InDesign :: Animated Text Not Working In SWF Preview Or Exporting SWF File

Apr 3, 2014

I am animating text so that it appears after a 3 second delay on page load. However, it does not seem to work at all. It worked for a paragraph of text, but it won't work for text that seems to be surrounded by other objects. I tried moving the animated object to the top-most layer, but that did not work.
Animating seems to be quite buggy in InDesign?

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InDesign :: Text Wrap Not Working With Linked Text Box

Feb 24, 2014

First I am a new user of InDesign so it might just be me. I am trying to use text wrap and it works fine with a text box. When I try to do the same thing on another page with a link text, text wrap does not work.

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Illustrator :: Icon Preview Not Working For Occasional File

Jun 14, 2012

I'm using Illustrator CS4 and there is a particular file that I cannot seem to save with an icon preview.I've selected pdf compatibility, with no success. I'm re-saving an old file that was originally created in Illustrator 10?  Could it be related to the use of many patterns?

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InDesign :: Animated GIF From CS5

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to animate 4 pages (of text and graphics) so they appear 1 at a time in an never ending loop in InDesign so I can export and create and animated GIF for a web banner.
The only way I have managed to do it so far is to group the text and graphics on each page, copy pages 2, 3, 4 onto page 1. Layer them on top of each other, animate them to appear 1 at a time by delaying the timing a second for each.But I can't get it to work as a loop.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Stopped Working When Exporting Font To TTF File?

Jan 3, 2012

I've designed my vector font and exported the first letter as .ttf. in a new Font File.

When exporting the second letter, it asks me if I want to replace the file, and then says CorelDraw has stopped working. I've re-installed X4, but to no avail.

My OS is Vista.

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InDesign :: High Quality Interactive Animated PDF?

Mar 9, 2014

I want to generate an interactive, animated PDF, but the .swf-files i placed to my indesign-file are totally blurry and, as they contain text, unreadable.
What I did is:

- Design my interactive stuff (animated timeline) in InDesign (both CS6 and CC)

- select all the animated elements, export them as .swf.

- place the new file in another InDesign-Document and export it as an interactive PDF-file.
The animated elements DO WORK but are totally blurry and pixelated... No settings in both export-dialogues seem to work.

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InDesign :: How To Cut And Paste Text From A WordPerfect (X4) File

Mar 6, 2014

I have an InDesign 5.0 (ver. 7.0.4) book file that I am updating and need to cut and paste text from a WordPerfect (X4) file into several chapters of my InDesign file. What is the best way to strip or "scrub" the WP formatting codes out so there's no chance of corrupting my .indd chapter files or the .indb book file? In the past I would cut it from WP, paste it into a new Windows Notepad document, then cut and paste it back into my .indd files. Someone told me that this does not actually scrub the file.

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Maya :: Animated UV's Not Exporting To FBX?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a single texture with a animted UV. those curves aren't exporting with the fbx.

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InDesign :: How To Break The Connection Between A Text Box And The Source Word File

Mar 25, 2014

I have text in a frame with a table in it, connected to a Word file. Every time I try to copy text in it, InDesign goes into a loop while it refers back to the original file. It does it a bunch of times, I assume (but don't know) once for every row in the table. The loop takes three or four minutes to complete and there's nothing I can do until it's finished... I want to break that link and just have it as a normal text box, rather than a placed one. How do I do that?

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3ds Max Animation :: Exporting Animated Character To UDK With FBX

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to export a rigged character mesh (with clothes and shoe meshes too) using fbx so that i can put the character into UDK. Max wouldn't do it at first. (exporting all the meshes with the textures) that is, it did do the fbx file but udk would always crach importing it.
Then i managed to export the meshes seperatly and udk would import them with the textures moslty ok. But.... then max would not export the animations correctly. it totally ignores the 'range' you specify when doing the export. UDK would import them but they were the wrong lengths because of what max exports.  i had to go into max and delete the frames and keys of the animations i did not want exported. that worked. obviously i had to do that for all of my animation sequences.
Now. once i figured out that max would only export animations that way i thought 'a-ha, now i can try exporting the character mesh with the clothes and shoes and rig with the textures. but max won't do it.  i even tried to just do the body mesh with the rig as i did before (she runs around naked in udk) but now max won't even export an fbx file that UDK recognises as having a skeletal mesh in it. UDK only sees a static mesh.
Do i need to re-install max?  is that a hassle? or does it do a repaire?

