but one that I was hoping to see didn't show up. Or, maybe I'm just not getting it.
What I'd like to do is crop part of a photo to a predetermined size. For example, set width and depth to 3.09in by 2.78in, set the resolution to 300, draw the crop border around the area I want cropped at that size, and double click to do it. Then, when I import that photo into CorelDraw it is exactly 3.09in wide by 2.78in deep.
Right now, I'm going out to my long-in-the-tooth PhotoShop 5.0 LE to do that simple crop task, but I prefer doing everything from within PhotoPaint because I really love the cut-out feature (greatly enhanced in X4 by the way), which I use a lot.
When I resize or crop a photo, it would be nice to be able to keep all the original information in the exif tag. Instead the tag appears empty. Is it possible to maintain the original, possibly with additional info indicating post-process?
Or, just the original, indicating camera and lens, aperture and exposure?
I and my colleguaes had found that crop tool in Lightroom 5 works less logical than in previous versions. As we had found, if we use crop once setting preset aspect (for example 3:4) and than if we'll try to crop once again with another ascpect (for example 16:9) it will be croped in correct proportion but just within the frame of previous crop. So if we do 4 crops with different aspect one by one, we'll got a very tiny part of picture. In previous versions of Lightroom, every next crop takes the maximum area of the photo.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe aspect ratios seem fixed to one or other of the presets and custom doesn't seem to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to copy a photo or a portion of a photo for pasting in to a layer, I get this message: "Could not complete the copy command because no pixels are selected." Now what?
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