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Photoshop :: How To Increase Quality When Exporting Animated GIF

Feb 14, 2013

I'm using a very simple animation, with just 2 sentences been animated, the rest are static images. This is 250 x 250 banner and my requirements are, 50kb max, 30 seconds or shorter and 5fps, when saving as a gif, the quality I'm getting is really poor, is there a way to increase the quality and keeping the same requirements at the same time?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Animated GIFs With Fade Transitions In CS6

Oct 1, 2012

So I created a basic slideshow banner with three different images that fade from one to the next. When I preview it on the timeline, everything looks great, but when I go to save for web and select gif, then hit play for a preview, the fade transitions are gone and they just hard cut from one to the next. How to keep those fade transitions when exporting?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting Points Into A Text File

Oct 5, 2012

How to export points that i have plotted into a text file using autocad 2013? I've tried to look on the internet and it seems you can download plug ins but i don't know if those are safe to use.

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InDesign :: CS6 Crashes When Exporting To PDF?

Mar 5, 2014

I am running MAC OSX version 10.8.5 and every time i am trying to export a pdf from inDesign CS6 is chrashing. And i am doing the same loop again and again with the same results. The inDesign file is large (<8gb) and most of the items inside are embended. Thought i did this procedure several times in the past and everything was working fine.

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Photoshop :: Exporting From PS To Illustrator/indesign

Dec 8, 2005

I need help with using graphics. If you make a document in photoshop (please note: it's not a photo, but a scanned drawing) and then making some alterations on it... (adding text etc...) Then when I try to put this document in Illustrator or InDesign, the resolution and quality is horrible...

Please help. I've tried to save as a .jpeg, .gif, .tiff... I've tried to create a bitmap out of it (which was the worst method ever!)

How do I transfer photoshop documents to Illustrator and InDesign with great resolution and quality?

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InDesign :: Exporting PDF With Spot Colour?

Apr 14, 2014

Im having trouble exporting a pdf with a spot colour from ID. Just one part of my logo is showing as thicker once its exported. I can place in the exact same artwork but using a CYMK colour and the thick shape doesnt show. Im placing an ai. file.

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InDesign :: Crashing When Exporting To PDF - Can't Decipher Cause

Feb 4, 2014

I created a document in InDesign CS6, and each time I try to export the document to a PDF (of any compression, smallest file size, print quality, etc) InDesign crashes. I have zero errors in my preflight and no extraneous fonts.

I have restarted both my computer and ID and it is not responding differently.

I copied the crash report: [URL] ........
Thread 22 shows the crash, but I am not certain what it is inducating and how to solve it, any pointers?
Thread 21:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x917758e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a13f280 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a1c5089 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3   MultiProcessor Support                  0x22767eac boost::condition_variable::wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>&) + 140
4   MultiProcessor Support                  0x2274b513 ThreadFunctor::operator()() + 99
5   MultiProcessor Support                  0x2274b25a boost::detail::thread_data<ThreadFunctor>::run() + 22
6   MultiProcessor Support                  0x22767547 thread_proxy + 167
7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a13a5b7 _pthread_start + 344
8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a124dce thread_start + 34


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InDesign :: Lost Objects When Exporting To Pdf?

Feb 4, 2014

I am losing objects when I export to pdf from InDesign. Even if I make a simple file with one object, if it is over a certain size it will not export? This has just started recently, it also happens in Illustrator. I am using a mac.

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InDesign :: Exporting Files From Pages?

Apr 1, 2014

I just downloaded InDesign. I have been getting away with using Pages on my Mac but I need bleeds and crop marks now and thus need InDesign. I have produced a brochure on Pages and it's ready to go. In the past I was able to use Adobe Reader or some other export to produce crop-marks for print ready material but it has all changed so I am forced to us InDesign. I will (eventually) train on this properly, but in the meantime I have time sensitive material. Is there a way to export my Pages document to InDesign? I tried to do a .pdf but the import into InDesign came up really bad (pixeled etc.) OR am I doomed to redo the whole project?

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AutoCad :: Exporting Handles And X Y Coordinates From Polyline And Resulting In Text File

Dec 21, 2011

Code that I can run to export the handles and x y coordinates of closed polylines and show results in a text file.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Or Saving For InDesign After Creating In CS2

Jan 8, 2012

I have created a design mainly using dingbat fonts in Photoshop CS2 and want to save it (I think as a TIFF) for use in InDesign CS5. I have tried but when I 'place' to TIFF image in InDesign the quality looks terrible . The document has been created as 600dpi, A5 so 21cm x 14.8cm and I have the color set for CMYK.

When I'm saving the file I'm offered TIFF options, including image compression, for which I have chosen JPG and Maximum quality 12, I've attached a screenshot of the TIFF options.

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InDesign :: CS6 ID Not Exporting Correct Document Size To PDF

Apr 17, 2014

I created a 6.25 in wide doc in ID, exported it to PDF. PDF printed doc at 5.5 in wide. I sent PDF file to coworker, who printed it to several other printers in office: same wrong-sized results. Packaged and emailed original ID doc to our local printer, who opened my original ID file and--without making any changes to it--exported to PDF and got a perfect 6.25 size! She had no idea why it didn't convert properly on my software, since it worked perfectly for her.
So, it's my software, and it's a recurring problem: I've created other PDF docs in the last few months that printed incorrectly. That's professionally embarrassing, especially since I make quite a few PDF docs for work.

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InDesign :: Exporting To PDF And Maintain Page Size?

Nov 5, 2013

I have a 5 section book which I need to print. I usually export to a PDF then re import into a single indesign document. Then use print booklet to print the book. My problem is that I need bleed on my pages so I have set my page size to O/S A4 (32*22.5) When I export to PDF the pages end up A4. How can I export so the page size remains the same?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Exporting Point Locations To Text File

Jun 8, 2012

Im trying to come up with a lisp that will export x and y coords to a txt or cvs file. However, I need the lisp to export in this format

Units       Inch
WPT      1     0     0     ( X=0 Y=0)
WPT      2     1     1     (X=1  Y=1)
WPT      3     2     2 

I need to be able to set my zero with move origin and the export the points.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIF Not Working Properly?

Feb 3, 2013

I am trying to create an animated GIF banner. The banner consist of 2 text layers and several pictures. The text layers remain fixed, only the pictures change.

I have 8 frames and each frame should have following visibility: background, textlayer 1 and 2, [picture] layer X and Xcopy (b.t.w. each picture layer and the belonging copy layer have the same picture and properties).

Now when I change the visibility from frame 1: background, textlayer 1 and 2,layer 2 and 2copy to frame 2: background, textlayer 1 and 2, layer 3 and 3copy and so forth, the visibility of one of the layers in the other frames changes automatically. Photoshop changes one of the visible layers in frame one to layer three and dismisses the chosen layer 2.

I tried merging the X and Xcopy layers, that caused one of the layers not being visible any more leaving me with half the picture. Linking the layers had no effect wht so I can prevent photoshop from changing the frames i.e. fixing the visibility of each frame?

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Lightroom :: Windows 8 - Unable To Create Preview Thumbnail When Exporting?

Nov 29, 2012

I thought I had this figured out but it appears to occur somewhat randomly. Since upgrading to Windows 8 when I export files that I have imported from Canon raw .CR2 for some files it gives an error that "the file could not be written" and lists the original source .CR2 file name. It does not do it everytime but once it happens it happens everytime for that file. When exporting 10 JPG files for example only 3 of them may have this issue. The file still exports and creates the JPG file and the only issue with the exported file appears to be that it did not create the preview thumbnail.
I have tried importing the files into new catalogs, writing to different folders etc but it still happens.

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InDesign :: Hyphenation Is Not Working

Mar 13, 2014

I have hyphernation ON, but is not working. I see an strange sign from the original text, maybe is a non breaking word character imported from the original text in Word Office.
Here is the picture

 By the way, here is a close up of this new symbol (i haven't seen it before)


 Is there any GREP command that will remove all forced non breaking text signs at once?

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VideoStudio :: Animated Text / Option To Stop Text

Apr 20, 2011

I am still getting use to X3 and I am doing a project.

I want the text to scroll from the bottom, then stop when it gets on the screen about midway. I use the moving path to come from the bottom, but it won't stay. I try pop up, but it starts from the middle.

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InDesign :: Command Z Key Just Stopped Working

Apr 19, 2014

I was working in InDesign CC and hit the Command z key. Everything froze. I had to restart and now command z doesn't work.

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InDesign :: Links Not Working On Interactive PDF

Feb 21, 2011

I’m writing a large book, and so I have created a book file that includes 10 different “chapters” or .INDD files. Within this book I would like to include internal hypertext links that refer to other “chapters”.Unfortunately, these links do not work in my .PDF. I know that my Adobe Acrobat Professional application can “see” these links, because when I move my cursor over these links, the cursor changes from an arrow to a hand tool. But when I click on this link with my mouse, nothing happens. The .PDF does not take me to these links.

Likewise, I would like my Table of Contents to automatically link to the pages that are referenced in it. Again, I can see the “hand tool” when I move my cursor over these Table of Contents entries, but the .PDF does not automatically take me to these references.My first inclination is to suspect that something has gone wrong in the .PDF creation process. I create my .PDFs by opening the Book menu, and pressing “Export Book to .PDF.” When the Export window opens, I choose “Adobe PDF (Interactive)” then I press “Save.” When the Export to Interactive PDF window opens, I make sure that “Create Tagged .PDF” are selected. Under “Buttons and Media” I chose “Select All.” Then I press “Okay” to create the .PDF.Is there a step here that.I would assume that an “Interactive” PDF would allow active links that would have the ability to take me elsewhere within that .PDF. How can I enable InDesign to do this?

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InDesign :: Undo Function Not Working?

Feb 12, 2014

CC InDesign 9.2 update has killed my Undo/Redo function - it's always in light grey...

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